Aph America - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Hetaween 2019 Day 8 Psychological

“Artie!” Alfred had cried over the phone and that had been enough to make Arthur tell him that he would be with him as soon as possible. Arthur charted a private jet and hoped the pond as fast as he could.

Entering the American’s home with the key he had given him, he quickly found him sitting on the couch and hiding behind the pillow he held tightly in his arms.

Normally he would not sit down besides his brother and wrap an arm around his shoulders to reassure Alfred everything was alright, that it was only a movie.

Normally Arthur would be angry for the waste of his time, but it was Halloween and Arthur had already known this would happen and that he did not need to fly over to protect the younger man from his movies.

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5 years ago

Hetaween 2019 Day 12 Nightmare

He knew he shouldn’t watch that new horror alone, but no one had time to watch it with him and Al really wanted to see it before he accidentally read the spoilers posted online.

He knew he shouldn’t have watched it alone, when he woke up in the middle of the night screaming his heart out with cold sweat running down his back after a horrible nightmare. He got out of his bed and ran out of his hotel room straight to the room Artie was staying in. It would be safe with Artie who always claimed he knew this stuff for real.

And while Al had said he was his little brother no longer, Artie never said he wasn’t his big brother anymore.

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5 years ago

APH Valentine

Day 1 - Destiny/Coincidence - England/Portugal

As much a gentleman he could be, certainly in these modern times, he hadn’t been the first time they had met. Arthur had been youthful and wild, ready to fight despite his seize and filled with dreams of adventures on far away of shores.

She had taken him away from either of their bosses to show him a whole new world. She didn’t think he would come to love the new, foreign places as much as she did and even more so.

Being allies still just might mean they were meant to be together no matter what.

Day 2 - Broken heart - Netherlands/japan

The most important thing that Johan remembered of the year 1854 was boarding his ship and looking back at what he was leaving behind. The love he lost did not look back at him, but welcomed new foreigners into her life instead.

Haruka still dreams of the day she hadn’t believed would truly happen and what the Dutch fleet leaving her artificial island must have looked like while she was busy welcoming a strange  and younger outsider.

The next time they would meet, Japan would hurt The Netherlands even worse by making his people suffer so greatly at her hands.

He still hurts from all the pain she inflicted on his people and she still and forever regrets letting him leave in the first place on that day so long ago.

Day 3 - Holding hands - Netherlands/Canada

He hadn’t been part of the previous war, but knowing what it felt like he knew he should have been kinder to his sister and certainly her people when he took them in. Now, after having suffered the losses he did, he didn’t have the words to express his feelings for the young nation that crossed an ocean to help liberate his people.

He swore to never forget any of the things sweet little Madeline had done for him and Johan needed to give her something to thank her for all she did to help him.

She might like flowers and at the moment that was one of the few things he could offer her, but that didn’t seem enough for what she had to go through to save him.

He would simply have to keep giving her flowers.

Day 4 - Friendzone - America/Germany

Louise had been skeptical of the other young nation at first, his happy and extravagant style not matching her own introverted character. After her surrender she got to know him so much better and she loved him before she could stop the feeling, the only true doubt was that she didn’t know if her big brother support her feelings for him and now it was too late to ask.

After the spoils of war had been divided and the lines drawn, he was one of the nations that was going to keep a close eye on her and he was determined to not only do that but support her as well.

The first time he saw Louise in a dress, Alfred knew that soldier should have been part of his Hollywood instead and he regretted not having the means to tell the man that helped him gain his independence how he thought about the man’s beloved little sister.

It would take decades, but one day Gilbert ended up setting things straight between the two young nations.

Day 5 - Love letter - Denmark/America

One year Denmark suddenly wrote her a letter to congratulate her on her Independence day and continued to do so the years following. Amelia later learned that after efforts between some of their people, he started celebrating her birthday in his own country.

Years later the amount of letters he wrote to her suddenly increased after she agreed to take control of Greenland for him, so it would be free while his own lands and people where under occupation.

She had fully expected the amount of letter to go down to the annual happy birthday card after she had officially returned Greenland to Magnus, but that didn’t happen.

