He's Cool - Tumblr Posts

its my birthday :3 anwyays I'm listening to this and I didn't expect it to be sung by like yk not the two girls BUT LIEK THIS EATTTSSSSSSS I'm eating this up
He spin.

Thanks for reminding me that he is a 3d model and i can do stuff like that to @iamtiredofyourhorror !!
I also changed his model a bit so now he has tail that always gets cropped and those tiny dotted lines that took waaay too much monotone work to make
T-pose version under the cut!!

also i fully rendered and converted them only to notice that his legs were not fully centered T_T i fixed it immediately after so it will not be on any further renders, but still, im pissed a bit >:( Hope it is not really noticable
uh. I’ve already posted this. but that was when like 6 ppl knew of my existence and im really proud of it so
content warning, minor body horror. no gore, just something with a few too many limbs
this is my bird do u like him

he is in moderate to severe pain but he is living just like the rest of us
sometimes white people really baffle me
like they say the dumbest fucking shit
white person: oh you don't know this famous western person, omg you're so uncultured.
me: ok, but do you know who shankar mahadevan is? i don't fucking think so, you're so uncultured.
and then they get hella mad, like bro, newsflash sweetheart the west is not the center of the world
india or china has more population than all of europe and us combined...like babe...babe....
i may or may not be questioning a whole new ahh religion like how are poeple this dumb but like not dumb because human survival instincts i just dont feel human as a whole but like not in a nonhuman way i just cant explain the major crowd herding happening right now and nobody noticing exept me
idk man its hard for me to put it into words
anyways have a lil speculative dude meant for changing gravity lolol

We’ve got an updated list of babygirls here I see:
John Doe
And now Collins

I had to do it for tumblr purposes

A falcon beastman with a solemn disposition and loner tendencies. Being rather pessimistic, he prefers to keep an eye on others rather than form interpersonal relationships.
some trivia:
Twisted from: Hayabusa/Xianniang (Mulan)
If you see him, it’s generally a sign that something might inexplicably go wrong for you very soon.
He can go between his human and falcon forms at will.
Ruixing has been able to digest Lilia’s cooking with little to no adverse effects. Whether or not he actually liked it is… up for debate.
His manner of speech can be a little rough and informal due to his upbringing.

good etiquette demands i remain soft and accessible in the face of my own ending
Origami King but it’s Mr. L Headcanons
@boom-fanfic-a-latta made some of these, and I thought “oh, yep, this is a thing I’m doing now”. So, some headcanons of this AU, brought to you by me.
-Mr. L is the mom friend. If the mom friend is sleep deprived, irritated, and ready to throw hands at any moment, either to his children or to his enemies.
-Mario takes great joy in annoying Mr. L to no end, mostly by referencing this Luigi person, who apparently L looks like.
-Mr. L gets really, really, REALLY annoyed when the heroes and companions all try killing themselves in some noble gesture. (BOBBY COUGH COUGH)
-”Sit DOWN, Red, you just fought like twelve office supplies without stopping! I will literally tie you to this bench if you don’t stop and heal!”
-”BOBBY. If you wanted explosives you could have just ASKED.”
-”OLIVIA. I swear to god, if you try killing yourself for some reason with this wish I will start throwing hands!”
-Mr. L makes fun of Olly literally every time he sees him.
-“My god, I don’t even KNOW my evil backstory, but I do know it’s better than that! ‘Oh, I ordered pepperoni pizza and they gave me Hawaiian! I hate everything now and I’m going to murder everyone!’”
-He calls Olly emo boy or some variation thereof. Your Royal Edginess is one of his favorites.
-L has nicknames for every Legion of Stationery member. He calls the scissors anime swordsman.

time to get obsessed over a new character voiced by gianni
edit: you guys…like the fish man a little too much. the reblogs are concerning me

Official Reference sheet: Nilakanta
Yuuuup! Here it is! Gotta say, I’m proud of it.
Background on the Character:
- Nilakanta is actually strong enough to be considered a god (he comes from a medieval world, so in a way, he could be considered overpowered but there is a reason for that and it makes sense... hehe spoilers)
- This dragon is very courteous and kind, although he will exert his power to bring justice.
- He was raised as royalty BY royalty, which is one of the reasons he looks elegant (ish), and he is very wise (the long living factor of dragons kinda plays in to this as well, since he can live for like, centuries)
[introduce yourself]
Byron Gabriel Gerome, 37 years old, recently a librarian.
What else do I need to tell you?
What am I even telling you this?
Where am I?

Why don't you understand that?
You are unworthy parents!

009 Byron