Hp Universe - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

"Wake up."

Harry twitched, then snored.

"I said wake up."

Consciousness slowly spread like pins and needles on the inside of his head. Harry groaned.

"Get up."

Harry groaned again, keeping his eyes closed. "'t'd'you want?"

"I'm hungry."

"Go find something to eat. I need to sleep."

"No. Get up. Make me breakfast."

Harry whined, nasal and plaintive. "Please, it's Saturday."

"So what. I'm hungry."

"Draco, please."

"Get up or I'll bite you."

"No you won't."

"I will."

"Fine. It's not like that'll kill me anyway."

"...you're not scared of my bite?"

"No, go ahead and bite me."

"Fine, here I come."

Harry almost fell asleep again as he waited. Nothing happened.

Then something damp tickled his ear. He jerked away with a gravelly chuckle and buried his face into his pillow. "Stop. That tickles."

"Get up and give me breakfast."

"You're old enough to go find breakfast yourself."

"You told me never to leave the flat."

"I told you to be discreet."

"You told me people are scared of me."

"Yes, well, they don't know how sweet you actually are."

"I am not sweet."

"You are. Let me sleep."

"No. Fucking get up."

Harry choked out a laugh. "Where did you learn that kind of language?! You're not even two!"

"Get up and make me some fucking breakfast."

"Stop it, you aren't allowed to swear."

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck--"

Laughing helplessly now, Harry finally forced his sticky eyes open. Dark, beady eyes stared at him from a mere two inches away.

"Good morning, Draco," he said fondly.


"You look very nice this morning."


"Very shiny," said Harry, pushing the duvet off himself and the tight spiral of thick coils beside him. He reached out and rubbed Draco's head with one finger.

The tiny, forked tongue shot out in a flash. "Will you take me to the park again today?"

Harry grinned, scratching his bare chest. "Sure."

"Will my namesake be there again?"

"Oh. Er. I don't know..."


"Pathetic?! Me?!"

"You couldn't even ask him out to dinner like you were supposed to."

"Fine. Watch me as I ask him today!"

"I hope you do. Then these forty five minute showers you take, grunting and moaning to yourself, can stop."

Harry felt himself go purple in the face as the white ball python next to him uncoiled and slithered away. "You-- you're just-- That's just my muscles relaxing--"

"Yes, I know which muscle. Now get up and feed me breakfast."


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2 years ago

That's a VERY popular opinion.... It would've been absolutely fantastical if the "doomed boy" ✨just✨ grew up to be employed in the very post that seemed doomed, too. I, personally, would've loved that more than anything.

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no issues with him being Head Auror... But sometimes, the minds yearns to stray and think of how it would've been if Harry had been Minister for Magic, or a superstar Quidditch player, or like the post mentions, the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

In My Opinion, After The War Harry Should Have Become The Hogwarts Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor.

In my opinion, after the war Harry should have become the Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

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6 months ago

Rant Time <3333

Okay for some context, I’m a Hellenic pagan and worshiper for the Hellenic deities. Before then, I’ve always had a huge interest in witchcraft and the gods since I was a kid. After doing some studying and research, a thought that popped in my head is: would students at Hogwarts possibly do deity work or even have their own religious beliefs?

Of course knowing Rowling and from reading the books, her version of magic is the stereotypical mythical kind. Fair enough. And ever so- the European kind. Yet, what gets me is the lack of actual witchcrafts.

For the Irish students, I wonder if they’re ever taught more about their Celtic practices or the ancient ones. Or even the old myths from their home lands. We have to also talk into account in Hogwarts Legacy we get a glimpse of the education at Hogwarts during the time.

I don’t know, it’s just a thought that hits me because all I can think about is maybe a student randomly talking about how Lord Ares was happy they hexed that one student for bullying them or Lady Persephone thanking them for the pomegranate offerings. Like for me at least, I typically communicate through tarot cards of course- but I still find it funny how other students will just stare.

Then again, if this was a normal thing, I think it would be really cool in the grand scheme of things students have their own deities they worship or just were atheist witches who did magic. Cause for some people, if for example they came from a pureblood family, they could have a deity or figure their family is devoted to or at least worships. If not, like if they’re a muggleborn, they could study and simply worship a deity that falls into their line of practice (or just someone they think is cool).

Again, I get that the magic in the HP universe is more fanatical but that’s always based off practical magic and more ancient works. But as a worshipper, I just think it would be cute- it also opens the discussion for biracial or students with different heritages like Cho Chang and the Patil twins (Rowling did them so dirty but that’s a whole other thing later).

Like, I just wish she expanded further in her world building when it came to non-European cultures in the means of magic. Even if it was the fanatical parts, it would be so cool to learn about it. Like from Hogwarts Legacy, we learned that the wizarding school in Africa, Uagadou School of Magic, located in Uganda. There, students learn wandless magic because wands were more of a European invention to help the user (in my opinion this also warrants that students there are possibly stronger due to their control over their abilities without a wand, since from what I remember witches and wizards in Europe are highly respected for their wandless talents). Could be wrong so please correct me.

As a Filipino, I would’ve loved to see that inclusion (esp considering how witchcraft is back in the Philippines).

But all in all, it simply would be cool to have seen those elements in the books. Though…. If some fanfic writers decide to perchance write something around this…. That would very much be appreciated 🫶

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3 years ago

Tell me youre a toxic Marauders stan without telling me😂

Anddddd you know what let's get into it:😜

What the actual fuck?!

Simply because of a child like spite? My arse Remus almost killed him! TWICE! Regardless of who's fucking fault it was had it not been for Snape stepping between Harry Ron Hermione and Remus (in his werewolf form) they would have died and Remus would have most likely benn put down if he killed them! SO NOT ONLY WAS IT NOT SEVERUS' FAULT THAT REMUS DIDNT TAKE THE POTION THAT SNAPE MADE FOR HIM HE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE UPSET WITH LUPIN AND MORE IMPORTANTLY BLACK! HELL SIRIUS TRIED TO KILL HIM USING REMUS SO IN A WAY HE WAS AFRAID OF THE GODAMM WEREWOLF

for everyone else who is a decent hauman being unlike this☝️ individual thanks for coming to my rant❤️

reminder that when snape outed remus lupin as a werewolf, he not only ruined any chance of lupin getting a decent job a again (basically destroyed his career), but also the chances of every single other werewolf in the country because the wizarding law got changed, simply due to childlike spite.

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