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Rose Feilds In Snow

Rose feilds in snow

Gepard Landau x reader

Summary: checking on your boyfriend on his day off for a while and gifting him a rose, you go off to run errands, until the two of you "coincidentally " met resulting in another wholesome moment for your relationship.

Word count: 0.6k

tw.: straight up tooth rotting wholesome sickeningly sweet fluff


The bone chilling temperature of Belobog is in high contrast with how hot Gepard is feeling at the moment.

You said you were coming to meet him on his day off...well today's the day and you did drop by for a bit, before running off to run some errands.

Reason to why he's so red in the face and bashful? You came by with a single rose, warm tea, and a fleeting kiss on the lips.

He knew you'd be back by night, you told him before leaving, it's rare for him to have a day off, but now he wants to return the favor tenfold. He wanted to show you how much he loves you, he wanted to show you that you feel loved... so what was he going to do? Go to Eversummer Florist!

You were busy running around Belobog, until Serval messaged you saying she needs you right now and that it's an emergency!

Rushing over, bursting through the doors of Neverwinter Workshop to check up on Serval and her urgent matter. A machine had gone broken and she needed two set of hands and another capable intellectual to assist in the matter of repairing that machinery.

Meanwhile...Gepard was at Eversummer Florist trying to figure out which flower you'd like, after much pondering he thought of asking his elder sister, Serval who at this certain point in time is with the love of his fateful life.

"Uhmm~ how about you go and buy me some lavenders or lilacs?"

"Serval, what does that have anything to do with fixing this ancient looking machine artifact thingy?"

"Ahhhh, don't worry~ I'll handle the rest, you go and take a rest by smelling some flowers and buy me a few of the purple colored flowers, I think they'll make the workshop look a little more pleasant."

Serval happily ushered you out of the workshop, before you could even get a word out you were already standing out in the somewhat cold Administrative District's weather.

Maybe Serval's right, you do need a break from all the errands and running around you've done for almost the entire day.

Gepared blankly staring at his sister's late and blatant answer of "idk ask your love" when he's clearly trying to plan a surprise. Why doesn't she get it? Just as he thought that the doors to the little store opened, to the most beautiful person this man's ever seen. He almost dropped his phone and cracked it if it wasn't for his quick trained reflexes.

"Hi, uh, love! What brings you here?" He tried his best at hiding his smile, but his face blushed the instant he saw your equally red face and just a little bit messy hair.

"Oh? Gepard? Darling, I thought you were resting at home? Did Serval also send you to check out suitable flowers for the workshop?" You joked happily walking in feeling a feeling of pure childish joy coincidentally seeing your lover.

"Uh, actually I..uhm...I came to buy you flowers,butIdidn'tknowwhichomeyou'dreallylike, so I asked Serval for advice, but I guess she sent you in person, haha." Stepping closer to you, his face deepening in the shade of bashfulness while he fiddled with your fingers, looking away from you. He was nervous, and extremely cute.

You felt your face heating up and your hand grasping his pulling him into an embrace, because words were not willing to come out of your mouth.

"I'll love any flower you give, dear."

"...I know... I just wanted it to be the best, because you deserve only the best, love."

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1 year ago

cws for fem!reader. i just really think gepard is weak to pussy is all…


Gepard tries his best to avoid you while he’s on duty.

He feels guilty about it —God, does he feel guilty— but he knows that the moment you see him, decked in his uniform that seems to have an uncanny hold over you, you’ll be batting those lashes and pawing at him as you try to pull him off to a secluded alleyway and get your fill of him, and what’s worse is he’d let you.

He’s never once been able to say no to your requests, especially when you looked so pretty in front of him, practically begging for him to do whatever it was you wanted. This fact has landed him in more than a few sticky situations; Bronya herself had nearly caught caught him on his knees with his head shoved underneath your dress, another time it had been Cocolia when she made a trip to the unisex bathrooms and heard quite a bit of commotion in the last stall, had she opened the door she would have been met with the sight of Gepard’s cock buried deep inside your sopping cunt and your breast in his mouth.

You were absolutely insatiable.

Hence why he was currently skulking down the dark streets Belobog, wincing each time his armor loudly clanked with his movements. He would be on duty well into the night, and had told you as such before leaving your shared home this morning, but he was more than certain that you were currently wandering around in search of him under the guise of ‘being worried that he hadn’t come home on time’. In all reality, you had laid in bed and remembered all that happened in it days prior and developed an ache between your legs that you were adamant only he could get rid of.

Don’t get him wrong, the notion that he was the only person able to satisfy you pleased him more than you could ever imagine. It made his cheeks flush a deep pink and sweat bead at the back of his neck whenever he thought about you lying in bed, whimpering as you repeatedly stuffed your fingers into your desperate cunt and rubbed at your clit as you chased your release, only to fail because you could only come when it was him who was curling his digits into you and rubbing at your walls, or thumbing at your twitching little clit.

But these were things that he couldn’t continue to do while he was on duty. He was the captain of the Silvermane Guards, a hero to the children of Belobog, a Landau noble, he couldn’t continue to be reduced to some lust-driven pervert in public just because you flashed him a sultry look.

It was absurd!

In the midst of his inner monologuing, Gepard failed to notice your figure quickly gaining on him until it was too late.

“Gepard!” He dramatically gasps, blue eyes widening at your sudden presence, and you stalk up to him, signature pout on your lips as you cross your arms underneath your breasts, the mounds nearly spilling from the low cut top that you wear. Heavens above… “Gepard, honey, you didn’t tell me that you were on guard tonight. I was so worried when you didn’t come home on time—I made dinner for the both of us and everything.”

It takes great effort to drag his eyes away from your cleavage, but he manages. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I-I thought I told you this morning that I wouldn’t be home till late.” He knows he told you, but that doesn’t really matter right now, what matters is that you’ve uncrossed your arms in favor of grabbing onto the fabric of his jacket and pressed yourself flush against his front.

He can hardly feel your body due to the armored plates that he wears, but he wants to feel it—he wants to feel your soft curves smushed against the hard planes of his body, your breasts pressed against him, your stomach flush against his, your hot, dripping pussy—enough, Gepard!

