I Am Cringe But I Am Free - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

5 months ago

[Not alterhuman/nonhuman related]

I'm 19 years old. I'm going to go trick or treating. I don't care that I'm an adult. When I was younger, I had issues with trick or treating cause I was a scared pup so I have only really been going trick or treating properly in the last like 4 or 5 years, a little before COVID time. So let me have my fun.

Also, if anyone says anything about my scared past self, listen I was a young pup and was very terrified of scary things, I am still not entirely into scary things, some I like more than others, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Be yourself and do what you want to do as long as no one gets hurt.

if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

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