Anger Issues - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



First off I’d like to say there are multiple topics I will go over, in order that lead up to this but also will try to keep it short to explain how or why we got here

So back in 2020 or earlier James and someone called Rain got into some group chat drama. (NOTE: I was never in the group chat and personally won’t get into ANY group chats this will recur in the future.) The short summary was that James accused Rain of being a pedo for dating someone who was younger than them by a couple years, and later, James called them the R word and told them to off themselves. They were also accused of stealing stories on Wattpad, so proof and explanation was posted by @/shikariin on Instagram, who explained the drama and left it at both parties being at fault. (However it was quickly requested by, I ASSUME, both parties to be taken down so it was kinda fuckin pointless-) During this time, James said even more disturbing and dehumanizing things to Rain in a fit of rage, and even went on a backup/ fake account. James had made it just to get away with it. (To this day, Rain is innocent and only had a 2 year age gap between the two from what I’ve gathered. It just seemed that James was all out to ruin their life, and still is to this day, even after Rain had seeked help and changed for her supposed actions.)


(Chats of Rain and James NOTE Jacob is James Alt account they had at the time until they confessed to Rain it was indeed them hiding behind the account)

Time skip to February I was notified by two mutuals that I had been called out on Tumblr, accused of supporting Rain (NOTE: I was told by Rain personally of their experience with James, them stalking them and even having James’s ex stalking them, on James behalf after James had said in a group chat to never want to see them again and yet was pulling this stunt on them.) Rain had told me that the age gap wasn’t that large, yet James said otherwise, so you can see why I was so confused on who’s word to take here when information was constantly being changed based on who you asked. So of course, being told this, I had James blocked for my own safety. However, their only source of proof that I was even talking to or “supporting” Rain was literally Rain and James’s own convo in that same Group Chat. They only censored out Rain’s name to convince everyone it was me in that group chat, that was saying all of that. Of course, after I unblocked James and calmly talked to them about it and got it all figured out, this post was quickly taken down.

Yet again time skip to April I assumed that James blocked me on Instagram, so I blocked them yet again on every platform they had. I was later DM’d by Henry (aka shehadseeneverything) James's friend, asking why I blocked them. I simply and calmly explained why, but the moment James DM’d me, I was met with insults and anger. I yet again calmly explained to them why I don’t want to be around them, and to please understand that. Later I blocked them after it all was said and done.


Now, about the NSFW accounts, I had made one back in 2019 but quickly took it down within a week because I was told I could get into trouble for my age, so I realized and understood. Meanwhile, James was only flying by with the excuse of "I'm 17 and it’s legal in my state,” so you can understand what I was trying to get through to them.

For someone who is now 18+, it is so hard to believe that James is now “mature” when they act like this at any given chance.

I have actually recently been told by an anonymous user that they, yet again, couldn’t respect boundaries, and tried to get into a 18+ group chat when they were 17, again claiming “it’s legal in my state”. I don’t know if it’s obvious or not but just because it’s legal in real life in one state does not mean that's gonna be applied everywhere online or else we wouldn’t have all these pedo and r8pists hiding away online. The legal system is very hard to apply online because there's A LOT of ways to get around it.

Their “justification” for only drawing mpreg between the characters Edward and James was because it’s a “comfort” ship. When they got confronted about it by someone on instagram, they yet again, bursted out into rage, and flat out admitted that they only supported the LGBTQ+ so they can do/ get away with the fetish art. They then claimed that they would draw other stuff if it makes people that uncomfortable, but they still haven’t. (Sadly, I have no proof of this because that post has since been taken down from them where the confession was made in the comments of said post.) When I was talking to them, this rather interesting DM said exactly that so I’ll break it down after:


- “…you don’t understand how it would affect a younger mindset’s view.” (Lots of people have had to overcome their bigotry in some way. It’s not a great excuse to say that you had gripes with the community as if you still held onto it while you’re supposedly an ally.) 

- “I just fuckin snapped…” ( Acknowledges the behavior, but doesn’t sound like much of a reflection of it given the next part.) 

