Hog Game - Tumblr Posts

To start off this blog(again), here are my top-time favorite Hidden Object games, ranked in order. I recommend playing them!

Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome (2012)
His Soul (Chapter 1)
Curioso's Box

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?
Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective
You weren’t sure where to put the box.
After stepping off the taxi and entering your office building for the Dark Light Detective Agency, you were at a loss. The container held in your hands no longer thrummed with the active presence of the dangerous creature you’d just contained. It looked completely still and lifeless - void of the vivid colors you’d seen in Curioso’s realm. For a moment, panic surged through your being, wondering if his soul already somehow freed itself and slipped out of your grasp.
But you reasoned with yourself.
Curioso was a perilous being who made collecting human souls his morbid hobby. He’d narrowly avoided containment again, until you got your hands on him. He was either angry or saddened by the ordeal, and you didn’t care to find out which that was. With a hurried step, you hastily set the item down on the edge of your desk. You brought your attention to your surroundings - taking note of whatever free space you had that wasn’t filled with memorabilia of your previous successful cases.
“Now, where to put you …” You mused aloud, tapping your lower lip in thought.
Before a decision could be made, a loud grumble resonated from your stomach. You were starving . The last thing you had to eat was a few bites of the small macaron at Andrew Collins’ house. After a long day of freeing the captured collectors, you needed a proper meal. With a grumble, you took a seat at your desk and ordered takeout from a nearby Chinese restaurant. As you placed your order, your eyes refused to move from the container sitting in front of you.
It felt ominous, even though the danger inside was no longer a threat.
It was a tense fifteen minutes while you waited for your food. As soon as the man arrived, you wasted no time paying him in exchange for your dinner. You ate your meal a little less than gracefully afterwards. As soon as your appetite was sated, you were faced with the same dilemma again.
Where to put Curioso’s box?
You turned your head to admire the dark streets outside your window. It felt like you were stuck in that mansion for an eternity. Andrew retrieved you on a rainy evening, but now all was quiet outside. Was it even the same day? You had no clue how much time passed under Curioso’s spell. If he froze it entirely…or if days, even weeks, had slipped by. You won’t have an answer until you pick up tomorrow’s newspaper.
You sighed, mentally debating with yourself.
‘Do I trust to leave this… thing …by itself while I’m gone?’ After all, Curioso broke free simply because the energy around woke him up. ‘Is that all he does in the box? Sleep? Can he be a threat when he’s unconscious?’
Maybe it was a sense of paranoia. Or maybe you just didn’t trust how well this thing could hold him. Something compelled you to grab it and carry it with you upstairs, into the apartment above your office. You carefully placed it on your bed and started a shower. You needed to wash off the grime from your adventure today, then get a good night’s rest and face everything tomorrow.
After dressing in your nightwear, you carefully placed Curioso on your nightstand just beside your bed.
When your alarm went off in the morning and you fluttered your eyes open, you spotted the box sitting in its place. Your heartbeat quickened in a panic - remembering what it was you were looking at, as the events from yesterday flooded your mind. After a few strained seconds, you sat up in your bed and stretched your sore muscles. You’d prefer not having another rigorous case today, after all the running around you’d just done.
You went through your morning routine and brewed yourself a cup of coffee. As you waited, you couldn’t help thinking of the newly-acquired package still sitting in your bedroom. It didn’t feel right to keep that thing where you slept. As soon as you finished your cup, you brought Curioso’s box back down into the office. There, you took a more considerate glance around the room.
You had several souvenirs and keepsakes from your previous cases hanging on the walls. Your shelves were filled to the brim with various books and collectibles you’d gathered over the years. There were several things lying around the floor, mostly literature you hadn’t cared to organize. You suddenly felt bothered by the state you left your office in - when was the last time this space had been cleaned? No wonder it took you so long to find your case files! With an unsatisfied huff, you set down Curioso as you planned to spend the day cleaning things up so you’d have a proper place for his box once and for all.
