Harrowhark The Ninth - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago



Atrocities commited by the Russian translation of Harrow the Ninth.

Ирина Александровна Нечаева fear for your fucking life.

1. “Ten minutes until breach. We’ve got half an hour of air-con left … after that, you’ll be working in the oven. Doors down until the pressure equalizes. Conserve your temp, everyone. Harrow, I’m leaving yours closed as long as possible.” You staggered to your feet, limpid skirts gathered in both hands, and picked your way over to the comm button. Scanning for something damning and intellectual to say, you snapped:

– Десять минут до прорыва. Кондиционеры проработают еще полчаса, после этого начнется пекло. Двери останутся опущены до момента нормализации давления. Всем держать темп. Харроу, ты остаешься в резерве до самого конца. Ты поднялась на ноги, тиская свои полупрозрачные юбки в обеих руках. Кое-как добралась до кнопки коммуникатора. Пытаясь придумать что-нибудь убийственно остроумное, проскрипела:

Conserve your temp with the mention of air-con and oven, would and should probably mean the temperature. John is telling his lyctors to regulate their bodies into not freezing, not to keep up the pace! He's also talking about keeping Harrow's door closed against Heralds, not leaving her in the reserves! Harrow is standing up, gathering her skirts to make it easier to walk, she is not squishing/fondling them out of nerves! And she's snapping, meaning saing something angrily, not creaking!

2. “I am a Lyctor, Lord,” you heard yourself say. “I am your saint. I am your fingers and gestures. If you wanted a Hand who needed a door to hide behind—even now—then I have misjudged you.”

– Я ликтор, мой господин, – услышала ты свой собственный голос. – Я одна из твоих святых. Я твои персты и твои жесты. Если тебе нужна рука, которая прячется за дверью – даже сейчас, – выходит, я неверно тебя поняла.

misjudge - means "form a wrong opinion or conclusion about" or "make an incorrect estimation or assessment of."

In Russian Harow is saying "I misunderstood you" if translating through web-translators, but the thing is, more correct way to translate, even if a bit chunky "I did not understand you fully/correctly/I understood you wrongly."

3. The basket hilt of the rapier nudged into your hip, like an animal that wanted feeding, and in a sudden fit of temper you considered unbuckling the damn thing and hurling it as hard as you possibly could to the other side of the room; only you worried how pitifully short it would fall.

Ты села, скрестив ноги, и беспомощно положила руки на колени. Эфес рапиры ткнулся в бедро, как животное в поисках ласки, и во внезапном порыве гнева тебе захотелось отцепить чертову штуку и зашвырнуть как можно дальше. Жалко только, пролетела бы она совсем недалеко.

An animal that wants food and an animal that wants pets is two different things.

4. The doors to your quarters slid open with an antique exhalation of gas levers. But the intruder did not set off the traps of teeth you’d embedded in its frame, nor the gobbets of regenerating bone you had gummed onto the threshold. She stepped over the threshold with her cobwebby skirts rucked high on her thighs, teetering like a dancer. In the darkness her rapier was black, and the bones of her right arm gleamed an oily gold. You closed your eyes to her.

Двери твоих покоев открылись с натужным выдохом газовых рычагов. Но незваная гостья не заметила ни зубов, которые ты вставила в дверную раму, ни регенерирующей кости, вмазанной в порог. Она переступила этот порог, пританцовывая, высоко приподняв свои полупрозрачные юбки. В темноте ее рапира казалась черной, а кости правой руки светились маслянистым золотым блеском. Ты закрыла глаза, чтобы ее не видеть.

Ianthe waltzed in, because she did not trigger the traps, not because she didn't notice them, for fuck's sake. She's teetering meaning balancing, like a dancer, but she's not actually dancing in the room. Cobwebby skirts is most likely used to 1) say she's covered in something cobweb-like; 2) equate the skirts she wears to thin strands of the cobweb. It does not equal semi-transludent.

5. “I could protect you, if you’d only ask me to,” said Ianthe the First.

– Я могу защитить тебя, если ты попросишь, – сказала Ианта из Первого дома.

You speak Russian fluently. You most likely have some degree in translation or linguistics. Why the fuck are you using the wrong tense and conditionals. I can protect you, if you ask (for it) is not the same thing as in the original.

6. The other Lyctor approached.

Девушка-ликтор приблизилась.

I will find that woman and steal her damn kneecaps. Woman/girl lyctor is unnecessary remark considering lyctor is not even gendered, but suuuure lets stick another reminder that we're talking to a woman. Like we could fucking forget.

7. "The past is dead, and they’re both dead, but you and I are alive."

“What are they? What are they, other than one more corpse we’re dragging behind us?

- Прошлое мертво, они обе мертвы, но мы-то с тобой живы.

– А что они такое? Еще один труп, который мы за собой тащим?

Wrong vibes. They're both dead is not gendered in English but it is in Russian. Translation is implying that the ones dead are Ianthe and Harrow, due to them both being women. The original is leaving us two interpretations: both dead as the previous pre-lyctorhood Harrow and Ianthe, or both dead as Nav and Tern being dead.

