Hetalia America - Tumblr Posts

Living the dream. Cosplaying as America and fighting over the shield with Chris Evans.
Happy Birthday, Alfredddd!!!!
(Also, the smirk at the third picture HITS differently. Wait, is that weird to say?)

some Alfred

Been feeling pretty down lately, so I doodled some scenes from a hurt/comfort, Father/son dynamic Arthur and Alfred drabble I wrote to make myself feel better :’)
(Not ship, but I’m not your mom, I can’t tell you what to do)

Well…because I kinda needed it…

whenever i read histories of ph with murica…the terms are sometimes different depending who’s p.o.v. it is..but really tho, u.s. throwing every term under the sun just to avoid being called a colonizer..while PH,history go brrrr
"No you're not" - Philippines

Hetalia Genetics theory
Okay so ever since Hima release the Asean Sailors

I can't help noticing about ny fatherland's new color scheme (I have a wip rpg maker mv sprite wtf am I gonna change the hair abd eye color @A@)
Anyways, look at his new colour scheme

Light brown? (Pinoy ako pero bakit itim yung buhok ko?? Joke lang)
Okay so I realize this dude has lighter shade of brown, than this guy:

Which leads me to believe, our Fatherland has more American genes.
First off, look at their hair styles

It is basically a foil or mirror, aka America has his in front and his right, while Philippines' has his at the back and on his left. Both ahoges are in the hair parting.
Plus Alfred's hair is blonde, thus could be why Phil's hair is lighter.
Second, look at Phil's eyes again

Maroon or red purple/violet ish.
Now then while we have some purple eyes characters, remember Canada.

And who is Canada's brother again?
Motherfucking ALFRED F JONES.
Third, look at these sketches again

Plus I have once stated, Phil looks awfully a lot like the unofficial 2p of America.

So this either means, America's influence as with irl triumph's Spain's influence, thus his genes are way too op..
Or something else... Or just coincidence.
But hey, that's just a theory :D an anime theory!
Edit: 2p America pic belongs to @suntatsunari !

Portal but with America and Mexico rffcfcfy
P o r t a l i a
Grr growl grr credit to hima for the screenshots I traced and for the creation of Alfred, I have no idea where I was going with this but yes

If you're wondering why I've been I've got one word for you, college

I'M NOT DEAD YET, I love you but seriously I'm not dead I've just been doing college 💖 My life has gone in lots of different directions and it's been hard keeping track but worry not, I'm still very much alive

- Yours Truly, Jin Atomica
America Ya :D

I was supposed to have this posted on the 4th of july but I got very distracted getting ready for my college classes to start again ( ´-`)
Some PASWG based art bcs I can't be fucked to do anything more complex rn lmao

Dw I'll get back to drawing phycological horrors soon, I just need to torment Alfred first because it's funny, also expect more PASWG esque art
Does Johnathan like cats?
Does Johnathan like cats...

He does! He thinks they're nice and they can teach people to respect boundaries. Thank you for the ask ♡🥩
We can ask Johnathan questions???
You can ask questions?

Of course you can! In fact, nothing is stopping you from asking questions about anything and everything I do. As long as the questions aren't super personal, they'll be answered. Even less appropriate questions about the characters I draw or things that could be considered somewhat NSFW I don't mind. I'm of age, I'm in college, I can legally vote, and looking for a distraction. That being said, of course, I can't stress this enough that my blog isn't for minors. Thank you for the ask - ♡🥩
Update on my capitalia idea:
Instead of being the near same age as the country, their ages are closer to adolescence and late teens (15-19ish) since they age a lot slower than the average country. Also, they usually handle being spies and getting private information on dangers that could hurt the country. However only certain government officials know of that and they each have one to make sure the respective capital is safe. The countries (both 1p and 2p) do not know of them because of how obscure they make themselves, however they have interacted with them unknowingly.