It was a chilly morning, so you threw on your coat as you stepped outside. There was a nearby shop with a news stand where you usually acquired your daily print. You wasted no time grabbing today’s edition and reading the date. Your shoulders relaxed when you confirmed it was Saturday. Andrew Collins had retrieved you Friday evening - so no significant time had passed while you were playing Curioso’s game. You hadn’t caught the hour when you came back, but it was likely that you returned late last night.
Still. It felt like you had been there for days. Was that a side effect of Curioso’s spell, or the disorientation of being pulled from your world into his ? Your mind spun as you tried to comprehend it all. When your head started to ache, the familiar voice of the shopkeeper broke your thoughts.
“Why, Detective! You look a little tired.”
You looked up from the paper to meet the friendly brown eyes of an older woman, who smiled warmly at you. She wore an apron over her cream-colored blouse and dark pants. Audrey recognized you as a frequent customer of hers. The two of you exchanged pleasant conversation from time-to-time. She knew of your reputation as the local detective and often allowed you to unwind with her over a cup of tea. She was pleasant company, all in all.
“Tell me about it. I was solving a rather long case last night.” You sighed, folding up the newspaper to tuck under your arm.
Audrey’s eyes lit up interest - she was always inquisitive of your work. She enjoyed hearing of your adventures(from what you could reveal past the confidentiality). She reveled in the tales, confessing that it was a nice break from her usual bleak routine of managing a shop and watching grandchildren. You were more than happy to embellish your stories, and she would give you a baked good or two on the house for indulging her.
“Anything exciting?” She prodded. Your thoughts went back to Curioso, whom you now had in your possession. You decided to withhold your tongue on that fact.
“Do you remember reading about those disappearing collectors from the papers?” Audrey nodded, her features turning concerned. You were quick to ease her worries. “I was able to locate and rescue them all.”
“That’s wonderful news! I was so worried, since the authorities couldn’t find them. The last two I read about were Raymond something and Julia Hadey..?”
“Raymond Dickens.” You supplied, suddenly recalling the disturbing image of the poor man being constrained to that revolving contraption. You were forced to watch a knife hurl at his helpless body, which had landed dangerously close to his head. Your lips fell and Audrey noticed your expression.
“Is he alright?”
You had a feeling her poor soul couldn’t handle it, so you omitted this detail as well. “Oh, yes. I’m happy to say that all the victims are safe now.”
“What a relief.” Audrey sighed, relaxing as well. Your hands were growing fidgety and she noted your restlessness. “Would you like some hot tea? The weather’s been so chilly lately; you mustn’t stay out for too long, lest you catch a head cold.”
“Thank you, ma’am, but I should return to the office and clean up a bit.”
“Okay, then. But promise me you’ll stop by sometime and tell me a bit about what you’ve been up to..!”
You nodded to her request, and she sent you off with a kind pat or two on your back. The whole situation reminded you of a good-natured woman checking in on her neighbor. You chuckled at the thought.
When you returned to the Dark Light Detective Agency, you were determined to get the place looking proper again. You spent a majority of the day organizing loose paperwork and untitled books. You made sure to properly sort your case files so you wouldn’t have to go rummaging for them again. You also ensured the bell emblem on your telephone was situated in its place, since the damned thing had a knack for falling off when you most needed it. Come to think of it, plenty of things in your office were frequently in disarray…
When the room was spotless and all your files were in order, you stepped back with a proud smile. Grinning in satisfaction, you grabbed Curioso’s box and displayed it on the now-clean countertop of the dresser pressed against the wall. Above it, you pinned the letters of gratitude you’d received from Andrew, Raymond, Julia, and Nancy. This area was now dedicated to your most recent case. You couldn’t feel more fulfilled. It only seemed right to make Curioso’s box the centerpiece - proof of containment of the villain mastermind of the plot. It was a glorious sight.
You took one last appreciative glance at the display before retreating to your desk and cleaning out your drawers. By the time you were done, it was time to start cooking your dinner. You locked your office’s door and flicked the light switch off as you disappeared upstairs. You’d have a celebratory meal of chicken cordon bleu. You definitely earned it after a day of spring cleaning.
. . .
. . .
In your absence, the box started to glow a familiar blue, temporarily lighting the room in an ember red. An inquisitive hum sounded from the item, but was left unheard by your ears above, now preoccupied with the shuffling of pots and pans.
His Soul (Chapter 2)
Hello, Detective!

