Lord Sesshomaru - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

It's time for this week's update!!! Tried my hand at a little action scene. Let me know what you guys think of it! 💬 🤔

You can read it on Ao3 WTTPD or FFN


Without stopping to think of the consequences, Kagura let loose a flurry of wind attacks, hoping one would cut that smirk right off of her smug little face. "Stop this Kagura! I have no idea what you're even talking about!"

"LIAR!" Finally one of her attacks hit. Kagura relished in the painful scream that ripped through the Miko's throat. It was almost as satisfying as the scent of her blood in the air.

Soon, Kagura would eliminate her once and for all and once she was gone, nothing would stand in the way of her gaining that which she desired only less than her freedom itself.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

See end for preview...

So this week's update is almost done. Unfortunately, next week's update may be a little late. I'm in the process of switching jobs after being forced to deal with some... unacceptable & at times illegal things at my previous job.

I'm going from getting home at 4am to going into work at 4am. And since I'm still getting better job offers, there's a possibility I may not stay at my rebound job. It's not something I think I'll enjoy doing long term. So it'll possibly be yet another schedule change.

Needless to say, my brain is not braining.

On top of that, my roof is being redone, my attic being rebuilt, & insulation put in my house this week. The workers are awesome, but they were here 14 hours a day ahead of schedule so I'm exhausted. 🙃

That's not including the random stressers this week...

2 of my kids are in high school. Yesterday there was a 💣 threat. Today there was an active 🔫 threat. (Everyone is safe & no threat was found)

I had a double blow out the day before my youngest son's birthday, causing us to have to delay celebrating till idk when because I had to fix my car.

My husband's dog (who's already old and sick) got a REALLY nasty skin tear right on his spine that we think caused nerve damage. So we now have to get the money together to get him put down, per vet recommendations (we've seen 4).

BUT on a good note...

My son, who's never played baseball in his life, made the freshman varsity baseball team!! (I'm so happy for him but the price tag is worse than football was 🤦)

So ya... All in all, I've got a LOT going on. The goal is to get Choices pt 2 up on Saturday, then the other two chapters updated in two weeks. Here's a sneak peek at the next chapter!!!


While the children continued to discuss their growing worries, a sudden shift in the wind caught Sesshomaru's attention. It was an unnatural shift that made him narrow his eyes in contemplation. After a few minutes of focusing his senses he heard it.

The Mikos screams.

Without a word, Sesshomaru stood and rushed toward the bone eaters well. The scent of the Miko's blood began to waift through the air and Sesshomaru let out a growl of irritation.

He should've gone and waited at the well. He KNEW Inuyasha was unreliable and that once he took off, he probably wouldn't show back up on time. He KNEW the Miko had just as many enemies as she has friends. Enemies that would seize the chance to catch her alone and off guard. Not only was her life in danger, her secret could be exposed! Sesshomaru wasn't so naive to dismiss the possibility of devastating consequences should someone learn of her true origins. The chaos that would ensue should time travel be proven a reality was unimaginable.

He had to hurry. He needed to set things right. It was his fault she was in trouble because he stupidly depended on the half-breed to keep his word. After what felt like an eternity, but was more likely two or three minutes, he made it to the clearing. He knew he needed to be prepared for the Miko to be injured... But what he saw as he walked through the trees had him seeing red.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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5 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

I forgot to make a post about this week's update 🥴

It's an EXTRA long chapter because there will NOT be an update this coming Saturday. (My new job decided to schedule me 9 days straight 🤦 I will not be off until Sunday of NEXT week) So there's not going to be much time for writing this week.

But as you can see, the romance & action are about to pick up. We are still on schedule to get this story done by December, so I'm happy.

Anyway, please lmk what y'all think! Multiple POVs & fighting scenes aren't my strong suit, but I gave it my best effort!


