Look at my pinned post | 19 years old in this life/body
64 posts
Zukishaylupo - OCKin MHA/BNHA - Tumblr Blog
[Before I start, I wanna say I am slightly age regressed rn, so if my message is off or different, that's probably why, lol].
Mood, I was a few predatory animals, lol [wolf, dog, cat, I am unsure if a crow is a predator but if so that too, lol].
I tried to be a good friend to all of my friends, including Toga. Toga and I got along cause of relating with quirk discrimination and quirk diet stuff.
It definitely is cool swapping memories!!!
I've been dealing with a lot of bad memories from my life as Zuki coming back to my mind today, so to talk about better memories and stuff is nice. I mean, yeah, we are talking about bad stuff to do with quirks slightly, but still.
Anyways yeah, it's really cool talking about memories with you!!!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/xe/it)
Edit: forgot tags, lol
Hello, I decided to come say hi and shit in an ask, lol.
I'm not good at starting conversations, but I would like to hear about any alterhuman or nonhuman experiences or memories or anything that'd you'd be willing to share!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it) | a fellow noncanon MHA being/creature :3c
aaa hihi!! good to hear from you, i definitely feel you on the 'bad at starting conversations' lol!
the first thing that comes to mind a memory of playing video games with Tomura and Shuichi. I wasn't very good at it, but it was good bonding and i loved playing with them. I would only play the 'silly' games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, they got too into the 'serious' ones for me. I finished in last place every time lmao, so i mostly spent my time teasing whoever was in second place. Dabi would sit with us too sometimes, either lazily scrolling on his phone or bothering the three of us, trying to help whoever would give him the most attention lol. The others joined in sometimes too, Himiko and Jin and rarely Sho and Toshi if they were hanging out. Himiko would shriek excitedly and bump us while Jin cheered her on and cursed her out. It was good.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble lol!! Feel free to share any memories/thoughts you have :D
I have been really going through it with bad memories from my life as Zuki lately, lol.
So, instead, I wanna share some good memories I have so I can balance out the bad.
Since I was like an older sibling to Izuku, I would let him help me preen my wings and shit, which is a thing for mostly family [and mates]. He was one of the only ones that I allowed to do this for a long time. Eventually, others from Class 1A got added to the list of people who were allowed to even touch my wings, let alone preen them. Hikari, my queer platonic partner, was the second person who I allowed to preen my wings [of my class], we may not have been romantic, but they were still my mate. Hitoshi was the third cause he was my little brother, legally this time, lol. Toshi was the least likely to ask to preen my wings though, even after getting permission to ask, I would usually have to ask him if he wanted to help for him to feel like he could, lol [it did come from his trauma though so it's ok, love you bro]. I allowed Denki to touch my wings and tail cause it would help with his ADHD sometimes, which mood I would play with my own tail to help my ADHD, lol. There are others, but these are the ones I feel like sharing rn.
Bro, I remember hanging out with the "girls" [I use quotes cause not everyone identified as a girl/woman]. We would have "girl's night," which once again not everyone identified with that gender but it's pretty much what we would call it, lol. It was fun. We would paint each other's nails. The ones who knew makeup and shit would help those who wanted to learn. And we would just talk about shit. I miss these "girl's nights" so much.
I miss the game nights we would have as a whole class. We had to ban some games cause of how people got, lol. Monopoly was the first one to be banned, lol. We would play Uno the most, even though people got very competitive [*cough* Bakugo and me mainly *cough*]. We also had to ban truth or dare, and I will not be explaining why, I think it's obvious why. Would you rather and never have I ever were allowed though, lol.
Dadzawa and Papamic would take me, Eri, and Toshi to do fun activities, such as arts and crafts, go trick or treating, and other fun shit, lol. I would usually end up carrying Eri at some point cause she loved to be carried, and it helped with my protective instincts, lol. I would usually wrap my wings around her while holding her, and she loved it. If someone who is good at art would draw that for me, I would love it [I don't have money rn so I'm not gonna commission anyone right now, but I might when I get enough money, lol].
I would never have described myself as good with kids, and I would say that I wasn't a lot. My friends and family tended to disagree with me there. They would bring up how good I was with Eri, Kota, and a kid who is not canon. But I would bring up in response that they were all traumatized kids that I latched onto in a sibling way mainly but also cause I saw bits of myself in them and didn't want them to not have someone. Other kids I was definitely not good with. I would say I'm not really good with kids in this life, even though at the church I am forced to go to, I help with the kids, lol. Kids are kinda weird.
I remember Remo, my service dog, and despite the fact that I had been so fucking upset that I needed another being/creature with me to function, I loved him. I remember when I would have him off duty and use my quirk to become a little wolfdog with wings spirit thing and play with him, lol. I also used that to play with Hikari, whose quirk let them become certain animals, lol. It was very fun to do these things and I miss being able to do that.
