Hsr Acheron - Tumblr Posts

So like I've been dead for awhile so I'm just posting shit posts and doodles I did during my long trip
the first 2 drawings are shit posts and the second is based on some other drawings of Isagi wearing this shirt
the last ones are simple drawings of Robin and Acheron
Honkai: Star Rail spoilers ahead! If you haven’t completed the Version 2.2 main story “Then Wake to Weep” and don’t want to be spoiled, avert thine gaze!
Everyone’s talking about how powerful Acheron is as the Emanator of Nihility, but are we just gonna ignore the fact that the Trailblazer is technically a triple Emanator?

tumblr absolutely destroyed this image

I drew my favorite HSR characters but I did them in under 5 minutes 👍

Let's dance, shall we.

Acheron in a suit.. Something i designed my self though added elements of her actual outfit into it too!

i put my entire soul into this drawing


😳🥹 Mei-senpai…!
dissecting acheron's name
part 1 of my into the raidenverse posts, where i attempt to explain raiden mei and her 'variants' to non-hi3 players. here, I'll be discussing acheron/raiden bosenmori mei's names, their meanings, and cultural references (Greek mythology + CN/JP myth and folklore).
obviously, this will contain spoilers for the latest hsr story contents about acheron's true name.
(note: i’m less familiar with japanese mythology, so if anyone can confirm what i’ve found or add more that would be greatly appreciated!)

In Greek mythology, the River Acheron is one of the 5 rivers of the Underworld, and is depicted as its entrance. There, Charon the ferryman leads departed souls into the underworld. It’s a nod to what she mentions in the story quest: that she ‘guards the path to the abyss of the Nihility’ and tries to rescue the souls who end up there’.

???: Are you watching over me? Acheron: This is my duty... as Acheron the Watcher. Acheron: I'm guarding the path to the abyss of the Nihility, guiding every soul reluctant to become one with it... back to this side. --- Trailblaze mission, 'And on the Eighth Day'.
In Chinese and Japanese, Acheron is written as 黄泉 (cn: huangquan, jp: yomi, literally 'yellow spring'. why doesn't tumblr have yellow colour for words?). It is a synonym for the underworld in both Chinese and Japanese mythology.
Yomi isn't the same as heaven or hell in western beliefs, as is neither a paradise or a place for punishment; it is simply a place for the souls of the dead. It's more similar to Greek mythology. (Much like the Greek Underworld, eating in Yomi makes it impossible to return to the land of the living!)
In Chinese folk belief, it functions as more of a purgatory, to punish and renew spirits to prepare for reincarnation. There are many different versions of the post-death journey that evolved over time, so there isn't really a 'correct' or 'most accurate' version. I won't be going into too much detail since they're not so relevant to Acheron's lore, but you can read more about the Chinese Underworld here and here.
Raiden Bosenmori Mei

Acheron: For me, some things are difficult to recall, yet there are others... that I find challenging to forget. Acheron: Such is "memory", a creation of the past that blossoms into significance in the distant future. Acheron: I remember that marks the start of my journey, the origin of the vibrant red hue in my life, and the most fervent element amidst every tempest... Acheron: That's my name... Acheron: Raiden Bosenmori Mei. --- Trailblaze mission, 'And on the Eighth Day'.
Her real name is written 雷電 (Raiden) 忘川守 (Bosenmori) 芽衣 (Mei). Raiden is her surname, meaning ‘thunder and lightning’. Her given name Mei (literally sprout + clothes) doesn’t mean anything in particular when written together afaik.
Interestingly, these two are written exactly the same way as her HI3 counterpart’s name is written. (Some of Raiden Mei's variants have different writings of her name in cn/jp, although they're still read the same. more about this on a future post!)
Bosenmori, meanwhile, is written as 忘川守. It's less of a middle name and more of a Japanese-style courtesy title (but it's still a little funny to say that her name Mei B. Raiden). 忘川 (cn: wangchuan, literally forget + river) is likely a reference to the River Lethe, and 守 means 'protector' or 'guardian'.
In Greek mythology, the River Lethe is known as the river of forgetfulness. Like the River Acheron, it is also one of the 5 rivers in the Underworld. The dead are required to drink from the river to forget their earthly life.
There’s a slight difference between Chinese and Greek beliefs: in Chinese folklore, 忘川 (‘River Lethe’) is the river that is a dividing line between 黄泉路 (‘Acheron Road’) and the underworld. There is a bridge over it, and on the bridge sits Meng Po. To cross the river, you must cross the bridge; to cross the bridge, you must drink Meng Po soup, which makes you forget everything in your life. Without doing all that, you will be unable to reincarnate.
and do we know anyone with memory problems?
The shadow of Nihility covers the stars equally, and Self-Annihilators may form in any world. If we call them phenomena, these poor souls do share one thing in common: Their various existential properties — such as corporeal body, mental cognition, and personal memories... will gradually fade away in their journey of self-annihilation. --- description of Self-Annihilators in the in-game Data Bank.

anyway, thanks for making it till the end! next up i will be yapping about:
notable variants of hi3's raiden mei for the non-hi3 players
parallels between acheron and hi3!mei's stories, as seen in the trailer: aka, sentinals, herrschers, and some more notable variants of hi3 characters present in hsr.

Acheron redesign WIP because i wanna change her design up a bit… i don’t hate her original design or anything but i want to make her a design that suits my tastes more, i want to redesign a bunch of hoyoverse characters because a lot of them need redesigning to me lol

Black Swan Swan and Acheron. Really rough sketch. I’ll draw big later.

“Good Luck.”
Drawing their pony forms with their actual outfits… hah…

“I weep for the departed.”

guys is it perhaps gay to weep for the departed or smthn?
anyways here’s my acheron redesign :) i knowww she doesn’t have horns but the flashback made me go crazy and she HAS an oni theme so i just leaned into that more. wanted to keep her “sorta galaxy ranger” vibes but also go full oni mode.. i’m thinking abt doing edits of black swan and acheron emojis w their redesigns soo expect that perhaps