He Not Angry - Tumblr Posts
Keith does not have anger issues.
I have anger issues, though it's nowhere near as bad as my brothers' or my mum's or my dad's anger issues. Everyone in my family has anger issues - I handle it the best. And I can say with confidence that Keith does not have anger issues.
Unless Keith throws something across the room.
Unless Keith slams the table.
Unless Keith screams his head off.
Unless Keith hits someone or something.
I will always say that he does not have anger issues.
Plus, when you actually watch Voltron, you'll see that Pidge and Lance are far more volatile than Keith. Being reckless does not mean that you have anger issues. Being stubborn does not mean you have anger issues. Breaking and hitting people and things does.
Keith does not have anger issues. It's very concerning that so many people misdiagnose anger issues. If you think Keith has anger issues, you've clearly never seen anyone who does have anger issues.
If he had anger issues, he would have done much more than just argue back whenever Lance started some shit. He would be yelling and telling him to fuck off without really explaining why he's gotten so mad.
To summarise:
Lance: I hate you.
Keith: Okay, whatever.
Lance: I hate you.
Keith, if he had anger issues: Shut the fuck up! I hope you fucking die you asshole. Piss off!