Hws Spain - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I paid attention only to his T-shirt and I agree. Es guapo!))

Oh Man Yall Really Loved My Terrible Friend Trio Huh
Oh Man Yall Really Loved My Terrible Friend Trio Huh

oh man yall really loved my terrible friend trio huh

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2 years ago
Hetalia Charms / Stickers Are Back For Preorder Until 1/15!

Hetalia Charms / Stickers are back for Preorder until 1/15!

the last set did so well so i’ve added Spain, Prussia and a new Japan design to the set :D

BigCartel / Etsy (UK/ INT.)

(reblogs appreciated!)

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9 months ago

Showing Prussia places he's never seen before 🤯

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1 year ago


Doodled a silly Spain doodle the other day for the Spamano server just to see if I could doodle Spain still and seems that I still got it. And I’ve improved <33

The words are from a French song called “Roméo” by Pierre de Maere

CW for blood and stuff tho

Doodled A Silly Spain Doodle The Other Day For The Spamano Server Just To See If I Could Doodle Spain

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1 year ago

Nations and stress

Romano:  His laziness makes everything feel overwhelming. Even the simplest task feels like climbing Mount Everest. Be that as it may, he will try his best to do each task in order to get everything done faster or to do a favor for a loved one. Probably multitasks, which will eventually send him into a state of panic. Puffs and grumbles 24/7. Becomes more aggressive, treats people like shit, and regrets it immediately after. Passes out on the couch as soon as the day is over. Level of endurance: 6/10

Veneziano: He will say it's no big deal. Accepts tasks with a smile until his schedule is so full he doesn't know where to begin. Continues to smile through the pain. He says everything is fine (it’s not fine). Gets jittery. Don't touch him, he'll probably explode. No one notices he's on the verge of a mental breakdown. Keeps biting his nails. Probably locks himself into a bathroom for ten minutes before coming out to do whatever it is he has to do. At the end of the day, he can't sleep because of all the stress he's been building up. Level of endurance: 5/10

Germany: His motto is to plan ahead to avoid stressful situations. He organizes everything down to the last detail, but sometimes he too gets overwhelmed. It doesn’t matter. He keeps going. Stress makes him lose his appetite and he is likely to forget to eat until he has done whatever it is he has to do. The eyestrain is his clue that he has overdone it. Wishes for vacations by the end of it. Level of endurance: 9/10

Spain: He takes everything with a smile. He doesn't realize he's stressed until it's too late. He enjoys working with people and even manages to joke about his situation. However, he becomes increasingly tired and aggressive. His sassiness slips through when it becomes too much. He keeps tugging at his hair and taking big breaths that don't help much. Music gets him going. Probably bursts into nervous laughter if he doesn't get a break. Level of endurance: 8/10

Greece: He's been in the world so long that he doesn't care. He's very calm and probably does one thing at a time. He is not in a hurry. He will sleep or play with his cats if he feels stressed. If someone starts to really stress him out, he doesn't show his anger at first. At first. If they succeed, he'll start drinking coffee like there's no tomorrow. You always see him with a cup of coffee in his hand when things get overwhelming. The thing is, he drinks coffee even when he's not overwhelmed, so no one can tell his state of mind. Nevertheless, he hates being stressed and says so openly, even when he has nothing to do. “Don't stress me" is one of his favorite phrases. Level of endurance: ?/10 (No one knows to be honest).

Prussia: Even if he doesn't plan ahead, he's mentally prepared for anything. This guy is a stress machine. He can handle anything you throw at him. Stress doesn't faze him, maybe it makes him a little more tired, but that's about it. He can survive anything. He's like a cockroach and that's why he hasn't died yet. Nobody knows how he does it. Honestly, neither does he. Level of endurance: 20/10

France: Stress brings out the drama queen. He will do everything he has to do, but he will complain about it (especially if England is around). He's oddly efficient and gets things done pretty well. Looks down on people who can't keep up. Can get really bossy when stress gets to him. Knows how to tone it down. Calls a strike when things are too much for him. Level of endurance: 8/10

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1 year ago

incorrect quotes? from me? what, did you expect more? anyways here's these two as something my boyfriend and i said

France: do you get boba or do you like the jellies?

Spain: sometimes when i feel fun i do both! usually just boba though, why?

France: omg we're the boba x jelly couple!