- “…but it’s not like I’m not supporting anymore now am I?” (Sounds like them being an ally is supposed to not warrant any criticism of allyship? Not like any concerns LGBTQ+ people had over the way they portrayed a ship mattered to anyone else but them though, especially when it was only depicted like this…)

Months since this “drama”, and after an attempt to explain to them why I’m blocking them, I have been under constant paranoia and fear that they are still getting away with this freely. They have a bad history in general of stalking, manipulating, saying slurs, and getting their own way no matter who they hurt. 

I don’t think an individual as James can change or make an effort to after all this, but this is just simply reminding you that your actions do have consequences, James…

Thank you all for reading this and have a good day.

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4 years ago
I've Found That Raking Up Old Leaves And Gardening Really Ease My Anxiety. It Also Helps With My Depression

I've found that raking up old leaves and gardening really ease my anxiety. It also helps with my depression and other negative emotions.

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3 years ago

Keith does not have anger issues.

I have anger issues, though it's nowhere near as bad as my brothers' or my mum's or my dad's anger issues. Everyone in my family has anger issues - I handle it the best. And I can say with confidence that Keith does not have anger issues.

Unless Keith throws something across the room.

Unless Keith slams the table.

Unless Keith screams his head off.

Unless Keith hits someone or something.

I will always say that he does not have anger issues.

Plus, when you actually watch Voltron, you'll see that Pidge and Lance are far more volatile than Keith. Being reckless does not mean that you have anger issues. Being stubborn does not mean you have anger issues. Breaking and hitting people and things does.

Keith does not have anger issues. It's very concerning that so many people misdiagnose anger issues. If you think Keith has anger issues, you've clearly never seen anyone who does have anger issues.

If he had anger issues, he would have done much more than just argue back whenever Lance started some shit. He would be yelling and telling him to fuck off without really explaining why he's gotten so mad.

To summarise:

Lance: I hate you.

Keith: Okay, whatever.


Lance: I hate you.

Keith, if he had anger issues: Shut the fuck up! I hope you fucking die you asshole. Piss off!

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Me: I'm not bipolar. My doctor is wrong

*groceries cost more than I was expecting*

Me: no that's great. That's fine. I'm gonna burn down the capital building and restart the country. I'm gonna singlehandedly start the revolution. I'm gonna trick thousands of men into thinking I, myself, am an unhinged man and get them to work for me. I WILL destroy America and it's going to happen tomorrow.

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1 year ago


Googling "how to burn off anger" google: here is articles about how to make anger stop! Me: no no no i don't want to just shove my anger down. that isn't healthy. I just want to control it. Google: understood! here is how to control your anger by shoving it down Me: NO. I mean I want a way to USE anger productively instead of being an irrational weirdo about it. Google: .............. here is another article about fucking yoga again. Me: mOTHER FUCKING STUPID PIECE OF-

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11 months ago

my math teacher just threw my fucking calculator i have never been more livid in my fucking life

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10 months ago

if you’re like me and need to throw things when angry i have a suggestion for you:

✨tissue box✨

here are my reasons:

- deals no damage to anything

- good loud sound due to the hollow center

- weak and easy to destroy/throw

- common household item

- still functional after getting beat up because its tissues

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Congratulations to everyone in middle school and high school who told me that I was "too nice" and that one day I was "going to snap" and start screaming at everyone

You were right. Anger is my comfort zone and I yell at people on a daily basis, no one more than myself

Do you feel good now?

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5 months ago

I was blessed with my dad’s hair, my grandpas brown eyes. And my mothers wrath

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3 years ago


Sub psychotic rage

Blood pouring from sacred place

The pain of betrayal.

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1 year ago

The demonization of anger issues<<<<

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9 months ago

yeah, go right ahead and villainize me. I don't care (I will internalize this interaction for years to come)

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9 months ago

rant, you have been warned

I want whoever first decided to mold the view of anger issues into 'gets mad at nothing' dead. I want their fucking head on a spike. 'oh why are you angry that was nothing' 'you're overreacting' 'why are you so upset over something so minor?' every FUCKING time.