I really miss everyone. I miss my life as Zuki. I miss my pack. I miss my wings. I miss my tail. I miss my ears. I miss my sharp teeth. I miss my claws. I miss being Zuki physically.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it/xe)
I love liking MHA and RWBY. And having one confirmed kin [and a questioning kin as well] from one and questioning a kin for the other.
Like they are both animes with powers that are called something different [quirks and semblances respectively]. Also, hero schools [not called a hero school in RWBY but whatever, that's what it is].
There are probably more similarities than these, these are just what came to mind rn.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it) | Cyan Lupo (They/it) [what I am using for my questioning RWBY OCkin]
Edit of like not even a minute later, they are both hated on and probably thought of as cringe.
I wanna make it clear that while I check my posts multiple times before posting, there could always be spelling or grammar mistakes or even words used wrong or weirdly.
I have a learning disability [it's called Specific Learning Disability on my paperwork, lol], as well as being autistic and ADHD. So keep all of that in mind if you see mistakes in my posts. Also, if you are polite about it, do feel free to correct me.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it)
I'm a bit bored, I should probably work on English class work, but my brain says no, and I have no real control, lol.
Anyways, fictionkin shit, this is gonna be talking about my biological parents as Zuki, so there will be trigger warnings. All of this is just to do with my life as Zuki, I have problems with my parents here, but not as bad.
Tw: hinted at sexual assult not said by name but still, physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, child abuse, bullying, scars, burning/fire, and maybe more? Idk if there's anything to add, let me know.
My bio father as Zuki was a horrible abusive asshole. He was not the first guy to get my bio mother pregnant [as my old sibling is my half-sibling from my mom]. He told my mother that if she just had one kid with him, then he would be "happy" (not his actual words but whatever). So I was the kid that came from this "agreement".
But when I actually got the first part[s] of my quirk at the age of 4, which included wings (which came from my sib's bio father pretty much, it's hard to explain exactly), he was fucking pissed but couldn't do anything cause my mother did what he wanted, she had one kid with him (just not the kid he wanted).
At the age of 7, the other part of my quirk came in. Which is/was essentially the ability to "drop" my body and become a "spirit," I guess you could say. It freaked people out, causing a lot of bullying and shit. Anyways, that just made my bio father [I hate calling him that, but whatever] hate me more.
He was always "aggressive" and abusive, I mean, he didn't get physical to me until I was around 5 or so. I also couldn't actually speak until I was at least 7, and then it was about at a like 2 year old level, basically. Anyways, he got physically abusive towards me when I was like 5, but he was always verbally and emotionally abusive towards me.
When I was like 11, my bio father got put into jail cause my old sib got into UA and told Aizawa about him and shit. I was happy that I was "free" from abuse [I wasn't really, but I was at least free from him].
My bio mother had an alcohol problem and would drink a whole lot. She wasn't really ever physically abusive when I was younger. But after my bio father got put in jail, it actually seemed to get worse with her towards me. Idk why exactly, but I believe it had to do with me kinda looking like my bio father and also my bio mother (she definitely had problems with self image and took it out on me).
My old sib didn't see the abusive side of our mother at all. They were the favorite child, they didn't look as much like our mother, I guess. They had seen only the loving side of our mother, which I knew existed but rarely saw when I was alone with her.
I always had a hard time admitting that my mother was abusive and shit. To me, it was deserved cause I was an unwanted pup that she was forced to have and care for. She still wasn't typically physically abusive.
When I was like 12 or 13, my bio mother left me alone in the house. She had slapped me to the ground before fully leaving as I was quietly "screaming" for her to not leave me. My older sib never knew this. As far as they knew, our mother was just really busy with hero work [I forgot to mention that both of my bio parents were heroes]. The only time our mother would be at the house is if I had called or texted her about my old sibling wanting to see her and shit. Then she would come home and act like everything was fine and that she still lived there and took care of me.
That went on until I was like 15, it was my second year in high school [another reminder that UA is a college and I was 18 in my canon]. My bio mother had been in a bad villain attack and was at the hospital and would never do hero work again and would have to be in the hospital for a while (years). After that happened, my old sib ended up becoming my legal guardian and shit.
My old sib was pretty busy with hero work since they were pretty much just starting out with their hero career. They asked Izuku's mom [Auntie Inko as I called her] to look out for me a lot, as she already was, and because me and Izuku were childhood friends who were re-becoming friends again.
Pretty sure if Auntie Inko had the full ability to support another child legally and shit, she would've adopted me. I was not an easy pup to deal with, though. I was very suspicious of her kindness and would fight her [I bit her a few times cause of being fearful and shit, I really regret that and shit]. I was sure that she would abandon me as well one day, of course this never happened [think of the moment in the movie Bolt where Mittens is talking about how "Penny is fake" that was kind of how I was with Izuku and his mom at first].
