Higurashi Kagome - Tumblr Posts
Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA these last 2 weeks. I've had some medical stuff going on & wasn't in a good head space to write anything coherent.
My son got a staph infection, my lupus flared up & I developed a blood clot in my calf. On top of medical, my cars transmission is shot & I have to get my house tested for lead by the city before I can have my roof redone. It's a lot 😅
But I managed to pump this chapter out & have 2 more almost done. I've kind of lost direction with this story, so for now I'm going to just see where it goes lol. I'm going to try to post more than one chapter at a time going forward because I'm going to *attempt* to write a few drabble style chapters (just to move things along).
I'd like to get this story done by December so I can work on finishing some of my other ongoing works that have been on hiatus for years.
Anyway, here's the latest chapter of Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

Just a big pupper who wants attention!
I’m working on finding ways to upload my animations to Tumblr for others to see. X3 Hopefully it’s actually smooth and not so glitchy!

They’re done! ✅
More Sesskag for everyone! I hope you all enjoy and are doing well and staying safe!

日暮 (ひぐらし)
warmup. 20210413
🐶 kofi / insta 🐕 / links 🐕🦺
Special Spaces!
For the SAFE, there are several special spaces on our board that either provide a fun, Halloween Themed prompt, OR positives/negatives for you or your team. You can find more details in our Game Guide HERE. Our dice rolls will be between 1-10 and we use a random dice generator for each roll.
Let’s take a look at some of our spaces on our board!

Shippo’s Bag of Tricks
Our little guy is a mischievous fellow and you never know how he’ll reward or punish you! This space acts as Chance. As you can see below, there are plenty of options that can affect your next prompt!

Sacred Jewel Shard
This space acts as our Community Chest and offers nothing but positive bonuses to you or your team!

Special Prompt Themed Spaces
Since this is a Falloween Event, we’ve included several spaces that are Halloween themed prompts! The 4 Sacred Mountains (Railroads), Thunder Brother’s Cloud (Electric Company), Hot Springs (Water Company) all have a spooky theme to them that will get your heart racing! Whether it be a monster transformation, possession, or haunted house, you’ll be sure to love the festive prompts!
Don’t forget, signups are now open (LINK) until 31 Aug!
Let the games begin!

Commissioned by @drosselmeyerwrites! TTATT Here’s a link to her fic that this little scene was inspired from: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19118350/chapters/45900412
I was an idiot and decided to practice lineart-less work on this and evidently it took me soooo much longer to finish XDD I dun care because i had FUN working on it <3
Commissions are OPEN
If you like my content and wish to keep me alive and support me, Please consider becoming a Patreon or Buying me a Coffee. Thanks ^^

Some wallpapers first is based off my favorite ship;Sesskag

My OTP Fedual Fairytale Ita purses came in! And these things are absolutely amazing! To Dreenicorn and HoneyLemon, you guys did an amazing job getting these to us. These were well-worth the wait!

I swore I’d get this done by Halloween and I DID!
I’m…really digging the sub Sess XD Maybe I should do a sub Kagome someday lol Full version is on my patreon ^^
Commissions are OPEN (pinned on blog)
If you like my content and wish to keep me alive and support me, Please consider becoming a Patreon or Buying me a Coffee. Thanks ^^

Just less than an hour before Christmas and I MADE IT <3
Full version is in my patreon <3
Commissions are OPEN! (pinned)
If you like my content and wish to keep me alive and support me, Please consider becoming a Patreon or Buying me a Coffee. Thanks ^^

Lmaoo now this is what I call a ship with chemistry. The English translation is even better cuz Kagome says “you wish” And Sesshoumaru is actually smiling at her
Happy New Years Sesskag Fam 🎊

This has been in my head for yeeeeaaaaars. I mean, I love og Sess, but his intro left….much to be desired XD
Commissions are OPEN (info pinned)
If you like my content and wish to keep me alive and support me, Please consider becoming a Patreon or Buying me a Coffee. Thanks ^^

I forgot to post this here XDD
Full version is in my patreon ^^
Commissions are OPEN
I had so much participating in this event! This was my first Big Bang and I’m so stoked in what we created.

Our work for the Sesskag big bang 2021.
A huge thank you to @shoalfoodblog for making this beautiful artwork.
And a sincere thank you to @chierafied and @jafndaegur for working so hard and making this experience fun and wonderful.