Spain: oh aw :)

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11 months ago
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This

Sorry for the delay, finally here's the prompts for SpAus Week 2024! You can find a text version of this post here. Prompts are free to use forever, even after the week is over ^^ Late submissions are also alright, of course :3

I hope the prompts will be of inspiration, have fun!!~ C:

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11 months ago


(Because I'm feeling self indulgent and touch-starved, take this for my day 1 piece :3) @spaus-week

He had been sitting there for hours, writing, rewriting, dotting the staff paper over and over to achieve something. But what? There was no point to it, he would only ever look at this piece and see a failure. This composition would never be perfect as it was. Maybe it was time to reconsider the sounds of the modern day, maybe even return to that era of structure and style that didn't fit much more than the art he wanted to create. Maybe he needed to give it up for now, laying down and accepting defeat, but what good would that be?

Then, bursting through the door, his beloved spaniard came to provide him with something to eat. Roderich had set Antonio on a fetch quest a while ago, feeling pangs of hunger in his fragile stomach. So, dutiful as he was to most everything else, Antonio took no less than an hour to return.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take so long!" The spaniard sighed, exhausted. "I felt stupid walking into those buildings and looking around and buying nothing. Nobody had what you wanted!"

"Felt?" Roderich scoffed.

"Aw, don't be like that." Antonio approached from behind, and Roderich let him. Good, this was a game, he thought. "I've been around the entire city looking for your very specific desserts, and all for what reward?" His hands snaked around the Austrian's body, holding him softly and swaying to the beats of his own heart. "The least I deserve is a kiss, no?"

"Hm, true..." Roderich took his own hands from the staff paper, inevitably relaxing into the sways of his own beloved. "But first, how about you take me away from here. I'm getting tired, and I'd like to rest."

"Rest how?" That could have meant anything from going out to eat to forsaking all dignity to sleeping.

"You decide. I'm so tired, I can't think straight." And those words were what damned Roderich to the act of being loved.

"Alright, I see." Antonio lifted the pianist, smiling in that stupid way he always did. He carried the man like a bride or a princess, letting him acquaint himself with the lack of control slowly. Most have known Roderich was prone to overthinking, but Antonio also knew that revoking the right to do anything would help him stop thinking so much. "No preference between the couch and the bed?"

"The bed sounds nice." Roderich muttered. He found himself incapable of struggling. Why would he, though?

"Bed it is." Antonio pressed a kiss to his lover's forehead, then carried both himself and the other to their shared bed. The pastry was even taken along, even in spite of the 'no food in bed' policy they instated. Comfort was inevitably prioritized over the efforts, and as it turned out, lying down and accepting that he had been defeated was far from pointless.

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11 months ago

Written in the Stars

(And now for my trademark! A bit of angst after a sweet moment.) @spaus-week

Antonio was a simple man who had one simple habit between duties on the starship. He would come once more to this corridor, staring through this window, the pulse of the engines outside humming. Antonio couldn't help but stare and be one with the universe. It felt like his very core would sing along to this song. Whatever song the stars seemed to sing, anyways. The song reminded him of a certain performer he had met on a distant planet.

The song was gentle and sweet, just as the flowery dialect it had been composed for. Antonio thought he would win the lottery before he could see that man again, but fate had put in a good word for him.

The man who composed it, a self proclaimed conservationist, was traveling with them. He was opting to use anything except the fare that would have been charged to take him on a comfortable journey. He thought about what it was like to live so carefully, but not only did he refuse to honor that thought, it had been interrupted by a few words from the door.

"What's so enticing out there? Nothing new, right? I've already looked." That voice. Those words. Antonio nearly didn't understand them. He was so entranced. "Hello? Can you hear me? You seem like you might as well be lost out there." Ah, what he'd give to be lost in that voice forever.

"Sorry, Rodrigo." Antonio grinned as he looked in the composer's direction. "I've been looking at the stars. They're so pretty!" Much like the visitor he now gazed upon. "You may have looked, but have you seen them yet?"

"I don't see them often, and in all honesty, I suppose I need to take a better look." Roderich stood by his fellow man. "They inspire a lot of my work. Dangerous, overwhelming, but pretty." The composer had a strangely serene look on his face. Pale as the moon of earth, eyes shimmering in a color almost like the void of space had been lit up in flame, those same eyes reflecting the light that those distant stars had been emitting for ages longer than any man had existed.

"Wow..." Antonio sighed, but he didn't look out the window. His own green eyes were fixated on the features of this strange man. He looked so put together, but like a mess the more he was paid attention to. A truly remarkable and vulnerable artist, one of the last of his kind by trade. Antonio hadn't seen music on things with strings and keys before meeting Roderich.

To meet someone so connected to the past in this age of the stars was incredible.

"I need to-" Antonio caught himself. "Could I get to know you better?" His own tanned face was surprisingly flooded with enthusiastic blush.

"Anton, was it?" Roderich asked. "I'd love that. You seem like you enjoy art. I know of a nice gallery you may enjoy, it holds some pretty extravagant exhibits."

