I Am Foaming At The Mouth - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

thinking about prince of egypt again and how the egyptian queen tells moses that you don’t look at a miracle and ask why. and then the movie goes on to imply that you should always be asking why. you can and should be questioning the things around you because this is how we grow as people

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I generally don’t like to get into drama but this is something really important to me so I’ll just say this now and leave it at that.

If you are upset, heartbroken, disappointed, disgusted, etc about the Tally Hall situation right now, just know you are not alone. My heart goes out to all the victims of Mr Red Tie and I sincerely hope you get some form of justice.

I will likely still be listening to Tally Hall and related projects, and the victims have said they don’t want this to make fans completely turn away from the band. The music means too much to me, as selfish as that may sound.

I’m disappointed, heartbroken, and confused.

Once again, my heart goes out to the victims, and I hope they can get some kind of justice.

This is the only thing I’m going to say on this matter, and I ask you respect my decision and not try to contact me about the issue further.

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11 months ago


The Sweetest Con

Summary: Nesta Archeron has been trapped in witness protection for the past five years, hiding a secret no one can ever learn. All she has to do is wait out the criminals back home determined to punish her and her sisters for a lie they told years before.

She can handle anything- even the new agent sent to keep her safe.

Read on AO3 | Chapter 1

The Sweetest Con

“How is life with the cop?” Gwyn asked from behind a stack of books. Emerie was perched on the counter like usual, while Nesta flipped through several new books that had just come in.

“He’s not a cop,” she reminded her friends. The fact that anyone could look at him and believe he was anything but a criminal was a testament to Cassian’s charm. The whole town loved him, greeting him by name whenever he walked down the road and all but throwing themselves at him at any given opportunity.

It annoyed Nesta. All of it annoyed her. She disliked how easy he was to live with and how much she looked forward to coming home at night so they could cook and talk together. She was supposed to be keeping tabs on him and figuring out his game, but all Nesta had learned about was Cassian’s past.

“Did you ever ask him about Brent?” Emerie questioned. 

It ought to have disturbed her how easily her friends believed Cassian was a criminal capable of framing a suicide. Gwyn and Emerie hadn’t flinched when Nesta told them about her suspicions, for whatever that said about them 

“No. I don’t need to ask him,” Nesta said, thinking about how Cassian had smiled when she’d told him what had happened. It made her divorce a lot easier, if nothing else. What Nesta really wanted was an explanation. Surely there was more than just the threat on the lawn. 

She couldn’t ask without admitting she knew what he was. 

“It’s obvious he did it because he likes her,” Gwyn added with an impertinent wink.

“What would you know about men liking women?” Emerie asked.

Gwyn shrugged. “I know enough.”

“Maybe we should tell him about—”

“No.” Gwyn’s voice went icy cold at the suggestion. Labeled the town home wrecker, Gwyn was shunned by all the well-to-do women in town who didn’t want to admit that what happened to Gwyn was rape simply because the man in question was a good ‘ol boy. 

Nesta hated seeing all of them—hated the way they acted so high and mighty, like somehow they were good people despite their willingness to protect a rapist. Nesta would have liked to see Cassian kill him.

Hell, she would have liked to have done it herself, and she knew Emerie felt the same way. 

“We don’t need a man for that,” Nesta reminded Emerie, earning a bright grin in response.

“How long are you going to let this go on?” Gwyn asked, clearly desperate to change the subject.

“Until she gets him naked,” Emerie teased.

Nesta could help her flush. “I don’t want to see him naked,” she lied as Emerie and Gwyn made booing noises and pointed their thumbs down. All Nesta thought about was Cassian—they’d been living together for two weeks and he spent more time without a shirt on than he did wearing one. He could hardly be blamed—it was miserably hot outside and Nesta refused to turn on her oven, so they were cooking outdoors each night.

And Cassian often just forwent his shirt, giving her access to his toned, broad chest and the rippling muscles against his stomach and back. All she could think about was what the rest of him looked like.

Nesta hadn’t had sex in over five years—since before she’d been dumped in this small town. She’d tried to go on one date with a man named Tomas—and he’d decided he was going to have her whether she wanted him or not. Nesta had been fortunate to escape, biting his ear so viciously there was still a chunk missing. 

After that, Nesta never bothered again. No one had been tempting enough until Cassian sauntered through her front door, made worse by the knowledge that he might be there to kill her. He clearly had no qualms about it. 

Still, he’d been surprisingly kind to her and Nesta caught herself forgetting what he was. She never mistook him for a cop—that was still a joke—but she was starting to see him as a man she could like.

A man she could strip naked, if nothing else.

It was Nesta’s pride that got in her way. She simply could not be the one who made the first move. It was making their living situation tense—Nesta was actively trying to break him.

“Do you swim, Cassian?” Nesta heard herself asking after dinner that night, thinking about the black swimsuit folded up in her dresser. 

He shrugged. “I know how, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Nesta leveled a long look at him. “You don’t look like a man who can swim.”

Cassian paused. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Nesta shrugged, rising to her feet. “You don’t look like you can swim.”

“I can swim,” he told her, falling right into her trap. The male ego was a fascinating thing. “I didn’t bring swim trunks with me, though.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Nesta said, her tone implying she thought this was just a clever excuse to get out of swimming. She then sauntered off, undressing herself to put on that bikini.

She felt nervous, looking at the high straps of the bottoms that revealed the cheeks of her ass. Not to mention how out there her breasts suddenly were.

Was it too much? 

Nesta threw on a cover up before marching out. Cassian was still in his athletic shorts—no shirt—and a pair of slide on shoes. “Where are we swimming?”

“There is a little lake a couple blocks over,” she informed him, grabbing two towels from the bathroom. “There’s a community pool, too, but I never use it.”

“Why not?”

“Too many children,” she said, though in truth it had more to do with the fact that the pool was always filled with people who didn’t like her, and Nesta didn’t want to be surrounded by people staring and whispering. 

“Makes sense,” Cassian said, though after a pause he added, “You don’t want children?”

That felt like a loaded question. “Maybe someday,” she replied, unwilling to examine why he might ask her that. Cassian only nodded, his broad hand resting absently on his stomach. Nesta was trying to ignore the trail of hair that began just beneath his naval before vanishing into his pants, too. 

That was a little more difficult. Nesta forced herself to look straight ahead as they walked and answered Cassian’s endless stream of questions like she was interviewing for a job. So what if he was hot? That was his problem—not hers.

Except, Cassian was hell bent on making it her problem as they tramped over the dirt path that led from the sidewalk to the lake. Nesta could hear children laughing in the distance, though the rocky patch of shore that she and Cassian had chosen was free of everyone but themselves. 

Nesta pulled off her coverup, ignoring Cassian. Behind her, he made a soft, strangled noise she chose to believe was about the rocks digging into the soft soles of their feet.

But deep down, she knew he was reacting to her outfit. 

The water was warm and still somehow refreshing even in the late evening air. Nesta waded in deeper and deeper, embarrassed that so much of her body was on display. Some part of her appreciated his reaction, though she didn’t want to admit that, either. It had been a long time since a man had looked at her with genuine appreciation.

She turned toward the shore, water up to her chin, to find Cassian standing there.

Totally naked.

“What are you doing?!” she demanded, turning away like it mattered. She’d seen everything, and oh, how she wished she hadn’t.

He was ridiculous. The sheer size of him…Nesta shuddered. She wanted to know what it was like to feel him on top of her. Even knowing everything she knew, Nesta still wanted him. What would her sisters say if they ever learned this? Nesta couldn’t help but take another look as Cassian waded into the water.

Just like the rest of him, Cassian’s thighs were big and muscular—they looked like they could easily crush her, should he ever want to. And his cock…fuck. He wasn’t erect and yet Nesta had a good sense of the size and girth of him. Did he fit inside women, or did he merely wedge in half and call it good?

“I told you I didn’t have trunks,” Cassian said, submerging himself so she didn’t have to feel so guilty every time she looked his way.

“You could have kept your underwear on!”

“Nah,” Cassian replied with a shit eating grin. “I wanted you to look at my penis.”

“What is wrong with you?”

“A lot of things, if I had to guess. I’ve never seen a therapist so who can say for sure?”

“Why…why would you want that?” Nesta asked, crossing her arms over her chest as though he could see her through the murky, blue-green water. 

“C’mon, Nes—”

“Don’t call me that,” she hissed, immediately irritated he couldn’t remember the most basic parts of his pretend job. 

Cassian rolled his eyes, reaching for her shoulders. Nesta flung back, splashing him in the face. If he touched her she was certain she’d be ruined. Better to give the illusion of resistance, at any rate. Make him work for it. 

“Come here,” he murmured, putting his hand on her hip. Nesta’s heart thudded in her throat, gagging any potential retort. All she could think about was his broad, callused hand touching her bare skin and how close he suddenly was. “This isn’t wrong.”

Oh, but it was. He still thought she didn’t know who he was but Nesta was painfully aware that she was letting herself get felt up by a man who was part of the people hunting them. Nesta braced her hands on his strong chest intending to shove him away when a new idea struck her.

“This is nothing,” she told him, catching the flash of hurt. “It can never be anything, Cassian.”

“What are you saying?”

“That this is going nowhere. You’re my guard, I’m—if we’re going to do this, it can only be casual. Nothing more.”

Cassian’s reactions were better contained this time. Nesta had no idea what the mobster holding her was thinking. Only that he had her pinned with that stare and his thumb was rubbing lazy circles against her hip bone.

“I’ll take whatever I can get when it comes to you,” Cassian finally murmured, his gaze darting to her mouth. Nesta inclined her chin and then oh. Cassian kissed her, yanking her so she was flush against the hard slab of his body. He should have tasted like the heat—Nesta was certain she did—but somehow Cassian’s mouth reminded her of snow covered mountains and swaying pine trees. 

Nesta slid her arms around his neck before wrapping her legs around his waist. She was painfully aware of his cock and how it seemed to span the entirety of her back. That was likely the water and her arousal confusing her…though she didn’t need to reach between them to know Cassian’s cock was of monstrous proportions. 

Right then, though, it felt safe. She wasn’t having sex in the water for UTI based reasons, and kissing him was good enough. Cassian, for all his many crimes, was tragically, a good kisser. It would have been so much easier if he wasn’t. Surely he had some sort of flaw? Other than his career and his unflinching ability to point a gun at another man's face.

Nesta kissed him rougher at the memory, her teeth tugging at his bottom lip. The inherent violence oozing from Cassian was clearly doing something for her. Nesta knew, right then, that Cassian wasn’t going to kill her. Maybe everyone else, but she believed in her very soul that Cassian had no intention of taking her life.

Why would he be kissing her if he did?

“Fuck,” Cassian breathed, the only words spoken before he returned to kissing her. Nesta took the opportunity to thread her fingers through his thick, dark hair, tossing the pony tail that kept half up off his face into the water behind them. He was so beautiful it made her sick—what happened to greasy older men in sweat suits? Since when did criminals look as good as Cassian did?

Nesta considered dragging her tongue out of his mouth to ask, but remembered only at the last minute that he didn’t know that she knew the truth about him. Better not to tell him, either—what if he decided to tie her to a chair and torture her? Why did the thought of that turn her on? 

Nesta didn’t notice Cassian’s hand until he pushed aside the thin strip of cloth hiding her pussy from the world and brushed his fingers over her aching clit. Nesta jerked in his arms, pulling away to bite his shoulder.

“That’s it,” Cassian whispered as Nesta rocked against his hand. It had been so long since someone touched her—or, that’s what she told herself, anyway. 

Still, it wouldn’t do to just take her pleasure at his expense. Ignoring that she was desperate to touch him, Nesta lied to herself that it was only fair to reciprocate. Nesta gripped him right beneath his blunt head so she could rub her  thumb against the slit of his cock.

Cassian groaned. “Christ,” he swore, eyes fluttering shut. 

“Is this what you like?” Nesta asked, stroking him once.

“Harder,” he rasped. 

Of course he liked it a little rough. Nesta didn’t bother mentioning to him that she did, too. She merely tightened her grip on him and stroked again, delighting in Cassian’s open mouthed moan. Was that all it took to bring a man like him to his knees? Nesta couldn’t think about it given the way his finger was teasing her entrance. 

Cassian plunged himself inside of her, eyes on her face. “That’s it,” he murmured, arching into her hand. “Take what you need.”

What she needed was him to throw her down to the floor and fuck her senseless. Nesta wanted Cassian to fuck her so hard it reset her completely, turning off the endless stream of thoughts in her mind. Even then, Nesta forgot they were in a dusk drenched lake where anyone could walk up and witness what was happening. Normally it would horrify her.

But right then, all she could think about was what he tasted like when he came. Nesta kissed him again, sliding her tongue against his in an attempt to find out.

They lived together, she reminded herself. If she wanted to taste the rest of him she could. It was tempting to ask him to put her down, get dressed, and take her home. The only reason she didn’t want the realization that she’d talk herself out of the whole thing if she stopped now.

And Cassian’s hand felt good against her aching body. Nesta was full on grinding against him, drowning in the feeling. She barely knew what she was doing to him, though Cassian’s desperate panting told her whatever it was, he liked it.

Nesta bit the sensitive skin between his shoulder and his neck hard enough to leave the imprint of her teeth behind. Cassian’s hips bucked into her hand and she wondered just how long it had been since someone had touched him like this. Nesta knew he was close, could feel the vein beneath his cock pushing against her fingers. 

It half disappointed her when he did, though the sight of his parted lips and head thrown back felt religious, somehow. 

“Quick off the mark, huh?” she whispered, lips against his skin.

Cassian’s grip around her body tightened the moment Nesta tried to wriggle free.

“I can sit here all night,” he all but growled, fingers moving inside her faster. “But we’re not leaving until you make you come on my hand.”


“That’s right,” he praised, licking from her collarbone to her ear. “Imagine how good you’ll feel when it’s my cock instead of my hand.”

Nesta couldn’t help her little moan. It was tempting to demand he show her right then and had they not been submerged in water, Nesta might have foregone all her common sense and asked him to. Instead she closed her eyes and let herself pretend the fingers pumping in and out of her body was his cock.

Cassian used his thumb to draw tight circles around her clit, working her in tandem until Nesta was panting, too, lips pressed against his sun soaked shoulder. She couldn’t stop herself, much like it seemed Cassian couldn’t, either. Nesta came, rocking her hips against him while moaning against his skin. Cassian, for his part, chuckled softly as he ran his nose through her hair. 

“I can’t wait to see you undone,” he whispered before turning her face so she had to kiss him. Nesta did, still overwhelmed by the pleasure still rocking through her. He was sweeter somehow—cooler than the air around them, softer than anything she’d ever touched.

“Do you think there are alligators here?” he asked when Nesta wriggled away, still held in his arms. She twisted to look behind her.

“I’ve never thought about it.”

Cassian only shrugged, some apprehension creeping into his expression. “Maybe we should get out.”

It only occurred to her once they were on the shore that Cassian might have wanted her to leave for different reasons. 


All Cassian wanted to think about was Nesta’s pussy clenched around his fingers. The water had washed it all away and yet he could still feel the phantom grip of her tight around him and knew that if he could get himself inside her, she’d wreck him. Cassian wanted her to—was so desperate that he began constructing arguments in his mind as to why they should that very night. 

Fuck her casual fling or whatever she’d said. Cassian wasn’t interested in anything that didn’t end with the two of them together. Seriously together. So he’d lie and pretend he didn’t mind because she’d never give him the time of day if she didn’t.

And what did Nesta know, anyway? She’d been alone for the last half decade, wholly on her own and taking care of herself. Let her see how it felt to be taken care of by someone else. She’d soften just enough for Cassian to make his move…and, he supposed, tell her the truth. After he had her and there was nowhere for her to go but back to his bed.

Sure, she’d rage and scream at him for a while…but in Cassian’s fantasies, she was so in love with him that she forgave him after maybe one well-deserved slap to the face. Perhaps two. No more, though. He’d figure Rhys out, too, which he figured would be a little easier. Maybe even welcome. After all, the youngest Archeron might be more willing and compliant if she knew her sister was part of Rhys’s family.


A man’s voice cut through Cassian’s musings. Looking up at the figure approaching, Cassian immediately decided he didn’t like him. Maybe it was the general smug look on his otherwise forgettable face.

Or maybe it was the way Nesta’s spine immediately straightened and her once soft face began icy and cold.

“Tomas,” she said without any affection or warmth. 

That should have been enough to see the man walk away with his tail tucked between his legs. Cassian might have, had she looked at him with such open revulsion. He crossed his arms over his chest instead, spreading his legs ever so slightly in an attempt to intimidate the other man. Cassian knew he was big and he knew people were wary of him.

Most of the time, they had nothing to worry about. But this man?

Maybe he ought to be a little worried. 

“Haven’t seen you around much,” Tomas said, tilting his head so Cassian could see a chunk of his ear was missing. “Busy?” Nesta only shrugged, her fingers balled to fists.

“You should hit me up some time. Finish what we started,” Tomas said, not bothering to look at Cassian at all.

“I don’t think so,” Nesta replied, never one to mince words. 