Anyways, Auntie Inko ended up basically being my parent until I got adopted by Dadzawa and Papamic.
I'm gonna go into a bit more detail, but not too much detail about my bio father's abuse now.
His quirk gave him wolf claws [not necessarily always out, but he kept them out almost all the time] that were able to use some of the elements (fire, water, etc. I guess) to hurt. It's kinda hard to explain rn, but basically, he could have his claws on fire [I use that example cause it was his favorite].
He would use his "fire claws" on me a lot when he wanted to hurt me. He burned me a lot with them, I had so many scars from him doing this a lot. I had one scar across my face that I got from one of those times that I hid with makeup for a long time. Eventually, I gave up hiding it, and when my friends asked about it, I would say it was old, and I just used to cover it up.
His abuse in this way made me very cautious around fire and shit [so yes I was very cautious and scared when Todoroki first started using his fire but I of course never said anything cause I was not about to discourage his use of his fire]. Fur and feathers don't really go with fire anyway, so yeah.
Idk if there's anything else I want to say but at least for right now, this is good. Sorry for 2 vent(?) posts back to back.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/hx/it)
Tw: sexual assault mentioned, trauma/ptsd, I think that's it? All of this is pretty much just past life, and it's not explicit, just mentioned by name.
Anyone else who experienced trauma in a past life that they haven't experienced in your current life, how do you deal with it?
I haven't ever been SAed in this life but I am pretty sure that I was at least once in a past life [maybe multiple past lifes, Zuki is the one that I am meaning rn]. And I have no real idea of how to go about dealing with this.
I feel shitty cause, like I've said, I have never been through that in this life, but it still affects me about as much as if I had. And I don't really know how to talk about this shit with people cause idk how they would react, even those that support and love me as I am [alterhuman/nonhuman stuff included] but having trauma from my past life that I haven't experienced here is kinda different.
Idk, I just want to know if anyone has any advice or anything for this situation.
Sorry for this type of post, I try not to bring too much stuff like this into my account, but I feel like I need to. I'll try and keep my posts more light-hearted or, at least of course, give trigger warnings or content warnings when they're not light-hearted.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/hx/it)
Random, but can any systems/plural beings talk about how they figured out that they are plural?
DID, OSDD, endo, etc. Any version of systems or plurals
I have questioned DID or something similar to just myself and 1 or 2 friends irl before. I'm unsure if my trauma was "enough" or happened at "the right time" or whatever to be able to cause a dissociative disorder.
If anyone has any websites or similar things to suggest to help me, pls send me them.
I mostly try and stay out of plural/system things cause once again I am unsure if I am one in any way. And to go into a community that I am not sure I am in feels off.
Using I/me/my/etc. sometimes feels wrong, and we/us/our/etc. feel right even if just referring to "me." But sometimes I/me/my/etc. feels fine/right, so idk.
Please give me advice or at least share your experiences if you're able/willing to. Thanks
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it/hx) [if I find out I'm a system/plural in some way, this sign off thing will probably be changed around].
These messages really do get a lot longer than expected, lol.
I could go into more detail about a lot of things, but then we'd probably be at this like all day, lol. While that'd be fun, it's probably better to not do that, lol.
Just want to say that you're really cool! And it's really great talking with you! I don't really have many people to talk to about all this, so it's really nice being able to ramble about memories with someone!
I just realized that I typed Shoto with the u, which he didn't have in my canon, lol. So ignore the u, I'm too lazy to go and change it, lol.
I'm glad that you told Toga Himiko that her quirk doesn't make her evil. I remember that when I first met her after the training camp [I wasn't really involved in that fight anyways], I told her that I had been called tons of names and shit because of my quirk.
I was called "Monster" "Freak" "Evil" etc.
But the one that really 'stuck' was being told that "Not even a villain would want your quirk." So, uh yeah, that sucks. They were basically saying that my quirk was so useless and bad that no one would ever want it. It's what made it easier for me to see people with "evil" or "villain" or "useless" or whatever other word people said quirks as good and deserving of love and worth so much. Quirks are really just a tool in a way. It's how someone uses it that makes the person. Quirkless people are also worth so much, and I wish that people had seen that more.
I remember giving Toga some of my blood on that day that I actually met her [this happened before I was adopted. It was like right after the dorms were made] and saying something like, "I won't let someone starve if I could help them." Cause at least in my canon, she needed to drink blood to live, so yeah. Quirk diets or whatever you wanna call them suck [I had to eat more meat and sometimes needed to eat what would essentially be raw meat, it was slightly cooked but not quite rare, but it wasn't fully raw, idk. I just know it sucked cause of being scared of how people would see me.].