These days Magnus send her an email every day to tell her about his day no matter if it had been dull, interesting, boring or exciting and she would read them before falling asleep and answering him the next morning.

Day 6 - First love/Crush (mob! AU) - Germany/North Italy

Before his little brother had walked into the room, Gilbert would have preferred to make a deal with the real head of the Vargas family. That had been before he saw his reaction to the pretty little Italian woman has shown up as a representative for her grandfather

His little Lutz had stopped moving the moment he saw Feliciana Vargas and the young woman hadn’t stopped talking since that very moment, not noticing how red Ludwig’s face had turned when she hooked their arms together.

The pale man couldn’t help the sound that escaped his lips, “kesesese..” seeing that the bond between the Vargas and Beilschmidt families would be even tighter than anyone would have thought of before this evening.

Gilbert was the first to know.

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4 years ago
Germany X Fem!America

Germany x fem!America

Prompt: Flowers

Song: Wildflowers by Tom Petty

for @aphrarepairweek2020

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4 years ago
Denmark X Fem!America

Denmark x fem!America

Prompt: Stars

for @aphrarepairweek2020 

day and night, because those stars are always there.

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4 years ago
Free Day/Halloween Costums Prompt At @hetaween-hetaliaevent

Free day/Halloween costums prompt at @hetaween-hetaliaevent​

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3 years ago

Johan van Rijn had learned Amelia L. Jones was many things. One of those was that she was very persistent when she wanted something and what she wanted now was to eat at this new place of some fast food chain popular with her people.

There had been no reason to decline and he was happy to go there with her, if it would make her happy.

He found a reason to not be fond of the place soon enough. Making their way to an unoccupied table, he noticed the amount of food on people’s plates, specifically the size of all that food.

After finding a table, America ordered them something to drink for both of them. Again, he took notice of the size.

Amelia happily told him that he could get refills for free, which made a small smile appear on his lips. He was well known for his love of getting things for free, but now he smiled because it made his girl happy to get him something he loved.

Still, between the drinks and food, he couldn’t help but her. “Are the servings here always this enormous?”

She sure looked angry.

Oh boy.

He shouldn’t have asked.


Nedame prompt culture

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3 years ago
Day 6 II Betrayal

Day 6 II Betrayal

@hetafamilyweek for 2021

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3 years ago

Painted woman

It all started at his last birthday party when his boss had given him a birthday present. It had been huge and heavy, but nothing he couldn’t carry. Ripping of the wrapping, he looked upon a magnificent painting, old and beautiful. The frame on was carved with love and skill and the woman in the painting was at least as lovely to see as she must have been in life.

Such a gift had to be given a place where any and all visitors could see it. And such it was given in the home he resided in most often.

He had been wrong about the lady being lovely. The haunted feeling Alfred had felt while walking down the hall to this bedroom hadn’t left him for months now. Every time he walked to or left his bedroom, he walked past the newly acquired painting faster. He felt bad about it, and not in the sense of not liking a gift. Something was wrong with this painting.

Then it got worse, it had gotten to the point he ran past the painting when he had to go past it. Alfred nearly ran past the painting he looked at it and saw the woman’s eyes following him. He immediately stopped in his tracks and ran back into his bedroom, slapping the door shut. Unable to believe it himself, but to afraid to take another look for himself he called Arthur ignoring the differences in time between their respective homes to ask for help.

“The painting is cursed, Arthie. Please help me, I really think it’s haunted.” The American pleaded.

All that earned him were some swear words and snoring sounds. No help there, but he couldn’t stay here alone. He’d have to run past it.

Alfred steadied himself at his bedroom door, visualizing the way down the stairs and out of the front door. Counting to three, he almost threw the door of the room open and flew down the hall towards the stairs. Just as he took the first few steps he felt the need to take one last look at the painting. It was a need he couldn’t explain and one he didn’t want to feel. He stood still in front of the painting and saw it was empty except for the background. The woman had disappeared.

He froze in fear until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Swirling around, he only took good notice of the figure’s eyes before he knew no more.