Tomas opened his mouth to respond but Cassian had enough. “Take care,” he said, shoving past without a second look. Nesta came with him, keeping close as though she expected him to grab her and start running. 

“Who was that?” he asked, his voice nearly drowned by the screaming crickets in the distance. 

“No one,” she said through gritted teeth. 

“Liar. An old boyfriend?” Cassian asked, trying to imagine that man doing anything for Nesta beyond getting on her nerves. 

“Not even that,” she mumbled, her eyes strangely glassy. “We went out one time. Never again.”

Cassian felt his blood grow icy. “What did he do?”

“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” she snapped, too prideful to tell him the truth. Cassian could scarcely think, his mind running through a million new images. He could Nesta, helpless and scared while a man—

“Did he touch you?” Cassian asked, not caring how he sounded. Nesta looked up at him, eyes wide. 

“He tried,” she finally admitted, turning her gaze back to the sidewalk in front of them. “I took some of his ear for the trouble.”

“Good girl,” he praised.

If only it did anything to ease his own fury. Cassian couldn’t get the images from his mind, utterly wrecking his otherwise perfect evening in the potentially alligator-infested waters. Nesta wanted the world to think she was the kind of person who wasn’t afraid of anything. That she could weather any storm.

And Cassian didn’t believe for a minute that she hadn’t been scared. 

Instead of following her to bed, Cassian once again took his place on the sofa and he waited. Just like with Brent, Cassian decided to take things into his own hands while hoping Nesta wouldn’t notice. Or, if she did notice, she’d at least look the other way. Cops went rogue all the time…why couldn’t he? 

Except, Cassian wasn’t a rogue cop. This was just who he was, who he’d always be. Some people were talented singers or good at crochet, but Cassian’s great skill was with a weapon. Slipping from the house, Cassian became one with the shadows as he channeled his inner Azriel. This place was supposed to be safe for Nesta and since he’d arrived, all he’d uncovered was endless harm that had happened.

What was the point of witness protection if anyone could just touch Nesta any which way? Why not send her back home and let Rhys—Cassian shook his head, the image of Rhys holding a gun at Nesta’s beautiful face slipping into his mind’s eye unbidden. He’d talk to his brother later—but Nesta was off limits to everyone. Even Rhys.

Especially to Tomas.

It was easy enough to find him, though. Tucked away in an old, plantation style house that set Cassian’s teeth on edge, Cassian discovered that Tomas must have come from some amount of money. His father did something—Nesta had mentioned it. He didn’t remember, too fixated on her mouth even in memory. Christ, but she’d been coming on his hand only a few hours before and if life was fair, he’d be in her bed while she came on his face, too. 

But life wasn’t fair. 

Cassian broke in through the back with ease given Tomas hadn’t thought to lock his doors. It was a blessing here in this rural little town—people felt safe. They trusted their neighbors even when their neighbors were rapists, because people in these parts thought you could tell who was a monster by sight alone.

Cassian knew better. 

Cassian slipped up the steps, ignoring the ugly art on the walls and the pictures of a life that didn’t seem worth very much. He might have been interested in other circumstances but that night, all Cassian wanted was to get back to Nesta. 

Tomas slept soundly in the master bedroom, unaware Cassian prowled the space looking for anything interesting. He found, helpfully, a phone with a text message from a woman threatening to kill him. 


Maybe, he thought with amusement, they’d ask him to help investigate. Oh, how he hoped they would. 

Cassian sat on the edge of the bed, letting his weight wake Tomas gently from sleep. The man looked up, bleary eyed and still unaware that Cassian had pressed the barrel of his gun into his mouth.

“Shhh,” Cassian murmured as he brushed a piece of Tomas’s hair from his frightened eyes. “My finger might slip if you move too quickly.”

Tomas tried anyway, but Cassian was bigger, stronger, and faster. With one hand, he slammed Tomas back to the bed and held him there by the throat.

“I’ll kill—”

“You’ll what?” Cassian interrupted, cocking his weapon. “Will you try and rape me, too?”

“That bitch is a liar—”

“Try again,” Cassian snarled, pressing his gun so roughly to Tomas’s temple he was certain he’d left a bruise. At least the scene would look angry, he reasoned. Like two lovers fighting over something Cassian was certain was stupid given how dumb Tomas was. Still, he was ready to be done. 

“Whatever she told you wasn’t true,” Tomas said, apparently deciding he’d risk his own life rather than admit to anything honest. 

Cassian made a buzzing noise with his throat. “I’m sorry, that’s the wrong answer.”


If Cassian had the capacity for mercy, he might have listened. He didn’t, though. Cassian pulled the trigger with a sigh, as if the entire thing was some horrible imposition. In a way, it was. He didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to be thinking about what Tomas had done to Nesta and how no amount of killing could take any of it back. She was still hurt, would have to live with his actions for the rest of her life.

Staring down at the lifeless body before him, Cassian wished he could kill him all over again. He could have shot him a couple more times, but Cassian didn’t want to risk someone hearing him and catching him in the act. He slipped back into the night unnoticed and was on the couch before Nesta ever woke.

And Nesta loved to be up early. Feigning sleep, Cassian waited for her to speak first. “Want to do yoga with me this morning?” she whispered, coming to sit on the arm of the couch where his head was. Nesta wore a pair of tight black leggings and an even tighter top that made Cassian’s insides achey. No, he didn’t want to do yoga with her unless it was a euphemism for sex.

And then he desperately did.

“Sure,” he heard himself saying like the liar he was. It didn’t stop Cassian from pulling off his shirt just so he could watch her eyes drift down his body. 

C’mon, Nesta, he pleaded silently, Take your shirt off too.

She didn’t, though Cassian swore she wanted to. Maybe he was just delusional, reading too much into her minute expressions. He did catch her eyes slide down his naked torso briefly, and that carried Cassian through the miserable humidity as Nesta walked him through yoga. He was drenched in sweat by the time they made their way back into the air conditioning, panting from exertion and the heat. 

It was on the tip of his tongue to tell Nesta he was going to shower. Had Cassian not turned his head at the exact right moment, he’d have missed that look on her beautiful face. Luck was with him, smiling when he opened his mouth to speak the words. 

“Cassian,” she whispered. It was the only word she needed to speak—he knew what she was thinking. Cassian merely reacted, reaching for her body and hauling her upward before she could change her mind. Instead, he kissed her with all the pent up desperation he’d felt the night before, pouring his want and need into her so she felt it.

Among other things he was sure she was feeling. Cassian was nearly dizzy from the rush of blood to his cock, legs trembling despite how easy it was to hold Nesta against that floral papered wall. 

Nesta’s mouth tasted like sunshine and mint and with little effort, Cassian managed to free her thick hair from the loose braid she wore. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispered, certain if he told her how he really felt, she’d freak out. Better to ease her into it.

Nesta merely fisted his hair between long, slender fingers and yanked his head back, exposing his neck. Cassian could scarcely think as she bent forward and licked the column of his throat up from his collarbone until she reached his ear. When her teeth tugged against sensitive flesh, Cassian nearly came in his pants.


He was no better than a school boy. 

Nesta was something from his darkest fantasies come to life. Ignoring how utterly insane her body was—and Cassian was struggling to ignore that fact—the way she kissed was something from a daydream. What would happen when he got that mouth around his cock? Cassian was desperate to find out.

Desperate enough to pull her off that wall, sloppy kissing her down the short hall until he could drop her on her bed. Cassian hadn’t seen the room and despite all the bright light flooding through open windows, Cassian knew he wasn’t going to see it right then, either.

“Take this off,” he demanded, straddling her hips as she laid flat on her back. 

“Why should I do anything you tell me to?” she replied, traitorous fingers teasing the hair beneath his navel.

“Because I’ll tie you up and gag you if you don’t,” Cassian replied, too aroused by the thought. 

A soft breath escaped Nesta, those icy blue eyes darker than he’d ever seen them. Something told Cassian she’d like a little roughness, at least when they were in bed. Caught up in his fantasies, Cassian almost missed Nesta arch her back off the bed, pressing her hips against his own as she peeled off that tight top. 

All thoughts flew out of his head when she took that bra off, too. “Christ,” he thought he whispered, though maybe he just thought it. He had both in his hands before his mouth crashed against her own, teasing pretty, pink nipples against his calloused thumbs.

He wasn’t giving her back. When this was all over, Cassian would drag her kicking and screaming back home if he had to, but he wasn’t letting her go. 

Not now, not ever. 

Cassian was greedy, rubbing his cock against both the fabric covering them. He wanted to be buried within her and in service of that goal, because nipping bruising kisses along the side of her neck. 

Mine, she’s mine. 

Nesta threaded her fingers through his hair, yanking the hair tie out so his own dark hair fell like a curtain around his face. Cassian felt brand-new somehow, remade in her eyes. “You are…” Everything. 

Cassian took a nipple in his mouth to keep himself from saying so, letting her imagine all the things he thought she was. Nesta raked her nails against his scalp, unaware of how good it felt to be touched like that. She wasn’t afraid of him, didn’t revere him. She wasn’t some weird groupie hoping to be a mob wife, nor was she some scared little thing that offered tentative touches and whispered words about if he had a weapon.

No one ever thought he was funny when he whipped out his cock. 

He needed to do this right, to make her as obsessed with him as he was with her. That was, when the inevitable truth was revealed, Nesta would be more forgiving. 

“These need to come off,” Cassian murmured, lips pressed to the flat skin of her stomach as he hooked a finger into the waistband of her leggings. “I need to taste you.”

Nesta merely lifted her hips in offering, leaving Cassian to grind himself against the mattress in order to keep himself together. If Cassian thought anything would be easier once Nesta was fully undressed, he was wrong. Everything about her was a dream, right down to the neat square of trimmed hair Nesta maintained between her legs.

Realizing that maybe he was just an animal, Cassian pushed apart her legs so he could look at her in the golden sunlight.

Words failed him. Not that he’d ever been a particularly loquacious man—that had always been Rhysand’s forte—but even then, nothing seemed adequate. She was perfect, too good for his blood-stained hands.

If Nesta was an angel, then he was the devil. He intended to drag her to hell with him, regardless of what she deserved. He’d already killed for this woman—twice. And as Cassian lowered himself between her legs, he knew he’d spend the rest of his life doing it. Cassian’s allegiance shifted right then—he was still a General, but he served Nesta Archeron first.

Everyone else, second.

The first taste of Nesta Archeron’s pussy was an awakening. Cassian groaned, unconcerned with seeming unaffected or like he had his life together. She was so wet and sweet and when his tongue found her clit, Nesta arched herself closer in encouragement. That was all Cassian needed to convince him to pull her against his face, breathing be damned.

All Cassian could think about was her face and what she’d look like when she came. He tried to look at her, but Nesta’s breasts got in the way of his view…not that Cassian was complaining a whole lot. There were worse things he could be staring at. Everytime Nesta took a breath, her breasts jiggled, sending a thrill of arousal straight to his balls. Did he rush his way through eating her out to feel her wrapped around his cock? Or did he take his time so he could continue staring at her tits?

Deciding he’d just use his finger as a replacement for his penis, Cassian slowed the circles he was making around her clit to gently push himself into her body. Whatever he’d been imagining was nothing like the reality of having her body clenched around him. Silken heat utterly stopped his whole body, turning Cassian into a mindless robot capable only of chasing pleasure and nothing more.

He needed to be inside her. Cassian didn’t want to wait and yet he didn’t pull himself away, either. Vowing he could do a better job, he returned to licking her with a vengeance while his finger began pumping in and out of her body.

Just wait until you see all the things I want to do to you, baby.

Next time he’d sit her on her face and have her suck him while he took his time. The thought was so arousing that Cassian desperately ground his cock into her bed, unable to stroke himself. He wasn’t going to last, he reminded himself. He knew the second he got himself inside her, he’d have minutes to get her off again before it was all too late.

Better to have her come on his tongue, just in case. 

And she did, fisting his hair to hold him close, taking what she needed without a care or concern. Was this love? Cassian was certain it was. Moreso when he raised his head and she pulled him toward her, not worried that his mouth was wet from her. Nesta kissed him like she wanted him, like she was drowning in all the same feelings he was.

And when he notched the head of his cock against her still convulsing cock, he nearly told her everything. How he felt, the truth about himself—everything. Her tongue was in his mouth, which was the only thing that kept Cassian from speaking. He would have rather died than stopped. 

Though, she stopped when Cassian thrust himself inside her, arching her neck to look at the shared space between their bodies. “Cassian,” she whispered, squeezed so tightly around him that somehow, Cassian couldn’t breathe.

“You can take me,” he replied, because what else was there to say? He was buried to the balls in her body and the only thing that could have convinced him to stop was her direct plea to remove himself.

Nesta looked up at him. “Who said I couldn’t?” she asked, fiery as ever.

Cassian couldn’t help his laugh. “That’s my good girl,” he praised, sliding himself out as much as he could stand—which wasn’t much, to be fair.

It was pleasure like he’d never experienced, like how he’d once dreamed it might be back when having sex with women was just a distant fantasy. No one could compare to the perfection that was Nesta Archeron, and no one ever would. 

“You fuck me so well,” he panted, wrapping his fingers loosely around her throat. What did she like, he wondered? What did it take to get her off? He wished he’d asked before hand, if only to ensure he wouldn’t fuck this up. “Tell me how you liked to be fucked.” Nesta’s gaze found his, sharp enough to kill him if she’d wanted. “You talk too much,” was her only reply.

Cassian couldn’t stop—couldn’t stop his desperate thrusting, couldn’t stop his babbling.

“You look so pretty wrapped around my cock. I’ll bet you’d be prettier on your knees,” he said, reaching between them to rub at her clit.

Nesta moaned loud enough that anyone passing by wouldn’t have to guess at what she was doing. Good. 

“You belong to me,” he panted, watching as she began to crest again. Her cheeks were flushed, her long hair a tangled halo around her beautiful face. And her tits bounced up and down just the way he’d hoped they would back when he’d been eating her out. He’d never forget this, would spend the rest of his life stroking his cock to the memory. 

“You’re mine, Nesta,” he whispered, tightening his hold on her throat just enough to heighten her pleasure without scaring her. “You’ll always be mine.”

Nesta came with a strangled scream, clamping the walls of her pussy around him so tight it felt like she was intentionally trying to pull the come from his balls. It worked—Cassian came, too, burying his face in her shoulder to breathe her in. “Fucking hell,” he whispered, not thinking about what he’d just done.

All he could think about was how good it felt—and how badly he wanted to do it again.

Cassian needed to get her out of this place before they got caught.

He needed a plan.

Tags :
2 years ago
Care For You

Care For You

König |Cod/Mw2|

Summary: König takes care of you after finding out you've had a stressful day at work.

Pairing: König X Fem!Reader

Warnings: 18+ Smut MDNI, Dom König, Sub Reader, Established Relationship, Communication, Size Difference, König With Size Kink, Overstimulation, Talk About Breeding, Consensual, Praising, Accidental CreamPie, Rough Penetration, Fingering, Begging, Talk About Squirting, Talk About AfterCare, Clothed Sex, Sex In Kitchen, Sex On Table, Squirting Encouragement, Missionary, Oral |F| Receiving, DoggyStyle.

Author's Note: Continuation of 'Another Round?'

I had a different plot and script but decided it wasn't strong enough to be part two. I kindof set the bar very high with part one.🤧

Ah! part one got 1k notes! That's my first post to ever get that much attention. Thank youuu😭💕

Thank you all for 229 followers♡

I don't know how I feel about this one so please let me know in the comments.

PT 1 Here:

Another Round?
König |Cod/Mw2| Summary: You and König decide to take things to the next level and have an intimate moment for the first time. Pairing: Kö


You unlocked the door to your shared house and was met with the smell of food being cooked followed with König singing a song that has been stuck in his head for the past week. You sat your purse down on the couch and walked into the kitchen. König was making eggs for himself considering that was the only thing he knew how to make on his own without burning down the house.

You watched him for a breif moment as he tried the stove nob off and scraped the eggs out of the pan and onto a plate before making your presence known.

"Hey... Uhm, you know I could have made you something when I came back. I'm off earlier than usual today." You said walking up to him to place a kiss on his cheek. Holding his waist for a second before letting go.

"Yeah but I couldn't wait... how was work?" He asked begining to clean up the mess he made while cooking.

You sat down and sighed heavily, kicking your feet up onto the next chair and kicked your heels off. Rolling your eyes thinking about the events that took place ealier today. "It was fucking awful... that blonde chick I told you about last week really likes to bust my non existent balls... I would pay to see her get fired." You stated with a crisp tone of annoyance.

"What did she do this time?" He asked grabbing your foot and begining to message it while pulling up another chair. He had a delicate hold while pressing his thumbs into the center of your foot, revealing the sore feeling in them that was caused by your shoes.

"The usual... I don't want to talk about it though, just thinking about it pisses me off so I'd rather not say." You scoffed. While watching him give you a massage

"But other than that how did your day go?" You asked. He shrugged not having much to say. He has a job but it's a work from home one since he likes to avoid social interaction at any cost. Other than working, he doesn't do much.