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it/hx)
Hello, I decided to come say hi and shit in an ask, lol.
I'm not good at starting conversations, but I would like to hear about any alterhuman or nonhuman experiences or memories or anything that'd you'd be willing to share!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it) | a fellow noncanon MHA being/creature :3c
aaa hihi!! good to hear from you, i definitely feel you on the 'bad at starting conversations' lol!
the first thing that comes to mind a memory of playing video games with Tomura and Shuichi. I wasn't very good at it, but it was good bonding and i loved playing with them. I would only play the 'silly' games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, they got too into the 'serious' ones for me. I finished in last place every time lmao, so i mostly spent my time teasing whoever was in second place. Dabi would sit with us too sometimes, either lazily scrolling on his phone or bothering the three of us, trying to help whoever would give him the most attention lol. The others joined in sometimes too, Himiko and Jin and rarely Sho and Toshi if they were hanging out. Himiko would shriek excitedly and bump us while Jin cheered her on and cursed her out. It was good.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble lol!! Feel free to share any memories/thoughts you have :D
[Not alterhuman/nonhuman related]
I'm 19 years old. I'm going to go trick or treating. I don't care that I'm an adult. When I was younger, I had issues with trick or treating cause I was a scared pup so I have only really been going trick or treating properly in the last like 4 or 5 years, a little before COVID time. So let me have my fun.
Also, if anyone says anything about my scared past self, listen I was a young pup and was very terrified of scary things, I am still not entirely into scary things, some I like more than others, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Be yourself and do what you want to do as long as no one gets hurt.
if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.
Lol, love that! I guess I sort of had a problem with becoming people's sibling in some way as well, lol.
Izuku, who was [one of] my childhood friend(s), was the first person to be considered by me as a little sibling, lol. I actually called him my little brother a lot.
I at first was actually not really close to Tokoyami, I relate it to the territorial bird [and other animal but mainly bird in this case] instincts and shit. But after a bit, I managed to start to see them as like a sibling or cousin, although I am unsure if I ever actually said anything about this.
Hitoshi was probably the second one that I realized I was seeing as a little sibling, though. And it just became more prominent when I got adopted by Aizawa and Mic, who had adopted Toshi before me [I also call him Toshi a lot].
Eri is my only other legal sibling cause she was also adopted by Aizawa and Mic. Though that was after me. She was my little sister, and I was very protective of her and would do pretty much anything for her.
Todoroki Shouto was pretty much like my brother in law without the marriage aspect. Him and Izuku were together and really loved each other. So I was like a weird older (I think I was older than him? Unsure of birthdays a bit) sibling in law, lol.
Trying to think of others that I saw as siblings or cousins or something like that, lol.
I kinda also felt very much like an older sibling to Uraraka after a little bit of being her friend. I got extremely protective anytime that someone would be rude to her [including the Sports Festival shit, fucking assholes]. She and Izuku didn't have a thing for each other in my canon like in the manga/anime btw. Her and Tsu got together at some point, and I think Toga might have also been in a relationship with them, but I am unsure, lol.
With Bakugo [who was my other childhood friend], I sort of saw him as like a brother or cousin, but not really? I think Toshi had ended up liking Kats [and 2 others] romantically, which is where the weirdness comes in, lol. But it's not really that weird cause they didn't see each other as family like that, and how I saw Kats could even end up being described in a way like Todoroki.
There's probably others that I'm missing, but these are the main ones I can think of rn, lol.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it/hx) :3c
Hello, I decided to come say hi and shit in an ask, lol.
I'm not good at starting conversations, but I would like to hear about any alterhuman or nonhuman experiences or memories or anything that'd you'd be willing to share!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it) | a fellow noncanon MHA being/creature :3c
aaa hihi!! good to hear from you, i definitely feel you on the 'bad at starting conversations' lol!
the first thing that comes to mind a memory of playing video games with Tomura and Shuichi. I wasn't very good at it, but it was good bonding and i loved playing with them. I would only play the 'silly' games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, they got too into the 'serious' ones for me. I finished in last place every time lmao, so i mostly spent my time teasing whoever was in second place. Dabi would sit with us too sometimes, either lazily scrolling on his phone or bothering the three of us, trying to help whoever would give him the most attention lol. The others joined in sometimes too, Himiko and Jin and rarely Sho and Toshi if they were hanging out. Himiko would shriek excitedly and bump us while Jin cheered her on and cursed her out. It was good.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble lol!! Feel free to share any memories/thoughts you have :D
Been thinking about my life as Zuki a lot lately, so I'm gonna share some more shit about it. This is gonna be a long ass post, lol.
Class 1A was really close in my canon. We were a family [I would use the word pack]. There were 21 of us originally (everyone from the "actual" canon minus Mınət@ who didn't exist as far as I know, lol, and me and one other noncanon 'character' who's name is Hikari Kubo-Mori).