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8 months ago

I feel like it isn't talked about enough how traumatizing growing up with intermittent explosive disorder is. I've had this self image of monstrousness metaphorically beaten into me from a very young age, constantly told that it's all my fault if things escalate from somebody triggering my anger, how I just don't have enough control over my emotions and that's the only issue. Never mind the shit people expect me to just take and accept, it's MY fault if I explode because apparently my needs and feelings don't matter at all.

And then I'M the one who has to apologize for hurting the other party's feelings, as if that crime wasn't committed by them onto me as well. I won't apologize to someone who isn't remorseful for hurting me, I don't care how much I hurt them in return. You backed the coyote into a corner and get surprised when it attacks. My ability to not accept bullshit anymore has been labeled as 'going backwards in recovery' because that 'recovery' was just being told to bottle up everything and walk on eggshells, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do that anymore.

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2 years ago

Today is the day! Where our neighborhood hothead becomes the center of attention once again!! Please welcome, Sanemi Shinazugawa!! The Wind Pillar! The Suicidal Maniac! The Big Brother! Kanae's Secret Love Intrest! My Unfortunate Comfort Character!!

Today Is The Day! Where Our Neighborhood Hothead Becomes The Center Of Attention Once Again!! Please

I just wanna wish him an AMAZING BIRTHDAY!! May he be in denial of his feelings for a bit longer ✨️ But pleasantries aside, why the hell is he so HOT?!? He has so many fucked up scars and weird ass eyes, but he still looks so damn good. He is like a 10 every single day. While I look like a 6 on a great day. AND I HAVE EYEBROWS!!! >:( Am I jealous of the fact that he is so pretty? Yes. Do I care? No. I'm just gonna enjoy his bare chest a while longer.

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6 months ago

if there’s one aspect i could criticize about the writing of teen wolf it’s the in depth backstories of each character only to never talk about it again or develop it any further.

liam’s ied and past school? only used as a prop to further the plot and create conflict (angry man go punch!)

isaac’s abuse and claustrophobia? only mentioned/showed how it effects him one time outside flashbacks (motel california)

theo’s growing up and manipulation with the dread doctors? never mentioned, only lightly brushed over in incoherent flashbacks (yes it shows him being guilty for taking tara’s heart, but not the dread doctors effect on him and torture for him to get where he was)

stiles’ nogitsune trauma? only brought up as a joke after the fact (“i once had a demon living in my head LOL”)

derek hale’s past with grooming by kate? only used to show they know each other, not why what she did was wrong or harmful (doesn’t show the harmful nature of grooming and how derek’s trust would be forever altered because of kate’s abuse of his)

malia living like a coyote for the first ?17? years of her life because she “killed” her own family? “omg you can’t take her anywhere! she likes to eat deer🤣🤣”

allison’s mom killing herself cause she’d rather be anything but a werewolf? mentioned maybe a couple times afterwords

it seems as though they attempt to make the characters deep and thought-out but toss aside the trauma they have given them in order to further the new villian of the week and constant conflict. sometimes i wish that the characters made decisions in conjunction with their prior trauma or showed symptoms of how these events effected them because it’s no secret that they would. i understand that it’s a lot to ask for a super precise and detailed description of how every character is feeling, but with 24 episodes a season, tossing in a couple reflective scenes couldn’t have hurt. i fear that their constant need to one-up their villains took away from the personality and characterization of the show as it kept running.

(this is why i love this fandom so much, because yall do! thank you to the writers who write realistic ptsd or lingering effects of major events)

ok i’m done now thank you @thiamsxbitch for inspiring this rant

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11 months ago

I've been snipy lately, and I am entirely not sure why. I blew up at my bestie, and I let some words slip that I shouldn't. It sucks but we have a knack for immediately getting sidetracked mid-fight and nothing coming out of it. In that, I like to think I'm lucky to have her, and I need to chill out so I'm good enough for her

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