“Mm-nn, I would’ve remembered, Gepard. I would’ve!” You shake your head, and you look so beautiful that he nearly believes everything you’re saying. “Anyways,” you look up at him through thick lashes, and he tries to will all of the power he has in him to stand strong in the face of temptation. “I think I deserve a kiss for all the searching I did tonight—in heels, at that.”

Your tongue swipes along your bottom lip, plump and full, and he makes a pathetic sound low in his throat, eyebrows furrowing and hands flexing at his sides as he resists the urge to tug at his collar to alleviate some of the heat creeping up his neck. “Don’t you think I deserve a kiss, Gepard? Just a little one to keep me warm on the way back home?”

It’s never ‘just a little one’, no. It’s always a ‘let’s use that empty alley, Gepard’, ‘no one will see us, Gepard’, ‘just the tip, Gepard’, ‘i only want to see it, Gepard, i promise i won’t put it in my mouth’.

He should say no—he needs to say no—he will say no. You’ll survive, the heaters keeping the city warm will make sure of that. You can receive all the kisses you want when his uniform is hung in his closet and he’s climbing into bed with you, but not here, not now.


Your fingers tangle in his hair as his mouth slants over yours, tongue rubbing against your own as his hands tightly hold onto your waist. You moan into the kiss, giving little tugs at his hair and nipping at his lips, and your knee raises up to push into his crotch, the corners of your mouth quirking up when you feel his hardness.

Ah…it seems as if you’ve bested him yet again.


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1 year ago

Luckiest man

First time writing for Honkai star rail! Enjoy everyone

Here I am also, trying a new format of writing 🫶🏻

Synopsis: things you do that make these hrs men feel like the luckiest man in the universe

Pairing: Dan heng x gn!reader , Sampo x gn!reader, Gepard x gn! Reader

Cw: fluff, headcanon, not proofread


Luckiest Man


Dan Heng always feels like the luckiest man when hes with you, but something about waking up with you beside him either still sleeping soundly or awake gazing at him hits different.

The intimate moment you both share when sleeping together is something he wouldnt trade for the world

Its one of tbe only times you both get peace and quiet around.

If you still end up sleeping, he'll observe your features. The quite snore you make, the way your brows furrow from time to time, like your dream was extreamly serious

If you wake up before him though, he gets a bit flustered when he finally wakes up. Seeing your eyes look at him longingly as you broke the silence between the 2 of you "morning dear". It gets him everytime

he truly is the luckiest man in the universe.

Luckiest Man


Sampo is a comic relief. Hes an idiot and a pain in the ass

All of which you have grown accustom to over time

Lots of people dont get how you can put up with his pathetic ass but here you are.

Sampo is well aware on how lucky he is to have such a patient partner like you and wouldnt dare take advantage of your kindness towards him.

He tries to make it up to you, be it giving gifts, acts of service or intimate moments between the 2 of you

You appreciate it all, but Sampo felt like he didnt hit the spot yet, one of which would make you truly appreciate what hes got to offer

After all youve given much more to him than you know,

You gave him many opportunities. You have him patience, kindness, love...

He feels like he needs up step up his game.

He finally found out what truly gets you to appreciate Sampo Koski

Its the jokes he makes, its when he embarrasses himself infront of you when he tried to look cool, its when he gets clumsy.

You laugh, and its a genuine laugh.

Whether or not your laugh was suppose to be a laugh of pity or not it was still genuine in the man's eyes

And thats what matters.

Because anytime he gets you to laugh, you'd help him back to his feet and give him a sweet kiss on his lips.

He starts making a fool out himself more often, of course not too often...

That would be concerning, but he does so when he knows you need it the most.

When you laugh, you make him feel appreciated

he starts chanting prayers to the Aeons above, thanking them for making him the way he is, and for bringing you to him.

Luckiest Man


Gepard is a general, a Landau. His family was known to be warriors of Belobog. Serving until the end

As he made his way to the top, he got busier and busier. Coming home late, or even coming home the next morning.

When you both decided to make it official between the 2 of you, he told you about the late nights he may come home, and you stayed by his side anyways.

Accepting that, although it can get lonely sometimes, you are willing to wait for him to come home, and finally get the rest you both deserve together.

The general came home one night, to see a dim light coming from the living room.

It was you reading a book on the sofa, and he knew you were waiting for him again.

He felt guilty, for making you stay up and lose sleep, just to wait for him.

Gepard insisted that you shouldnt wait for him to come home next time, as he might come home later or even the next day. But you told him the same words he heard the first time he told you about the late nights

"Im aware and I dont care. I'll keep on waiting for you to come home. Whether it be 10 minutes or late into the night. I want to be able to welcome you home, and I want you to be able to sleep well, knowing that Im here right beside you."

Your patience and determination was what got him and

He knew he was head over heels for you now. My my what a lucky general this Landau became



Masterlist here!

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Thinking About Gepard (oh God, No Way ? Wow That's Crazy Dude...) Thinking About How He Likes To Garden

Thinking about Gepard (oh god, no way ? wow that's crazy dude...) Thinking about how he likes to garden and has flowers..

In casual conversation, you tell him about your favorite flowers, the colors you like, how happy the flowers make you when you see them. And he is intently listening, writing down all these notes in his mental notebook.

A few months go by, you haven't thought about that conversation since that day. But Gepard has thought about it a lot. So much so that he surprises you one day, knocking on your door with your favorite flowers in hand.

You can't help but be happy, they are your favorites of course. And just the right color too! Turns out that ever since that day, Gepard had planted your favorite flowers in a garden he knew you wouldn't be able to find, tending to them every day.

And just as the flowers for you bloomed, so did his love for you.