The first thing Alfred noticed when he regained consciences, was his inability to move. He found he wasn’t even able blink his eyes, but he could look around. What he could see was the hallway to his own bedroomand then he saw himself walking past. Or someone looking like him, the man held himself differently than Alfred did and he made sure to avoid eye contact with one specific painting. The painting that Alfred had been so afraid of.

The only thing left for Alfred F. Jones to do was look at anyone that might walk across his view or shed tears. The painting allowed him that much, if only to a small limit.

He had never been this hopeless or afraid.


A few days later there was a frantic knocking on the front door. Someone went to open it and Alfred could hear the sound of a grumpy Englishman.

“Took you long enough to open the door, you git.”

The blond stepped aside to let to older man in.

“Why are you here?”

“You called me, in the middle of the night, about some painting! That’s why I’m here.”

The younger man’s eyes narrowed before they drifted upwards towards the painting.

Arthur followed his gaze and froze upon it’s sight. England had only ever seen eyes that bright blue.

There seemed to be tears the painting hadn’t included earlier.

“Milk?!” He heard behind him, making him turn around and face his former colony. His boy’s eyes should have been the brightest blue like in the painting. Not this dull shade of green, much unlike Arthur’s own emerald colour.

What kind of being was this creature?

“Excuse me?” Arthur asked distracted.

“Do you want milk in your tea?”

“No milk but a little sugar, please.”

He needed to get out of this house and away from this being to get Alfred out of that cursed painting.

If only he could have let his little brother know that he would come back for him soon.

To help Alfred, he needed to get out of that place without letting anyone know.


Alfred was stuck inside the frame of his new home and saw the man he once looked up to, and really still did, leave without even noticing he was gone. Maybe if he had never said he wasn’t his little brother anymore, England would have cared enough to notice the difference.

As it was, Alfred could only shed more tears. The painting did not allow for enough tears for Al’s sorrows to feel any lighter.


There were many noises inside the house, mostly outside his line of sight. Suddenly there was one cloaked figure moving towards his painting. That figure was a dragging another one towards his painting, a figure that was screaming and kicking. Then everything happened almost too quick to remember.

He was told to take hold of the man pressed against the painting. He didn’t know how to communicate that he was unable to move, but the cloaked man seemed to know this already and told him he could do it if he just believed in it.

And he did, he had to, it was his only chance to get out of the painting. He felt the woman from the painting being drawn into the frame and with his body free, he focused on that alone.

As he rolled into the hallway he knew so well, he looked up and saw Arthur pressed up against the painting. Getting up to help in any way he could, his former mentor yelled at him to get away. The painting wanted him and drew strength from Alfred. So he stayed away.


The door rang and when Arthur opened the door, he was greeted by the young American holding a bunch of roses. “For you.” And the roses where pushed into his hands and the younger man evaded eye contact.

“Why the roses?” he repeated.

“I want to be siblings again.”

Arthur sighed. “Look me in the eye then.”

Alfred seemed afraid to do so.

“I didn’t want to be my little brother anymore, but you’re still my little brother.”

That made the younger looking nation look up, straight into…

…his big brother’s bright green eyes framed by those huge eyebrows.

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3 years ago
Prompts Milkshake And Rollerskates For The @femtalia-hetaevent.

Prompts milkshake and rollerskates for the @femtalia-hetaevent.

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2 years ago

Another day filled with paperwork had gone by and the young woman was relived to finally be able to go outside and get some fresh air into her lungs. On her way out she had expected to find Ludwig hidden behind the stacks of documents that covered his desk these days.

So not catching sight of the blond man was a normal occurrence, but for her to be walking around the desk and finding the chair empty was not. Amelia usually needed to pull the other young nation away from the work that was given to him.

After a quick round of questioning the staff, she came to the conclusion Ludwig had left without informing anyone like he was supposed to. Which meant she needed to find him first, before any of the others found out and then things might get out of hand.

Unable to find the other nation, America headed home to her apartment and while driving she couldn’t imagine where he might have run of to.

While she was driving around  a corner the cars’ front lights illuminated a person. Male, blond, muscled and she guessed he was going to be tall when he stood up. She had found her missing German.