He usually takes care of all of the domestic things around the house to give you a break. He's comfortable with this dynamic you two have created because it makes you happy. Your happiness is the only thing that truly matters to him at the end of the day..."

"I see you cleaned up... it feels better in here, thank you... I would have done it but you know- duty calls..." You said with a nervous laugh.

A/N: (I guess you could say it's- call of duty.)

"You don't have to thank me, I live here too... what boyfriend would I be if I made you do all the house work..."

God he looked so sexy in your apron was. It didn't fit him as well as it should have, but he still wears it because of two things. It smells like you, and he likes to pretend like he's a professional chef with a reality TV show when he's alone.

He was so domestic for someone his size. You found it cripplingly attractive. Just thinking about him washing dishes drives you nuts. You'd always watch him as he scattered around the house cleaning any and everything. His hips would sway while he vacuumed. A strong grip on the handle as his forearm veins flexed while he yanked it back to clean a persistent pile of junk off the carpet.

König pulled your chair close to him since you were staring at him. "Do I have something on my face?" He asked lifting a brow.

"Nope... you have a nice face?" You said not thinking about how weird that response would be. 'You have a nice face..' Who the hell says something like that?

You sighed to yourself and looked away from him. He let go of your left foot and messaged your right foot. "Thank you... I haven't shaved yet and thought I looked like a bear or something..." He shrugged.

Ugh he's so cute. He valued your opinion over anything. He wanted to be perfect for you, he'd change everything about himself if you asked him to. Which you would never do for the record, you already felt that he was perfect.

"Don't worry about that... I don't mind a bit of stubble... besides- it feels good against me when you-"

You stopped yourself from interrupting this wholesome interaction with your lewd nonsense. But it's not your fault, he's the one who keeps staring down at you with his eyes big and clueless. You wanted to top him so badly one day. But knowing how strong he is, there's no way he'd let you.

You then leaned in and kissed him without thinking. His soft lips soothed your attitude making you forget about the things you were even mad at prior.

You melted into his lips and wrapped your arms around his neck. He groaned into your mouth and picked you up from the chair pushing objects out of the way for you to have as much space necessary so he could lay you down.

What a dream. Coming home from a stressful day of work and having a boyfriend to manhandle you and toss you anywhere he pleased

"König what're you doing... I just got home, I have papers to fill out..." You said watching him pull your pencil skirt off of your hips. You had on thin black tights to cover as much skin as possible when at work. He turned you over on your stomach and held your ass in his hands.

"Sorry... but you know how much I love your uniform... and now that we've had sex... I can't stop thinking about how sexy it makes you look." He lustfuly said while kissing your neck, his large hands ripping them off of your body. You looked back at him clearly annoyed. "König! I'm going to have to buy new ones..." You said giving him attitude.

"Oops." He shrugged off your words and harshly slapped your ass with both hands. Watching it jiggle with a subtle red mark on your pretty skin.

You wore black lace underwear. He glanced up at you, teasing the waistband as if he was going to take them off. "What's this? Wearing something so scandalous at work... care to explain?" He asked yanking them upwards to hug your clit making you moan in the process.

"Ahh~ I just wanted to feel confident today... that's all, really." You said hoping he'd believe you.

"If you wanted to feel confident... you could have let me creampie you before you left so you'd have to rush out of here with my come still inside you...". He said caressing your face and dragging his thumb on your bottom lip. Imagining how pretty you'd look with his cock prying your lips apart for you to suck on him.

"What's gotten into you today? You usually aren't like this..."

"Dunno... guess I'm just proud of myself for making you come." He said nonchalantly.

König then slowly broke apart the buttons to your blouse revealing your spaghetti strap undershirt and matching lace black bra.

"Wow... not only you wore the panties, you also wore the bra to match... seems like you wanted me to fuck you when you got home hm? Either way I'm still going to fulfil that... only if you'll allow me..."

With your chest now exposed it gave him the perfect space to kiss you all over and pull your shirt off of your body. He threw it somewhere and unclipped your bra. You held your bra onto your body not wanting to expose yourself so quickly.

"K-König~ I swear you're like a dog in heat ever since that night, I haven't been drinking enough water lately... I won't be able to squirt how you've been wanting me to..." You said attempting to push him off of you.

He groaned and pinned your hands to the table. Leaning down to pull your bra off with his teeth and throw it. His tongue then dragging across your breasts daring to touch your nipples.

His dominant behavior was arousing to say the least. You felt like an animal in the woods being attacked by a rabid wolf who was hungry for nothing but meat. The way he dragged his teeth across your skin slightly biting into it but not too much. He was testing the waters even though you deep down wanted him to mark you all over like you belonged to him.

He ignored your body language and yanked your hips closer to his. He grunted taking your apron off and tossing it somewhere in the room. He didn't have a shirt on. Only grey sweatpants that lowly hugged his hips.

He's such a slut for walking around the house like that. Who raised him.

"I guess I am in heat... but it's really not my fault, you're so unbelievably sexy... please I need you so badly... I know you want me as much as I want you- well probably not... I need you more than the will to get out of bed in the morning..."

"Mmm... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... I feel like you're still inside sometimes when I'm alone." You said placing a hand on your stomach whimpering at the emptiness. "Oh yeah? You want me inside your stomach? That desperate feeling is driving you crazy isn't it... I could put something else in there too so you wouldn't feel lonely for- about... nine months?" He said with a smirk.

"Just seeing you makes me hard... can I please fuck you... I can't stand the tight feeling in my pants..." He softly whimpered trying not to beg. You bit your lip and held his face for him to look at you.

You didn't answer as he began to lightly play with your clothed clit. You let out a gentle moan while covering your chest due to the cold air.

"Awe please... let me see you... let your man see every inch of your body... I wanna suck on those sweet little nipples of yours... can I?"

You nodded biting your lip and giving into your sexual urges. Your hips bucking onto him wanting to feel more than just his hands.

He then took your left nipple in his mouth, kissing it with the tip of his tongue before using the wet pink tissue to flick it back and forth. He swallowed it while and grazed his teeth on it, looking up at you while applying more pressure to your clit.

"Ahmmm~ that feels good..." You whimpered holding your right breasts for him while your other hand held his head.

"Thank you for telling me... I've been thinking about you all day... how bad I want to stuff you full of my come... you're so gorgeous... I love you... I need you..."

He groaned and pulled his sweats halfway down his thighs, spreading your legs apart and pinning them to the table. He then slid your panties to the side and aligned himself with your entrance before sliding himself into you, moaning loudly and throwing his head back.

König thrusted steadily but with force. You tightened around him causing your walls to become more slicker and softer to penetrate. He groaned and put your legs on his shoulders placing his hands on the table and staring at your body as you moved along with his thrusts. His mind was foggy with lust.

Hips moving faster than he could speak. He couldn't muster up any words, he was more focused on fucking you. Making your vaginal muscles tighten and clench on him, obeying each forcful thrust taking him in with wet sounds. You held onto the table with your right hand and covered your mouth with the other. Eyebrows furrowing as his pubic hair brushed against your clit with every time he'd thrust forward.

"Hhnngghhh... more... work was driving me over the edge today-" You screamed as he thrusted into your g-spot before missing the area altogether.

You whimpered wanting him to correct his thrusts but was too flustered to speak.

He slapped your thighs and held your face, giving you another slap but on your cheeks. Then continuing to snatch up your jaw. "Yeah? You've had a stressful day... I know- agh... that's why I'm doing this for you, just relax around me... I'll take excellent care of you." He mocked your whimpers and squeezed your breasts. You put your hand on his stomach to stop him momentarily.

He groaned and stopped thrusting glancing down at you. "What is it? Am I going too fast or hard?" He asked showing concern for your pleasure.

"No... you found my spot but changed it before I could tell you..." You responded softly with lust filled eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'll try and find it again, tell me when it feels good alright? I'm so sorry..." He said before kissing your forehead.

You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. He then placed his hands on the table you laid on and changed his footing. He groaned beginning to steadily thrust upwards into you. You moaned as it did feel good, but that still wasn't it.

"Deeper? Ughh please... it felt so good for literally a second..." You whimpered in frustration.

"Alright... don't get upset... you know I'll find it for you... give me a second okay? You love me?" He asked showering your face with kisses.

"Yes... I do~ I really love you..." You nodded as he sloppily kissed your lips with a light hold on your neck.

You wanted him to squeeze tighter but had to keep composure. One thing at a time.

König then pulled your lower half off of the table. Some of your body weight was resting in his hands. He then began to thrust hard into you, you felt more deeper now that your pelvis felt like you were standing up. "How's that?" He asked hoping he did it right.

"Y-yeahh~ t-th-there... just- a bit... mghhnn~ harder..." You managed to speak instead of choking on your words.

He moaned feeling your juices drip down his shaft and collect on his balls. You definitely gotten wetter due to him penetrating you differently. You whimpered wanting to touch him but was too focused on not falling off the table.

"Yes yes ahhhmmghh König fuck me harder... I don't want to think about anything but being fucked by your fat cock~♡" You lustfuly said while rolling your eyes back.

"Yes... anything for you... you're so wet now... I can feel it all over me... does that feel good?" He asked staring into your eyes.

You nodded used your elbows to keep you up for support. Your arms were tired at this point. But you didn't want to change positions because of it.

"I'm gonna come already... fuck... I can't..." He whimpered rutting his hips into you.

"Ughhhh just remember to- ahhh p-pull out... I haven't gotten back on birth control..."

He rolled his eyes not wanting to listen to you. He wanted to come inside you for the first time but because of your fear for having children. You wouldn't ever allow him to breed you.

Sure the act of a creampie would sound absolutely amazing. Especially if it's from him, but you weren't ready to put your life on hold for a family.

And also due to his above average height. It would be hell on earth to carry such a heavy and most likely tall child.

You could tell König these things but he wouldn't understand. He's not the one who has to carry the baby, and he's also not the one who has to deliver it.

"Ughh I don't want to come yet... shit- I need your pretty clit in my mouth... are you going to allow me to do that?" He groaned pulling out and tapping his tip on your clit. You were given a moment to get yourself together. You could feel your juices dripping down your lips. You nodded quickly to him while bucking your pelvis onto his shaft. Making him moan and drip pre-cum.

He then got on his knees and grabbed your breasts, playing with them while wrapping his tongue around your clit, groaning with every sloppy lick he made with his tongue. Your back arched as you whimpered grinding your lips on his mouth.

He could feel his erection settling which may or may not have been a good thing. Hearing you moan kept it standing for a breif moment but he really just wanted to fuck you. But due to him wanting to enjoy this moment. He chose your orgasm over his. The more be could make you moan while still being able to preform, the better.

König kissed your clit and teased your entrance with his index and middle fingers.

He lightly chuckled hearing you whimper his name while he slid his fingers inside sometimes using his thumb to rub your clit, then sucking it. "Ugh just look at what you did... my fingers are soaked..." He said watching the clear juices drip down his digits. You looked down at him and covered your mouth feeling embarrassed by his interest in the subject.

"König~ sthoopp~ you're embarrassing me..." You whimpered until he stood up and held your face, gently slapping it and curling his fingers while rubbing your clit again.

"I know... you're face is so hot... it's okay... I'm just appreciating everything there is to appreciate... the way you get so wet for me... your pretty moans... your sweet little clit that twitches everytime I kiss it... I love it all..." He said into your ear, watching you squirm under his touch and moan clearly.

"Uhhh~ K-König~ Am I being good for you?" You asked hoping he'd understand what you meant.

"Hm? Oh I get it- you want me to praise you right?" He asked lifting a brow. You nodded suppressing your moans as he curled his fingers in a more consistent pattern, now penetrating his fingers into the spot he reached earlier.

You moaned more looser and held onto his forearm with your right hand. Hips rutting into the air and mouth open forming the 'o' shape. "Right there! Yes! Don't stop- please don't stop~"

"Awe, I'm not going to don't worry... and Y/n of course you're being such a good girl for me... you keep squirming under me to stop yourself from coming aren't you? You don't have to hold yourself back... I want you to come on my fingers..."

"B-but I'll- m-make a mess... you spent all day cleaning up... You whined still trying not to let all of your composure go.

He pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth, sucking everything off of them and holding your thighs teasing your clit with his tip again to get himself hard as his previous erection wasn't fully gone. "I'll clean it up when we're done... you're so sweet for being considerate... now tell me this, do you want me to stop playing games and give you this huge throbbing cock already?"

You didn't asnwer at first so clearly you needed some encouragement. He then held his inches in his right hand and penetrated you with just the tip. Your moans became louder as your arms fwailed around. You hoped he'd but it all inside but soon was left disappointed when you heard him groaning in pleasure, you looked at him to see that he was using his hand to pleasure himself while barley inside you.

He couldn't be serious. Right? Did he expect you to get off by his tip alone? You whimpered and tried to move your hips to be penetrated by him more, only to receive a slap on the thigh along with a rough squeeze.

"Don't misbehave now or I'll have to get rough with you... I can see that disappointment in your eye... just asnwer my question and then I'll stop joking around and take your precious orgasm seriously."

"Ughh... what was it? I wasn't listening... mmm." You loudly whimpered kicking your legs in frustration.

"Shame on you for not listening... I asked you if you wanted my cock already so you could come... but considering recent events, I don't think you deserve it... I'll just take this out... and try another time." He said lazily pulling out, now mentally annoyed with his actions.

He got on his knees again and scooped your legs up into his arms, you whimpered trying to get out of his hold but couldnt. You knew what he was going to do.

Fuck you couldn't handle being overstimulated again like last time. Your legs were so weak by the time he was finished with you. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk after this, he has such a fascination with making you come by using his tongue.

"Awe you're getting worried aren't you... how cute... you don't want my tongue do you?" He asked. You shook your head and nodded. You couldn't decide on a clear answer, you also didn't want to speak up and say it because the only thing you'd manage to say would be a whimper or moan.

He smirked lightly swishing his tongue side to side. You held the table with your hands throwing your head back slightly whimpering for him to stop.

"You're squirming... tell me what you're thinkin' about... I want to know if I'm satisfying you." He asked before taking your whole clit in his mouth and sucking profusely and tightening his grip on your thighs to keep you still.

"Mhmm mm... such a pretty little clit... mnghmm I can't get enough of it..." He moaned into you humming to send vibrations throughout your spine. You shook your head whimpering and arching your back.

You had no choice but to put your legs onto his shoulders, he held your thighs closely to his head wanting you to squeeze him with your thighs. His eyes never left yours, even if you tried to break eye contact he'd nibble on your clit to get your attention again.

You'd then whimper in pain and try to open your thighs, but he was stronger than you. By like a lot. He held your hands with his making it impossible for you to stop him. His tongue pulled back the small hood and began to thrust in an upward motion. He'd play with your clit like a cat to a mouse by flicking it in all directions, using the slippery underside of his tongue to make it more wet then give a long lick and proceed to suck it making sure to not stop until you moaned.

He looked away briefly to watch your stomach cave into itself. He could tell you were going to come soon. He's only been doing this so much to take notes of how your body reacted to him. When he's too busy staring into your eyes when in missionary, it doesn't give him much room to notice the small details that lead to you coming.

"You taste immaculate... I could stay like this until my jaw falls off... mmmghmm~"

You were going to speak but forgotten how to. You cried out literal nonsense and squeezed his hands, with that simple action his eyes were back on your face. You whimpered feeling the temperature in your body rise. "Mhmm... you're so close aren't you? I won't leave you alone until you come."

"Köniiiigg~ sthoopp... it's too good... you're gonna make me... ahhffmm~"

"Mhm? What was that? Come? Squirt? Cry? Tell me all the details so I know how to take care of you after... I love you so much... no matter what you do I will love you forever..."

"I- I don't know- fu-fuck- I can't even think..." You chocked on your words and bit into your lip, eyes glazing with tears as you watched him.

"You're so come drunk you don't know what to do with yourself... I'm glad that I have such an affect on you Y/n... you feel amazing around my fingers." He praised lightly kissing your clit inbetween statements.

"Hmm~ you make me feel so good when you kiss my clit..."

"Good... can you come on my tongue? I promise I'll fuck you in any way you want me to... weather it be slow, fast, rough, deep... you name it my beautiful girl..."

"I'll try~♡ hooghoddd..."

He held your hip with his left hand and continued to stare at you. You moaned rocking your hips back and forth feeling his fingers deeper inside. He played with your breasts and pinched your nipples to further bring noises out of you. You screamed his name and covered your face.

"I know... I know... you're so worked up... you don't know what to do with yourself... come for me, you can do it. You're such a good girl for me Y/n." He said egging you on before lapping his tongue on your clit still fingering you.

Your eyes rolled back, mouth opening wide without anything coming out of it. You nodded at his encouragement letting him know you were indeed close. He harshly slapped your thighs then squeezed them tightly to sooth the sting. "Mhmm come on my fucking face... good girls come on my face, you're a good girl right?" He said using a cocky tone.

"Yes yes yhesss! I'm a good girl... I'm a good girl... aghhh König I'm close..."

