HELLLOOOOOOO?? - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Hey so when i was little i was totally obsessed with this Minecraft Jams song ‘Diamond King’ and I’ve been on a nostalgia trip lately and its so. Aiden mcsm coded. Like it’s literally him y’all

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5 months ago
Sounthern Kitty Omg

sounthern kitty omg

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2 years ago

@thatprolificauthor helloooo!

honestly your genres are just a combination of everything I want to read! I absolutely love romance, but having a bit of fantasy or mystery intertwined (it doesn't even need to be like the main plot) makes the story more vivid and so much more entertaining to read!

AND THE INHERITANCE GAMES STOP. THAT BOOK IS SUCH A GEM. Let me know your thoughts on it! <3

OKAY. BUT WHY AM I ALSO GETTING INHERITANCE GAMES VIBES HERE, TOO. The clocks in his family's mansion seems like a key to something! Seriously, I'm intrigued! I would love to know the premise of this book, and some of the main tropes featuring it. Also, is Dennis a vivid/strong character, or more of a soft-spoken/reserved one? How do you forsee his character arc to go (towards positive development or negative development overall)?

Lots of questions, ahhhhh

me, desperate for some writer friends/mutuals

hi everyone!

this is just a post where writers get to know writers, and hopefully through reblogs/comments we can find more people who not only read/write our genre, but just people who have similarities with us.

it’s kind of a simple “get to know me” post, and anyone can join <3 if you want to know more about me and my works, check out my writblr intro!

feel free to tag your mutuals and reblog !!

name: pronouns: genres you like to write in: genres you like to read in + fav books/media: favorite line from your current wip:

name: ave

pronouns: she/her

genres you like to write in: currently writing contemporary (ya/romcom/romance, give me them ALL), but I also like to dabble in fantasy!

genres you like to read in + fav books/media: i’ll consume literally anything haha. Fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, romance, young adult, you name it. I’m awful with horror, though ;-;

percy jackson (MY CHILDHOOD), harry potter (OBVIOUSLY), Better Than the Movies, From Lukov with Love, The Love Hypothesis, These Violent Delights, the list goes on…

favorite or latest line from your current wip: [from Destination Seoul]

“How can I?” I mutter, leaning back in my chair. “Even I know when a relationship is over. Especially because I ended it. Besides…”

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