More stuff about how I got along with some other Class 1A students below
A bit after the dorms became a thing, Hitoshi Shinso joined our class. Now, I was always a bit of a 'nerd' when it came to quirks, lol. [Me and Izuku loved to analyze quirks together cause it's very interesting and just awesome to know more about quirks, lol.]
Anyway, I was very into quirk analysis, and Hitoshi's quirk was something that was very interesting and didn't really scare me (guess it comes with having a quirk that scared others and shit). So Hitoshi and I became friends pretty quick after they joined Class 1A cause I was also way more 'into' making friends at that point, lol. [I was also a part of the "I didn't come to make friends" club at first, lol]. Then, a bit later, I got adopted by Aizawa and Present Mic, who had adopted Hitoshi before me, so we became siblings.
I don't know why exactly I brought up Hitoshi first, besides the fact that he's my brother. But I'm gonna be moving on to others now.
Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, and I were all childhood friends. We were actually pretty close before Bakugo got his quirk, I got mine, and Izuku didn't get a quirk. [I'm not really going to go into the whole thing. Just know that for a while, none of us were really friends].
I re-became friends with Izuku at the end of our last middle school year (reminder that in my canon UA was a college type thing). Shit had happened before that made me realize shit. [I was never a bully, but I also never stood up for Izuku like I should've, I had my "reasons," but idc they were kinda dumb and shit but I was a dumb pup at the time].
A bit after the dorms happened, Bakugo found me on the roof of the dorms [don't go there, I liked it cause it was quiet and I could feel the wind on my wings and shit] and asked me a few questions that kinda suprised me at first. The main thing was asking about how it's like with a service dog, how to get over the feeling of not being good enough cause of needing a dog to help, how to deal with others when it comes to service dogs, and stuff like that. Turns out that in a session with Hound Dog, a service dog was suggested to Bakugo because of the training camp and everything. I told him the truth that I still had difficulty with all of the things that having a service dog brings/causes but that I loved Remo so much and was greatful to him. Me and Kats became friends again after that (I called him Kats because when I was younger [and could speak, so I was at least 7], I had trouble with his name so I called him Kats instead).
If you notice, I use both Bakugo and Kats for him, and that's cause I did then as well, lol.
Me and the rest of the Dekusquad that I haven't mentioned already [who I have mentioned already is just Izuku and Hitoshi].
The Dekusquad was mainly known to be: me, Midoriya Izuku/Deku, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu/Tsu, Kubo-Mori Hikari, and Shinso Hitoshi [last names then first names]. Though we also had Yaoyorozu Momo, Tokoyami Fumikage, and Aoyama Yuga.
Some people I use last names more and some I use first names more. It's mainly based on how close I was to them specifically and which is easier for me. Like with Momo, it's easier with her first name than her last name, lol. But it's easier for me to use Tokoyami rather than their first name.
Now, with the Bakusquad, lol.
The Bakusquad was: Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina, and Jirou Kyouka.
I already talked about Kats. So, with the rest of the Bakusquad, I was pretty close with all of them. I was not as close to Sero, not for any reason, I just didn't hang with him a lot.
Despite being close to Jirou, I tend to use her last name cause it's easier for me, lol. Same with Kiri.
Mina and Denki were the first of the Bakusquad to give me permission to use their first names, which is what I mainly use for them.
It terms of the overall class [not including Izuku and Bakugo ofc], the first one to give permission for their first name/a nickname to be used to me was actually Hikari, the second is ofc Tsu.
There are definitely people I didn't mention here. It's not cause of any reason, I've just already gone on for a while, so this is it for this post for now. I'll probably reblog if I want to add anything later, lol.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it/hx)
That's awesome! The best way for me to reply is a reblog. If you don't want me to have rebloged, then just tell me, and I'll take it down!
Anyways, it's really cool to hear about others' memories!!! Also, love rambling and listening to others ramble about alterhuman/nonhuman stuff!!!
When you say Toshi, you mean Hitoshi Shinso, right? If so, that's my brother!! Well, it would be a different version of them, but still, lol. [My canon's Hitoshi went by he/they pronouns mainly].
Also, Mario Kart is sooooo good!!! Been playing it in this life again recently, lol. Doing great with it, actually, lol.
Playing video games with the LOV is very fun, lol. I remember some times of doing that, too!
I wasn't a part of the LOV because I was training to become a hero, of course, but I was still close with them after a few of the attacks. If you would like to hear more about me becoming friends with some of the LOV, I'd be happy to share [what I remember from it ofc]!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/hx/it) | a fellow noncanon MHA being/creature :3c
Hello, I decided to come say hi and shit in an ask, lol.