Amelia quickly parked the car and nearly jumped out of the vehicle.

“Germany!” she shouted “What are you thinking?!”

He turned around at the sound of her voice, but didn’t get up from the spot he was sitting.


“I needed some time alone with my thoughts.”

The young superpower sight softly. “Can’t you think about that at home?”

At that he looked like she was insane.

“I can’t go home.”

She felt for the other nation in some way, but he needed to be punished for all the things his people had done.

She simply shook her head and after some time she raised her gaze.

“You gave my home, my heart to the Soviet Union. We would have fought beside you to stop him, but you gave Gilbert to Ivan instead. Now it’s just the USA and the Sovjet Union, the last two superpowers.”

After a moment Ludwig simple added one sentence to his statement. “I miss my big brother.”

In some way she could relate to that.

Amelia sat down besides the defeated nation without saying anything.

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2 years ago

Once upon a time in a far, far away world, there was a large country and in that country there were many cities and many towns. Some big and many small ones. This story will be about one of those towns and in particular about one boy that lived in that town and about .

The town this boy lived in was a small town and all the people and children knew each other. So everyone knew the boy lived on the farm at the far edge of the town, were every year the snow would always linger the longest after winter turned to spring and the rest of their small town had already turned green. It made the boy’s family farm feel like it was from another realm altogether and its proximity to the large lake of which no one knew what was on the other side of.

The unknown was what made the local people afraid of the lake and that’s how the stories about it had started. How beings from lands of the other side would come to visit and stories about those visitors not being human. Those stories led to the people of the town telling stories about how the farm and even the family who inhabited it attracted these strangers towards their little community.

The condition of the only son of the family, the young boy was called Ivan, didn’t help with the gossip the people whispered when they thought no member of that little, isolated family wouldn’t be able to hear them. The boy, Ivan, had the strangest condition to his heart. It had started when he had been really young and it had worried one of his sisters. His other sister still very little at the time.

As for his parents, his father rarely showed any emotion and had so much work to do on the farm Ivan rarely saw the man even though they lived in the same house. Ivan didn’t have any recollection of his mother, but he liked to imagine that he remembered her voice and that the tune he would often hear hummed just before he fell asleep at night was what she sounded like.

Despite the all the stories and the harsh thumbing of his heart that was sometimes so strong the Ivan felt like his heart would break out of his chest and one a few accessions even the other boys of the town could hear it, they still played with him. They thought was strange, but they did not fear him.

Until the day it happened for the first time. Some of the children had been saying mean things about his family and Ivan loved his family. His heart had started beating harder and harder, louder and louder like he was used to it acting like that sometimes and suddenly the beating stopped. It felt odd that the beating stopped so suddenly, but he thought nothing of it until the other boys started screaming and pointed at him.

As Ivan looked down at the ground he saw a heart and while that scared him, it was the hollow feeling in his chest and as he raised his hands, the hole he could feel there that truly frightened him. As the children ran towards their homes, the boy scrambled to grab the beating heart on the ground and ran in the opposite direction towards the farm.

As he arrived there, he scared his sisters and his father, emotionless as always simple took the heart in his only son’s hands and shoved it back into his boy’s chest. After that, the man wrapped bandages around his son’s chest. Then he had to go finish the day’s work.

At least he has his sisters, who hugged him and accepted him even though his heart could fall out and be put back in like it was nothing.

Ivan didn’t leave the farm anymore and simply played with sofia and Natalya or helped their father while he worked the land around their farm or took care of their animals.

Eventually the boy who played on the farm grew into the teenager who worked on the farm. Even if he had less time now to spend with his sisters as their father grew older and couldn’t do as much work as he had been able to when his children were younger, he was grateful for any time they could spend together. Together they were happy.

The teenager who worked on the farm grew into the man who owned the farm. Ivan grew up to be a tall, strong man despite his heart suddenly falling out of his body sometimes and the his father came to pass. Or was it the other way around? The story is not clear on that one, but in either version the only son inherited the farm from his father. On his deathbed the man still seemed to lack emotion, but he told him to take care of his sisters and to protect his own heart. For the first time he spoke of his wife and how his son had always reminded him of her. How it was not as bad to meet someone from outside of their little town as the people said it was.

