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The council will now decide your fate.
so we highkey need more of this

Matthew Williams. The 8th G8 member. Hiding somewhere in this school. Watch out for him.
ZERO ESCAPE (999) spoilers under the cut.
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Send these to your sexiest friends
as an april fools prank i have elected to update a fic again (as if my updates are ever reliable) so anyways here it is again in case u like SCP stuff and hetalia and whatnot

Well…because I kinda needed it…
can we pretend that im not late...
Day 1 Cannibalism

also this is a part of hetalia au I've been working on
Day 3 Asphyxiation

Quick hetas!! First time drawing England!!
4 for the ask thing
//My favorite thing to draw is honestly either Tanzania or Japan! They're really fun to work with and with the large variety of clothes I can pick from, I can do just about anything I want!
Some headcanons for America/Canada
• He is fluent in almost every language and his pronunciation is perfect.
•Canada is the only one who knows this. He also knows that America never speaks the languages because no matter what the other countries will insult him on anything and everything he does. Canada knows it affects America a lot, but he pretends it doesn’t. The “Hero” personality is mostly a front in many ways.
•Among the languages America uses regularly is ASL. America unconsciously signs when his emotions are extreme, good or bad, and on occasion when he’s in deep thought. He likes to sign along to songs. He doesn’t really notice he’s doing it.
•Canada is fluent in ASL. He can gauge his brothers mood based on this.
•They use ASL to communicate when they don’t want the other countries to know what they’re talking about. (It drives the other countries absolutely crazy.)
•If you ask America what his favorite movie is he’ll say Captain America (anything Marvel actually) or The Princess Bride. His real favorite movies are, Saving Mr. Banks, Steel Magnolias, Lilo and Stitch, and Up. He will never admit to liking those movies or to having seen any of them.
•America suffers from BPD, ADHD, BP-2. He’s lived with it his whole life. He learned early on how to hide it and lives by the motto “Fake it til you make it.” That’s why his “hero” persona seems forced sometimes. (Only England and Canada know about this. They don’t really talk about it. America doesn’t know that they know.)
•America loves that he now has a friend group! The Awesome trio just goofs around and just has fun together.
•America’s favorite person to spend time with is England. He will drop everything or bail on any other plans he has in order to spend some time with England.
•He doesn’t express his emotions well and doesn’t really know how to tell the people in his life that he loves them. He tries to do acts of kindness to show how much he cares.
•Affection is his love language. Loves hugs and cuddles ect. But only does that with people he loves and trusts completely. (England, Canada, Japan)
I have more but I will save those for another day.
*As a side note, the ASL stuff is actually something I do and those disorders I listed are my own diagnoses. If you read about them or you look up common symptoms, you’ll get why I picked them for him, or at least I hope you will.
Classic Romance
Has there ever been a moment when Kiku did something super adorable unintentionally that made fall to his knees and be like "What have I done to be this blessed?"

