I Cant Breathe In This Town I've Been Here Too Long - Tumblr Posts

3 months ago

That feeling when you've outgrown your home town.

 When the streets and shops are the same. The layout and shape of these places anchored in your mind. You still see the snow settle on the asphalt, then melt, then fall, then melt, then never fall again. 

You can breathe anytime the rotting of a martyred hedgehog on the side of the road, cooking in the summer sun.

Your elementary, middle and high school all stand, like an empire that thinks is eternal, your mom has seen their moulding corridors too.

You will look at the silhouettes of passers by, not seeing them as neighbors but as ghosts roaming the bakery, the church, the store, the train station.

You have a map of every path and little spots branded with hot iron in your heart

Yet you don't know this place anymore, you don't live in it like you used to.

You just feel trapped by the billions of millions of thousands memories crowding every centimeters of the town that watched you silently die then open your eyes and retry.

Now you're terrified that this town may see you die again.

When did you stop feeling at home ?

Did you even felt at home ?

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