And directly translating Harrow's "“What are they?" is wrong tonally. It's a rhetorical question that doesn't translate well with the same sentence structure.

8. This was, as you understood it dimly, the psychological moment.

Ты поняла, что это самый лучший момент.

Why. How the fuck did you get the best moment from psychological moment?

9. The Heralds came plopping down onto the hull like rain. Ianthe’s face froze back into its white and mocking mask, and she dropped your jaw—untangled her restless fingers and her awful gold-shod bones.

“I didn’t think this was the time for dirty talk, but I can roll with it,” she said. “Choke me, Daddy.”

Вестники продолжали биться о корпус, как дождевые капли. Лицо Ианты снова обратилось ледяной насмешливой маской, она отпустила твое лицо, убрала нервные пальцы и спрятала жуткие золотые кости.

– Не думала, что сейчас время для непристойностей, но поддержу. Придуши меня, детка.

White does not equal icy. Ianthe's arm is awful in a sense that Harrow detests how it looks, not in a sense that it creeps her out. And, I cannot believe I have to point this out, daddy does not equal baby.

10. “You always did think obstinacy the cardinal virtue,” she remarked, quite apropos of nothing. “I think now, perhaps, you should have died back at Canaan House.”

– Ты почему-то считаешь настойчивость добродетелью, – заметила она ни с того ни с сего. – Мне кажется, тебе лучше было умереть в доме Ханаанском.

Ianthe's speaking of the past time, translation is implying that Harrow thinks that right now.

11. Ianthe turned away without violence.

Ианта злобно отвернулась.

I hate this. Ianthe did not angrily turn away.

12. The station must have been completely smothered: wrapped in a squirming shroud of thorax and wing, mandible and antenna, the dead couriers of a hungry stellar revenant.

Станция, должно быть, уже совсем сварилась под копошащимся щитом надкрылий, жвал и антенн, мертвых предвестников голодного звездного мстителя.

Where the fuck did you get avenger from the revenant??? Did you read the fucking book?

13. There was silence in the lovely passageways of the Mithraeum, and there was a hot and sweating silence in your soul.

В зачарованных коридорах Митреума стояла тишина, и жаркая влажная тишина поселилась и в твоей душе.

Even if Harrow or Gideon is being sarcastic, lovely does not translate directly into enchanted unless you're braindead.

14. You thought about the flimsy envelope addressed to you that read, To open in case of your imminent death.

Ты вспомнила о залапанном конверте, адресованном тебе.

«Открыть в случае твоей неминуемой смерти».

This is a fucking fabrication out of nowhere. Flimsy means the material, and even if it didn't, it wouldn't equal fucking hand-stained/hand-worn.

15. “I pray the tomb is shut forever,” you heard yourself saying aloud, and you could not bring your voice above a choked whisper. “I pray the rock is never rolled away. I pray that which was buried remains buried, insensate, in perpetual rest with closed eye and stilled brain. I pray it lives...O corse of the Locked Tomb,” you extemporised wildly. “Beloved dead, hear your handmaiden. I loved you with my whole rotten, contemptible heart—I loved you to the exclusion of aught else—let me live long enough to die at your feet.”

Then you went under to make war on Hell.

– Молю, чтобы гробница оставалась замкнутой, – услышала ты свой придушенный шепот, который никак не становился громче. – Молю, чтобы камень никогда не откатили от входа, чтобы однажды погребенное вечно покоилось с миром, закрыв глаза и упокоив свою душу. Молю, чтобы оно жило… Тело из Запертой гробницы, – вдруг сорвалась ты. – Возлюбленная покойница, услышь свою рабыню. Я любила тебя всем своим жалким смертным сердцем, я любила тебя больше всего остального, позволь мне прожить достаточно долго, чтобы умереть у твоих ног.

Потом ты отправилась вниз, чтобы сотворить ад.

What stopped you from actually using fucking closed instead of insular? I don't know why the fuck are you changing the text from saying stilled brain to calm soul. Handmaiden could have been directly translated, slave has completely different connotations. I understand the confusion the phrase verbs often cause because this is something I struggle with myself, but I am not a professional translator, you are, why the fuck are you translating went under as went down when it's two completely different things. There is also a difference between making war on hell and creating hell.

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5 months ago



I have done it.🧍‍♀️ Me really challenge myself to improve my editing skill and also my drawin.


Or you watch it here:

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1 year ago

harrowhark has so much rizz. like girlie went in and said 'i cannot conceive of a universe without you in it' 'i have tried to dismantle you, gideon nav the ninth house poisoned you, we trod you underfoot—i took you to this killing field as my slave—you refuse to die, and you pity me strike me down you’ve won. i've lived my whole wretched life at your mercy, yours alone, and god knows i deserve to die at your hand' 'i can no longer accept being a stranger to you' 'you are my only friend' 'i am undone without you.'

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