Historical Clothing - Tumblr Posts
this is from a caricature plate making fun of fashionable dress throughout the 19th century
submitted by @gloomth-and-wanderings 💚🩷
louis xiii era is ca. 1610-1640 and louis xvi era is ca. 1770-1790
submitted by @shilohta 🩵🩷💛
submitted by @thecorrupteddatabase 🩵💛
previous results
submitted by @asterroth 💛💚🩷
submitted by @dragonflavoredcake ❤️💛
18th 19th century german noble’s dress but it’s Hatsune Miku
submitted by @ub-sessed 💚🩵
submitted by @thecorrupteddatabase 🩷💚
submitted by @edwardian-girl-next-door 💙🩷
submitted by @thecorrupteddatabase 🤎🤍🩷
submitted by @thecorrupteddatabase 🤎💛🩶
La Mode, 519, 20 août 1836, Paris. Robe en foulard gros grain. Mantelet garni d'etoffe. Chapeau de paille orné de velours. Cour de tete orne de fleurs. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library
She is wearing a pink dress with a white tippet. She also has a blue shawl with ruffles. She is holding onto a yellow capote with blue ribbons.
submitted by @edwardian-girl-next-door 🤍🩶🖤
I love her channel! Even if idk what she's talking about half the time lmao
the time travel agency seamstress (that one Tumblr post) | Karolina Żebrowska