On a random note ... Anyone have any recommendations for a book or series to read? Not FanFics, but actual books (or graphic novels). Subjects I'm interested in are: Feudal Japan, Witchcraft/Magic, Cryptids/Mythology, Viking Era, and/or Native Americans (pre colonization)

Genres I enjoy: Horror, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Adventure, Drama (I prefer romance to be the sub plot unless the story is very well written)

Booktok keeps circling back to the same 6 series😑


Anyway... You can read the newest chapter on Ao3, FFN, or WTTPD



Icy cold splinters of fear worked their way down her spine and her instincts, as weak as they were, were screaming at her to run. A predator had just arrived.

With dread creeping into the place her heart should have been, Kagura slowly turned her head just enough to visually verify what she already knew. She recognized that aura the moment it brushed against hers. She also recognized the fury and possessiveness laced within it.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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5 months ago


Hey guys I know it's been a little bit longer than I anticipated to get my chapters up and going again. I am dealing with some not so fun stuff in real life right now that I don't really want to get into. I did want to let everybody know my story is not abandoned, I did not forget about it, and I fully plan on completing it. Unfortunately right now I am just not in the right mental state to focus on anything other than waking up everyday. I am however enjoying everyone else's updates! I will hopefully be back to posting before the end of the year.


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My favorite episode!

I wonder what they did after he killed the demons~~ it took him some time to arrive at the others hmmmmm

I can't with these two haha

InuYasha but only when Lord Seshoumaru is on screen 50 - ep 186

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7 months ago

I absolutely love your Sesshomaru Hc! One thing I noticed during my current episode of Inuyasha/Sesshomaru obsession: he. Is. 175cm. (5‘9). And looks like 19.

Now, how would he react if someone of european descent, who are in average a bit taller and curvier than Asians, in their mid twenties turned up? And they had a hair colour that isn’t black? Because yes, his entire family has white hair, Shippo has reddish-brown hair, but most Asians have black hair. (Fun fact: when my family was in China, and my brother had blonde highlights, so many people wanted to make pictures with him, because that was so rare 😂)

So, yeah, what do you think?

I Absolutely Love Your Sesshomaru Hc! One Thing I Noticed During My Current Episode Of Inuyasha/Sesshomaru

[ 🌸 ] waaaait nooo— and besides, we're talking about ancient times. Approximately 500 years ago in Kagome's original time, and over 800 years ago for us now

Girly, they would easily label you as a demon or some celestial being from the heavens 🤭🤍 (it would probably be more the latter tho…)

characters: sesshomaru; some character mentions

I Absolutely Love Your Sesshomaru Hc! One Thing I Noticed During My Current Episode Of Inuyasha/Sesshomaru

— Sesshomaru will be curious when he sees you.

— Beautiful blue eyes that could rival any pearl?

— Hair like the sun and curly?

— Pale skin but not sickly, with some freckles?

— Plump and rosy lips?

— Extravagant and dazzling features?

— A curvy and elegant figure?

— Woman, you would really be extravagant, especially with that sweet accent you have.

— You, on the other hand, would be surprised; you're just a foreign exchange student at a university, and by some twist of fate, you became friends with a young girl who goes to a secondary school. You met her when you went to a café and ran into her.

— And one day, suddenly, you're sucked into ancient times by a strange well that was in her house.

— How terrible!

— On the other hand, many people stare at you; you draw a lot of attention at first glance.

— Maybe it’s because of your features or your accent; maybe it’s the way you act and how your body is too different from what people are used to.

— But despite that, you can't help but feel as if someone is watching you from afar.

— What?

— Where is Kagome?

— And why did Inuyasha, Kagome’s boyfriend, whom just days ago you thought was just an irresponsible young man, suddenly have ears and is growling while looking into the distance and—

— Oh.

— Wait…

— Did Inuyasha just call that majestic man over there, who is now staring at you intently, his brother?