"Well, I guess that's that!" He didn't bother to correct him. "I'll meet up with you sometime later, maybe after our ship makes it through the system after this one?" Antonio offered.

"Do you promise?"

And then Roderich woke from his slumber, a bed of beautiful yet modest luxury beneath his aching joints. He remembered that man so fondly, having met him some more times before that ship had made its final journey.

In spite of his promises, poor Anton hasn't been heard from in a while. The artist, the conservationist, the composer and musician, wrote a song in his name. Roderich had a hope that somewhere, somehow, Antonio would hear it. Their time together was as short and sweet as the song's cry for forgiveness. A curse to lady luck and a promise to see him again, even though extreme means.

Roderich wanted to be wrong. But even in spite of their bond, the tragic ending of this symphony was already written in the stars.

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11 months ago


(Because I couldn't figure out what else to do, I just put them in a silly situation. Also, sorry it's late!) @spaus-week

A staredown in the middle of the garden. The morning dew still wet on the tips of grass outside. Small beady eyes like water droplets on an alien body, both gazing up at the terrified giant before it. There was many a reason this small frog should be afraid of this man. So many reasons that this situation shouldn't be so ridiculous.

And yet, here they are, acting as if Roderich was small and this frog was the largest threat known to man. His eyes were wide with a cautionary glare, occasionally twitching to observe his surroundings. Why was he so afraid of these little things? He didn't know. He didn't really care either! He wanted it gone before it could jump up onto his frame and topple him with the sheer force of disgust.

Antonio walked outside, witnessing Roderich frozen in fear over the outdoors in general. "Uh, Rodrigo?" He asked into the air.

"There's a gross thing in the grass and it won't move." Roderich muttered, slow and steady. "You know I hate being outside with all of these things! I don't think I can do this, it's too much."

"Will you ever stop fearing the outdoors?" Antonio stepped forward, scaring the frog away in the process. He put an arm around Roderich, proud of the man for not running away like the last time he was surprised by a small and slimy animal. "I mean, really? You've survived a lot."

"Well that doesn't mean I enjoy it." Roderich scoffed. He grasped at the shirt he wore, thinking it was far to casual to be outside in. Such simple things were meant to be worn as pajamas, if at all. Or maybe he was old fashioned that way.

Antonio was clearly more comfortable in the t-shirt and shorts, his grin as wide as ever as he leaned in to give Roderich a small kiss. "You're too cute. Maybe keep this up and I'll be entertained while I work outside?"

"Ugh! You're insufferable." He could have been worse, but instead, he moved to return the kiss on the cheek.

"There's my princess." Antonio smirked, toying with his lover's feelings.

"I'm going inside." Roderich rolled his eyes and turned around.

"No wait, I was kidding! Please come back." Antonio pleaded. He really did want his lover to come garden with him, but he knew this was a possibility. Still, it was a little sad!

"No thank you. I'll bring you a drink soon." Roderich couldn't help but smile, the last laugh falling into his demeanor despite the slightest ridicule he'd faced before.

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11 months ago

Crown and Cover

(Figured I'd use a couple prompts for this one. Enjoy me challenging myself not to use dialogue (unspoken words) and also writing a neat little story.) @spaus-week

Antonio was the most famously brilliant knight in this land. He could see the weakness in any style of fighting and deal with them accordingly. He wielded so many weapons in his lifetime, choosing currently to hold his favorite axe. Antonio was as fearsome as the way his king maneuvered his way through the bureaucratic process.

What a beautiful process it was to witness, all because he got to witness his king.

Antonio was devout to the crown. His life's work had been all for the one who ruled this handsome land. His love had been poured out for the sake of this great ruler many times. So now, standing aside for the umpteenth time, there was not a lot to say. He had already said it all.

He watched his lovely king, his Rodrigo, bargaining with the nobles of a place he didn't bother to memorize. He watched carefully, examining each flourish that the royal hands made. He watched his king play viciously through his game of chess, making moves so genius that the other party didn't realize they were being systematically punished for every action. Antonio craved the ability to speak to his king, but the guard was not to speak in dealings such as these, nor was he to speak of it at all.

King Roderich had told him specifically to stay quiet. He wanted to test his beloved knight's devotion. So far, it proved true.

Antonio could have said something about the way those nobles felt so confident in their position. Roderich could have led them on himself, made them believe that he was truly planning something else. But, both had learned new ways of thinking from the other. The crown glinted in the light, and his cover stood over him in a show of dominance.

By the time the nobles realized they had been ensnared, the king was staring impatiently into their souls, as his knight eyed the jugular. With a simple glare, both motioned for the immediate resolution of this issue. The nobles would comply, gritting their teeth and signing their right to operate under no supervision away. Finally, when they left, the King and his favorite guard could relax.