"I know... awe please come on my face, I'm so fucking hard for you... You mean the world to me... you're even better than a good girl... I love you so much I don't fucking deserve a goddess like you... come for me please~♡"

You looked down at him and held his head, pushing it further inbetween your legs to shut him up. You were so god damn close that it annoyed you, you needed to come. You couldn't think about anything else. His tongue felt smooth like silk, he was a master at what he did. With more words of encouragement you ended up locking your legs around his head keeping him in place. He held your hips allowing you to use him like a toy.

Your vaginal muscles clamping on nothing, all the tension focused on your clit. Sucking, blowing, licking, nibbling. You threw your head back as it felt like an explosion of fireworks in your brain had went off. You found yourself rutting your hips on his mouth and moaning at the top of your lungs.

"König! AHHH YEESSSSS FINALLYYYY~♡" The sound of your voice made it seem like you were crying tears of joy. He let go of your clit with an obnoxious slurping sound and blew a gentle breeze of air on it.

Your legs shaking and giving out at the same time. He watched you in awe as you grabbed yourself not knowing how to deal with the amount of dopamine being produced. "Awe wow... look at you so undone for me... that's it, keep moaning... you're almost coming down aren't you?" He said gently rubbing your clit in a side to side motion.

"Stop stop stop stop! It's too fucking much I've had enough... please!" You begged uncontrollably feeling tears gushing out of your eyes.

He stopped touching you and pulled you close to him, tossing your arms around his neck. "Shh shhh... I know... calm down... you're so overwhelmed..." He said holding your face staring into your dazed eyes.

"Mm, you're my pretty girl... I love you so much..."

You let out a whimper feeling yourself let out a heavily watered down stream of liquid from your urethra. You moaned shaking your head to not focus on how embrassed you were by the whole process. "I'm sorry..." You managed to choke out.

"Awe don't be... take a moment to rest for me okay? And would you look at that... you can squirt... I knew I'd be able to make you do it." He said caressing your face and showering your lips with kisses.

You nodded and kissed him back, tasting yourself from earlier. "Thank you so much... thank you... thank you..."

You couldn't think about anything. Your mind was blank and all you could do was thank him. He took your words with pride and laid you back down on the table, you didn't let him go. You were vulnerable and didn't want him to leave your side. You buried your face into his neck locking your legs around him tighter.

"Stay here... I'm ready for more if you are... I want you to fuck me until I cry..."

"Oh? As you wish... you don't need to do anything... I just want to use your body to come..." He said before laying kisses on your chest.


The two of you had quickly got naked while still in the kitchen. König towered over you leaning down to kiss your neck with his cock thrusting inbetween your thighs for friction to keep him hard. You were looking up at him holding his face and making out with him, his strong hands caressing your breasts and pinching your nipples.

"You're perfect... are you okay? Do you want to continue or do you need more time? Or we can just stop if you want." He said caressing your face and speaking softly to you.

"I'm okay... thank you for asking, you can do anything to me, I'm ready for you... just feeling your cock inbetween my thighs like this is making me lose my mind..."

"Same here... I know it might feel like I'm saying the same things over and over but I really mean it... there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe what you are to me."

"Yeah? Well for starters... let's say that I'm yours..." You said softly while allowing him to push you down onto the table, he held onto your hips with a low desperate groan. "Say that again... tell me how much you want me... beg for me so I can feel confident enough to fuck you senseless..."

You looked back at him, pulling him down to you so could sloppily kiss him. He slid inside you with ease, being careful to not get carried away too quickly. You moaned into his mouth and broke the kiss, holding his jaw to keep his eyes on you.

"My body belongs to you, you're the only man I'll let fuck me... you can have me any day at any hour... I'm nothing but a brain dead fuck toy for you..."

"Hmm? Yeah... you're mine... you have no idea how jealous I get when I'm in public with you... you always have to leave the house looking so fucking gorgeous... every man just has to stare at you... I fucking hate it."

You moaned as he began to kiss your neck and bite into your skin. You melted like butter under the sun holding his hand keeping it on your body. His thrusts started slow and deep to focus on speaking to you. Your walls clenched around him, hips moving back and forth to engulf his size.

"So tight... just like that Y/n... look at you trying to take control and use me for a change... I'm afraid I can't let you do that though... last time I checked fucktoys don't have a mind of their own." He growled in your ear and slapped your ass.

"I'm sorry... you're just taking so long... my desire to be fucked is burning... please can you fuck me already König~" You asked with innocent eyes lovingly gazing up at him.

"When you look at me like that how can I say no... you're so amazing... all mine... you're my good fucking girl..."

With those lustful words he proceeded to lift your left leg up and pin it on the table, spreading your legs apart made it easier for him to stuff more of himself inside. With you being pinned down to the table it's not like you could get free from his hold. You reached out and held onto the surface you laid on, whimpering as his thrusts became more consistent laced with desperation.

He cursed under his breath and slapped your ass hard. Disregarding if you may or may not like it. "Fucking bitch... mm... so tight and wet... you're such a broken in slut aren't you, you take me in so deep now..."

"You look so pretty when being fucked from behind... your ass is moving so much..." He grunted slapping it harder than before.

"Ahh~♡ choke me... please..." You asked moaning more comfortably. "How? I don't want you to pass out..."

"Squeeze the sides of my neck rather than onto my throat... I'll still be able to breath but not easily... feeling the pressure build up my head is what really turns me on..." You explained before König pulled you by your hair for you to lean upwards.

He was hesitant in fulfilling your request not sure if he'd do it right. But he wanted to make you happy and decided to trust your words. Alright how did you say to do it again? Hands on both sides of neck... that should be good.

You moaned pulling him inside deeper. Your walls reacting positively and hugging every vein in his shaft, squeezing on him ever so often. Forcing pre-cum out of him.

"Like this? Is that right? You're body seems to think so..." He moaned slightly in disbelief, wow you felt way better than before. You sounded like heaven itself aswel.

"Mhmm... just like that... ughhh your hands~ they make the perfect necklace König~♡" You praised throwing your head back and letting your self control leave your body altogether. Now making you act and sound more slutty.

"Oh my god... you keep clamping down on me... you must really like this... fuck, I'm gonna go faster now... is that okay?" He asked hearing you whimper while nodding as a response.

König began to breathe heavier and thrust harder. His balls slapping against your sensitive clit, making it twitch with every ounce of contact. He threw his head back holding your neck tighter then releasing after making you light headed intentionally.

You put your hands on his wrists, eyes rolling back and whoreish smile plastered on your face. "So deeep~ It's in my stomach~♡"

"Shut the fuck up... fuck toys don't talk." He sternly spoke before pinning you head to the table, using both hands to hold you down and thrusted harder. Heavily breathing and groaning.

A knot built up in your stomach making the pleasure become overwhelming. You whimpered focusing on the feeling of him inside you. Repeatedly clenching and pulling him in deeper. "Fuck I love you... thank you~ I can't control myself when I'm inside you..." He leaned down to you and spoke into your ear. His hand sliding under your hips so he could rub your clit.

Your mouth opened wide, drool collecting on your tongue and dripping onto the table. Your eyes rolled back as you focused on both points of pleasure. His fingers were wet as they rubbed against you.

"Say you love me... ughh f-fuck... I'm close Y/n..."

"Mmm~♡ I love you... you make me feel good... don't stop rubbing my clit, I'm gonna come soon..."

König groaned pulling you off of the table and turning you over onto your back so that the two of you were in missionary again.

You whimpered at the loss of contact around your throat. He then slapped your face gently and held your jaw. "I love you~ nghhh... I love you so much... fuck I'm gonna come~"

you pulled his face into your chest while moaning and allowing him to suck your nipples. His thumb applying pressure to your clit, teeth biting your nipples and tongue licking them.

His hips were thrusting on their own at this moment. Your legs locking around him and body jolting in pleasure. You moaned again and arched your back.

"Please don't stop choking me... I'm so close that it hurts..." You lustfuly said while receiving hard thrusts to your cervix. He groaned letting your nipples go and put your legs on his shoulders and leaning down to you, wrapping his left hand around your throat tightly squeezing. Listening to your thankful whimpers while your nails dug into his skin. He kissed your lips once until you held his face sloppily keeping your lips on his nearly sucking your face off.

"Mmmuahh~ I love how deep you take me... fucking slutty bitch..." He groaned pulling your bottom lip in his teeth.

"I love how good you fuck me... I think I'm going to squirt again-" You managed to speak as his hand momentarily got loose. "Oh fuck... don't be shy... come on I want you to squirt... I can't believe I was able to get you to do that... you were so cute while coming just because of my fingers..."

"Yeah? Tell me how pretty I am... ughhh I want to come all over your fat cock..."

He then yanked your body off of the table, you panicked and held onto him tightly. Arms wrapped around his neck as you melted into him. His hips thrusting upwards reaching your spot from earlier. You whimpered loudly and threw your head back moaning and letting your whole body relax.

"That's it... give me another... squirt on me... you're so sexy when you do." He said holding your ass in his hand and wrapping his arm around your waist to keep you in his arms.

"I love youuu~ K-König!~" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Mind being blinded by your lust and clenching around him.

He groaned burying his face into your neck to cover up his submissive moans. His hand slapping your ass until it had a large red mark into it. "I'M COMING... FUCK I'M COMING... Take every fucking drop you slut!"

He forced you down onto the table again and slammed his hips into you. You moaned arching your back and rolling your eyes back into your skull. Your nipples tingling with pleasure as your walls relaxed for the last time, flooding your urethra with clear watered down liquids. König pulled out of you and rubbed his tip on your lips, gliding it up and down watching you release all over him. Your vagina clamping down on nothing, whimpers slowly getting quieter.

Your hands pressed onto his chest as you watched him moan your name and pump his hand up and down his shaft. "Ughhhh you're so perfect for me... I need you in my life forever..."

The two of you came down from your highs. He then laid on you, allowing you to hug him and kiss his cheek. You sighed heavily in relief. He kissed your lips and lightly held your neck in his hand. Turning your head to the side so he could pepper kisses all over you. You then felt something drip out of you and onto the table. You looked down seeing his erection going down while his tip was dripping with come. "König..." You said trying to gain your composure.

"Yeah? Give me a minute... if you want to go again..." He panted in response.

"Did you come inside me? Fuck... I think you did..." You said.

He then got off of you and spread your legs. He watched his come drip down you, your vagina clenching and releasing, forcing his thick load out of you. "Looks like I did... sorry about that... You felt too good for me to waste it..."

Tags :
2 years ago

WISHFUL THINKING// könig x reader


pairing konig x f!reader

word count +5k

content warnings nsfw! oral (fem receiving), slight praise kink, kinda mellow in comparison to everything else i do

authors note konig! i hope you enjoy - i love him dearly and would not mind writing for him again if the you nasties want it too


König thought himself better than this.

He was careful, methodical and cautious. Sometimes a little impulsive, but he liked to think that he was generally a patient man. Despite the blood on his hands, König is no worse than the rest.

Yet here he is, standing outside your door in the dead of night. There’s a soft hum of music, and he hears the distant sound of your voice, soft and melodic behind the door. He glances down to that little slip of paper you left him, biting the inside of his cheek. König releases a sigh of defeat, sending a sharp knock to the door.

Sorry I missed you - I’ll make it up to you, come by later?

König considers himself to be an observer. He’s patient, quiet and reserved, he blends in like a shadow. Always stuck on the outside trying to get in, König is used to the feeling of wishful thinking - but it takes a different meaning when he meets you.

A medic, and a damn good one. You had a clean record, history in the field with a stunning reputation and passed training with flying colors. You're quick and efficient, and he’d come to find out that you had a habit to bring out the worst in him.

You always greeted him with an innocent little smile, cheeks turning a shade darker as his gaze landed on you. He’d catch you in the halls, the alley where he smoked, and most often he’d find you with your legs crossed in the infirmary - staring back at him with a playful look on your face. König had a hundred different scars, but his favorites were the ones that healed with you.

He visits the infirmary when his pathetic loneliness leads him there. Covered in blood (though he isn’t sure whose it is), König would find himself stalking straight towards you. The dark fabric of his mask hid the excited smile that was plastered on his face each time he had an excuse to see you.

He told you his name one day when you found him leaning alone in an alley, a cigarette dangling between his fingers. Your eyes sparkled with curiosity, eagerly taking a spot next to him and letting his towering frame shadow you.

König was unconsciously flicking the lighter to life, eyes catching on you to watch the spark he felt burn to a flame. You were looking up at him, lip caught between your teeth and holding your breath. You asked for his name, words spoken softly against the cool air. When he told you, you hummed softly to yourself - letting the letters roll off the tip of your tongue until his knees were weak.

“König - I like that.”

He never got over that eager desire he felt each time you said it.

His boots would land heavy on the tile, the smell of chemicals and cleaning supplies leading a trail to your door. He’d stand there a moment, fingers digging into his wound as he stared at the barrier between you two. Heart heavy with that anxious feeling, he would always send a sharp knock on the door - waiting for your voice to ring out like a sweet melody and pull him through.

“König - you know you can just come in, right?”

Days spent with your fingers ghosting over his skin, little stitches and bandages left by your touch. You would tsk softly to yourself, thumb rubbing over the most recent cut and rubbing the blood onto a sterile wipe. He had a habit to stare, watching your every movement with baited breath.

You pulled at the seams of everything he’s kept wrapped up so carefully. You gave him soft laughs and gentle touches, the feeling of you burned into his skin. He got hot-faced at the idea of you, head spinning as he lost his sense of control each day spent thinking of you.

He can’t help but abandon all rationality whenever you lean in as he speaks, hands resting on your legs and eyes sparkling with curiosity - almost like you wanted to hear more. You ask him little things, trying to gather pieces of a puzzle with him as the end game prize.

“Do you ever miss home, König?”

“Not really.”

“What’s your job like, König?”


He lingers for as long as he can, and you never seemed to mind. Most days are spent in a comfortable silence, your brows pulled together in concentration as he shifts under your prodding touch. König - as much as he hates to admit - has a bad habit to fidget when your fingers are dancing along his skin.

It’s because he’s daydreaming about his head between your thighs.

You’d rest a hand against his knee, glancing to him with an eyebrow raised in challenge. Your lips would pull into a smirk, shaking your head at him in disapproval. He savored those little looks, kept them hidden to himself like a dirty secret.

He spent lonely nights with his hand wrapped around himself, your name at the tip of his tongue as his vision went blurry with the thought of you. König shamefully gave in every time, letting the sweet memories of you coat his senses in a bitter desire.

You were just across the hall, a couple doors down with your head resting against the pillow and eyes squeezing shut - doing almost the exact same thing with him in mind.

You've been pining after him for weeks, lip caught between your teeth every time he slips out the door and through your fingers. There’s days where you’ve got your head resting against your hand, legs crossed and thighs squeezing together as König speaks low and quiet to you with that tang of his accent.

“You know you can kick me out anytime,”

“I really don’t want to be bothered by anyone else, König.”

“How sweet of you.”

You’re swallowing down the bittersweet taste of longing when he glances over to you, eyes heavy and sending a pulse of electricity through you. You get sick off his presence, head spun with all the nights you spent dreaming of him.

His laugh send shivers down your spine, the sound harsh and abrupt as it tangles within you. You want to hear it more, and you try to be on your best behavior just for him. But it’s hard - almost impossible when all he does is get you eager and needy off his presence.

He notices too - biting his tongue to keep from getting hard at the way you rub your fingers along his thigh, blushing scarlet and hesitantly pulling back as he grits his teeth to stop the moan that begs to slip out.

“Everything okay, König?”

“Most of the time, yes.”

“That’s good to hear.”

You start letting your touch linger on him, almost hesitant to pull away after all those nights wishing you could stay. You look at him with little wide eyes, staring at that same piece of cloth which holds your favorite pair of eyes that catch you as you’re falling for him. König would watch as you bit your lip between your teeth, brushing strands of hair from your face and shoving down months of wishful thinking that’s started to burn into reality.

You left him a note one night. He’d stalked through the halls, brushing past other medics and making his way straight to you. It’s been a week that he’s been gone, your absence creating a festering wound in him that needed to be tended to.

He found it lying on your desk, folded up nice and neat with his name scrawled across it in large letters. He could almost hear you say it, sweet voice ringing in his ears as he frowns.

The note sits heavy in the palm of his hand, eyes scanning over your sloppy handwriting and reading the words once, twice, a third time just to make sure he read that right.

König glances to the clock, brows furrowing together. His stomach is churning with anxious thoughts, head cloudy with uncertainty as he looks back to the note and reads it a fourth time.

A gentle invitation, but it hangs heavy on his shoulders like a burden. His feet are planted firmly on the tile, towering frame haunting the room like a phantom as he sighs softly to himself. He shoves the note in his pocket, turning on his heel and aiming himself directly to you.

Diesel is desire - and you’ve just added fuel to the fire.

You never told him where you stay, but he knows the route like the back of his hand. He’s caught you slipping through the halls, dragging a hand across your face to wipe away the exhaustion as you sulk on your walk to the infirmary.