I'm not good at starting conversations, but I would like to hear about any alterhuman or nonhuman experiences or memories or anything that'd you'd be willing to share!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it) | a fellow noncanon MHA being/creature :3c
aaa hihi!! good to hear from you, i definitely feel you on the 'bad at starting conversations' lol!
the first thing that comes to mind a memory of playing video games with Tomura and Shuichi. I wasn't very good at it, but it was good bonding and i loved playing with them. I would only play the 'silly' games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, they got too into the 'serious' ones for me. I finished in last place every time lmao, so i mostly spent my time teasing whoever was in second place. Dabi would sit with us too sometimes, either lazily scrolling on his phone or bothering the three of us, trying to help whoever would give him the most attention lol. The others joined in sometimes too, Himiko and Jin and rarely Sho and Toshi if they were hanging out. Himiko would shriek excitedly and bump us while Jin cheered her on and cursed her out. It was good.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble lol!! Feel free to share any memories/thoughts you have :D
When I actually get my shit together and work on getting a service dog in this life, I am probably gonna try and get a german shepherd and name them Remo or something similar cause yeah.
When I get my shit together, I will probably be asking for donations, but I want to know more before asking for money. I am unsure of what program I am going to use exactly, I have an idea, but idk yet.
I should probably try and get diagnosed anxiety [cause I haven't been diagnosed, but it's definitely obvious] and maybe look into OCD and PTSD more? I know I have trauma and shit, I just don't know if it's PTSD levels or whatever. And the OCD I am unsure if it's just the AuDHD combo or OCD as well.
If anyone has any advice about any of this that relates to America, please feel free to give the advice.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it)
I'm bored and can't sleep [it's a little after 4 am where I am lol], so here's a thing about me that I'm kinda surprised I haven't talked about yet, lol.
When I was Zuki, I had a service dog [in this life, I also need an SD, I'm gonna probably post a separate thing about that at some point], he was a german shepherd named Remo (meaning strong one or something like that lol). I miss him as much as I miss anyone else from my canon, maybe a bit more than certain people, but I feel like that should be understandable, he helped me actually live life, yeah I still had problems but they would've been way worse without Remo. He helped me actually be able to do more than I would've without him, as service dogs do lol, but still.
I'm really bad with words and shit and it's late/early, so that's likely not helping. But just yeah, thought I'd share this, not sure if anyone even really cares, but whatever, lol.
- Zuki Shay Lup! :3c
Update that's probably long overdue. The memorial/funeral already happened. There were a lot of people there, so at least I know my cousin was loved and did love a lot.
Shit still sucks, I have recently dropped or been dropped from all but one class [I had three], so that's great [/sarcastic]. I am really starting to wondering if college is right for me, I will definitely be taking at least one term off and if I go back to college it will probably be a different one so I can pretty much have a fresh start. I luckily don't need a college degree to do what I want to do, which is to become a dog trainer specializing in service dogs.
I also need to try and work on getting myself a service dog, which I believe I mentioned a while ago. Motivation is so hard to find to do shit so I can actually live a somewhat "normal" life.
Sorry about the rant, life just kinda sucks rn. But there's also good shit. This is just about the bad shit rn.
Something good is I'll be going to see that side of my family again soon for a barbecue [is that spelled right? I have a specific learning disability (what it is listed as on my paperwork, lol)] so that'll be fun.
I'll actually be able to talk to my queer cousin about shit again, lol. My father and brother in this life are homophobic and transphobic and shit so that's not fun, but I do have an old cousin who is queer that I love hanging out with and wish I could hang out with more. As well as my younger cousin [who was the son of my cousin who died], he's cool to hang out with as well, lol.
My older cousin streams, but I don't know if I should say their username or not. I'll not say it for now at least.
Hope ya'll are having good days and shit! :3c
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it mainly)
Edit: I forgot tags
[TW: Death and shit that comes with that, idk maybe more? If you find any more things that should be in this trigger warning pls tell me.]
Also, shit is happening in my life rn. I recently [on September 11th] lost my cousin, she died and we aren't sure how exactly yet. So, yeah. Death is fucking weird and I don't think I process it normally (AuDHD). So I may end up not posting for a while or might end up posting like every day.
Just sharing so ya'll know what's going on if I disappear for a while [even though I would likely do that even without this shit happening].
We aren't sure when the funeral thing is happening yet, I slightly hope it's soon so I can see my family, I don't live by that side of the family, sadly. Probably gonna end up missing like a day of college, but whatever, my family [my pack] is more important to me.
My cousin left behind a son. He is a kid. He's younger than I was when my mom in this life died. [I was like 16 when that happened, and I won't be sharing how old my 2nd cousin is]. So I really wanna see that side of my family, so I can try and be there for him. He's gonna need people there for him, and if I could without getting in trouble, I would drop out of college rn to be around him while he is going through this. (Protective wolf/dog instincts?)