Antonio fell into Roderich's waiting hand, the king having now turned to face his beloved soldier. The words went unspoken, the time went slowly, and the crown was slowly draped over by his cover's body. Roderich pushed up a little on the heavy armor, but it was no use. Antonio lifted himself anyways, listening to every word that was never said, just like he always would.

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10 months ago
So Still On That Mermay Train, Right, I Said I Wanted To Draw Tonio Next As A Mer-creature, Right, And

so still on that mermay train, right, i said i wanted to draw tonio next as a mer-creature, right, and i thought a leviathan design would do sO HERE WE ARE, RIGHT ?

scenario is def a uhhhhh Roddi's a nobleman and his boat was capsized and and and big leviathan king Tonio was like oh pretty human! -saves him- but like doesn't wanna scare him so he's 🧍but jokes on him bcs Roddi's a certified monsterfucker so

Roderich : I can take him

X : In a fight, right?

Roderich :


So Still On That Mermay Train, Right, I Said I Wanted To Draw Tonio Next As A Mer-creature, Right, And
So Still On That Mermay Train, Right, I Said I Wanted To Draw Tonio Next As A Mer-creature, Right, And

some close-ups! but like.

So Still On That Mermay Train, Right, I Said I Wanted To Draw Tonio Next As A Mer-creature, Right, And

i drew Roderich so babygirl and for WHAT

public disclaimer x100 i HC Roderich / Austria with longer hair so i'm like THE only artist in our small spaaus corner who'd draw him like this, i believe, thank u very much !! 💜💛💖

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10 months ago
I'M ALIIIIVEEEE And I Finished The Silly Lil Spaaus Mermay Art!!! Having An Idea To Draw The Reverse
I'M ALIIIIVEEEE And I Finished The Silly Lil Spaaus Mermay Art!!! Having An Idea To Draw The Reverse
I'M ALIIIIVEEEE And I Finished The Silly Lil Spaaus Mermay Art!!! Having An Idea To Draw The Reverse
I'M ALIIIIVEEEE And I Finished The Silly Lil Spaaus Mermay Art!!! Having An Idea To Draw The Reverse

I'M ALIIIIVEEEE and i finished the silly lil spaaus mermay art!!! having an idea to draw the reverse with human roddi x humongous sea serpent mercreature tonio ?

as an excuse for size difference + monsterfucker trope you see

and it IS mermay after all so .. .. .. . !!!!

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1 year ago
Himaruya Might Hint In Chapter 428 That Portugal And Spain Are Twins.
Himaruya Might Hint In Chapter 428 That Portugal And Spain Are Twins.
Himaruya Might Hint In Chapter 428 That Portugal And Spain Are Twins.

Himaruya might hint in Chapter 428 that Portugal and Spain are twins.

The answer to the first question is November 25, 2006. “1125” in Japanese could be read as “iihutago”, meaning “good twins”. So on this day, in Twitter and Pixiv, many Japanese artists draw fan arts of twins. Himaruya might choose this date as the correct answer to hint that Portugal and Spain are twins.

Portugal says that the answer to the first question is about him and Spain, and Spain also says that it is he and Portugal’s important day. In this case, “good twins” day becomes Portugal and Spain’s important day to celebrate their being twins.

In fact, the day of the cooperation agreement of tourism is not well known for the rest of the world, and among the list of dates given by Spain here after, this date (in the year of 2006) is either the earliest or the latest. Did Himaruya choose this date as the answer from this list randomly? I believe that he indeed hints something.

In the official book, Collezione, published last year, there is no mention of Portugal and Spain being brothers, but still it does not mean that they are not brothers. The fun of Portugal and Spain is that every reader can tell they look like identical twins, but they themselves deny it. So if Himaruya confirms that they are twins, it would spoil the fun. And the official confirmation is not so necessary since everyone can tell from their appearance that they are twins.

On the other hand, Canada and USA are confirmed “adopted brothers” in Collezione, which is the case that their blood relation is officially denied.

Another case is that China and other Chinese districts are commonly believed by fans that they are related by blood, but this relationship is also not mentioned in Collezione.

Some fans might be offended by the hinted incest of Portugal and Spain. But this is not the first time of hinted incest in Hetalia. In Hetalia anime, Belarus asks her brother, Russia, to marry her. Also in the Hetalia movie, Paint it White, Switzerland and Lichtenstein enjoy themselves together as if having a honeymoon, while the rest of the world is in chaos. Even in fandom, Prussia and Germany is a popular pairing. And as for UK and USA, although they are not blood-related, it is still awkward enough that adopted brothers end up in lovers.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

I wanna fukin suffocate because it's probably true

Headcannon that Spain uses olive oil instead of lube during gay sex.

You're welcome. Come again.

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