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Love their designs here
The beginning of the Great War

MegOp week 2024
Day 1
Remember when Megatron fought that Insecticon? I think he wasn't the only one to remember the old days.

I know the week of this event already passed, but when i knew about it it was already one :,). So i hope i can still participate in this if it's possible, this is the first week i do.
Just to be clear, we can all agree that Raf is absolutely going to go through Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome in the next 2 years, right? Like- Potentially neurodivergent, super smart kid who wants attention from his family. PRIME (pun intended) EXAMPLE OF A KID WHO GOES THROUGHT GIFTED KID BURNOUT.
I'm going to hunt down fics of this
Imagine if Cody was in TFP
I can vividly imagine this scene
Cody, walking into the base: Hey guys, come meet my new friend!
Megatron: Greetings.
Short scenario that works with the Cody is Onyx Prime reincarnated theory for Rescue Bots
Fic type: Angst
Main character(s): Cody, Chase
Summary: Cody just wants to act like a kid, but it's hard to do that when everybody is treating you like a god
"Hey, Chase, wanna watch this movie with me?" Cody waves a DVD case containing an old detective drama.
Chase looks at Cody, an unfamiliar respectfulness in his optics. Well, it used to be unfamiliar. Cody had gotten used to it by now, though he doesn't enjoy it. That's the look all the bots had been giving him since they realized what he is.
He knows he should be more interested in the fact that he's a reincarnation of a Prime. He is interested, but he doesn't understand why everybody's treating him differently. Sure, maybe in a past life he was a Prime, but in this one, he's just Cody. He just wants to be Cody, but it seems like everybody else wants him to be like Onyx Prime.
"As you wish," Chase says respectfully, tipping his helm briefly.
The young boy stops smiling when Chase does that. He grips the DVD case just a tiny bit harder and furrows his brow. A faint hint of orange dances across Cody's dark brown eyes.
Chase notices this, perhaps feeling the slight tension in the air. He crouches to be closer to eye level with Cody.
"Is something wrong, my Prime?" Chase questions gently, but still in that annoyingly polite tone.
Cody looks away from the police bot's face and pulls the DVD case up to his chest before speaking quietly.
"Stop that..." Cody mutters.
"Sir?" Chase tilts his helm slightly, his optics glowing a bit brighter.
"Stop that," Cody said a bit louder.
Chase doesn't have to say a thing for Cody to recognize the mild confusion on his face.
"Stop calling me your Prime," Cody looks down at the toes of his boots. One of his laces is untied. "And stop looking at me like that..."
"How would you like me to look at you?" Chase sounds genuinely caring, but for all the wrong reasons.
"Just look at me the same..."
Sorry if this is out of character or something, it's been a little bit since I watched Rescue Bots :')
I know it's not entirely accurate, but...
Can we get Raf acting like demon spawn sometimes? The dude's twelve, he's probably not that mature, right? I imagine there are rare occasions where he will actively encourage Miko's less dangerous stunts (jumping from concerning high places, eating ungodly food combinations, etc.) simply because he can.
I mean really, he's Miko's second Voice of Reason™? Nuh uh. He will absolutely encourage her to try and bug out a brand new video game.
Usually he's chill, but sometimes.
Not to mention, he's got a lot of siblings, and you know they absolutely do that to each other. If anything, Raf fueling the chaos should be seen as a sign of respect. He trusts you enough to act as a harbinger of chaos.
He's an almost teenage boy, he's allowed to be a chaos bringer every once and a while, no?
Maybe that's just me
okay okay okay
Writing idea
We all know that Bots live MUCH longer than humans, and we all know watching the Burnses die over the years would hit the Rescue Bots hard. They love there little pals, after all.
But do you know what would hurt more?
Watching them forget everything.
So, my idea: an angst fic of Chief Burns with dementia. He's forgetting everything. It hurts everybody because they all know he'll forget them too.
But it really hurts the Bots. Human lifespans are already so short, and watching the human they know slip away from them while still being there hurts. They knew they'd lose Chief eventually, but not this soon, not like this... They already have so little time together, and it feels like it's being cut short when the first human they met forgets their names, their faces, who they are...
Random TFP headcanons Part 1 (mostly humans)
Raf is deaf in one ear and has a cochlear implant
Jack is transmasc
Miko is ADHD
Raf is Autistic
Miko at one point tried to cut her own hair
Needless to say, it did not turn out well
Jack has a genetic mutation that causes naturally sharper canines
Yes, several vampire jokes were made about this
Raf has dirt on EVERYBODY at school, and is not afraid to use it
Along with the guitar, Miko is pretty good on a drum set
Jack is frequently called emo
Miko used to bite kids in kindergarten
Raf has skipped several grades and is currently a sophomore in duel enrollment
Jack's parents had split custody until Jack's dad just didn't come to pick him up and stopped paying child support