There's just a lot of shit going on rn with my life, I wish it would stop for a bit.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/xe/ze) :((
[We is referring to my family, btw]
Cause no one else will, I am sending in my own ask to myself about memories from my life as Zuki.
This feels very weird but whatever, lol.
Y'know what, I am asking myself to mention what I remember about how I got adopted by Dadzawa and Papamic, lol.
- :3c
Lol, love this memory. This is about what led up to me actually being adopted by them. This happened sometime after moving into the dorms, not long after cause Eri wasn't around yet.
Start of the memory:
Me and Izuku were in either mine or his room, I can't quite remember which one or what exactly we were doing, I think we were just hanging out on our phones.
Anyways, Aizawa walks in to ask us something, I think [I don't remember exactly what he said, lol]. I do remember not looking up and saying something like, "What's up, dad?" Once I processed what I had said, I just went widewide-eyed and stopped doing what I was doing on my phone, and blinked a few times to try and make sense of why and how that came out of my mouth, lol.
He asked me to repeat what I said, but I (almost) didn't want to bc I was slightly embarrassed, lol, but Zuku decides to repeat it for me [thanks annoying little shit], and dad asked me something like "Would you actually want me to be your dad?" And I was like "Yeah I didn't have much of a father figure growing up, and you're a great dad to Shinso."
Dad said something about working on adopting me, and once he left the room, I turned to look at Izuku and asked something like, "Did he just say something about adopting me?" And Izu just nods before going back to what he was doing as I just stare dumbfounded at the wall of the room.
End of the memory
It's awesome and shit to look back on this memory. I'm also gonna remind people that I was 18 when this happened there, lol. The best part was Eraserhead and Present Mic were my two favorite heroes (tied for 1st favorite, lol), so to be adopted by them was amazing. I will definitely go into other memories more. What would you guys like to hear about? You can send it asks with specific questions or just a general memory question.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it + canine/feline/canines/felines/canineself and feline/canine/felines/canines/felineself [technically these specific pronouns were "made" by me]) :3c
Took it. I hope my answers help! :3c

Otherkin, therian, and alterhuman experiences survey
Hello! I'm a college student currently writing an essay defending alterhuman identities, and I would love it if some alterhumans could fill out my survey. there's 25 questions total but only half of them are required answers. It starts with some demographic questions then asks about your personal experiences with alterhumanity.
No matter how you identify, if you identify as non-human in any way then your input matters to me!
Thanks in advance for anyone who takes interest and answers my survey :D
I wanna talk about the terms/identities I use for my alterhuman/nonhuman identities.
Alterhuman: I use this term as an overall and kinda a specific identity. It's like the way I use queer for myself.
Nonhuman: Same as alterhuman but more specific on the fact that I am not human. The only thing "human" about "me" is the body that I am in.
Therian: I haven't really been using this term for a while. No real reason just prefer the 2 mentioned before. I still use the symbol for this though [can't remember what it's called rn]
Otherkin: I think the only things I use from this would be calling them kintypes other than that I don't use this term. No real reason other than alterhuman and nonhuman feel better to me.
Fictionkin/Ockin: Putting these together cause all I have are ockins so far. I do use these terms but not as often as the first 2 terms/identities.
I can't think of any other terms or identities I use at this point, will update this post if I think of anymore. I'll probably try and make it clear what is the original and what would be an update.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/it)
[Trying out it/its pronouns, this is the best place for me to do it. Cause I don't want it to be in a negative way, I want it to be positive, and I feel like here is the best place for that.]
I'm gonna talk about something that's not kin [alterhuman or nonhuman] related real quick.
My account is not really gonna be a place for a lot of donation asks, I am sorry, but I don't have the time or energy to really check each ask to make sure it's real or anything. I didn't do this for any of the previous ones I uploaded, so bare that in mind when you see them.
I probably won't upload any more asks about donations, once again I am really sorry but it's just not something I can check up on in a way that makes it feel like I wouldn't be maybe helping people get away with lying. I am not saying any of the ones I uploaded or that I've been getting are lies, cause I don't know and that's why I am not answering/uploading posts with any of these asks.
I hope everyone understands where I am coming from and if they need help, I hope they get the help they need.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/xe)
Edit Oct 8th: I am gonna be deleting the posts I have posted of the donation asks cause I keep getting anxiety about how they might not be genuine and shit but idk if they are or not, I just know that if I don't delete them my brain is saying bad things will happen so yeah. Sorry for those that sent the asks that I posted but I am deleting the posts.
Lol, yeah, go ahead that'd be cool as fuck tbh.
Messaging people for the first time is so hard. What am I supposed to say? Like, "You seem really odd and your blog intrigues me. Do you want to have philosophical conversations or perhaps talk about fictional characters?" What! Whatever. I will just follow you back and stare at your blog with my big beautiful brown eyes.