I Absolutely Love Your Sesshomaru Hc! One Thing I Noticed During My Current Episode Of Inuyasha/Sesshomaru

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1 year ago

We can I say. I like em.😇

We Can I Say. I Like Em.

sesshomaru by Pepper-n-bento on @DeviantArt


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2 years ago
I Love You Too!! #kagura #kagurafanart #sesshomaru #sesshomarufanart#sesshomaruxkagura #sesskagu #iloveyou
I Love You Too!! #kagura #kagurafanart #sesshomaru #sesshomarufanart#sesshomaruxkagura #sesskagu #iloveyou

❤I love you too!! ❤ #kagura #kagurafanart #sesshomaru #sesshomarufanart#sesshomaruxkagura #sesskagu #iloveyou #inuyasha#digitaldraw #ibispaint #ibispaintxdrawing #fanart #anime#kokoro

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2 years ago
Yo! Paso A Dejar Ste Pequeo Garabato Sesshome/Sesskag.

¡Yo! Paso a dejar éste pequeño garabato Sesshome/Sesskag. 🤭

Sé que tengo pendiente los de la encuesta y, a decir verdad, ya casi está terminado el 1ro (gojohime), pero tuve un problema con mi PC y no podré subirlo hoy, así que les regalo éste mientras me esperan. (?)

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2 years ago
Se Supone Que Ando De Vacaciones, Pero Hoy Apareci Por Mi Facebook El Primer Toxi-fan De Inuyasha Con

Se supone que ando de vacaciones, pero hoy apareció por mi facebook el primer toxi-fan de Inuyasha con el que me he topado. X'D

Teniendo en cuenta que me gustan varias ships de ese anime, no me sorprende, la verdad, pero quería aprovechar la ocasión para decirles algo. (?)

Si hay algún hater por aquí, por favor, no pierdan su tiempo con comentarios despectivos y/o insultos, porque no voy a perder el mío en responder ese tipo de cosas, al contrario, lo más probable es que los elimine, porque no voy a meterme en peleas estúpidas por un par de pixeles. X’D

Y como ésto lo hago para divertirme y porque puedo, aquí un garabato rápido sesshome. 😎(?)

Y ya, sólo era eso, fin del comunicado. (?)

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2 years ago
Yo! Paso A Dejar El Ltimo Garabato De La Encuesta.
Yo! Paso A Dejar El Ltimo Garabato De La Encuesta.
Yo! Paso A Dejar El Ltimo Garabato De La Encuesta.
Yo! Paso A Dejar El Ltimo Garabato De La Encuesta.

¡Yo! Paso a dejar el último garabato de la encuesta. 🥳

Como es de costumbre con el Sesshome, están las versiones tanto yokai como humana del buen Sesshomaru, espero les guste. 🤗

Pd: Ahora que terminé con los garabatos de la encuesta, le daré un descanso a mi muñeca de una semana, más o menos, pero pueden dejar por aquí sus sugerencias para futuros trabajos, que los tendré en cuenta al volver. 😉💖

Pd 2: Algunas personas preguntaron por el tema de las comisiones que mencioné la última vez, por lo que he actualizado mi perfil de Ko-fi, en caso alguien esté interesado. Solo ténganme paciencia por favor, que soy nueva en esto. 🥺

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2 years ago
"I'm A Wild Child, Come And Love MeI Want YouMy Heart's In Exile I Need You To Touch MeCause I Want What

"I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you My heart's in exile I need you to touch me Cause I want what you do I want you" 🎧🎧🎧

¡Yo! paso brevemente a dejar algo del buen Sesshomaru, para variar. 🤣

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2 years ago
Yo! Aparezco A Dejarles Ste Pequeo Garabato Del Buen Sesshomaru.

¡Yo! Aparezco a dejarles éste pequeño garabato del buen Sesshomaru.

Puede que no lo parezca, pero he estado dibujando mucho, solo que no son cosas que pueda subir. X'D

En todo caso,les comparto éste pequeño fondo de pantalla que hice para mi celular. Espero les guste. 🙈

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5 months ago

Ack! My heart! It's gorgeous! 💕😍

Cover Art for the fic "Dear Sesshomaru" from my dear friend @ladydanitar

Cover Art For The Fic "Dear Sesshomaru" From My Dear Friend @ladydanitar

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5 months ago

Ack! My heart! It's gorgeous! 💕😍

Cover Art for the fic "Dear Sesshomaru" from my dear friend @ladydanitar

Cover Art For The Fic "Dear Sesshomaru" From My Dear Friend @ladydanitar

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