Hetalia Philippines - Tumblr Posts
The fact that hima made my country a twink... Is honestly not that surprising to me honestly 🇵🇭🇵🇭✨


(Im not good at drawing man and i rarely draw them soo idk if this is good or not)
Yay pinoy time (shitty edit)

ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!

Hetalia World ☆ Stars - Chapter 371 Original Translation: 87 // donamoeba Scanlation: pandabaozi // jammerlea
Please link back to our Tumblr when using translated images on other sites.
*one day, Malaysia Timur decided to show the other nations a picture of her & Barat when they were younger(Borneo & Melaka)*
Italy: wow Timah! you look very pretty in here! *points at a cheerfull girl with a hibiscus in her hair*
Malaysia.T: eh? That's abang lah. *points at a serious and flustered boy that was being hugged by the other* that's me.
Other Nations: ....
Nations that have known them since their younger days: yeah, we were also fooled once...
Indonesia and the philippines

going on a date with the SEA gang!
Very shy to ask for it. It will take him a day to have the courage to ask you if you wanna go on a date, you said yes and made him calm down.
The place where you both go is usually somewhere casual or at home if you don't have the budget. If it's at home, well, it's a movie night. Sometimes it can be baking together or some sorts.
He's also quite shy to ask you to go out. But it doesn't take him up to a day to ask you for it. No. It takes him 2 DAYS to even ask you out, you simplied chuckled at him asking you out. You always ask him that it doesn’t make him childish, it just means you want to spend time with him.
Since he’s usually broke, you often stayed at home watching movies and cartoons or something like that. Either that you both will go to night carnivals/bazar (you can search for more info on Google)
He always shouted or whispered that. Well, with the other countries he shouts and in public with humans he will talk casually. Yes, he knows when he is supposed to be loud and when to be quiet. Well, sometimes...
You will often go to malls with him,or just go to a night carnival/bazar. He doesn’t even care budget lol
Ask’s like a true gentleman. He knows how you will react if he just straight up asked you that. Either you don’t care or is charmed.
Ideal place? A fancy restaurant, of course! Don’t worry though, he’s rich.
It’s always akward when he ask’s you out. But with his sweet, sweet voice... You gladly accepted with a flustered face, he chuckled at the sight.
Ideal place? Everywhere you want to go, besides, it’s his treat!
She never truely care about what others say when a woman is asking the man out. Besides, it’s just love. Anyways, she asked you with full confidence and detail on where you wanted to go. She will suggest all sorts of places and you will gladly accept.
Look who’s back from the dead lolol

Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan (Philippines), and Majapahit (Indonesia).
Poem "Mi último adiós" (English: "My Last Farewell") by Jose Rizal. The Dutch Indies Embassy formalized economic trade with Philippines in 1866. Beyer (1947) believes Majapahit Empire went to Agusan-Surigao area and works with Butuan Kingdom local craftsman to mine gold.
For latest comic update, please visit the twitter at @desa96043762

Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan (Philippines) and Majapahit (Indonesia).
Let's spread more awareness of our Pre-colonial era.
For latest updates please visit my twitter account @desa96043762

Butuan & Majapahit (Part 3)
In 1003, Butuan sent an envoy to Song Dynasty to bypass Champa monopoly on China trade (Guy, 2020). Mandala political model of SEA require allied Kingdoms to exchange gifts in a tributary system (Thongchai, 1994).

Indo: What’re you doing?
Phili: Trying to remember last night by looking at the selfies I took....I was super drunk.
They’re super cute and I wanna see more of them and the other ASEAN characters, please

Ang Manananggal at ang Baba Yaga
Happy halloween!!
Fashion dilemma below, click for higher quality!

Butuan & Majapahit (Last)
There's a real life Keris/Kris dagger statue in Butuan city.
The losing Maynila forces set fire at their palace in a scorched-earth tactic, to make it useless for Spain to use their palace (Scott, 1994). Spain kidnapped Ternate Sultan (Indonesia's boss), and deported him to the newly captured Manila (Hanna et al, 1990).
Song inspiration "sa susunod na habangbuhay" (In the next lifetime) by Ben&Ben

whenever i read histories of ph with murica…the terms are sometimes different depending who’s p.o.v. it is..but really tho, u.s. throwing every term under the sun just to avoid being called a colonizer..while PH,history go brrrr
"No you're not" - Philippines

Hetalia Genetics theory
Okay so ever since Hima release the Asean Sailors

I can't help noticing about ny fatherland's new color scheme (I have a wip rpg maker mv sprite wtf am I gonna change the hair abd eye color @A@)
Anyways, look at his new colour scheme

Light brown? (Pinoy ako pero bakit itim yung buhok ko?? Joke lang)
Okay so I realize this dude has lighter shade of brown, than this guy:

Which leads me to believe, our Fatherland has more American genes.
First off, look at their hair styles

It is basically a foil or mirror, aka America has his in front and his right, while Philippines' has his at the back and on his left. Both ahoges are in the hair parting.
Plus Alfred's hair is blonde, thus could be why Phil's hair is lighter.
Second, look at Phil's eyes again

Maroon or red purple/violet ish.
Now then while we have some purple eyes characters, remember Canada.

And who is Canada's brother again?
Motherfucking ALFRED F JONES.
Third, look at these sketches again

Plus I have once stated, Phil looks awfully a lot like the unofficial 2p of America.

So this either means, America's influence as with irl triumph's Spain's influence, thus his genes are way too op..
Or something else... Or just coincidence.
But hey, that's just a theory :D an anime theory!
Edit: 2p America pic belongs to @suntatsunari !

this is a reference to Galleon Trade
the long ass trip between philippines and mexico trade, most of the seafarers where mostly from mexico and philippines and centuries later, PH still dominates in compromising most of the seafarers around the world..
old habits die hard lol..

MATA (Part 5)
Sampaguita flower initially is named after "Sumpa kita" (Our Promise). The words “Sumpa kita” evolved as “Sampaguita” that signifies an everlasting love (WowParadisePhilippines, 2007).
Paoay Church façade & buttress is similar to Borobudur & Prambanan temple respectively (Lazaro, 2014). Both temples are built during Medang Dynasty (Indonesia) whose legacy is the Srivijaya Empire & Mataram Kingdom.
Initially, Philippines is thought to be culturally isolated from the rest of Asia, until the finding of Laguna Copperplate Inscription which tells the relationship between Tondo (PH) & Medang (Mataram) (RI) in 900 CE (Leonard, 2001). Basically, Medang have salary-related debt with Tondo amounting to 865 grams gold. My hypothesis the debt is related to temple-making as at this era, Ind0nesia is under-going rapid growth of temple construction, he wants to be the center of Buddhist & Hindu learning in SEA.
Song: We Will Not Be Forgotten by Floy Quintos and Krina Cayabyab-Viñas https://www.facebook.com/2169075943412224/videos/190535129626137

First two photos are from my joke hc that Thailand watches Pien because he’s in love and down bad lol
First Photo says:
Thailand: You two better not say anything
Singapore: Simp.
Second photo:
Philippines: Thank you for watching Pien. I love you, you’re amazing.
Thailand: No problem…