Thinking About Gepard (oh God, No Way ? Wow That's Crazy Dude...) Thinking About How He Likes To Garden

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hmm im sorry if dis is ooc, coco! im still learning about the beloved gepard <3 buttt him being off duty n taking u around to all ur fav places! he wants to see his pretty baby smile, and he doesn't mind if you end up completely spoiled in the end! gepard lovesss da way you throw your arms around him, and pull him down to smother in kisses as a thank you. he'd buy you the world if he could!

omgosh hedo nonnie 🐾 ! i dont think dis is ooc at all . . . gepard deffo seems like the type to spoil his sweet thing ! ! he's meticulous and observant— takes note of the colours you wear most often, the flowers you most often reach for in the meadows, what jewelry in the window makes your eyes twinkle and lips curve up in awe; and then he's gifting you all those things with an eager smile on his face, a light dusting of pink on his cheekbones.

just as he is meticulous, he is stubborn, never backing down when you bashfully shake your head and your hands at him, telling him he's spoiling you too much, and that you don't need that necklace, or that he's gonna end up blowing all his money on you.

but being captain of the silvermane guards pays a pretty price, he rebuts as he clasps the dainty diamond pendant around your neck against your protest and tucks your favourite flower behind your ear. even if you were to milk him down to his last penny, he'd still spend it on you ♡

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I HEARD GEPAAAAARD SNIFLE :P i think… i think gepard likes to take his lil cape and wrap it around your shoulders to pull u in for a kiss :’( UWAA 🥲

KYAAA HE WOULD ! when he’s feeling a little more bolder than usual , he likes to wrap u up in his cape before leaning in for a kiss i totes agree ! he knows how warm n fluttery it makes u feel inside ( he cn tell by how your knees knock together and you practically fall into his chest squeee >u<!! )

speaking of capes n kissing . . . i like to imagine whenever u’re feeling particularly cheeky (^_<) u use his cape to cover both ur faces when u kiss him in public ! he flushes so cherry red after n’ is da kwuitest thing EVA ☆ !!

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gepard is such a needy dom !♡ he's grown addicted to how you look when you cum, and he nearly begs you to let go for him. because you're just so fucking pretty when you do, lashes clumped together with fat dewy tears, spit-slicked lips all pouty and puffy as you whine and pant and hiccup little pleasepleasepleaseplease's over your laboured breaths. he begins to feel dizzy when he looks down at how your hips gyrate and roll over his clothed cock, the cotton damp with your slick and his pre, and it has the coil tightening in his tummy just as fast as yours is. your hair's all mussed and he clears it from your face, shushing you softly and kissing your cheekbones and laying sweet encouragement over the shell of your ear, "y'gonna cum, sweetheart? there you go, that's it, f-fuck— look at me when you cum, please, need t'see my angelface."

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doing hand comparison with Gepard….he’s going NUTS Coco he sees your dainty hand against his, absentmindedly curling his fingers over your fingertips and blushes. he’s not one to have a dirty mind but he can’t help but let his imagination wander at the implications >.<

໒꒰ྀི∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱ྀིა .*・。゚⌒ gepard landau x gn!reader. nsfw — mdni. size kink / he’s much bigger than u n’ it gets him all hot n’ flustered :3

Doing Hand Comparison With Gepard.hes Going NUTS Coco He Sees Your Dainty Hand Against His, Absentmindedly
Doing Hand Comparison With Gepard.hes Going NUTS Coco He Sees Your Dainty Hand Against His, Absentmindedly

gepard is big, in every sense of the word; with his presence when he enters a room, his hands splayed over the small of your back, his shoulders shadowing your frame as he's hunched down to meet your height while you kiss him breathless behind the book stacks in qlipoth fort.

and he thinks his most sinister vice is just this— for getting as turned on as he does when you can only manage to wrap your fingers around two of his, when his arms engulf your whole body in a hug, when you're bouncing on your tippy toes to try and reach his lips for a kiss.

gepard is just so much bigger than you.

he's coughing to hide the arousal in his voice when you straddle his sinewy thigh and lace your fingers through his, poking and teasing him with little giggles of, "geppie, you're so much larger than me!"

it makes his cheeks burn rouge and his cock ache, pre oozing to stain the grey cotton of his boxers, and all of a sudden he's leaning his head onto your shoulder to regain his bearings, because the way he feels is so dirty that it's near dizzying.

it's easy for him to imagine how cute you would sound whining and panting and hiccuping over your words as he holds you in his lap, his hands wrapping around your wrists gently while he tries to help you sink down onto his cock and kiss away your protests of "'s too big, not gonna fit!" and when he thinks of how you would take him in your mouth— plush lips sucking and licking at the bulbous head of his cock, kissing and nosing along his length because that's all you can really do with how big he is— he thinks he may just cum in his pants.

he thinks it's lewd and wrong and so incredibly debauch of him to have these thoughts, but when all you do is entertain them by wrapping your fingers around his pinky and telling him how big and how broad and how handsome he is, well, what's a man to do.

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thinking about gepard being the best dad ever (ofc) but before the baby comes.... and you're super needy hed be so sweet and gentle with you <3 going slow and maybe leaning down to kiss your tummy during hdhsbxksnsk

oh . . . 🥺 pregnant sex with gepard is soooo sweet and tender ! he always opens you up with his lips and fingers first, makes sure you cum on his tongue before he even thinks about pulling his cock out of his slacks. and even then he's hesitant, he doesn't wanna hurt you or risk putting stress on the baby, but you're just so needy. eyes glazed over and nose twitchy as you sniffle and drape your arms over his shoulders and tell him, "wan' your cock s'bad, gepard," and "feels so achy down there," and "think i might die without it," and "pretty please, can i have it?"... how's he supposed to say no to you when you ask so sweetly like that?

he quickly learns you're much more sensitive in this state, panting into his neck as he eases the flushed head of his cock past your tight ring of muscle with a little lewd-sounding pop! and, oh, you feel so much tighter, warmer, your walls are so silky and wet around his cock— slick drooling out of your cunnie and down his balls. he can't help but groan at the sight of your pussy taking in his cock, the ring of cream that sticks to his pubes and the swell of your tummy with his child; he thinks this alone is enough to make him cum prematurely.

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My inbox is open to gushing/simping about Gepard and Gepard requests as well!

Smut, fluff, horny thoughts, any sort of brainrot for Gepard is welcome!