Chapter 1
Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?
Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective
A couple of weeks went by and your life felt surprisingly mundane.
After an eventful case where you trapped a magical creature donning a jester costume, you were left searching for further work. But no one has approached you with any interesting propositions since then. You were involved in a couple of minor cases - solving where someone’s stolen car had gone and what delinquent was stealing from neighborhood mailboxes. But none were as exciting as your last big case. You kind of missed the thrill that came with getting mixed up in magical creatures and major disappearances. Not that you didn’t enjoy having some peace, but you wished something big would happen again…
You resorted to finishing up your paperwork and picking up a novel you’d been meaning to read. Besides your busy work, you were left twiddling your thumbs in your office. You’d stopped to catch up with Audrey a few days prior. You shared a little of your adventure with Andrew Collins’ case and she loved the little bits you indulged her in. You still refused to speak of Curioso or share the morbid parts of the story. Some things you’d rather keep to yourself. But it was still a relief to get some of it off your shoulders and receive a warm bagel in exchange.
Boredom has gotten the best of you. You’d been swiveling around in your office chair wondering how much laundry you had to get done before something occurred to you. You hadn’t checked on Curioso’s box that day. It wasn’t like the thing would randomly grow legs and walk out of your office, but you wanted to make sure it was still there. Something just itched when you remembered what was inside, and you wouldn’t be satisfied until you ensured it was in its place.
You had driven yourself mad with suspicion, convincing yourself that this box was a hex and simply having it in your possession was dangerous. You always felt a little on edge, prepared for him to break free and cause havoc again. But the box didn’t move. It didn't glow, make any noise, or do much of anything, really. You must've looked crazy, speaking to it and holding it every now and then. You were starting to think this thing was taking control of your life. As if you had become… obsessed, as ironic as that was.
You looked up from your desk in the direction of the memorabilia and found nothing had moved. You got up and approached it, eying the box in wonder. It was still hard to believe you owned the thing now…it’s existed for decades, but the paint was still pristine and the gems shined like they were brand new. You guess it made sense - the thing was magical, after all. It was reassuring it could still be taken and broken apart…if the worst came to worst…
“Enjoying the view, Detective?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the unexpected voice. It rang as clear as day, like it was right behind you, but it also sounded somewhat distant. Instinct had you spinning on your heel to see who was there, only to face your empty office. You furrowed your eyebrows together and looked back at the box. The top was glowing a familiar blue, but the color was dimmer than you remember.
It dawned on you that Curioso might’ve just escaped his containment and you hadn’t caught his departure. You looked around again with a little more urgency but still found no one. That didn’t mean anything, though - this jester could teleport and project himself anywhere he wanted. He could be a small face hiding somewhere out of your reach for all you knew.
“Where are you!?” You exclaimed, tossing your drawers open and checking all the papers. His face appeared on your invitation once, so it wasn’t far-fetched. “Don’t try to hide; I’ll find you.”
“I have nowhere to go,” A calm voice responded. It was definitely Curioso, but it was nothing like the high-pitched, teasing voice that you recalled.
You followed the direction of the sound right back to the box. You tilted your head curiously, reaching out to grab it but stopping yourself. What if he could escape if you touched it just now? You’d never held it while it was glowing. You kept your distance but refused to move your stare.
“You can talk..?” You asked. Your nerves were on fire. You’d never felt more on-edge.
Pink mist flew from the top of the box as a blue apparition peered at you – Curioso's masked face and hovering sharp teeth. You could see his top hat and ascot, but nothing more. He was transparent, like you could move your hand through his small image. Your jaw fell open as you were greeted with the sight.
His mouth slightly moved as he responded, “Yes, but I can only do so many things.”
You felt offended. It wasn’t the most important thing right now, but you couldn’t help sputtering it out. “But-but I’ve talked to you for weeks! Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was playing a game with you, Detective. The silent type. But I didn’t care much for it.”
Your shoulders sagged. A pang of pity hit you, despite how wrong it was. “Are you...upset with me for capturing you?”
You were starting to think he could physically not stop smiling, because his voice sounded angry despite grinning widely at you. “I was. Now, I’ve accepted my fate.”
Your eyes fell to the floor as you thought of what to say. In all honesty, you didn’t think you’d get a chance to see or hear Curioso again. You believed the box captured him completely. That there would be no way to reach him until it was opened again. You were more than willing to live with that. He was capable of so much and you knew so little. It was terrifying. Why had you ever agreed to take this thing just because Andrew didn’t want it?
But the way he sounded right now…he was calm and also a little angry. You sensed he was…sad? He was physically trapped in a box now. You’d be a little upset yourself, but Curioso had sealed his fate when he abducted human collectors to take the vices of their souls. Your sympathy could only go so far.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the creature interrupted before you could.
“Is this your collection?”
You wondered what he was talking about until you realized where you two were. You picked your head up to look at the other displays and memories you had of your previous cases hanging around. A smile grew on your lips. You glanced back down at Curioso.
You were amused at this. Just a little bit. “A collection - but not an obsession.”
“Yes, Detective. Doesn’t it feel good to collect things?” His voice was a little too eager for your taste. Your smile fell. “You want to collect more. You’ve been itching for another case, haven’t you?”
“How…” Your voice grew weak, your eyes growing wide. “How do you know that?”
“I pick up on the energy around me. Yours just isn’t strong enough to free me.” It sounded like he wanted to scowl, but couldn’t. “Go on, Detective. Find a case. Don’t they post papers around looking for help sometimes?”
“Why are you so eager for me to find something? I won’t let you out.” You responded smugly, crossing your arms.
“I want to help you. You’re bored and I’m stuck here. What better to do than watch the famous Detective solve a mystery?”
You quirked an eyebrow suspiciously. “Is this why you started speaking to me? You want something to do?”
“You started the conversation. Several times, I remember..."
You were at a loss for words. You didn’t know what to make of this whole… thing. It was bad enough Curioso picked up on your restlessness. He had clearly taken a liking to you before, demanding that Andrew retrieve you so you could ‘play’ a game with him and the collectors. In the end, he offered away his soul and freedom to you in a bet. You were glad you won - you wouldn’t know what would’ve happened if your soul was in his possession. There would’ve been no end to his madness.
“I’m sure I’ll get a case soon.” You replied, grabbing a nearby duster and ridding the specks off your pictures. You gestured to your surroundings. “Do you like your display?”
Curioso didn’t reply. His apparition didn’t even move. Eventually, he responded in a low voice, “I wonder about the effort. Unless you’re displaying me as some sort of… prize.”
“You’re part of my collection now, whether you like it or not. And I don’t collect human souls - I collect memories. My achievements." You adjusted the frame and stood back proudly. “And you, my friend, are the centerpiece.”
“I’m flattered.”
Except he didn’t sound flattered. When you glanced at him again, the apparition was gone and the box had stopped glowing. You blinked twice at the sudden shift in the room. “-Huh? Curioso?”
There was no answer. You assume he had returned inside his box. You sighed. You had so many questions for him…Maybe next time, when he chooses to speak with you.
Whenever that may be.
Chapter 3
So I know I made a post recommending my top-favorite Hidden Object games of all time. But. I forgot to mention a big one.

