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7 months ago

Pride Month Aspec Headcanons Day 6

Kix - The Clone Wars (2008) - Aspec

Kix overlays the aspec flag. He is looking off screen, talking to Rex (not shown). He is from the Saleucami episode that Rex gets shot in.
Kix overlays the aspec flag. His helmet is still on, and his arms are up as he gestures while talking to Suu, who is not shown. Taken from the Saleucami episode.
Kix overlays the aspec flag. His hair has grown out. It is from 7x1, where he is in the background of Rex talking to Anakin (neither shown).

Admittedly, I have written quite a few fanfics with Kix at the center of them. no i will not be linking my ao3 on this post this blog is separate for personal reasons No matter how many times I write him, he just screams aspec to me. Particularly in the way that he just doesn't care for romance or sex and doesn't ever bother with them or trying to figure out if he falls anywhere on any sort of spectrum.

Along those lines, if he ever did feel any sort of attraction to anyone, he just brushes it aside. He's like "ah, okay" and just continues about his day. Nobody ever questions him about it and he goes about his life doin' his own thing. He's living his best life (in regards to that... let's not get into the tragedy of his story right now, I do that enough in fics lol)

Are there more specific terms to define him? Yeah, probably. He just tells everyone "I'm fine as is" if the topic ever does actually arise and that's good enough for everyone

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