Pspspsps fellow Gepard simps come here 👀

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at times just reading x readers in his tag i feel a little different from most other gepard enjoyers >_> i need to run him around like a rat in a maze before i date him... and during a little maybe idk i need to fuck with him and keep him up at night a bit . i need him to be thoroughly frustrated and a little desperate even. i am playing the long game. let that boy marinate. maybe i am just insane. also i get completely what you mean about him being more like artem than luke. he sort of has aspects of both that i find endearing where he's very dog coded and sees dying to protect you as a high honor but hes also doing that 'cold (emotionally constipated) but i care about you way more than i want to let on' thing for sure. he definitely seems like he does stuff for you behind your back. to me it is all the more reason i need to torture him just a little before we date. as cute as the chivalry thing is, ideally i think he needs to get out of his own head and not see his partner as a Thing To Serve And Protect for a relationship to actually work. hope that makes sense but im juzt rambling now so who knows

Tbh I feel the same 💀 like I basically form a new personality depending on what Im reading about him. Oh yeah, he has his work cut out for him of he wants to date genuinely sjsnksem

When I say he seems more like Artem than Luke, its bc they are both serious and work oriented men but are soft dom malewives in reality

He def needs the stimulation oof he deserves to have sex and then think about it for the rest of the week. Basically a game of cat and mouse. He deserves to think about us 24/7 and question his life, maybe he gets a lil desperate, just as a treat ;)

I want him so frustrated, both sexually and literally, that he just storms up to us and pulls us in a very passionate and desperate kiss and I'll leave it up to you what happens after 😏 ; ))

I like chivalry bc its basically dead irl but I get what u mean. He def needs to be chivalrous because he wants to, not bc he needs to.

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bro imagine like Gepard x fem reader whose like super into j-fashion (totes not because its my special interest) and he barely knows anything about it at all the most he cares about fashion is like looking formal for his family and then he gets a gf (somehow) and she’s obsessed with it like bro would spoil her so much and buy her popular brands like angelic pretty, spank, etc and he would let her practice Gyaru, kawaii, or even visual kei makeup on him and he’s just the sweetest about it!!!

You don’t have to respond or anything i just want rant abt this for fun

Idk really know alot about j fashion besides the pastel and bright colors they usually incorporate in their attires. The most I know is the puffy skirts, colorful jackets and of course, the high platform shoes.

But yes yes yes, Gepard is the type of bf to spoil his gf!! Hes so understanding and sweet about it too!! He wont understand a lot of it but he will research about it to help!!

Im just imagining him in his Silvermane uniform while his gf is clinging to his arm, her outfit being the physical personification of colorful and kawaii 😘

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Hello, fellow Gepard Enjoyer here! :D I wish you a very pleasant day.

I always had this specific szenario in mind with an Oc/Reader I could share lol. Gepard had a rough day like what so ever and just sat down on a bench next to a person who works around and always eats lunch their and they just talk and have a great time and it lifts his mood. She shares a bit of her lunch with him. Pretty sweet stuff.

And when he has time, he joins her on her break and she brings extra lunch and slowly they fell in love over their sweet lunch break meetings and it is sweet and fluffy. XD I love the idea so much.

I wanted to share it, not particularly as a request more a headcanon. However, you are free to use it as inspiration if you want to. ^^

I hope this was not to much or too wierd. It's my first message that way like ever. /_\

Greetings as well fellow Gepard enjoyer! This ask is pretty sweet and cute 🥺 I might make a one shot about this ❤️ well you know what they say :

The best way to a person's heart is through their stomach

And I firmly believe Gepard is a big eater. I also think the small and simple things in life endears him and makes him happy so for someone to offer him food while he had a rough day at work, it means so much to him 🥺

I like to think it becomes a routine for the young lady to give him food, knowing how much of a workaholic he is. And he just melts 😭

And he talks about this girl he met at the park and always gives him food whenever they sit down to Serval, gushing about her to his smiling sister. And Serval is determined to get them together so she tells him to give her his homecooked food as thanks.

So the next time they meet, he gives her his homecooked meal, and she loves it so much that she mindlessly babble about he'll be such a good husband

He just, turns red 🥺 now they're both shy and looking away and he shyly asks of she wants to make that a reality by going on a date with him 😭

He's just so sweet and malewifey

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Very true, he is a serious and strict captain but he becomes such a sap whenever he's off duty and with her and Serval is planning the wedding already–

Anyways, the oneshot is already on the works! It's such a cute idea I can't help it uwu

Hello, fellow Gepard Enjoyer here! :D I wish you a very pleasant day.

I always had this specific szenario in mind with an Oc/Reader I could share lol. Gepard had a rough day like what so ever and just sat down on a bench next to a person who works around and always eats lunch their and they just talk and have a great time and it lifts his mood. She shares a bit of her lunch with him. Pretty sweet stuff.

And when he has time, he joins her on her break and she brings extra lunch and slowly they fell in love over their sweet lunch break meetings and it is sweet and fluffy. XD I love the idea so much.

I wanted to share it, not particularly as a request more a headcanon. However, you are free to use it as inspiration if you want to. ^^

I hope this was not to much or too wierd. It's my first message that way like ever. /_\

Greetings as well fellow Gepard enjoyer! This ask is pretty sweet and cute 🥺 I might make a one shot about this ❤️ well you know what they say :

The best way to a person's heart is through their stomach

And I firmly believe Gepard is a big eater. I also think the small and simple things in life endears him and makes him happy so for someone to offer him food while he had a rough day at work, it means so much to him 🥺

I like to think it becomes a routine for the young lady to give him food, knowing how much of a workaholic he is. And he just melts 😭

And he talks about this girl he met at the park and always gives him food whenever they sit down to Serval, gushing about her to his smiling sister. And Serval is determined to get them together so she tells him to give her his homecooked food as thanks.

So the next time they meet, he gives her his homecooked meal, and she loves it so much that she mindlessly babble about he'll be such a good husband

He just, turns red 🥺 now they're both shy and looking away and he shyly asks of she wants to make that a realty by going on a date with him 😭

He's just so sweet and malewifey

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Love for Geppie?????? Thank God, he deserves that love!!!