König finds himself standing outside your door in the dead of night. His heart is in his throat, tongue tied as his hand hovers over the barrier between you. He’s done it a hundred times, but never like this. Never so casually, so recklessly as he’s led head first by the pathetic ounce of pleasure he’d gain by getting to see you tonight.

He hears the sound of your voice, soft and melodic as it pulls him closer. His head is spinning, the carefully constructed control that he’s kept slipping from his fingers like an invisible string. He’s caught on you, stuck on the way you whisper his name and keep him around like a stray at your doorstep.

He knocks, waiting a moment before he pushes the door open and is greeted with the familiar face of you - this time he knows he can come in.

König has never been more happy that the dark fabric of his mask is hiding the way he’s practically drooling at the sight of you.

Sitting patient and pretty on your counter, your legs dangle over the side and swing gently as you hum a sweet melody and browse through the channels. Your frame is hidden beneath an oversized shirt, your bare thighs rest against the marble and seem to scream at König to come closer.

Your hair is spilling around your shoulders, an arm braces against the counter to keep you propped up. His heart is slamming against his chest, mouth running dry as he basks in the sight of you. All those nights spent pushing down those stolen memories of you are catching up to him.

He doesn’t have the heart to run away anymore.

You glance up to him, a smile playing at your lips as he stands in your doorway. Your eyes are sparkling with familiar look of curiosity, and you’re patiently waiting for him to make his next move. His hands are clenched at his side, knuckles turning white as he battles every inner demon begging him to stay.

“You didn’t wait this time,” you state, cocking your head to the side. He shifts, glancing around the room until he’s drawn back to you. “Were you not expecting me?” He asks, though it’s not direct or demanding. He’s genuinely curious, as if he’s crossed a boundary he’s desperately trying to reset - but only if you want.

“You’re the only person I expect these days,” you say softly, voice laced with admission as the words hang heavy between you.

König feels himself slipping straight to hell - and there’s nothing he can do but watch as you spread your thighs in just the slightest.

An open invitation.

He’s walking towards you, two blue eyes pinning you to the counter. The gear sits heavy on his frame, towering over you as he stands an arms reach away. He smells of cedar and pine, the familiar scent rolling into you as you release and anxious breath.

“Why am I here?” He asks, voice heavy with desire. You blink up to him, fingers digging into the counter to hold back all those months spent pleading with yourself to get a grip.

You hum softly, savoring the close contact of a ghost you’ve been trying to haunt in your own home.

“I figured you might miss me,” you say teasingly, voice soft and pulling at the seams of König's rationality that he’s about to abandon at your words. A little laugh escapes him, and he’s pushing himself between your legs as his hands come to rest against your knees.

It’s an unfamiliar feeling, his hands cold to the touch and sending a shiver along your spine. You’ve dreamed of this, hands digging into your sheets as the image of him wrestles with your self control. He whispers softly to you-

“I’m always missing you, angel.”

Your heart skips a beat to wait up for him, head spinning in a delicate dance alongside him as he lets his fingers drag along your exposed thighs.

“Prove it.”

It’s blind confidence that makes him dip a hand between your thighs, cursing harshly at the way your panties are already soaked through. König hums, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your clit as an anxious breath leaves you.

His eyes are trained on your face, on the way you’re looking at him with pure desire and adoration - like you’ve been waiting for him to spark since the day you met him.

He’s on fire, skin ablaze with the way your little eyes are looking at him eagerly. König feels that careful control slip and shatter. As he carefully drags down your underwear, he swears that there’s a little devil on his shoulder, pushing him closer to you.

Go on - don’t be a stranger, König.

“Be a good girl for me and close your eyes.”

König would spend an eternity on his knees if it was just for you. His hands are pulling you closer to his face, your head leaning back against the cabinets as a soft moan of defeat escapes your lips. Eyes squeezing shut and legs parting to let his hot breath fan against you, your mind is racing as the knot of pleasure begins to wind itself within you.

He plants soft kisses up and along your thighs, savoring each shaking breath you take as you struggle to beg and plead with him. The tip of his nose rubs against your center, his hands finding their grip on your knees as his tongue darts out and sends a lick up and along you.

König thinks you taste like heaven - a sweet honey that consumes his senses until he’s groaning between you, the sound deep and reverberating against your core. You’re already shaking, nails digging into the counter as his lips press themselves into your clit until you’re seeing stars.

He’s a little hesitant, cautious and patient with your movements - as if he’s waiting for you to push him away. You can tell, lip caught between your teeth as he takes his sweet time. You speak delicately, voice pleading with him.

“König, please.”

He feels like he’s drowning, struggling to catch up with you as you wrap your legs around his shoulders and pull him closer. His tongue presses flat against your clit, and he hums softly as it dances along your hot skin. He’s looking straight at you, your pretty little face scrunched up in all that pleasure he’s gifted you.

Wet and hot kisses are planted on your center, and his tongue is lapping up the sickeningly sweet taste of you as your hand finds its spot around the back of his neck - pushing him closer with a need that he’s been chasing after like a lost dog.

Your hips buck up to the touch of his teeth grazing against your skin, soft and gentle breaths escaping you. König grunts as your heels dig into his back, eyes turning a shade darker at the way you softly moan his name over and over.

“Hngh - gefällt dir das?” He mumbles against your skin, nipping at the flesh until you’re pleading with him, nodding desperately to get him to pick up the pace. “Don’t stop - please. please. please.”

Something in him snaps at the sound of you begging, his mind running blank as he buries his head between your thighs and lets pure euphoria lead him closer to you.

Sitting pretty and patient against the counter, you roll your hips into his touch and grind yourself in his face. He’s eager, tongue pushing between your folds as his hand travels down to the bulge that’s growing in his pants.

Stroking himself softly, König continues to eat you out like he hasn’t had a meal in an eternity. You’re soaked through, his skin slick with your pleasure as you come completely undone just for him. “So fucking wet - scheisse,” he grounds out against you, carefully pulling at the strings of your sanity.

He’s letting pure pleasure guide him through the labyrinth of you. His head is cloudy with the slick feeling of you pressed against his face, his hand tightening its grip against your skin. Harsh curses are escaping his lips, and he’s tugging at the tip of himself to the sound of you crying out in pleasure.

His tip is pressed against his pants, struggling to maintain control as you continue to moan and roll your hips against his lips. His tongue brushes against your core, and you’re pathetically whimpering his name as his fingers dip between your legs and push into you.

His fingers curl inside you, pumping in and out as the wet puddle between your legs starts to spill out against his bare skin. König is drunk off the feeling, his wildest dreams sending him into an unforgiving sense of need.

You keep your eyes closed, as if opening them would wake you up from a fantasy you’ve carefully crafted with him. You’re shaking, mewling out little cries and melting as his fingers drag along the inside of you and pull out all those horrible dirty secrets you’ve kept.

“Such a good girl,” he muses against you, palming himself through his pants as pre-cum slicks his tip. “Let me fuck you, angel - c‘mon,” he states, voice uneven with his heavy breaths as you nod against the cabinet, eager with desire.

“You think I’m a fool? I know that pretty little head of yours has been dreaming about this.”

And you have - lonely nights spent tangled around yourself as you find a sloppy release, head spinning with a crushing disappointment that he’s not the one pulling it from you. You’d find your fingers drifting between your thighs, the sickening memories of König stacking up until you’re sobbing out, nails dragging along the base of his neck.

“König,” you moan out, savoring the way his fingers curl and drag inside of you. “I want you,”

It’s all it takes for him to stand and pull himself out of his pants, the top of him dripping from all those little ways you pull at the seams of him. You keep your eyes closed, as if it’s the only way to keep your sanity intact. It’s dizzying, the way König pulls you to the edge of the counter and rubs his tip softly against you.

He’s got a hand around the back of your neck, his forehead resting in the crook of your shoulder as he slowly pushes himself into you. His mask rubs softly into your skin, sending shivers down your spine. You’re clawing at his waist, head slamming back against the cabinet as his dick sinks in inch by inch.

König can’t help but lose sight of everything that isn’t you. You’re so tight, clenching around him as he digs himself deeper into you and savors the way you’re moaning into his ear like a sweet siren lost at sea.

He stretches every piece of you, making room for himself as his dick slips inside. All those anxious thoughts, longing daydreams and wishful thinking are pushing him to the edge. He can’t think straight, head spun off the way you shimmy your hips to meet him eagerly.

“Du fühlst dich so feucht an-“ he growls, the tip of him brushing against you as you moan out in ecstasy and pull him closer.

When he’s finally sheathed he’s inside you, he takes a moment to bask in the sickening feeling of lust that’s leading him straight to purgatory. His nose nuzzles into your skin, panting and groaning as you squeeze around him. “Tell me you want this, angel. Show me everything I’ve been missing.”

“I- König, please. I need you.”

He sighs into your shoulder, pulling himself out until his tip is brushing against your folds. You wrap your legs around his waist, desperately trying to bring him closer until he slams his hips back into you.

Your head smacks against the wood, a soft cry of pleasure leaving your lips at the way he’s stretching you to fit him perfectly, like a puzzle piece that’s been missing all this time. You finally found it, and that little knot of pleasure is winding up until all you’re thinking about is the way that he fits perfectly.

His hips pick up a steady back, rolling into you with a sense of urgency. You sneak a glance to him, eyes peeling open to watch as he continues to fuck you ruthlessly. He catches your gaze, two blue eyes with a dark wave of pleasure brewing behind them. König let’s put a low chuckle, his hand coming to cover your curious gaze and pinning you against the wall.

“No peaking - I thought you knew better.”

You didn’t - and you never will. If it means you can chase after this high for the rest of your life, you will.

König is usually gentle, hesitant and careful with his approach to you. It’s abandoned at the door when you’re mewling and moaning in pure ecstasy, lips wobbling and fingers coming to scratch at the hand that covers the stunning view of him fucking you.

His anxious pining and careful planning has given him everything he wants - you. König feels himself committing every cardinal sin in his wake, and he’ll pray to god for forgiveness if he has to.

It’s a damn good thing he doesn’t believe in god.

His hips continue to snap into you, dick pressing and pushing against your folds. A thick pleasure is coiling inside you, hands shakily gripping his shoulders as you struggle to take him.

You feel that familiar high start to build, but he suddenly pulls out, his breaths fanning hot against your skin as he curses harshly and holds that distance between you. You whine softly, head shaking against his hand covering your eyes and begging him to keep going.

“König - don’t stop, please. I want-“

He’s already pushing himself back in, a grunt of pleasure ripping itself from his lips as your little cunt squeezes around him again. Broken and strained German is leaving his mouth, the tang of his accent pulling at you. He can’t help himself, a little too greedy now that he has you right where he wants you.

His fingers dip between your thighs and rub quick circles on your clit, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from screaming. You’ll never get used to the feeling of him - so thick and big as he fucks you to oblivion. It feels like heaven, tears of pleasure slipping down your cheeks as you blindly come to wrap your arms around his neck.

König can tell you’re close - the way you squeeze around him and whine softly into his ears. You press your hips into his touch, desperate for contact as he continues to slam himself into you.

Then you’re saying his name over and over. Your voice eager and breathy as it rings in his head. It’s usually spoken gently, almost a little hesitant when he’s standing in your office, trying to keep the stray dog that longs for you at bay. He’s never been so confident in his life, tugging you closer to the edge of the cliff until you’re moaning out his name.

König. König. König.

He grinds his hips into you, the pressure of his hand becoming overbearing as the two of you continue to add fuel to that familiar fire that starts to blaze.

You’ll both go down in flames.

König pushes you to cum first, savoring the way you’re clawing at his neck and shaking underneath him. His pace is starting to become sloppy, breaths hot and uneven as he bucks his hips to meet your eager little moans.

When you’re hanging off of his frame, mumbling soft cries of pleasure and coating his dick in that sweet and slick feeling of you - König can’t help but desperately search for his own release.

He’s slamming into you, your head pinned against the wall and tears traveling down your skin to meet his hand. He’s twitching, groaning against your neck and panting your name out like it was his to begin with.

Then you clench around him, trying to pull him back in. His chest is tightening, stomach churning at the way you continue to pull the worst from him. He seeing stars, pushing your head into the cabinet as he mutters harsh curses and lets himself cum inside you. He would feel a little shameful if it wasn’t for the way you’re crying out in pleasure and begging for him.

A moment passes in a thick and heavy silence as he grows soft inside you. Your breaths are mingling together, tangling in a delicate dance as König drags his hand from your face and pulls you into his chest. It’s gentle, soft and needy. You’re unfamiliar with this, but sink into the touch like it’s something you’ve been craving.

He pulls out of you slowly, savoring the way he drops from your folds and onto the counter top. He’s dizzy with desire, eyes flicking up to meet your little smiling face that sends him straight to hell.

König releases a sigh, chest falling and head heavy with all the ways he’ll pay for this. You bite your lip between your teeth, fingers running along his shoulders.

He grabs a towel, gently rubbing you clean and whispering delicate sweet nothings to you. You’re humming softly, leaning into his touch as he tosses the rag to the side. You pull yourself off the counter, standing with shaking legs as he stares down at you.

You watch as he looks around expectantly, as if treasury has snapped him out of his blissful dreams that you gave him. He looks to the door, almost in hesitancy - as if he isn’t quite sure he can linger any longer.

“König,” you say softly, fingers brushing against his skin as he glances over his shoulder to you. Little wide eyes full of need stare back at him, his skin ablaze with that familiar fire you’ve been sparking within him.

“You know you can stay, right?”

Tags :
2 years ago
Tactical Princess
Tactical Princess

Tactical Princess

König |Cod/Mw2|

Summary: One thing leads to another and you find yourself sandwiched inbetween your boyfriend and your new boy toy.

Pairing: König & Simon 'GHOST' Riley X Fem!Reader

Warnings: 18+ Smut MDNI, Dom König & Simon, Sub To Brat To Sub Reader, Heavy Degrading, Minimal Praising, Simon Being Heavily British, Google Translated German Speach From König, Face Slapping, Thigh Slapping, Ass Slapping, Tossing/Pushing Reader Around, Vaginal Sex, Choking, Sadistic König, Multiple CreamPies, Size Difference, Size Kink, Consensual, MM4F, Fingering, Squirting, Oral |M| Receiving, Facial, Come In Mouth, Manhandling, Established Relationship, Vaginal CreamPie, Double Penetration, Penetration Encouragement, Sex In Livingroom, Sex On Couch, Sex In Bedroom, Sex Standing Up, Spooning Sex Position, Cuddling Ending, Poly Ending?.

Author's Note: Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga- CHOO CHOOO!

OMG I snapped on this ngl. PT2?

I now have 300 followers. I love all of you Bunni's so muchhhhh.😭💕


König had company over while you laid in bed upstairs buried in blankets enjoying your day off. The lights were off with only the TV shining through the room.

You heard faint laughing and talking coming from the livingroom making you turn the TV volume up in annoyance. It's been like three hours already. Almost going into four o'clock. And what the hell was so funny that called for them to be so loud. There's no way the guys are still here. Knowing König, his social battery should be drained by now.

You then felt your stomach rumbling, telling your brain that you were hungry. You pulled yourself out of bed and fixed your shorts, looking around the room for your shirt to put it back on since you found laying in bed half naked very comfortable.

Once you found your shirt you tossed it back on but glanced at your chest to see your nipples were hard. It's cold in the house, König doesn't like being hot. He says it makes him irritable. He also can't get himself to sit still for a long time to prevent himself from getting hit quicker. So because of that, you're cold literally all the time.

You rolled your eyes not thinking too much about it and walked downstairs. This will be quick. You can sneak into the kitchen, grab a snack, and be back upstairs watching your favorite show. Easy.

König was on the couch sitting next to someone. He glanced over his shoulder and at you, his eyes lighting up like a puppy seeing their owner after a long day of being home alone.

"Hey! Y/n, can you come here for a second?" He asked with a hidden smirk. You shrugged and walked over to him, standing next to him and glancing at the person he sat with.

There was tension in the room for some reason. You couldn't tell what type though. Your arms were crossed so you could hide the fact that your nipples were hard. König always makes it his buisness to point that out to you, thus embaressing you because he thinks it's funny.

"Ghost? What are you doing here? And are you two out of all people having a conversation? I could have sworn it was more people here." You asked as König held your hand trying to pull you closer to him.

He's so touchy right now. Why is that? Usually he refrains from physical contact when other people are around.

"There was, Alejandro and Soap had to get going..." Ghost simply explained. You could feel his eyes tracing every part of your body. You were so sexy. He smirked behind the mask clearly taking interest in what he saw.

König pulled you by the hips while you were staring at Ghost, focusing on how attractive his accent and voice was. You came back to reality once Konig sat you down in the middle of them. The two men staring down at you like a piece of meat.

They were both so big together. You felt so small compared to them. Fuck, keep it together. Don't ruin this with your lewd thoughts.

You tried to not look at Ghost but couldn't resist the urge. Your eyes would meet with his which made him place his strong hand on your inner thigh.

"Turns out König and I have a mutual interest in something, isn't that right?" He asked glancing at your boyfriend who was grabbing your hand to hold it and bring it up to his face, placing small kisses on it.