He wondered how he had reminded his father of the mother he didn’t know. Did he look like her or was it that he acted like she did, maybe both? Sofia told him he was gentle like she used to be. She always cared about him and he loved her for it.

Like his father before him, Ivan worked very hard and earned little for his effort on the farm but at the end of the day he was proud of the work he and his sisters had managed to do and was happy to simply have a meal with them and talk about anything they could think about. The work they had done that day, the work waiting for them the next day, how nice it would be to spend a day playing on the farm instead of working like they used to do as children or together they would imagine stories about the people on the other side of the lake. Unlike the scary stories the townspeople told, their stories were happy and hopeful.

Yet hope can only do so much. When difficult times came to the town, so did they come to their farm and no matter his hard work he could not make enough money to take care of the farm. He send sofia to the town to find work and when she came back saying there was no work, Ivan send her away from their family home to find work in another town.

She was angry at him and left without saying goodbye while Ivan and Natalya stood side by side and watched her until she was so far away the wasn’t visible to them any longer. Life continued, for two of the siblings it did so at the farm and for the other one it did in her new home. She managed to find work and send home money for the farm, but she would not send home letters.

It hurt him to do this and it hurt even more when it proved useless as the money his sister send still wasn’t enough. Ivan asked Natalya to go to the town and find work. The youngest sibling went on her way and Ivan stood by the farm as she left. When she returned, Ivan stood by their home awaiting her return and as she came closer he could see the fear in her eyes.

He hang his head low, knowing what he would have to ask her and she hang her head low, knowing what her brother was going to ask her. Ivan asked her to leave and Natalya begged him to let her stay with him. The brother denied the sister. As she told him she didn’t want to leave him all alone, he hugged her and begged her to write home. The sister promises to the brother.

Natalya found her way to another town than there sister, she wrote him. She had asked around and the people there didn’t know sofia. In her letter, she also let him know she found work and would send money to him soon. That she wished he didn’t feel too alone back at home, that she missed him and hope to go back to their farm soon.

Ivan loved the letters Natalya wrote him and she did write him often, but he was alone as she had feared. The children from town he ones played with had grown up like Ivan had, but they still feared him and the way his heart would escape him. The new children had all heard their stories and would not go near the old farm.

As the days went on without company, Ivan would walk by the lake more and more often. Staring at the land on the other side of it, so far away it couldn’t be seen except on the clearest of days. Imagining his own stories about what the people from there would be like in the same way he used to do with his sisters before he turned them away from their home. How emotionless he must seem to them and how he wished for warmed that even the fire in the fireplace couldn’t provide him in the absence of his siblings.

A moment of movement, a bright flare like a bonfire caught in the corner of his eye brought him out of the thoughts that made his heart beat so loud he had pressed his hands against his chest the push his heart back in the moment it left him. The man turned to see what had caused that light, but saw nothing no matter what direction he looked. With a sigh he went back to his home and forgot about the light.

The next day, he went to the lake and again that bright flare occurred while he was deep in thought and wishing to have his sisters by his side to alleviate his loneliness. Again, he saw it from the corner of his eye. Only this time it was much closer, still at a distance yet on his side of the shore. The light had moved across the lake. Frightened, the man ran home.

On the third day, Ivan refused to leave his house. No work was done on the farm that day. There was no flare on any shore that day, but a small flicker did occur.

The fourth day work on the farm was resumed, but the flare or flicker was left alone on the shore to wait as Ivan wanted to stay away from the lake.

Yet on the day after that, when his fear has subsided and his curiosity had grown, that Ivan had returned to the shore and this time he did see something after seeing the flare in the corner of his eye. When he turned, he noticed a young man.

“You left.” He accused.

Ivan ignored the accusation and looked at the other man. Somehow he looked bright like the flares he had seen. Hair the colour of the wheat on his land and the sunflowers he tried to grow and eyes as blue as the sky was on the days the shores on the other side of the lake could be seen.