I'm here to drop off like a thought/cute headcanon of like my fave trope ever!

Gepard usually stays in the frontlines, usually taking in all the damage and aggro for his soldiers (I know that's his role even in game/being the tank and all but every time he gets hit and he like screams I wince hhhh) so imagine a reader who is in charge of like taking care of the wounded soldiers so she's had more than enough times dealt with Gepard (so she knows him but he doesn't quite know her yet) already.

One day, the camp had been ambushed by a bunch of Fragmentum monsters and the main force is too busy with the Frontlines so reader here, despite being a healer, had to step up as technically the only one at that time who walked a Path and can heal whoever is left to be able to fight back and give the wounded time to escape. Gepard manages to make it back in time and give enough support so they all make it out. But he was already so wounded so reader takes special care of the Captain.

By the time he wakes up, reader has been in charge of his health exclusively, being the one to nurse him back to help (partially in thanks for saving her but also because she felt the most responsible for some of his aggravated wounds) and the way she treats him slowly has him go head over heels for her. Even after she no longer needed to take care of him extensively, Gepard finds himself spending his excess free time by her tent, just chatting and getting to know her better.

By the time he realizes that he has fallen in love with his caretaker, they were very close friends and he's gotten to know her a lot.

(Yes I'm a sucker for the Florence Nightingale effect/trope and yes I will die on a hill putting this trope on my fave charas and reader asdfjgktiejdkdo)

You're right and u should say it. I noticed that Geppie def doesnt get as much attention and love as much as the other guys 😔 I love the other guys too but Geppie is my number one in HSR.

I actually have an oc who hails from a diff world and is part of the express and she was once a nurse during the war in her world. So this ask is sooo perfect xksksksml this is too perfect I'm def making a one shot about this fr

The nurse/healer x injured warrior/soldier trope will forever be dear to me, like it is sooo romantic and sweet. Fr, Gepard is a wholeass unit and tank of a man xjnskwmskw

But every now and then, a shield becomes a bit too chipped to ignore and this is very true to Gepard whenever he becomes injured. Ohh yes the capable healer being the only fighter in a camp and then Gepard bulldozing in like the knight in shining armor he is despite being injured himself is just 👌 and then he just passes out in healer reader's arms nnggg

Him being naked from the waist up and waking up to reader's tiddies right up his face bc she's wrapping bandages around him and he just splutters, not knowing where he can look 😭

This became a normal occurence in the duration she nursed him back to health bc of his injuries, like the areas he cant reach like his back, needed to be tended by a professional.

Him noticing the difference in their hands 😭 his are scarred and calloused while hers are soft and dextrous 🥺

And when he's fully recovered, he still goes to her, making an excuse that it's for check ups until there's no more excuses, they just spend time together and he always looks forward to their tea time, and she does too. She's always flustered and smiley whenever her favorite patient is around.

They're idiots in love and everybody in the camp knows it, except the two people who are in love 💀

But, at one point, nightingale reader works herself to the bone to the point of collapsing and when Gepard hears of it, he rushes to her, for once letting his men take care of the frontlines.

And this time, when she wakes up, he's right next to her, holding her hand. She gets a scolding from him and when she objects that he often overworks himself too, he gets frustrated and he just pulls her for a kiss 😩

I could go on about Nightingale reader and Gepard but I'll just have to save that for the oneshot 😏

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Coco think about Gepard’s back…..those rippling muscles and sinewy lines of him leading down to that waist, the waist that he loves for your legs to be locked around. his back especially looks so pretty with dark pink scratches down his skin, his shoulders all blushy when he realizes you did that because he just made love to you that well, his lips dotting kisses up your wrist to each fingertip when he apologizes for being too rough. and the way his eyes grow wide with surprise (and a fresh wave of need) when you giggle and tell him you like it when he gets a little….too eager for you 🩷🩷🩷

oh waw ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝o̴̶̷̥᷅﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝꒱ྀི১ . . . you can feel his cock twitch inside of you as you whisper shyly how you love when he handles you like a rag doll, like you're his favourite toy to play with. and it's coy, how you nibble on your lip and look up at him like that— rolling your mound up along his still-hard cock and silently begging for more. you laugh, a pretty little sound that lights a near carnal spark in his brain, and all of a sudden his finger begin to dig deeper into the flesh of your thighs n he's spreading you open yet again. pulling his creamy, sticky cock out and sinking back in again, deeper, harder than before.

it has your breath catching in your throat and your eyes fluttering shut and your back arching and toes curling into the sheets and fuck— he's just so deep and just so big, you feel his cockhead bruising and unearthing pleasure points inside you you didn't even know existed.

and gepard thinks you look the most gorgeous you've ever looked when you're under him like this. nails weakly running red wings across his broad back, lashes sticky with tears, little mewls and whimpers and soft happy noises spilling from your drool-slicked lips, slurred words and begs of 'more, more, gepard, wan' more' candied with a certain level of desperation that has him wanting to fuck into you like a wild animal. until he's shooting blanks and his seed n your slick soak through the bed and you've gone dumb on his cock ♡

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The Best Way to a Person's Heart is through their Stomach

The Captain of the Silvermane guards is a loyal, dedicated and hardworking man. Gepard barely takes any breaks, always on the look out for anything amiss. Serval knew her little brother often missed meals in the name of keeping Belobog safe, but she can't help but notice a bit of change from him.

Warnings : fem reader, written in 3rd POV, Gepard being a huge SIMP, Serval being the greatest wingwoman, fluff, tooth rotting sweetness, reader is a good cook. I projected a bit into reader-chan :3

Reblogs, likes & comments are welcome! Repost or copying is not! Ai is also not allowed!


The Best Way To A Person's Heart Is Through Their Stomach

Gepard can often only drink his morning coffee before he went to work, ready to command his guards for any attacks. Lunch usually passed by without him eating a lot, only eating once his shift was over. The amount of times he'd been scolded by Serval cannot be counted on both hands.