"Yeah... do you want to know what it is Y/n?" König responded before looking down at your breasts. You tried covering yourself with your free right arm but Ghost grabbed you before you could. The two men stared at your chest seeing how hard your nipples were.

They then began to kiss both sides of your neck in unison, their hands lifting to slide under your shirt. Konig squeezing your right breast and Ghost squeezing your right.

You were freaking out on the inside but decided to keep your cool and go along with this. "What is it?" You asked glancing at them both.

"König told me that you wanted a threesome... that's why he invited me over today with the others..."

Ghost spoke in a cocky tone in your ear. Making shivers throughout your spine. You bit down on your lip and took your arms from them. This was all too much for you to handle at once. You knew you had to step away. You were too nervous around them. König was acting so different.

You tried to get up, but they pulled you by your wrists and brought you back down to sit inbetween them. "We'll do anything to fuck you Y/n... this is something you've wanted, so why not let it happen?" König questioned while bitting into your neck.

"But König... you're my boyfriend- I don't want you to think less of me or-"

He chuckled at your doubts and held your face. Dragging his thumb on your lip to keep the tension going. "Don't worry... there's nothing you could do to make me not love you... if you want to fuck someone else that's fine... but-" He then put his hand around your throat and squeezed tightly. "Don't think you'll be able to get what you want so easily... you're mine, remember that."

Ghost chuckled and turned your face so you could look at him. "Yeah... but tonight you're going to have to share aren't you? So in that case, she's ours." He stated just to mess with König a little.

You really loved the sound of that. 'Ours.' You would like that, a little too much than you'd like to admit. König felt a little jealous, watching you stare intently at Ghost rather than at him. Ghost's hand kept feeling up your thighs. You enjoyed being touched by him. How dare you.

Your breath hitched once König pulled you onto his lap. Being more possesive over you to have your attention. You broke eye contact with Ghost and looked at him.

You could feel König's bulge under you, so what other idea would you have that wasnt to grind your hips back and forth to further turn yourself on. König chuckled and slid his hands under your shorts. To his surprise you werent wearing any underwear.

He felt so good under you. The thought of his cock stretching you out felt like heaven itself. With your eyes glued on him while you grinded on his lap, Ghost took the opportunity to stand behind you and pull your hair, forcing your eyes on him.

"Don't forget about me now... seems like König's getting a bit jealous..." He smirked holding your face with both hands.

You bit down on your lip and stopped moving your hips. The eye contact Ghost had with you was intoxicating. His eyes were dark and sad. You could fall in love with him right then and there. His eyes are so pretty.

König then held you onto his lap and began to move his hips forward. You felt him pressing on your clothed clit, making you break eye contact with Ghost.

"You want to make this a competition? Fine by me... I already know what it takes to make her come. I clearly have the upper hand here." He said while glaring at Ghost.

"Let's see who's name she'll be moaning more loudly then..." He responded before staring down at you.

Ghost moved out of the way allowing König to forcfully pull you off the couch like you were some doll to a toddler. He kept you still as the two of them got closer to you, they both towered over you. Making you like this situation perhaps a bit more than they did.

"Don't just stand there, take your shirt off... we want to see you." König demanded pushing you into Ghost's direction.

He held your hips, groaning into your ear. You then slowly took off your shirt. Tossing it somewhere in the room and attempting to cover yourself out of embaressment.

"Oh look, she wants to pretend like she's embarrassed... how cute." He teasingly spike and pulled your arms down, keeping them at your sides.

"Ghost, what do you think of her? She's cute isn't she?" König questioned. Blaintently ignoring your attempts to get his hands off of you. "Well- of course, she is quite the looker... but I'm not really fully sold on the idea, she seems to have an issue with listening." Ghost shrugged slapping your ass watching you jump in pain, your exposed chest bouncing up.

"Yeah- she can be a bit stubborn... she likes to act as if she doesn't enjoy this but I know she does..." He said before squeezing your breast and pinching your nipples.

"Ah~ K-König..." You whimpered.

"Take her shorts off..." König said. You looked down at Ghost as he crouched down to pull at your spandex shorts. You closed your legs together feeling your body drop in temperature. It's so damn cold in here.

König sat back down with you in his arms, Ghost sat down on the opposite side of you. They both moved their hips forward to manspread, bringing attention to their equally big bulges.

"Go fix the temperature since you want to act like it's so cold... we'll wait." He shrugged letting you go and pushing you along.

He slapped your ass and watched you wince in pain, when you walked by Ghost he to slapped your ass getting the same reaction from you.

They both watched you as you walked over to the thermostat to turn it higher. You turned around still standing there, holding yourself.

You were so nervous. Their eyes didn't leave you not once. You felt like prey to a pack of lions. They both pated their laps. Encouraging you to come back over to them.

"Alright now I'm completely sold... I'm a bit upset that you kept her a secret for so long, she's fucking gorgeous." Ghost said begining to palm himself through his jeans. The thick material made it impossible for him to touch anything, he unbuckled his belt. Catching your attention.

You looked at him and began to walk over to him. König snapped his fingers for you to look at him.

"Nope, not yet. I said I wasn't going to make this easy for you. You're getting too greedy." He said shooing you far from them.

You whimpered and still kept your eyes on what Ghost was hiding in his pants. You heard König pull his erecton out but you already knew how he looked and felt.

Ghost and Konig were definitely around the same size. I mean how could they not? They're both over six feet tall. Although König's was longer by atleast two inches which gave him the advantage of penetrating you deeper.

On the other hand, having to take Ghost in would be a challenge for sure. He's way thicker, and the veins scattered about his shaft were something you looked forward to. He was cut while König wasn't. Both had an equal amount of pubic hair, but Ghost's bush was less groomed.

"Look at her... she's imagining our cocks inside of her isn't she, such a fucking slag she is..." Ghost said, bringing you out of your inner thoughts just by the tone of his voice alone.

You looked at them and felt your face rising in temperature. God why won't one of them tell you what to do already? You were loosing it.

"Come here... don't fucking touch us though, just sit there and wait for further instruction." He demanded curling his fingers in your direction.

You stepped forward only for Ghost to snap his fingers and click his tongue. "On your knees and crawl to us... you won't be needing to walk for a while." He said.

That's more like it. You tried to hide your smile as you got down on your knees. You then kneeled on all fours and crawled over to them like he asked. Once you approached the couch, you sat inbewteen them.

"Spread your legs you fucking whore." König said while pinning your upper body to the couch. You spread your legs watching Ghost bring his attention to your exposed lower half.

"Wow, such a cute little clit you have there... I can just tell how wet she is by looking at her..." He said before slapping your clit and rubbing it.

You bucked your hips with a moan. You lifted your hands to touch him but König grabbed your wrists before you could even reach Ghost.

"Ich bin es langsam leid, dich dazu zu bringen, die Regeln zu befolgen...“ He aggressively spoke to you in his native tongue while slapping your face to make you whimper.

("I'm getting really tired of making you follow the rules...")

"I'm sorry~ I'm just a needy slut..." You said with a innocent tone.

"Shut the fuck up... you don't get to talk to me or him from this point forward..." He said slapping your face again. You pouted and began to move in place. You stopped once Ghost slapped your thighs.

You looked down at him watching him lift your hips up and rub your clit faster. You moaned clenching your walls around nothing.

Ghost chuckled and swiped his thumb upwards through your lips to apply pressure to your clit after teasing you for so long. You squirmed letting out a moan feeling Ghost's fingers slide inside you, deep until reaching his knuckles. He curled his fingers inside you and watched your body jolt as you melted into his touch.

"She's so wet... just hear that... what a fucking whore..."

Your hips bucked again making Ghost slap your thighs once more. "She doesn't fucking listen... clearly she doesn't deserve to have her cunt played with..." He sighed shaking his head and took his hands away from you.

You whimpered looking at him then at König. He wasn't looking at you. If anything he was ignoring you, they both were.

"The only we can do to whip her back into shape is if we use her... get her so worked up that she's on her knees begging like a fucking slut to fuck our cocks... her whoreish face covered in come." König stated before yanking you off of Ghost and pushing you to the floor.

"Wait... I'll be good... I'm sorry... König please." You whimpered hoping he'd take pitty on you.

The pair rolled their eyes at you and stood up. König grabbed you by your hair and threw you onto the couch again. Ghost grabbing your ankles and tossing you over onto your back.

You spread your legs again slightly proud that it was that easy. You looked at them, König still on your left side and Ghost on your right.

They both collected your juices on their fingers and rubbed your pussy. Ghost rubbing your clit and König rubbing your entrance. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily in pleasure. Trying to figure out which hand to focus on.

Ghost used his middle and ring fingers to rub the bundle of nerves and apply pressure. König slid his index and middle fingers inside you to curl them inside you. You moaned clenching around him and started to play with your breasts.

Your eyes were still closed until you heard deep groans and moans. Once your eyes opened you could feel your pupils dilating, along with dopamine releasing in your brain.

The two of them were stroking themselves while staring at you, their fingers hard at work to give you something to moan about. Your mouth opened in shock. Fuck. This was something you didn't know you needed. You didn't know which one to look at.

König? His cock head turning a bright red while all the blood rushed to his tip. A pretty stream of pre-cum dripping onto the floor while his pretty foreskin covered half of his tip when he'd ride his hand upwards, then fully open when he'd slide his hand back down.

And Ghost? Shit. He thrusted his hips into his hand as he stared into your eyes. You could tell that he was imagining fucking you right before your eyes. He groaned deeply and smirked as you kept eye contact with him. His fingers slowing down so he could slap your clit, then picking up speed again to make you moan louder.

He'd stop moving his hips and begin to make his hand do all the work, rubbing his tip into his warm palm and squeeze himself to apply pressure. Sending a tingling feeling in his balls, releasing his hand before feeling a sharp pain.

You whimpered feeling König's fingers penetrate you deeper to get your attention back onto him. You looked at him and clenched tightly for longer than usual, he smirked at you whole stroking himself faster and thrusting his fingers in at the same pace as his hand to make it seem like he was inside you.

When he'd curl his fingers upwards, he'd start stroking himself upwards. He'd pull his fingers out of you and stop stroking himself. Staring down at his cock to watch it twitch and jump on it's own.

He breathily moaned and took himself in his hand again, sliding in a finger and pushing upwards deeply to find the spot behind your urethra.

You whimpered throwing your head back letting yourself come undone and moan louder. They watched your legs shake and lock in place before you stretched them out again. König nodded to you and hummed 'Mhm' to tell you that he knew how good you were feeling.

You whined and bent your legs at the knees again and pulled on the couch cushion. Your body felt hot all over. Ghost slapped your clit again and rubbed more consistently, collecting your juices on his fingers before doing so.

"Ahhh~ ahhh- ohhhh~ Ggh-K-k-ko-gh..."

You were sexualy and mentally confused. Who's name do you moan? You couldn't think straight. Your body enjoyed the feeling of their hands, your mind enjoyed the sight of two men getting off to the sight of you.

You held your breath for a second stopping all sounds from coming out. Their groans and wet noises that came from your vagina was all that could be heard. Your back arched as you finaly let yourself breath again. You whimpered loudly while your legs started to shake again. Their fingers continuing what they were doing but in a faster pace.

König moaned and slapped your entrance before sliding his middle finger inside you and curling it again. His middle finger was his longest one, you moaned covering your face and let your vaginal muscles relax around him. He hummed once more, encouraging you to release however you wanted to.

"Yes yes yes yeeess~ Kghhoöstnniigg~" You moaned at the top of your lungs allowing yourself to squirt. You didn't have a clear name in mind to moan so you put both of theirs together. They groaned and slapped your clit and entrance at the same time. You whimpered biting onto your knuckle and bucked your hips onto ther hands.

They stoped touching themselves and payed attention to you. König grabbing your face and keeping your eyes on them. Ghost forcing your jaw open to slide his thumb inside to get you to suck it.

"Yeah... make a fucking mess you pathetic little bitch... now our fucking couch needs to be cleaned because of you..."

"You're such a whore... moaning at the top of your lungs like that while getting off to our hands..."

"Hmmpmmm!" You tried speaking but forgot that Ghost's thumb was in your mouth.

Once your legs stopped shaking they took their hands away from you and sat down on opposite sides of the couch. You were breathing heavily trying to gain composure until they groaned loudly, pushing you off of the couch again and grabbing your hair for your face to be in their laps.

"Alright- fuck... you've had your fun. Now get to sucking." König demanded of you while putting his cock in your face. You looked down at it, seeing pre-cum still dripping from it. You held the base of him gently and was about to put him in your mouth until Ghost pulled your hair aswel for you to give him attention first.


König and Ghost sat on the couch with you on your knees in front of them. They looked down at you with their hips pushed forward and sitting in a manspreading form. You could see their equally heafty erections just fighting to be seen in your eyes first.

You licked your bottom lip not knowing what your next move should be.

You wanted them to defile you in any way possible. These two large men throwing you to eachother to allow the other man have a go at you. Their equally fat cocks stuffing, fucking and pumping deep inside your tight holes. Stretching you out and practically making you a new one.

You couldn't resist the desire to be their cock sleeve tonight. Their eyes stared down at you, you could see the animalistic gleam in them. Right now they weren't seeing you as anything but a new toy. You wanted to be used and abused. Your holes aching for more of their come.

König then snapped his fingers to get your attention. You looked at him then at Ghost. He snaped his fingers again. Demanding that you'd stare at him and only him.

"She doesn't know which one to look at first... guess she doesn't feel like using that brain of hers... clearly she should be looking at me..." He stated as you crawled towards him. Seating yourself inbetween his legs.

"She's so pretty down there... but I hope she's not forgetting that she has another cock to drain..."

You looked at Ghost while rubbing König through his sweats with your left hand. Your right hand doing the same for him. He let a groan slip out caressing your face, finally acknowledging you but not completely.

"It's cute that she's trying to be a tease but I personally think she should get on with it." Ghost said nonchalantly while ignoring you.

"Yeah right? These cocks aren't going to drain themselves... I kindof feel like my time is wasted, what about you?" König said.


Well. They're right, you don't want to disappoint after all. You swallowed the lump in your throat and finally held their cocks in your hands. You hummed in pleasure looking up at them and started off with König, you were clearly more familiar with him.

You stuck your tongue out and took his tip in your mouth, using your hand on Ghost. The two men groaned in unison while throwing their heads back. You moaned to get yourself to be confident enough to give them your best preformence.

Ghost could tell you were taking your sweet time to not suck him off next. He then grabbed your head and turned you in his direction, slapping his tip on your lips then proceeding to pry them open.

"There's no space to be scared now... you agreed to this so fucking deliver." He demanded while placing both of his hands on the back of your head.

"But you're really thi- mghhhmmm!"

You panicked feeling him force himself into your throat. Your eyes began to water and push tears out onto your cheeks. You looked up at him, trying to push his hands away but couldn't.

"Look at her acting like she can't take it... she likes it rough... the more tears the better..." König explained while grabbing your left hand and wrapping it around his cock, now using it like a fleshlight. Holding his hands around it to keep your hold tight.

"Fuck... how dose she feel?" He moaned.

"Aghh... absolutely perfect... a bit teethy though... but nothing a bit of breaking in can't fix." Ghost responded while moving your head up and down like you were bobbing for apples at a fair.

"Hmm! Mhfggh!"

You needed air but they couldn't hear you. Ghost moved your head faster and groaned holding you down forcing himself to touch your uvula. Shaking your head to make you gag. He enjoyed the sounds of you trying to speak or atleast catch your breath.

"Mhmm... fuck... take that fucking cock... you pathetic little slag."

He pushed his cock into your cheek getting off from the slippery texture on the inside of your mouth. You were able to breath slightly as you looked up at him batting your eyelashes and placing your hands on the floor for support.

"You've had enough- don't enjoy it too much... now suck mine, you fucking bitch." König groaned at the loss of contact and pulled your hair for you to look up at him.

You smiled and stuck your tongue out. Gladly taking half of his long shaft in and lapping your tongue up on the underside of his tip. You let him go with a pop and giggled before putting on an airheaded smile. Then proceeding to make sloppy wet kisses for your right side of his shaft and breathed on it to make it stand taller.

Ghost grunted caressing your face and stoking himself while staring at you. You looked up at both of them with your eyes big. Tapping König's tip on your tongue and sucking it briefly while collecting more saliva.

"Fuck... she sucks cock like it's a sport... don't just play with it now, suck it like it's your job..." Ghost said forcing your head down deeper. You moaned while opening your throat so König's cock could reach deeper inside.


You lifted your head up to breath for a second while König stared down at you. You bit your lip and licked the acces saliva that fell. "You guys are so big..." You seductively spoke while taking Ghost's base in your left hand. You brought their tips together on your lips and kissed them both, then pumped your hands together and slid your tongue in the middle of them.

"Christ... she sucks cock like a porn star... take us both in your mouth now..." Ghost demanded forcing your head down slightly.

You tilted your head to the side and sucked them off in a circular motion. Your head moving on it's own as you closed your eyes to focus more. König held your head and thrusted himself into your mouth, tears forming in your eyes as Ghost began to do the same thing.