He looked normal at first glance, but as Ivan looked long enough he noticed sparks and small flames forming around the body. This man so bright was made of fire. Somehow Ivan knew this and nods.

“I left.” He agrees. “Where are you from and why did you here?”

The blond simply points across the lake. “I want to see more than just the place I come from.”

Silence falls between them for while, but it’s comfortable. At least to Ivan, because the man of fire starts speaking again. “Don’t you want to see other places? If you leave you might find a friend, I know you long for company.”

It startles him and he almost runs away again, but his heart start beating loud and harsh again so he focuses on pushing his heart back before it can even get out.

“No, I send my sisters away from home and they wanted to stay and I can’t have friends, I only scare them away.”

It’s was the man of fire’s turn to be surprised.

“How can that be? You’re so tall it’s a little scary, but you seem nice enough.”

“I’m cursed. My hearts falls out of my chest when I feel too strongly. It scares people away.”

“That scares away people, it doesn’t scare away friends.”

“Then what would friends do?”

“They would catch your heart and return it to you, of course.” The man of fire smiles like the sun as he explains this to someone who never had a friend before. And as he looks at the taller man besides him he realizes he did just that. “Show me your home?”

Ivan takes the man of fire from across the lake to his farm and while they talk the sparks get bigger and brighter and warmer. His friend feels like the sun.

“Call me Alfred.” The sun says.


They work together on the farm and things get better. So much better that the sunflowers have started to grow and Ivan writes his sisters to come home.

Natalya writes a long letter home immediately and will return soon as she can. Hoping to meet this friend that kept her brother company in her absence and that didn’t fear to hold his heart after it broke free from his body.

Sofia takes her time to send a note back and keeps it short. She met someone in her new hometown and will not return to his farm. She will continue to send money.

Ivan tells her there is no longer any need for that.

Even the people in town are kinder to Ivan, because they have taken a liking to Alfred who is charming and bright. He just needs to remember to keep his sparks and flames down because these townspeople are easily scared of things they do not understand.

Alfred adores Natalya and the quiet girl, young woman really, seems fond of this bright fire that walks around their home. Only the sun turns restless and wants shine his light on other things, places, people. He asks Ivan to travel the towns on this side of the lake, maybe come with him across the water.

Ivan hesitates.

Natalya tells him to go. She’ll take care of their farm that she missed so much while she was away. She’s happy she got to see other places and she wants that for her brother as well.

Ivan just has to promise her to return home.

Ivan and Alfred promise to come home to the farm.



For huggiebird5017 for the rusame exchange @spaceracedates

Using the prompt Fantasy AU that kind of turned out like a fairytail with human!Ivan and fire being!Alfred.

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2 years ago
Redesigns Of Fem!america And Liechtenstein For The HWS Redesign Week From @hwsevents. I Sadly Forgot

Redesigns of fem!america and liechtenstein for the HWS redesign week from @hwsevents. I sadly forgot to draw the little braid (germania style) I had in mind for liechtenstein. A reference to her other hairstyle.

I do like liechtenstein's canon design but the dress feels so old fashioned and this is just a modern twist. I removed the ribbon in her hair, but it's not gone. It's in her shirt. (which itself turned out darker than I wanted it to.)

America somehow turned out looking like such an adult. No idea how I pulled that one off.

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1 year ago
Day 8 Prompt Horror Movies For @hetaween-event.

Day 8 prompt horror movies for @hetaween-event.

Amelia and Madeline acting like the creepy twins from the shining.

Poor Arthur has to take them trick or treating.

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Call It A Sport, Call It A Pastime, Winter Or Summer Its A Full Time Job And Were Professionals, Baby
Call It A Sport, Call It A Pastime, Winter Or Summer Its A Full Time Job And Were Professionals, Baby

Call it a sport, call it a pastime, winter or summer it’s a full time job and we’re professionals, baby

But let me tell ya, I’m gonna kick this guy’s ass

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More Sketches For The Last Nyo Ame Comm I Mentioned :3 Still Fixing Some Details Huhuhu

more sketches for the last nyo ame comm i mentioned :3 still fixing some details huhuhu

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