He knew that it wasn't healthy to skip any meals but he couldn't help it, he needed to ensure the safety of Belobog, as he'd sworn to do. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes, so sacrifices needed to be made.

At least, that was what he told himself.


"Woah, have you gotten even beefier, Geppie?" Serval couldn't help but notice the difference in Gepard's appearance as he entered the shop for lunch. Even sitting down, she noticed.

His cheeks were fuller and healthier, he didn't look like he was skipping meals anymore. Because of his work out regime, he usually burned off what he ate. Somehow, he looked healthier and more... buff, essentially.

"Have you been working out like crazy or something, Geppie?" Even so, she'll tease him for just about anything.

Gepard flushed, tugging at his collar as a habit whenever he was flustered. "I-it's not like that! It's just that I haven't been skipping meals. And because lady Bronya assigned me to personally train the new recruits."

Serval raised an eyebrow in suspicion, the story made sense but felt incomplete.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all." Gepard nodded but Serval was still unconvinced. She'll have to resort to using her older sister rights then.

"I feel incredibly sad that you can't even trust me, Geppie. But I get it, you're not little anymore, you're the big and strong captain while I'm just lil' old me." Serval sighed dramatically, she felt a little guilty manipulating her brother like this but, he'll never talk if she didn't.

Gepard, always weak to his sisters' whims, relented with a heavy sigh. There's no point in hiding it, Serval knew him better than anyone.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you."

Serval leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. Her little Geppie's cheeks were pink and if she looked hard enough, his ears were too.

"It was about a month and a half ago..."


Another long day, another day with an empty stomach. He knew that this couldn't go on for forever but he needed to get the job done, because who could if he didn't?

Gepard was a big eater and he knew it. For him to not eat the usual amount was pretty taxing but his workload and schedule didn't allow him to make a big lunch in the morning despite waking up at the crack of dawn. He settled on what he could get from the shops when he's on his short break.

He sat down on a bench, burying his face in his hands. Hunger and fatigue were not a good combination and it was starting to manifest in the form of a headache, which will most likely turn into a migraine.

He sighed heavily, not noticing the person sitting next to him on the bench. He suddenly sat up straight when the person next to him tapped his shoulder. His head snapped to the person and he immediately flushed when he realized that he wasn't the only person on the bench.

The person next to him was a young woman, a very pretty young woman, looking at him with concern.

"You don't look too well, captain." She tilted her head as she observed him. He realized he hadn't said a thing at all and stammered a response.

"Ah! Don't mind me please! I-I'll take my leave now, I wouldn't want to bother you." As he stood up to leave, his stomach decided to betray him and growled in hunger. Was it possible to get any redder?

The two of them stared at each other for a moment before the young woman took out a lunch box from her bag and handed it to him. He looked at her and then at the lunch box then back again at her, absolutely dumfounded. She giggled at his expression and opened the lunch box and took his hand and gave it to him.

"It seems Belobog's captain has been neglecting himself as of late, hmm? Well, I wouldn't want anything bad happeing to him just because he forgot to eat lunch." She mused, chuckling at the redness that has spread from Gepard's cheeks to his ears.

He cleared his throat before answering, "I-ahem, I've had worse. To protect Belobog, a few sacrifices are needed." She raised an eyebrow at him, amused but serious at the same time.

"Captain, I understand that what you are doing and know that I and the rest of Belobog appreciate your hardwork. However, if you continue neglecting yourself, how would you be able to protect us if you're about to collapse from hunger and fatigue?" He wanted to argue that it was for Belobog but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He sighed and sat down again.

"Besides, it's rather counterproductive if you are trying to protect our city on an empty stomach, don't you think?" She smiled, knowing full well that he was starting to see his errors. She gave him a spoon and fork, gently nudging him to start eating.

Gepard shook his head, knowing full well she was right and did as he was told and ate. Her smile grew seeing him eat and enjoy the food as well and prompted her to eat her meal as well. They had small talk, her telling him her name and him telling stories from work. They both learned a few things from eachother. Turns out, she was a medic and would often patch up Silvermane guards, him being the only person that hadn't gone to her clinic.

His blush hadn't dissipated even when he finished his meal and gave the empty lunch box back to her as she finished her own. When she was finally done, he stood up turned to her.

"Thank you for the meal and company, i-it was delicious and I'll keep in mind not to skip any more meals." He bowed and turn to leave. He hadn't gone far when he heard her call out to him, "Come here again tomorrow! I have to make sure you'll actually eat, Captain!" He turned around to see her waving at him and before he can stop himself, waved back at her.


"And it became a routine from then on." He concluded, the blush from earlier still there on his cheeks and ears. Ah, so that's what it is...

Her little Geppie has a crush.

Gepard thought that was the end of it but suddenly Serval started sniffling and bursted out crying.

"Wha– nee-san?! Why are you crying?!" Gepard stood up, snatched a box of tissues and gave it to his sobbing older sister, patting her back to confort her.

"My little Geppie is all grown up now!" Serval exclaimed, still crying and on her fifth tissue, "I never thought the day would come, but look at you now! Next thing I know, it's your wedding!" Serval sobbed.

Gepard spluttered, "Nee-san! We're not even dating! What are you sayin–" he was cut when Serval suddenly yanked him by the collar, her eyes wide.

"What? Why not!? Wait, you should cook for her! If all ends well, then you guys end up together! If not, then just say it's to thank her!"

Gepard remained silent, weighing his options and how doing what Serval wanted (he wanted it too) will affect his friendship with the object of his affections.

Serval saw the conflict in her little brother's eyes. She smiled softly, reaching to pat his head.

"If you're not ready, then I won't force you. But, wouldn't being honest with your feeling be better? It wouldn't hurt to try. If she feels the same then great, but if not then it's not her fault, your feelings will pass."

"You two started as strangers then friends, and if she's as great as you say she is, then this wouldn't change anything." She pinched his cheek, making him wince but it lightened the mood at least.

"You're right. We're meeting at the same spot tomorrow, so it wouldn't be too strange if I return the favor and give her lunch as well." He smiled.

"Atta boy!"

He'll be sure to text her to not bring any meal.