Bonfire Stories: The Faceless Gravedigger
There are technically 3 games in the Bonfire Stories series. But Faceless Gravedigger is my favorite among them, the ending was cool and had me POGGING!!! The title screen looks sick too. All in all, a great game!
I also loved Heartless, it was my first play of the Bonfire series. Title screen is great too. Big recommend, especially if you happen to be a furry(just trust me on that one). I'm so glad I found the series through this game.

...I didn't like Manifest Horror, and it's probably the worst of the three. It feels too convoluted to me, and fell short on my expectations. If you want to complete the series, feel free to try it out, but I only recommend playing Heartless and Faceless Gravedigger.
These are kind of expensive games on Big Fish, so get them if they're on sale, or check out some playthroughs on Youtube!
Sam, walking out on the balcony:
Cobra: HISSSSSS!!!
Oscar, over the intercom: It doesn't bite.
I recently remembered a Hidden Object game that scared me as a kid and I never got to finish it. I found the game on Steam (Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light) and played it properly! It was good, the atmosphere is creepy and I like the older-looking graphics.

Most people were having problems getting the game to work with its resolution - I struggled with a few crashes at first, but got it running. It was worth it; I enjoyed the experience.
I still can't comprehend what happens in this game, all the blood and (past) deaths you witness, yet the main character we play as looks like THIS:

^ The Steam link, if anyone wants to try it..!

The inside of Curioso's box is super interesting - it's filled with masks/heads, dolls, mannequins, etc. and a singular room along with a theater/puppet show space.
Seeing as Curioso has artificial arms & legs, I can see him taking the limbs from one of his figures. A lot of the mannequins are dressed up as part of a theater play - which points to my theory that Curioso was part of a carnival/circus act under his curse. Either that, or he lives for the aesthetic. Another possibility is he made them himself - since in the Bonus Chapter, we see him making a similar present for Emily, the girl he likes at the time.
Some of the mannequins are blank - and I wonder if Curioso traps some of the souls he captured inside these dolls? Or if he just keeps them around as company?