Made some pins/buttons at my college's "Maker Space" as they call it, lol.
Ignore how bad they look, I had to draw the designs by paw, lol [I am refusing to say hand].
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/he/hx) :3c
{He/him and hx/hxm pronouns are equal to which I prefer, lol}
[I also almost put my actual preferred name instead of Zuki, lol]
[TW: Death and shit that comes with that, idk maybe more? If you find any more things that should be in this trigger warning pls tell me.]
Also, shit is happening in my life rn. I recently [on September 11th] lost my cousin, she died and we aren't sure how exactly yet. So, yeah. Death is fucking weird and I don't think I process it normally (AuDHD). So I may end up not posting for a while or might end up posting like every day.
Just sharing so ya'll know what's going on if I disappear for a while [even though I would likely do that even without this shit happening].
We aren't sure when the funeral thing is happening yet, I slightly hope it's soon so I can see my family, I don't live by that side of the family, sadly. Probably gonna end up missing like a day of college, but whatever, my family [my pack] is more important to me.
My cousin left behind a son. He is a kid. He's younger than I was when my mom in this life died. [I was like 16 when that happened, and I won't be sharing how old my 2nd cousin is]. So I really wanna see that side of my family, so I can try and be there for him. He's gonna need people there for him, and if I could without getting in trouble, I would drop out of college rn to be around him while he is going through this. (Protective wolf/dog instincts?)
There's just a lot of shit going on rn with my life, I wish it would stop for a bit.
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/xe/ze) :((
[We is referring to my family, btw]
I'm bored, it's around 1:45 am (this time has changed a lot since I first started writing this, lol) where I am rn. Let's talk about my questioning OCkin type that I mentioned before [on like August 18th]. I don't know too much more than I did then (though it's been less than a month, soooo yeah). I just realized I never actually explained my quirk/power then, lol.
So, my quirk with this kintype was like a werecreature/animal shifting quirk. I could change into certain animals (canines, felines, and some birds [crows, ravens, birds in that family (is that the right word?)] and I could turn into a werecreature type being. That last part was more prominent (stronger and easier to change into) around full moons [typical for werecreatures in most things, lol]. My werecreature form was more canine like, especially wolf and dog like, though sometimes I was more feline like (idk why it would change, but it did).
When not in either form from my quirk, I looked human-like [I say it this way cause I am not human now and wasn't human then] but I had my ears and tail, which were both a mixture between canine and feline like, my tail was especially canine like and my ears were more of a "half and half" mix, lol. I am unsure if I had wings physically, if I didn't then I had phantom wings, which does seem kinda right cause I'm pretty sure I was trying to see if there was anything that could be made or done to actually give me my wings.
I don't know if it's my actual name from this kintype but I have been using Okami to refer to this kin, so add that to my list of names, lol (I genuinely have a list of 'preferred names')
-Zuki Shay Lupo or Okami! (They/ze) :3c
[Xe and ze are pretty equal for preferred pronouns rn, lol]
What's an OCkin?
Hello! Thanks for the ask!
So, an OCkin is a type of fictionkin [someone who identifies partly or fully as a fictional character] for OCs, which are original characters.
For me, I have only OCkin types when it comes to fictionkin types. My blog is based around one of said kin types (I kinda hate saying it like this, but it's the "correct" way of saying it and makes it easier to understand), Zuki, who is a My Hero Academia OC that I made before realizing that I am Zuki.
In my case, this identity [and most of my other alterhuman/nonhuman identities] comes from a past life. Not everyone's does, though, and no matter what someone's identity comes from, it's valid [whether their identity is psychological, spiritual, physical, or if there's any other types they are valid].
This has kind of gone on a slightly similar but also different tangent, lol. If anyone else has anything to add to my post here, feel free! Also, I hope this makes sense to you!
- Zuki Shay Lupo [They/xe] :3c
![My College Had A Club Rush Thing [where The Clubs Have Tables And You Can Sign Up For Them]!!!! And There](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3cd8dac31f37cec3264edd5a35c4b1f4/aaf111e0187afa50-d3/s500x750/02aa311a5becc3f8e15b01de67831bed1d4171de.jpg)
My college had a club rush thing [where the clubs have tables and you can sign up for them]!!!! And there was an art club table with stickers!!!!! There were a lot of MHA ones!!! These are just some of the ones I got and decided to put on my laptop!!
I know people [irl, not people who see this post, lol] are probably gonna think a lot of negative things about me because of this, but at this point, idc.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a good day!!
- Zuki Shay Lupo (They/hx) :3c
{My pronouns do kinda "shift" in the way of I like some more one day and others the next, today my preferred ones are what are in the parentheses. They/them is always preferred.}