It was a good thing it was his day off, so he was able to prepare a nice lunch. He tried not letting his intrusive thoughts get to him.

Lunch time arrived much faster than he expected and before he knew it, he walking to the bench where they often meet up to have their meals.

From afar, he can see her sillouette, waiting for him. When he was close enough, he saw her wave at him, a smile on her pretty face. He waved back and walked a little faster to get to her.

"I was surprised when you texted me to not bring lunch– you seem to be in a good mood, captain." She teased him when he sat down, he playfully rolled his eyes in response. She laughed before she noticed him holding a paper bag.

"What's in the bag?"she pointed at it, Gepard suddenly looked shy. He took out its contents and laid it down the space between them.

"It's lunch. I-I cooked it, as thanks for all you have done for me." He looked away, flustered but disapointed in himself that he couldn't say what he really wanted to say. When he finally looked back at her, he almost needed to shield his eyes.

She lit up at the sight of his homecooked meal, her smile so bright and happy.

"Wow, these look so good! Can I–?" She asked he nodded at her, pushing the lunch boxes towards her and handing her utensils. She tried an omelette and squealed in joy, a hand on her cheek, making her looked like a chipmunk. He smiled at her happy squeals and moans as she tried more of the dishes he prepared.

"It'sh sho yummy! Why are you a better cook than I am?" her eyes closed in euphoria, as he ate alongside her.

"Don't say that, you're a pretty good cook as well." He chuckled.

"Mmmh, but I can't believe you have so many talents, I wish I had a great husband like you.." she trailed off, not even realizing what she said.

Gepard froze, which led to her freezing as well. They both just looked at each other for a few moments before she became an embarassed bumbling mess, trying to and failing to explain what she said. If anything, she dug herself a deeper hole.

"I-I didn't mean to say that! It's just you're so cool and mature and handsome–the perfect husband material and you're so cute singing Serval's songs..." realizing she was just confessing her inner thoughts, she covered her face with both of her hands, only peeking in between them to see Gepard.

Gepard's face was so red, he almost looked sick.

"...you think so?" He softly asked. She meekly nodded.

He sighed.

"Do you want to make it a reality?" He asked cryptically. She lowered her hands to properly look at him.

"Huh?" She was confused, what did he mean?

He cleared his throat, looking at her with a determined yet shy expression on his handsome face, blue eyes shining.

"Do you want to make it a reality of me being your husband by going on a date with me?"

She mumbled a little yes, but he heard it all the same. He flashed her a shy yet blindingly bright smile as he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles, "Then consider this our first date then, my lady."

Her heart couldn't handle this gorgeous man...



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—pining in anticipation; gepard landau.

ʚ gepard landau x singer! reader | honkai: star rail | 1,7k words. ʚ gepard admits his feelings for you. ʚ friends-to-lovers; just fluff and clichés; pre-captain gepard. ʚ a/n — the part in taylor swift's dress where she sang "say my name and everything just stops i don't want you like a best friend." inspired this whole thing.

Pining In Anticipation; Gepard Landau.

Gepard is transfixed at the stage—at your nearly ethereal form, darting from one side to the other, a noticeable bounce on your steps. You look like a star; you are a star. A star with your microphone tightly clutched in one hand, a custom-painted guitar slung over your shoulder, and that smile.

You are smiling with a degree of carefreeness he doesn't think possible for one to possess.

He is gawking at you; eyes unblinking, jaw slack. It's an incredible effect only you can inflict upon the rising star of the Silvermane Guard. As you strum your guitar one last time, letting the final note echo alongside the cheering before giddily expressing a ‘thank you’ into the microphone, he finally shakes himself out of the trance.

As the crowd disperses, they talk. It fills Gepard with pride as he hears them converse about your performance: how melodious your voice is, how confident your presence is on the stage, how beautiful you are. It suddenly spirals into your attractiveness and how they desire to know you personally.

He frowns when he walks past the group of people wondering aloud whether or not you're spoken for.

You are already waiting by the exit behind the stage, guitar case slung over one shoulder when he arrives. You flash him a grin; he automatically returns it.

“You were amazing,” he says, prying the guitar case off of you, slinging it over his shoulder. You let him. You've had one too many arguments about him carrying your things for you—guitar cases, shopping bags, satchels and backpacks. If he has a free hand, he'll immediately take them off of you. “You have absolutely hypnotised everyone with your performance.”

You chuckle. “What about you? Are you also 'absolutely hypnotised'?”

Before he can stop himself, he answers. “Always.”

You give him a shy smile, eyes blinking widely. For a moment, the air is charged with possibility, like every what-ifs in his daydreams may actually come to reality, but you shake your head, snickering, before lightly punching his shoulder. “Don't flatter me too much, Landau. Let's go.”

He sighs, shaking his head as he trails after you to catch up as you walk through the streets of Belobog. The cobblestone path is uneven under your boots, the evening chill engulfs you comfortably. After years of constantly living in snow, your body acclimated itself to the low temperatures.

“Serval wants you to join her band,” he says, pushing the falling strap of your guitar case back up his shoulder. “What do you think?”

“I am rather intimidated by their large and growing fanbase,” you answer. “Besides, the Mechanical Fever is perfect the way it is, I think. I'll just upset their balance. I'm very honoured that she thought of me, though. I've talked to her about it.”

His brow furrows. “You have?”

“We hang out often,” you shrug. “Where are you thinking for dinner?”

“You hang out with my sister now?” He asks. “Since when? And we can go to the usual place.”

The usual place refers to a small café called The Fireplace that opens in the evening to the early crack of dawn, down the street of your residence. You found it just before Gepard went off to the Silvermane guard academy and you, music academy. Ever since then, you've frequented the place and marked every table with at least a memory.

“Since you've been busy with your duties.” You are only half-serious. “Usual place it is. My treat.”

“My treat,” he protests. “Besides, I have not been that busy.”

“It was your treat last time.”


“And the last last time.”

“Yes, and?”

“It's my treat now,” you insist.

“Only if you tell me what you and Serval talk about,” he offers.

You roll your eyes. “What happens in the workshop, stay in the workshop.”