"Schwanzhungrige Schlampe... du arbeitest für unsere Lasten, nicht wahr?"

("Cock hungry bitch... you're working for our loads aren't you?")

"Mhm~♡ Am I doing good... am I good girl?" You asked with a small whimper as you stoked them off so you could speak.

"Hah~ she wants praise for doing the bare minimum... I dunno if she deserves it..." Ghost slightly moaned while yanking your hair.

"Please... I want to know if I've been good..." You said while pouting your lip and sucking their tips again before showering their cocks in kisses.

They stood up and yanked your arm for you to sit in front of them. They stared down at you with their cocks in hand.

"Shut the fuck up... keep sucking..." Ghost groaned and held your throat tapping his tip on your tongue. König the back of your head while he held your jaw. They both slapped your face with their cocks to encourage you to open your mouth again.

You opened wide while wrapping your hands around them and rested their tips on your slippery tongue, pumping up and down and looking at them.

"Ahhh~ heyoghhh hgo hiignh~♡"

("Ahh~ they're so big~♡")

"Yeah? Of course they are... wow she can barely fit it in her mouth... open wider for us..." König said pulling on your jaw to keep your mouth wide.

Their hands on their hips while they stared down at you. Saying degrading phrases while you whimpered sucking them separately, then sucking their tips together.

Your heavy breath making them twitch and groan together. Ghosts hips began to thrust into your hand while you sucked on König. Your head bobbing back and fourth swallowing the pre-cum that dripped out of him.

Your confidence sky rocketed to an all time high. You've always loved being the center of attention. The fantasy of having more than one man focus on making you feel good drove you crazy.

Ugh, each sound they'd make would all be because of you. Even if they were degrading you, you enjoyed every last minute of it. Because yeah, only whores would enjoy slutting themselves out to more than one man.

You were no longer worried about covering yourself up. The only way you wanted to be covered up is by their balls emptying out onto you like you were a sock they jizzed into.

Ghost then stood behind you and pulled your hair for you to throw your head back. He shoved himself into your mouth again making you take him deep into your throat. Your eyes watered at the amount of force. But you chugged it up and chose to deal with it. Moans muffling on his cock sending vibrations through his body.

"She's taking me in so well... first place goes to Y/n- ughh~ She's a champion at this... fucking whore." He stated while slapping your face gently.

König held onto your throat making you feel tighter for Ghost. His hips thrusting into your hands as you kept them clasped together to hopefully mimic the feeling of him being inside you. He whimpered softly but also joined in slapping your face to still keep himself focused on being dominant towards you.

"That's right... ughh fill that void in your body with cock... that's my perfect slut..."

Mmm~ fuck. You could feel your vagina becoming more wet as you listened to what König said. Being degraded but having 'MY' put in front of any belittling statement turned you on even more.

"She's more than perfect... hngghh~ alright suck him off... she's going to make me come already." Ghost said pulling his hips back and allowing you to give König special attention. You placed your hands on König's thick thighs, closing your eyes to suck your throat around him.

Your tongue swirling in all directions, head turning so he could penetrate your cheek and every crevice his cock could find. You let him go with a pop before licking up his shaft and tracing the sensitive throbbing veins scattered the thick, uncut, and girthy length.

"Hey!- eyes on me..." He demanded snapping his fingers in your face. Your eyes darted open and glanced up at him fulfilling his request.

You could hear Ghost heavily groaning behind you. His hand riding up and down his shaft, thumb pressing on his tip to force pre-cum out of himself. He pulled your hair so you could look at him too. You moaned at the amount of attention feeling your clit tingle making you even more wet on the inside.

Ghost couldn't believe how skilled you were in this department. Just by looking at you he assumed that you didn't know anything about sucking cock. You and König's relationship had been so private and reserved from other people until now. He was shocked when König told him about your little 'crush' on him.

He agreed out of pure lust that he had festering for you that had been within him for a long time. He would have made advances at you but König had already put claim on you first.

"Ahh ahh ahhh~♡ Am I doing a good job? Please tell me I'm doing good..." You asked clenching your thighs together with a submissive whimper. "No, you're doing a bloody horrible job... you poxy slag." Ghost said being sarcastic, his british accent coming out more clear.

You whimpered and turned your head to kiss his tip while staring up at him. Using your hands to jerk König off.

"Awe you love when I call you a slag? You dumb cunt, you don't even know what it means... shut up and take my cock... kissing it isn't going to please anyone..." He said pulling your hair and sliding himself in your mouth once you whimpered in pain. Tears gushing out of your eyes aswel.


Both of the men held a chunk of your hair and kept your head back for you to look up at them. Their hands working overtime on their shafts for them to cover your face in come in unison. Your tongue sticking out and smile on your face. "Aghhhff~ Pheathh hoge ogghh hyy haath~♡"

(Ahhh~ please come on my face~♡")

They both slapped your face, König slapping your right cheek and Ghost slapping your left. "Mmmyeahhh~ come on... I want you guys to come on my face... I need it... I'm such a whore, I need come on my face to live~ please don't keep me waiting..." You begged spitting on their tips and taking them in your mouth, swirling your tongue in an infinity sign before flicking your tongue in the middle.

"Halt die Klappe, du schwanzgeiler Lump..." König groaned sliding himself further in your mouth to push Ghost out of the way.

("Shut the fuck up you cock hungry come rag...")

"Hggnnmm I'm sorry König~" You moaned rolling your eyes back and intentionally gagging on him.

König held the top of your head while Ghost held your jaw again. Both of them thrusting into your mouth penetrating your esophagus out of unison to cause friction between them. The two then thrusted once more before pulling out of you sloppily and pumping their hands on their shafts staring down at you.

You didn't speak, you instead just sat there waiting for your desert. Their groans made you want to touch yourself, the tingling feeling turned into pressure inside your clit. You were just aching to be touched.

"Nimm jeden – aghh~ letzten Tropfen, du wunderschöner – C-Cock-Wrangler..."

("Take every- aghh~ last drop you beautiful- c-cock wrangler...")

König moaned pushing himself inside your mouth to come inside. You moaned nodding enjoying the feeling of his hot sticky come coat your tonsils. You looked at Ghost while sucking his tip encouraging his finish until he choked on his words and loudly groaned, face scrunchung up at the nose as he covered your face like an artist would paint a canvas.

"Yeahh yeahh~ mhmm I love the taste of your come... it's so fucking good~♡" You moaned about to swallow his load.

"What a fucking whore... she's inatrual at sucking cock... shit, let's fuck her now..." Ghost stated while wiping his forehead free of sweat.


Ghost had you bent in half while fucking you standing up. His arms scooped under your knees with his hands clasped together behind your neck, forcing you to stare down watching him fuck you. You moaned everytime he thrusted, his cock head meeting with your cervix while your clit throbbed aching for contact. You didn't know what to do with your arms and allowed them to just fwail in the air.

König standing in front of you watching you moan and whimper at the size of another man's cock. He then held your waist and aligned himself with the same hole Ghost occupied. You were wet enough for both of them to take you.

You bit down onto your lip to not cry out as your entrance stretched beyond the size you had been used to all this time. Both of them groaned and pulled your body every other way they could so one of them could have more control over you.

You looked up at König who was groaning while rubbing your clit with his thumb. His free hands played with your breasts, pulling and pinching your nipples.

"König... please look at me... I'm sorry..." You whined assuming he was mad at you.

He rolled his eyes and placed his hand around your throat, still not willing or ready to akwnolage you. "Shut the fuck up." He demanded squeezing your throat tightly before letting go.

All you wanted was for him to look at you and also call you his good girl. He wasn't doing either of those things. The lack of praise and admiration made you upset. When having sex he makes it his mission to spoil you with praise, only degrading you when you'd ask. He loved you too much to call you a bitch or anything in bed without you asking.

"Ahhhh~ mmpleeaasee!" You repeated yourself hoping he'd hear you. You needed him to look at you so fucking bad. You felt embarrassed and ashamed for enjoying yourself.

He didn't do anything except continuing to choke you so you'd shut up. This was his punishment for you. He was cripplingly jealous and possesive over you. How dare you want to fuck someone else while with him? He obviously didn't feel like he wasn't enough for you, if that were the case then he wouldn't even be able to look at Ghost without getting angry.

He wouldn't dare let Ghost get close to you either.

It took every bone in his body for him to not give in and entertain you. Although your begging and whimpering did make him want to stare into your eyes while fucking you.

You sighed seeing your pleading was getting you nowhere and looked up at the ceiling attempting to not think about the overwhelming feeling of needing to cry.

The pleasure felt too good for you to hold yourself together. Not only that, you also couldn't deal with him still ignoring you.

König's cock penetrating upwards due to the lack of space inside you, Ghost penetrating downwards continuously making you feel like you have to use the bathroom.

Konig was causing pressure behind your urethra. Did you have to pee or squirt? You couldn't tell. Your face was burning up with heat, stomach twisting and turning with every thrust.

"Awe is she going to cry? That's so fucking cute... what an attention whore." He groaned slapping your face and mocking your feelings.

Your vagina was beginning to overstimulate too quickly. Your walls rejected their cocks on their own but grew wetter when they'd thrust back inside.

Ghost groaned deeply and thrusted harder, you received degrading words in your ear making you moan louder. "You fucking slut... take our fat cocks- aghh~ all you're good for is to be a personal fleshlight for us..."

"Ughh please! I need more!~ I can feel myself getting close!" You said desperately as König pulled out of you and laid down on the couch, motioning for Ghost to bring you over to him.

König groaned stroking himself with you over him. Your juices were like a lubricant ad he did so. Ghost pulled your hair so you could keep yourself up rather then giving out and letting König hold you.

"Fuck... she's so wet..." He grunted before lifting your hips with one hand and teasing your stretched entenece.

"Shit... I'm coming inside her for sure..." Ghost stated while slapping your ass to hear you whimper. You couldn't say anything. You know if you did it would either be a moan or a cry out for attention. Begging wasn't going to get you anywhere so what's the point.

"You do that and I'll fucking kill you." König said glaring at him. Everything that the two of them has done to you was perfectly fine. But you belonged to him, so he was the only one who could give you a creampie.

"Ha- what? You're afraid that I might get her pregnant aren't you..." Ghost responded with a cocky grin on his face.

"Not really scared. More so certain that this wouldn't happen again if you tried anything like that."

"Oh yeah? Don't try and start something you most certainly can't finish König... I'm only doing this because she wants me just as bad as I want her..."

Ghost then turned your head for you to look at him. Your come drunk eyes met with his. What were they talking about? You couldn't hear them, your mind was too fuzzy for you to care.

Next thing you know Ghost was making out with you while swirling his tongue around yours. He sloppily pulled your bottom lip with his teeth and turned your head to the side for a better angle. You moaned into his mouth and lifted your left hand to caress the back of his neck.

Oh god, and he's a good kisser? Fuck. He was making you so wet... his arm wrapped around your waist pulling your body close to him, König's hands held your hips and squeezed them until his knuckles were white. He was pissed. Watching Ghost make out with you to prove a point made him angry. He then aligned himself up with your entrance and forced you down on him. You broke the kiss with Ghost to whine proudly.

Saliva connected from your mouth to Ghost's. König groaned and pulled you down to him, holding you in his arms and burying his face into your neck.

You softly moaned rolling your eyes back and grinding your hips back and forth so your clit could feel his pubic hair brush against it. Ghost slapped your ass and slid inside the same hole again. König made sure you focused on him by kissing your neck and cheeks while glaring at Ghost.

He groaned and bit into your neck to make a hickey. You whimpered burying your face into his neck, feeling yourself about to come but kept quiet because of how badly you couldn't think.

"Du bist mein gutes Mädchen..." He groaned licking the bruised skin on your neck.

("You're my good girl...")

You lifted your head from his chest and looked at him. Pressing your lips together in disbelief that he said that. "I am? You're not mad at me?" You asked as your voice cracked.

He shook his head and showered your face in kisses. Holding your cheek and dragging his thumb on your warm skin. "Ich liebe dich so sehr..." He softly said to you and planted kisses on your lips.

("I love you so much...")

You felt tears building up in your eyes as that was all you needed to hear for you to be able to come. You whimpered leaning upwards to put your hands on his chest but he kept you down to him because he wasn't finished.

"Du gehörst mir... Du gehörst ganz mir... du bist mein braves Mädchen... Ich liebe dich Y/n... Fuck~" He grunted thrusting harder into you and making you scream his name.

("You belong to me... You're all mine... you're my good girl... I love you Y/n... Fuck~")

"I love you too... fuck me harder... I'm gonna come~ please both of you fuck me harder!" You moaned feeling the knot in your stomach twist and turn just threatening to burst.

They pulled out of you again only for a split moment. König turned you around for you to lay on your back while still on top of him so you could face Ghost for a while. He snaked his arm around your waist keeping you close to him though, his other hand hooked under your right leg so he could rub your clit.

Ghost squeezed and played with your breasts while thrusting upwards into you. Their thrusting would be out of sync at first but in order to get you to moan more consistently they stoped glaring at eachother with daggers in their eyes and made it a goal for you to come first.

König moaned your name along with praises while bouncing you up and down. You held onto the back of his neck with your right hand and pulled Ghost down to you for vivid eye contact. No matter what face he made he made sure to not look away from you.

You whimpered and clenched around them, sucking their cocks inside whenever they pull back to rut into you again. Hearing König praise you in his native language while rubbing your clit, and Ghost staring at you was a dangerous combination.

You couldn't hold your composure anymore. Your whole body was sore and tingling with pleasure. You didn't want this night to end, it's been like heaven itself. You didn't want to leave their embrace ever again.

Ghost grunted and took your hand off of him, he held it in his hand and began to shower it with kisses. You watched him as his eyes rolled back once you clenched around them again.

"You're so fucking beautiful princess... you take us in excellently... you're such a good girl for taking us inside that pretty little cunt sweetheart."

Oh my fucking god. What did be want from you? Did they want you to just scream how much you loved them? You felt the need to say those words conjuring up inside you. Don't say it... don't fucking say it... he doesn't actually mean it... it's just sex talk... don't fucking say it...

"Ahhhh Ghost~♡ K-König~♡ I'm gonna- I- I- ughhh..."

"Let it out for us... be a good girl and let it out... come on... I want you to come on our cocks..." König groaned into your ear slapping your clit and rubbing it while applying more pressure.

"Mhmm... it feels so fucking good doesn't it? We're stretching you out so much... your little pussy can't take it... you're such a good fucking girl for us..."

"Yes yes yes it feels so good~ I can't take it... oh my god!" You helplessly whimpered pressing your hand on Ghost's stomach to slow him down.

"You can take it... I know you can... take us deep inside... you're doing so fucking well for us..."

They thrusted slower and deeper to get you to hopefully squirt or better. König turned your head for you to look at him and held your face now sloppily kissing you and biting onto your lip. You moaned into his mouth sucking his lip with yours and whimpered as Ghost rubbed your clit to keep up the amount of pleasure you were experiencing.

König broke the kiss with you and stared into your eyes aswel. You pressed your lips together as tears rushed down your face. They both payed full attention to you and comforted you by kissing you. Ghost held onto the couch and moaned in your ear, followed by saying your name intentionally making his accent thicker.

Say it... just say it... you know you'll mean everything when you do say it. Say those three words... come on Y/n, say it... it's not just sex talk. You mean so much to them.

"Don't cry baby... you're so close to coming... you got this... don't cry... get yourself sorted... you can do it... I'm so proud of you... good fucking girl..."

Shiiittt~ Ghost stop... why does he keep saying that type of stuff. He fucking knows what he's doing.

"Say it... say you're our good girl... you belong to us from now on... say it... right now." König demanded while slapping your clit.

You cried harder and clenched around them uncontrollably. Closing your eyes for a breif moment until Ghost snapped his fingers to keep your eyes on him. He pressed his forehead onto yours and thrusted upwards into your g-spot. König thrusted into your cervix, lifting your legs up and bending them at your shoulders. Ghost groaned deeply and held your ankles to keep your legs in place.

Fuck. Now they're working together- say it... say it... say it... say it... say-

You whimpered and held your breath now so worked up that you forgotten how to let go. Your face was hot as it ever was. Once you opened your mouth and screamed and threw your head back.

Your orgasm was bigger than you expected it to be. Your legs shook aggressively along with your arms. You spoke in tongue saying anything that came to mind. They still thrusted inside you to work themselves further to orgasm. You bit your lip making it bleed because of how hard you bit.

Your mouth opened wide and there it was. You said it.

"KöniiggGhost!Aahhhhhhh I LOVE YOU! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!!"

You cried loudly uncontrollably clenching yourself around them, keeping yourself tight making it harder for them to thrust.

Their faces scrunched up in mutual pleasure as they let out many moans that were all followed by your name. Ghost rubbed your clit feeling his come shoot inside you, your walls pulling on his shaft further squeezing his loud out. Making him whimper and try to stop himself but couldn't.

König had groaned planting his feet into the floor and using his inpressive lower body strength to fuck his come deep up inside you. You whimpered trying to gain your composure but couldn't. They were still thrusting to make their erections come down. Their cocks slipping and sliding together due to the mess they both made inside you.