It’s a little cliché, but it gets him every time
I saw "Alfred" "Kiku" and "cake" and I knew this was going to end horribly😂
Ameripan 39?
39. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad!”
Kiku sighed as he stared at the pink monstrosity before him, which could hardly be recognized as edible, much less a cake. It looked absolutely nothing like the (beautiful) picture Alfred had shown him from Pinterest of a white cake with intricately frosted cherry blossoms.
No, this blob was...something else.
Here is how they had arrived at this point:
Alfred had shown up at Kiku’s apartment a few hours earlier. It was Kiku’s birthday. Alfred, being considerate of Kiku’s feelings, but still lacking in manners, had invited himself over as an alternative to throwing Kiku a surprise party (which of course he would have disliked).
“We’re gonna have some fun!” Alfred declared, kicking his shoes off in then entryway and hurrying into the kitchen with several grocery sacks full of supplies.
“What is all this?” Kiku asked, trailing along behind him.
Alfred had already begun to unpack the bags, resulting in a myriad of baking supplies strewn haphazardly across Kiku’s meticulously organized kitchen counters.
“I’m gonna make you this!” Alfred said, whipping out his phone and shoving it toward Kiku. Displayed on the screen was a gorgeous cake—a smooth white frosted surface adorned with masterfully crafted chocolate tree branches and fondant cherry blossoms. It was quite the piece of confectionary artistry.
“You can make this...?” Kiku asked, not trying to be rude...but he had seen Alfred’s artistic ability.
“Yeah!” Alfred said, setting his phone on the counter and starting to dig through Kiku’s cabinets for bowls and spoons. “It’s cherry blossoms so it’s, like, totally your thing, right?”
“Right...” Kiku admitted, though he winced at the sound of clattering kitchenware. “What do we need to do?”
Skip ahead an hour or two and...the result was in front of them. Kiku, being too polite to intervene, had let Alfred take the lead. Of course, Alfred, believing he had all the answers, had taken some shortcuts here and there—not timing himself while using the beater, not leveling off the tops of the full measuring cups, baking at a higher temperature for shorter time believing the cake would be ready faster, and not waiting for the cake to cool before applying the frosting.
The one place Kiku had tried to intervene was the drawing of the cherry blossoms. Alfred did not even have fondant (nor did he probably know what fondant was), but Kiku felt confident he could at least draw an acceptable cherry blossom.
“Perhaps I could try...” he suggested.
“Nah, I don’t wanna make you do work on your birthday!” Alfred insisted. “You just sit back and relax, Keeks!”
Kiku was having a hard time relaxing.
In the end, Alfred had tried to carefully squirt out some pink frosting in the shape of flowers, but mostly they just came out looking blobby, and the shade of pink was far too dark for a cherry blossom anyway.
Still, Kiku would not complain. After all, Alfred had taken time out of his day to come and bake for him on his birthday, hadn’t he...?
He tried to hide the look of trepidation that was surely on his face.
“Hmm,” Alfred hummed, looking between his phone and the cake. “It doesn’t really look like the picture.”
Kiku stayed silent, but that must have clued Alfred in to his silent frustration.
“Er,” Alfred said awkwardly, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “I’m sorry...haha. I guess I’m not much of a baker... But come on, it’s not that bad!”
Kiku was not about to affirm or deny that statement, so he settled for a neutral, “I’m sure it will still taste fine.”
“Yeah!” Alfred said. “Well, let me put in the candles so I can sing Happy Birthday to you.”
Kiku’s heart sank.
“Ah, that really isn’t necessary—“
“Aw, come on, it’s your birthday! How old are you anyway?” Alfred insisted.
It was going to be a long day.
I'm more than satisfied, I'm fucking WHEEZING😂😂😂😂
Japan got done taking a shower and he's wet and naked(probably has a towel on) and Alfred just busts into the room*insert smash mouth*. Kiku shrieks like the little man he is, and just throws random nearby stuff to get Alfred out the room. He succeeds for 2.5 seconds when Alfred comes back in and goes," You're sure you don't want any help taking that towel off?" And he gets hit square in the face by Kiku's towel that he's using as a weapon now.😂
Hope you don’t mind I put Kiku in a bathrobe -w-

Cue Kiku throwing things and Alfred hiding in a closet with, like, six taquitos in his lap
Kiku angy
Kiku wants attention but Alfred ignores him because he loves Kiku's "pay attention to me face"

Aaa sorry I took awhile to respond
When baby can't accept too much money from selling his stuff

Italy, you're being a perv

Japan awkwardly changes the subject to avoid talking about balls

First SuFin interaction of the season

Sweden offers to scratch his wife's back

I miss this style of Hetalia

Japan's emo/empty/resting bitch face

Japan performs an exorcism on the funniest outfit(no offense to Japanese culture or customs)

*WHEEZE* What's wrong with their anatomy and postures!?😂