He feigns hurt, pressing a hand over his chest and gasping dramatically. “Am I not exempt from the rule? I thought I meant something to you.”

“I have no idea you Landaus are so good at theatrics.” You smile, despite yourself. The Fireplace is just behind the corner. “If you're that curious, we talk about music a lot. She helps me with composing.” You look away. “Sometimes we talk about Lynx, or your family, or you.”

You downplay how much you actually talk about Gepard by a lot. Still, it catches his attention. “Me?”

The chimes by the door sounds softly as you enter the Fireplace. Its interior is a mix of dark wood and ceramic pots with plants and ivy growing out of it. The place is cozy, like the hearth at one's own home. You remember falling asleep with Gepard during cramming study sessions here—that's how comfortable the place is. It helps, too, for running away. Both of you are young and your family names can sometimes be too heavy of burdens to shoulder.

“You,” you confirm, settling into a corner booth. Gepard sits across from you, poring over the menu, but he always orders the same thing—deep-fried rock crabs. To make up for it, you order different things every time, and each time—without fail—he'll end up trading half the portion of his order for half of yours.

“What about me?” He asks curiously.

The waiter approaches and you make your orders first before answering him. “Just, you know, the usual.”

“Elaborate, please.” He says, staring at you attentively.

“How you're doing as a guard, embarrassing childhood memories. Along the lines of that,” you settle on an answer.

Gepard is only asking because he often confides about you to Serval. He is wondering if you know how much he rattles on about you; how 'hopelessly in love' he is, according to his older sister. If you ever find out, he may just bury himself in a pile of snow out in the outlying snow plains.

“You can ask me directly,” he says. “I've never kept anything from you.”

Well, except for one thing.

“You would never tell me embarrassing stories about yourself,” you retort. “Besides—”

Someone stops by your table, and it's not the waiter. The two of you turn to look at the stranger when he says your name with a mixture of shock and fondness. Gepard immediately recognises him—brown hair, black-framed glasses. It is the same person within the group who was concerned on your availability; on whether or not you have someone waiting on you.

“Hello,” you greet the stranger, who introduces himself as Altan. “Nice to meet you.”

The man gives Gepard a brief, disapproving glance, before turning back to look at you with admiration. Gepard wants to scoff. An uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling is growing in his chest.

“Are you on a ... date?” Altan asks sheepishly.

Gepard frowns as you laugh. Do you find the idea of going on a date with him laughable?

“No, no,” you answer. “We are childhood friends. We wouldn't ....”

You trail off. Gepard doesn't think when he reaches across the table, grasping your hand. Now you actually look like you're on a date. If you're bothered, you don't show it, even letting him stroke your knuckles with his thumb.

“I'm a huge fan,” says Altan. “If you're not... on a date—” He sounds doubtful, but he continues. “—would you consider going on one with me?”

“I don't think so.” To your surprise, Gepard answers. Altan looks somewhat disappointed, but gracefully accepts the answer, before turning to leave after telling you he appreciates your music a lot. After he disappears into his booth, all the way on the other side of the café, you finally turn to look at Gepard.

“I can answer for myself.” You give him a pointed look. “And what is this?”

You tug on your hand, trying to shake it loose, but his grip tightens. You send him a quizzical stare.

“What? Were you going to say yes?” You seem taken aback by his accusatory tone. His lips are pulled into a frown.

“Why does it matter?”

“Because I won't allow it.”

“Your permission isn't really necessary.”

“For Qlipoth's sake,” he curses. “Take a hint. What were you saying, anyway? We are childhood friends and we wouldn't... What? I can tell you that I certainly would, without a doubt.”

“You certainly would—what?”

“Go on a date with you. Or two. Or ten. Had you not found the idea so laughable,” he sighs, pulling his hand away. You immediately feel colder all of a sudden, despite the heater running perfectly in the café. He swipes a hand over his face. “Apologies. I didn't mean for it to—I shouldn't have worded it that way. You are entitled to your feelings. I'm just sorry that you don't share my sentiments towards you.”

You stare at him, mouth agape.

“I completely understand,” he continues. “However, I hope we can remain friends. We'll always be friends first. Whatever my feelings beyond that are come second.”

You blink once.

“I'm extremely sorry,” he adds again. “Say something.” He sighs. “Please.”

“I... Why would you assume I don't share the same sentiments?”

“Do you?”

“Of course.”

“Are you saying what I think you're saying?”

“What do you think?”

“That you are willing to go on a date with me?” He asks tentatively, cobalt blue-eyes fixed on you, studying your every move and gesture, trying to gauge your reactions.

“Or two.” You smile. “Or ten. Though, I would prefer it if our dates aren't numbered.”

That smile.

Gepard feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. He lets out a soft laugh. “You're serious?”

You nod.

“I feel like I may explode.”

“Gepard,” you warn. “Don't you dare—”

“Say that again,” he says, eyes fluttering close. “My name.”

“But I say it all the time.”

“Not like this. Say it again,” he says, holding both of your hands in his. “Please.”


Time seems to come to a halt all around him when he blinks his eyes open. The ambience of the café, the sounds of silverware in the kitchen and the rowdiness of Altan's table seem to melt and disappear. There are only your eyes, almost glittering as they stare back at him. He sees that you're flustered and it makes him flustered to realise he is the cause of it.

He says your name softly. “I may be hopelessly in love with you.”

He confesses breathlessly, gently. His voice feels like a breeze caressing your cheeks. You're warm all over, tingling with anticipation, excitement—wondering where you will go from here.

For now, you'll settle for a date. Or two.

“Likewise, Geppie. Likewise.”

[ ]

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This is soooo adorable ❤️❤️❤️ you did so well!!!

It Isn't Finished But I Wanted To Share My Progress Anyway. :D This Drawing Is Is Based On @princesschimchim1325

It isn't finished but I wanted to share my progress anyway. :D This drawing is is based on @princesschimchim1325 s Gepard x fem Reader fanfic. Check it out it is sooo cute TwT. I hope I'm faster with the colors than the rest of it xD

Click me to read!!

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