Hellenic Epithets - Tumblr Posts
some epithets i found on theoi.com surrounding the theme of justice, civil safety, and the ability to be accepted by the gods because some people think our gods are not welcoming to those who are othered by society and don’t care about our individual politics, so i just have to prove them wrong
Aphrodite Pandemos - common to all people
Aphrodite Xenia - of the foreigner
Aphrodite Nikephoros - bringer of victory
Apollon Akteios - of the foreigner
Ares Laossoos - he who rallies men
Artemis Philomeirax - friend of young girls
Artemis Soteria - savior
Athena Eryma - defender
Athena Soteria - savior
Athena Poliatis - of the city
Athena Xenia - of hospitality, of the foreigner
Demeter Thesmophoros - bringer of laws
Demeter Panakhaia - of all the greeks
Demeter Praxidikê - exactor of justice
Dionysus Eleuthereus - of liberation, freedom
Dionysus Saôtês - savior
Dionysus Politês - citizen
Dionysus Agyieus - protector of the streets, the ways
Hermes Agoraios - of the marketplace
Hermes Hermêneutês - interpreter, translator
Hermes Pompaios - the guide
Poseidon Asphalios - secures safe voyage
Poseidon Laoitês - of the people
Zeus Koryphaios - chief, leader
Zeus Amboulios - counsellor
Zeus Xenios - of hospitality, strangers
Zeus Phyxios - of refuge
Zeus Laoitês - of the people
Zeus Sôsipolis - city-savior
Zeus Eleutherios - of freedom
(all epithets found on theoi.com)
TERFs/Radfems/Racists/Homophobes/Ableists/etc. don’t clown on this post, just take a moment to learn and move on instead of harassing like you always do.