Hws Indonesia - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Why did you made him hot 😭😭😭

Using hard referenced poses from pencak silat artist, it's a fun way for practice

Using Hard Referenced Poses From Pencak Silat Artist, It's A Fun Way For Practice

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3 years ago

Hws indonesia sketches🇮🇩💖💫 man these took me a while(also a hit gore but eh)

Hws Indonesia Sketches Man These Took Me A While(also A Hit Gore But Eh)

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3 years ago

What the SEA gang will make you for breakfast


He will try his best to amke breakfast for you.Sometimes he sucseed's and sometimes it ended in dissaster.If it ended in dissaster,he will give up and buy's you pourage


Insufficient rupiah.He is broke and try's to find a good ATM.You insist that you and him can just bake stuff together and that is were you two warm up to eachother


Everything he makee is good.He will take his time into making things and it will go out smoothly


She likes to bake with you.There will be a 50/50 chance of combining a new recipe,but when finding a new recipe or not,ya'll still have fun and get to eat


Has no talent in cooking.He feels bad for you not eating,so he went out and buys the tasty sweets around the street


Aw hell nah.This mf burned up your kitchen

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3 years ago

You look cute(Indonesia x Reader)

you and Indo have been dating for quite a while now,everything seem to be going smoothly except for the bumps on the way.But hey,you two are now madly inlove with each other!

anyways,it’s been a while since both of you had any time for each other.Indo wanted to suprise you by taking you out on a date tonight,but the problem is..he is too shy to even ask you out.But he will have the courage sooner or else there wouldn’t be any romance between the both of you

“hey,darling...”he said sheepishly.You turned around and got closer to him “yes?” you asked,oh no,he is already blushing so hard because of it! “hey,can we go out tonight? It’s ok if you don’t w-” “yes!” you cut of his words and kissed his cheeks “see you at 7!” you said

that move you just did burned up your boyfriend’s heart just like that.He was flustered by this move at first,but now,he is somewhat used to it.Anyways,back to topic-

*time skip to 1 hour before the date*

it was almost for your date.You were dying your hair with a towel when all of a sudden someone knocked your door."it's unlocked." you said while drying your hair.Indo just said that he is almost ready and walked away

so,you just dried it faster until it was almost dried,but you just didn't mind about your wet hair and let it dry on it's own.You picked out a cute (f/c) dress and with a cute little hat with it.

Damn,you look so fab,your Indonesian bf would die of cuteness-

But anyways,back to topic.You went down stairs to see him in his usual police uniform,you sighed and told him he can wear anything else if he'd like,but he refused and went on with the date

*before the date end*

You and your boyfriend was just looking into the night skies,both of your hands holding one another.It was romantic and sweet at the same time,nothing was gonna ruin this beautiful moment,not even your other friends

"Hey,umm....(y/n),can i kiss you?" He asked sheepishly.You giggled and bring yourself closer to your boyfriend and started making out.Your arms wrapped around his neck,and his hands around your waist."i love you" "i love you too~"


🇵🇭:omg,they look so cute together,don't you think?

🇹🇭:Indeed.But don't invade their personal space,ok?

🇵🇭:Chillax,i won't!

🇸🇬:And this is why we still trust you more than Malaysia

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1 year ago

AHHH!!! I love this sm for some reason (probably because I am from Uzbekistan)

I’m not Muslim but my friend invited me over to eat nishaldo

So good ugh

Dreadfully Late To The Game As Ever, But Eid Mubarak

Dreadfully late to the game as ever, but eid mubarak <333 smth came up which meant i wasnt able to go all out as much as I wanted to on this, but I wanna say thank you to everyone following me in these past two years

And thank u esp to both my friends who provided resources for eid traditions in their countries, and @letttalias for helping me with coloring this and on Pakistan's henna!!! I wouldnt have been able to finish this without her help 💞

From left to right, top to bottom:

Egypt, w a fanoos lantern

Bahrain, w a bucket for girgaon (where children dress up in traditional clothing and trick or treat during the 15th night of ramadan)

Uzbekistan, making nishaldo (a type of Uzbek dessert once exclusively eaten for Ramadan)

Senegal, all dolled up for the big night

Maldives, singing raivaru (a type of Maldivian traditional singing)

Algeria, hands full with pastries

Pakistan, bedecked out with henna

Indonesia, having some nasi lemang

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1 year ago
 Walking Down The Beach Together~ Drawn For "IndoMal Day 11/8" Event On Twitter.

『 Walking down the beach together~🌴🌊 』 Drawn for "IndoMal Day 11/8" event on Twitter.

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3 years ago
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)

Butuan & Majapahit (Part 2)

Butuan (Philippines), and Majapahit (Indonesia).

Poem "Mi último adiós" (English: "My Last Farewell") by Jose Rizal. The Dutch Indies Embassy formalized economic trade with Philippines in 1866. Beyer (1947) believes Majapahit Empire went to Agusan-Surigao area and works with Butuan Kingdom local craftsman to mine gold.

For latest comic update, please visit the twitter at @desa96043762

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3 years ago
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).
Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).

Butuan & Majapahit (Part 1).

Butuan (Philippines) and Majapahit (Indonesia).

Let's spread more awareness of our Pre-colonial era.

For latest updates please visit my twitter account @desa96043762

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3 years ago

ASEAN gang! 🇮🇩🇵🇭🇹🇭🇸🇬


Hmm... aren't there five countries who founded ASEAN?


Oh, so that explains where 🇲🇾 went...

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7 months ago
Birthday Boy

Birthday boy🥳🇮🇩

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1 year ago
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!
The Long Promised Levant Lads Post! WOWZA!!

The long promised Levant Lads post! WOWZA!!

The comic about whether or not Leb really being the most beautiful was colored by the lovely @ask-al-jazair​!!! THANK U SO MUCH AGAIN IT TURNED OUT POSITIVELY GORGEOUS…

(shoutout to @pearlescentplums​ who let me use her palestine art in israel’s phone HSDHJ)


Here are some miscellaneous doodles and memes i’ve accrued while working on this for months lmao- tumblr destroyed the quality so pls open this in a new tab lmao



The Eastern Mediterranean Discord Server (ft. Bahrain)


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