June tried to track down her ex-husband, but to no evail
The kids see Optimus as a father figure, and he is not going to tell them otherwise
Bumblebee is Ratchet and Optimus's unofficially adopted son
Raf will behave like a creature from the pits of the underworld if he feels safe
Starscream is just a walking reference
He's an airplane in the night sky
And he can be a shooting Star(scream) if you tick him off
Rescue Bots Academy headcanons (with a touch of angst)
Hotshot has a (rather poorly) hidden inferiority complex
Heatwave unintentionally adopted Hotshot
Neither has any idea how it happened, Hotshot just became Heatwave's son one day
Blurr has visited the Academy at some point, and he was both glad and upset at how Heatwave has changed
On the one hand, he's happy the recruits and especially Hotshot are getting a good mentor,
But on the other, he's upset that he never got that version of Heatwave, and sometimes he wonders if it's his own fault
Grimlock treats Dinomode Hoist like a dog treats its puppy
Hoist has been scruffed on several occasions
Medix loves bats
Even before the incident with Mr. Flappy, he collected books about bats and loved watching documentaries about them
Autistic Medix, Wedge, and Hoist
ADHD Whirl and Hotshot
None of the recruits have any idea their teachers (except Heatwave) have more than one alt mode
Whirl is a scraplet colony, specifically the one Whirl Sr. Adopted in MTMTE
Whirl Jr. aroace
Colonies of metal-eating pests don't have much interest in romance, as it turns out
Ratchet changed for the better when he found out about Medix
While he is no longer afraid of dinobots, Hoist still finds actual dinosaurs a bit unnerving
This probably has to do with them being organic
While training to use a hose, Hotshot nearly passed out. Several times.
While bats are his favorite, Medix loves most types of animals
The only exception to this is deep-sea creatures
He does not understand them and he does not want to understand them
Wedge has had a brother
The way Medix's family found out he could magnetize was by finding him on the ceiling
Whirl Jr, in her most basic state, looks like a bot-shaped scraplet, with a silver body, solid blue optics, and thin limbs
A lot of bots find this appearance unnerving
More Rescue Bots Academy headcanons (this time with extra angst)
Wedge has a twin/splitspark named Axle, who Wedge both misses and despises at the same time
When he was younger, Medix was considered a 'hard-to-handle' child
In reality, he had undiagnosed Autism and didn't do well with others
As of now, he is currently taking medication for it (rescue work gets overstimulating very fast), though it took several prescriptions to find one that didn't kill his personality
Hoist and Whirl are absolute besties
Hotshot was bullied as a kid, which gave him a major inferiority complex
He stopped getting bullied shortly after joining his Cube team, but any insult still hurts him
Whirl feels like an absolute fraud whenever somebody says she's a good rescue bot because she's a scraplet colony pretending to be a bot
She knows it's for her own safety, but she still feels terrible about it
There have been times where late at night, Hoist will get scared by his own reflection if he's in dinomode
He says he's not scared anymore, but he's a little jumpy
Hotshot and the rest of his Cube team have flame designs painted on their heels because they think they're cool
Medix has spent countless hours trying to understand why so many bots don't seem to like him - he does what he's supposed to, so why doesn't anybody want to be around him?
Whirl is almost always hungry because she won't eat metal
It isn't necessary for her to survive, so she refuses to indulge her scraplet mind, but Primus, does it leave her hungry
Wedge gets severe imposter syndrome sometimes
Hoist can be pretty anxious sometimes, especially when he feels like he's already inconveniencing people
Medix listens to hyperpop
Transformers: Prime headcanon
Spoilers ahead!
I headcanon that after that one episode where he almost dies from Energon poisoning, Raf is almost always exhausted. He also has a ton of health issues and an irregular heartbeat.
I never liked how he was just fine after getting poisoned and nearly dying. I feel like he would have some sort of problem after that, especially with how young he is.
Guess who’s been rewatching TFP?
How Bumblebee got recruited to the Autobots
Recently binge watched RID2015! It inspired me to do some editing since I feel some of the design changes were strange. I wanted to make them look more like their Tfp designs! What do you think?
Original. Ver.1. Ver.2.


Optimus Prime



Transformers Art Dump!
Over the last 2 months or so, I binge watched all of the live action movies and the aligned continuity shows! Here’s what I’ve made while watching

I made a transformers OC. Well, making a transformers Oc. I’m bad at character design. (Aligned Oc btw)
I imagine when they first tried transforming they couldn’t actually do it yet so when they tried they just

The Predacons
The Primary Villains of HyperSpark, the Predacons were once banished from the Empire. They marked there return by ordering Billions of Titans on Home world to rampage across the Planet

Anyone excited about the fact that the upcoming Transformers One movie took some inspiration from the Aligned Continuity Novels ???