People Are Silly - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

OK so something I find really silly is people think that hiveminds would be evil cos we think about them as being more like a society than a person

Like I see myself as one person in many bodies...but usually hiveminds are presented like something that has no identity and is just conformity. Whereas I see myself (and other hiveminds) as just one person like the rest of us just expressing themselves through many parts of themselves in different bodies

I also find it amusing the concept of this massive entity that's big and scary to people who don't know what it's like but really it's just your average person with interests and stuff and is really nice. Maybe they like tea you never know!

An extension to this is like

Spaceman: *visits hivemind* so you are a threat

Hivemind: what? No I like plants and books I just have many bodies!? Why would you assume that just cos I'm big I'm evil. What is wrong with you

Spaceman: but I saw some of your spaceships fighting!

Hivemind: haven't you ever had a fight with yourself over begonias!

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1 year ago

some epithets i found on surrounding the theme of justice, civil safety, and the ability to be accepted by the gods because some people think our gods are not welcoming to those who are othered by society and don’t care about our individual politics, so i just have to prove them wrong


Aphrodite Pandemos - common to all people

Aphrodite Xenia - of the foreigner 

Aphrodite Nikephoros - bringer of victory 


Apollon Akteios - of the foreigner 


Ares Laossoos  - he who rallies men


Artemis Philomeirax -  friend of young girls

Artemis Soteria - savior


Athena Eryma - defender

Athena Soteria - savior 

Athena Poliatis - of the city 

Athena Xenia - of hospitality, of the foreigner 


Demeter Thesmophoros - bringer of laws

Demeter Panakhaia - of all the greeks

Demeter Praxidikê - exactor of justice


Dionysus Eleuthereus - of liberation, freedom

Dionysus Saôtês - savior 

Dionysus Politês - citizen

Dionysus Agyieus - protector of the streets, the ways


Hermes Agoraios - of the marketplace

Hermes Hermêneutês - interpreter, translator

Hermes Pompaios - the guide 


Poseidon Asphalios - secures safe voyage 

Poseidon Laoitês - of the people


Zeus Koryphaios - chief, leader

Zeus Amboulios - counsellor 

Zeus Xenios - of hospitality, strangers

Zeus Phyxios - of refuge 

Zeus Laoitês - of the people

Zeus Sôsipolis - city-savior

Zeus Eleutherios - of freedom

(all epithets found on 

TERFs/Radfems/Racists/Homophobes/Ableists/etc. don’t clown on this post, just take a moment to learn and move on instead of harassing like you always do. 

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