You cried out this time with pure desperation as you could feel your vagina reject them desiring to return to normal size again. They both sighed in pleasure finding it wouldn't be a good idea to pull out at the same time. Ghost then slipped out of you with a delicate moan. He slapped your clit many times and rubbed you while watching their come drip out of you.

"Ghossstt~ n-no... I'll- hgnnnggghhh~ s-squuuirt~" Your toes curled as you begged him to stop but he refused to listen to you. You then felt König pull out of you due to his cocks unbeatable amount of sensitivity.

Your legs shook again and there you were squirting on the couch making another mess that they'd have to clean up.

"Mhmm... that pretty little cunt is so sensitive... look at our pretty girl... good job..." König encouraged while making small slaps on your ass as a congratulations.

You whimpered to tell them to stop. They laughed in unison as König moved you to the side so he could sit up and gain his composure for once. You couldn't move anymore. You were sore and also too tired to even open your eyes.

You sighed heavily and covered your face. Squeezing your thighs together, feeling your entrance throb. Their creampies dripping out of you and onto the couch.


What happened after you Ghost and König were finished went by like a blur.

You couldn't recall anything after that and assumed you passed out. You woke up in bed with your clohes on. You felt clean like you had taken a shower but you don't remember taking one. A bandaid on your neck along with healing gel to cover up- a hickey?

You thoughts had been interrupted by loud snoring coming from both sides of the bed. You couldn't move like you wanted to for some reason. Two muscular arms holding certain parts of your body and deep occasional groans.

You looked to your left and saw König laying next to you, his face buried in your chest and arms around your waist. Okay, that's normal.

So you looked behind you and saw- Ghost? He laid next to you with his face buried into your back, legs intertwined with yours along with something poking your back.

He moved himself closer to you and wrapped his arm around your waist to still feel your comforting body heat even while he's sleep.

"What the fuck?" You said before remembering what happend before you fell asleep.

Tags :
2 years ago

Hallo! could i have maybe hcs for 141 + Alejandro & könig with a female s/o who's into breeding kink?

A/n: Enjoy this late and very filthy Christmas gift!

Captain Price:

You couldn't keep your dirty secret any longer, not with the way he was mounted on you, his mouth working on leaving marks on your neck

Your words were meek and breathless but that didn't stop the sounds from reaching his ears.

His body went rigid and his eyes wide, he pulled away from your hold, his chest heaving heavily as he looked down at your embarrassing state.

You had your hands covering your face at your confession.

Price would make you repeat your words in a snarkish tone. A wide grin on his face as he pins your wrists above your head

"I...c-cum inside me...please."

Price would let out an obnoxious laugh before he starts to rail you again in a mating position.

You would wrap your legs around his waist, securing him and locking him into your pussy.

The first time he listened to your pleas and cummed inside of you was life-changing.

The feeling of your wet cunt greedily milking his balls of his cum made him rethink everything he knew about himself, maybe he had a breeding kink as well.

What made him feral the most was watching his cum pour out of your cunt, with a growl his cock was inside of you once again.

"Your loose cunt is wasting my seed, princess," his harsh words make you whimper. "Am I going to have to buy you a plug to keep my cum from spilling out?"

He teases you about your kink constantly

He'll let some snide remarks escape him, sometimes around his men that will leave you red.

Likes to see you begging and crying for his cum, to mount you and breed you like an animal

"Please daddy, I want your cum."

Expect him to constantly indulge your kink because his favorite thing to do is to stuff you full of his cum and stuff a plug inside of you

He can't help but feel prideful knowing you're running around the compound with a womb full of cum.


Ghost bullies you constantly for your kink

Snide remarks here and there, not caring for who hears because, at the end of the day, it's his cum that is stuffed inside of you.

The only verbal confirmation that lets you know that you aren't the only one with a breeding kink are the dirty phrases that he spits at you when he's pushing himself deep inside of you.

"Can't wait to you see round with my children."

"Take my babies, that's the only thing a slut like you is good for."

Seeing his cum inside of you makes him feral, it's his way of claiming your body

Loves to see you beg for his cum, if you don't he'll leave you before your orgasm hits, leaving you whining and sensitive. Probably says something harsh like, "Don't act like your the only slut that wouldn't kill to carry my kids."

Ghost doesn't play around, especially with a breeding kink it makes him territorial.

Constantly feeds into your breeding kink because of how easily jealous he can get.

Soap looks in your direction?

You are already bent over the table with his cum pouring down your thigh, his fingers trying to pump his cum back into you, berating you for wasting such precious seed.

Mean ghost takes it a step further and buys infant boy onesies and fuck you over them, growling into your ear to give him a baby boy.


Soap will happily indulge in your kink

Will tease you about it in front of others, some sexual comments like "Wait until my bonnie tits start leaking milk, you won't see me eating any of that military shit."

Loves to cum inside of you because of how your pussy squeezes him dry.

Loves to take polaroids of your stuffed cunt, his cum oozing down your lips. Also has some polaroid selfies of himself eating his cum out of your cunt.

He may or may not show the others the polaroids he has, bragging how his lass loves to milk his balls and begs for his babies.

As much as he loves to breed you, he also deep down wishes you do get pregnant because he'll love to have a kid running around, a product of your love.

Soap loves it when you beg for his cum, to give him your babies.

When he fucking you, he likes to suck at your nipples, and nip at them. Loves it when you whimper and cry at his teasing, telling you he's preparing you for the baby.

Loves to breed you in the doggy position, which drives him feral.

A weird kink that he developed because of your breeding kink is seeing you dressed up in cow lingerie. Especially if you do end up getting pregnant and seeing your engorged breasts with milk spilling through the bra makes him absolutely feral.

Soap definitely has a mommy kink, calls you mommy when he breeds you.


You both accidentally learn you have breeding kinks

You both fuck raw

Although Gaz is diligent and always cautious, Gaz never wears condoms, too lost in the heat of the moment to even have the patience to find one and open it.

Both of you are just very horny people to care about the consequences and just go feral for each other.

It was bound to happen eventually, with how careless you both were during your love-making, it shouldn't have been a surprise when Gaz finally forgets to pull out.

Lost in the way your warm walls suck him in and squeeze around him so tight.

Your legs lock him in place, pressing his body closer to you, not leaving him any room to pull out, not like he would if he could. Your cunt was just too good to even think about pulling out.

Your eyes snap open at the feeling of warm liquid spurting inside of you. Your wide eyes meet the closed-eye euphoric expression on Gaz.

His breathing was heavy, and his eyes shut closed at the feeling of your warm cunt squeezing around his cock, milking him of his cum.

He stays inside of you, controlling his breathing before he finally opens his eyes and gives you a dopey smile.


He pulls out slowly, his eyes mesmerized at the sight of his cum spilling out your wet folds, watching as the white fluid run down your thighs, his cock twitching to life again.

Seeing his cum pour out of you awakened something inside of Gaz. Primal urges seen in animals, he felt the need to continue to stuff you with his cum, claiming you as a mate to bear his children.

Your thighs twitch at the feeling of his cum spilling down your sensitive folds, the warm liquid burning you with a desire you've never felt before. The look Gaz was giving you confirmed you both wanted the same thing.

Eagerly plunging his cock into your pussy, fucking his cum back inside of you, his thrusts sloppy but full of lustful desire.

You both keep fucking until your cunt can't hold anymore of his cum. Until every thrust into your poor aching cunt has the cum spilling down the sides of his cock, piling on the sheets.

"That will knock you up real good, eh?" his laughter filled your ears as you swatted at his chest with a bashful look on your face.


Alejandro is a very passionate and attentive lover so he had suspicions of the kink you had buried deep inside of you.

Every time he neared his orgasm and voiced it, he noticed the way your pussy tightened around his cock, your hands gripping onto him harder as if you tried to lock him in place, your way of silently pleading with him to cum inside of you.

After seeing you get along with his nieces and nephews, he was finally going to indulge your breeding kink he knew you had that you weren't aware that he knew. Maybe if he was lucky he'll knock you up and start a family of his own.

Something was different, your lovemaking was more passionate and feral. His thrust was full of vigor, and the tip of his cock felt like he was bruising the entrance of your womb.

"I'm gonna fuck my cum into you," he growled. His eyes didn't miss the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your cunt already greedily trying to milk his balls dry.

Chants of 'yes' spew from your mouth as you held onto him for dear life.

"Make you a mami" he sneered, his fingers bruising the skin on your stomach. "You'll look so beautiful with a round stomach, carrying mis ninos."

"Please!" you cried, his words fueling your kink. "I want your babies," you begged.

Spewing his cum deep into your cavern, he pulled out unaware you had squirted against him, his cum inside of you was enough to bring you over the edge and spew your juices onto him.

"Look at you full of cum," he teased, watching as your legs twitched at his rough hands gliding up to your cunt, "What a dirty perra." (Bitch)


When you tell him about your kink, he is absolutely flustered.

Konig usually repeats what he is going to say over and over in his head, his words already decided and prepared with his raspy and rushed tone to voice them, but when you confess to him you want him to cum inside of you, until his cum is oozing out, and with a quiet whisper that you want his babies, words begin to start spewing from his mouth

His words come out stuttered, and his sentences are never complete before a new rush of thoughts starts to spill from his mouth.

"Are you-...b-breed?..inside of you???...my babies?" his voice quivering with each word.

You give him time to pace around, watching as his hands' clench and unclench rapidly, he stops at random intervals to look at you and the innocent smile on your face, your eyes eyeing the obvious bulge in his pants before he begins to pace around again, german phrases and curses rapidly leaving his lips in hushed screams.

After he somewhat calms down, he looks at you with hunger in his eyes, his eyes roaming your body. He'd gently push you down on the mattress and hover over your body, his cock rutting against your thigh. "Are you sure Liebling?"

"I want your babies," you whisper into his ear, teasing and further pushing him to insanity.

He's quick to start thrusting inside of you, your clothes ripped to shreds as his balls slap against your ass.

He'll growl into your ear, whisper how you will look beautiful with milk running down your breasts, the changes your body will face if your womb accepted his seed.

When he cums inside of you, he doesn't pull out right away, instead, he cherishes the feeling of your warm cunt squeezing him, milking him of every drop.

Pushes you to the side, his cock still inside, and snuggles with you, your pussy fluttering against his semi-hard cock.

Your back against his chest, his hands kneading your breasts, his mouth sucking at your neck and muttering praises against your skin.

He'll lazily thrust his hips when he thinks he can feel his cum spilling out of you.

Loves to keep his cock inside of you for as long as he can after he's done breeding you.

Tags :
2 years ago


Want your under-appreciated blorbo on a jacket? With Mx Wellman’s blessing I can go ahead and start making these! Some spoilers ahead for s1 and s2 in paragraph 2:

‘But Bug!’ I hear you cry, ‘Percy isn’t bound to the piano anymore! Friday is no longer at Downing Hill!’ But but don’t fret! These are just examples!

All the text, the number, the colours and even the front emblem on the jacket are all customisable and I can work with ANY character/indescribable being/queer podcast icon your heart desires (the more niche the better, I love getting my grubby little claws on those)

Feel free to shoot me a message with any questions, or travel on through the pines below to support a queer artist and huge hallowoods fan through the cold winter months.

Love ya! 💚

Distort & Decay by DistortandDecay
You searched for: DistortandDecay! Discover the unique items that DistortandDecay creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global communi


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4 months ago

how to make light stay

Whitney Jammer is ten years old when his Moms sit him down with tears in their eyes and explain as calmly as possible that the nice lady from Child Protective Services is going to take him away for a while.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Tags :
9 months ago

what your ateez bias says about you

if you take this seriously, that's on you. i'm just doing this for fun.

tw: heavy topics, language, roasting


hongjoong: right. how's the desire to impress people and overworking yourself doing? i feel like what draws you in is his resilience, and that he is very dependable. you probably had a lot of moments where you were left to your own devices to work on something major, and are no stranger to burnout. you might be the kind of person to talk about your achievements and your work and everything you do a lot, maybe to seek validation (and maybe to cement that you have something others don't). on a softer note, you probably have a wide range of skills in a field you are interested in, and experiment a lot. generally are not afraid to go outside of norms to figure something out. so to see the qualities of a leader and innovator in joong is both comforting and inspiring to you. (bonus: you probably have a thing for clips of joong in the studio, don't you?)

seonghwa: you feel like you don't have anyone who you can actually trust with your thoughts and feelings, huh? people talk at you, not to you. you are a natural care-giver, are quick to give advice (also to bottle up someone else's negativity), often ignoring yourself. you might have lost the feeling of 'home' or of 'small but certain happiness', and might have some unhealthy coping mechanisms. on a brighter note, you are someone who can process emotions a lot more deeply than others and if there is anyone who can actually put themselves in another's shoes, it's you. i think hwa is a safe space to you, precisely because it is not all sunshine and rainbows. you connect with his battles, growth, and how he is accepting change and trying to find balance. (bonus: him getting excited about something is legit your therapy isn't it)

yunho: many acquaintances, few friends? i think you legitimately stopped believing in love. at least the mushy 'at first sight' and 'meet cute' and 'soulmates' kind of love. might be because of family-related things, or because of romantic relationships, but trust is a problem for you. you probably think negatively about yourself quite a bit and/or have/had a more pessimistic mindset. on the positive, i think you're really loyal when you find your people, and want to see them happy. you connect with people beyond love, you make connections that are made on living life together and going through things together. i think this is also what drew you to yunho - his perseverance, resilience, ability to smile in the face of hardship, but also his ability to navigate a lot of emotions as they come and deal with them in a healthy way. (bonus: his small expressions of affection/acts of kindness make you melt, right?)

yeosang: you've been through quite a lot, haven't you? i think you try to laugh a lot of it off or treat it lightly, but the demons eat away at you sometimes. you might be someone who burned out in/after high school, and generally does not have a good experience with school. might feel lonely even when you are not alone, sometimes just choosing to float in your imagination for comfort. often act tough or not quite like yourself to appear more like the you you have in your head. i think in part you kind of want to learn how to love the world like yeosang, and are really touched by his sweetness and his humor. you are a fighter and despite it all, do stay true to yourself and your values, and this is something that you find and adore in yeosang. you are drawn in by his ability to follow his dream, and his heart of gold. maybe your scars will turn golden too. (bonus: you probably have a mild obsession with his one-liners)

san: how are your boundaries, broken like the wall? you probably have some trouble with setting and/or maintaining boundaries, and so sometimes have people treading over you. you might feel like a side character in your own life, and so turn bitter and internalize a lot of negative energy. honestly on a brighter note i think you really do try hard for others, and go out of your way to try and make dreams happen for others, because it makes them and you happy. you cheer, you support and you truly show that you are on a loved one's team. I feel that what draws you to san is how he transformed himself in a healthy manner, and how he maintains a very clear circle of those he trusts, and is no stranger to kindly setting rules in place while still remaining sweet and respectful. he is a safe space for you both because he makes you smile with his stories and jokes, but also because he is adamant on keeping things in order. (bonus: his reaction to the merch donation story lives rent free in your mind)

mingi: got some problems with regulating emotions, maybe? be it hiding them until you burst or not knowing how to express them, i think this might be a challenge for you. you might have been exposed to something that made you believe that it is a sign of weakness or a risk. at the same time, you are logical, damn good at what you do, and when you face hard times you bounce back, even if it takes some time. i think you and mingi share the introspectiveness, and you like how thoughtful he is. you probably find comfort in how he shares happiness with others, and how he seeks closeness with loved ones. at the same time, there is something about how he transforms on stages that resonates with you - the power and confidence is something you want to work on and find more of in yourself. (bonus: your will never stop thinking about mingi's creative process monologues + freestyle mingi)

wooyoung: do people tell you you have a big personality, or that you are 'a lot' sometimes? i feel like you have your way of working, your way of thinking, but might have a hard time actually communicating that or adapting to different social environments. it might be because you're headstrong, or because you are in constant fight or flight mode and so are more rigid. at the same time i think you are diligent and very detailed with what you do, and are in fact attentive to others and might notice things others don't. i feel like what you admire in wooyoung is his ability to connect with others, while not losing himself or his values. you feel for his hardships, and he helps you learn how to be more loving and more open with expressing and accepting love. he is very much your candle. (bonus: you cried because of his interview + dance in that one show, didn't you?)

jongho: how many thoughts are spinning in your head? you might be an overthinker, slightly misanthropic, and on bad days might sink to having a victim mindset and ask the universe 'why me?'. you might have had to grow up too fast, or were controlled a lot as a kid - either way, your understanding and experience of freedom and maturity might be warped. at the same time you are reliable and are able to call things out for what they are. you might have also put a positive spin on the negatives and either used them as inspiration, grew from them, or taken a skill from them that you then generalized. i think jongho's humor and innate warmth is your haven, and his continuous self-development grounds you and motivates you to also try your best and think of ways to find the good in situations. i feel you might also resonate with his occasional shyness. (bonus: you often think about his emotional strength even when he talks about his concerns, don't you?)

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