I Dreamed A Dream - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

more lyrics I like from the french musical. these are from 'J'avais rêvé d'une autre vie' a.k.a. I Dreamed a Dream (this is not including the very first verse, but starts at the point where she starts singing 'for real', if that makes sense).

More Lyrics I Like From The French Musical. These Are From 'J'avais Rv D'une Autre Vie' A.k.a. I Dreamed


I was so young, where is the harm?

I wanted to laugh,

To love and to live,

Dance until the end of the ball

Drunk on the merriment of being free.

But the wolves prowl at night

And one of them was on my trail

Me, I satisfied the appetite

Of the first thief who passes.

He accustomed my life

To the warmth of his presence

And then one day he was gone

Having stolen my childhood.

Sometimes I still dream of him

He begs me and he regrets

But the dream is extinguished at dawn

Like the lanterns of a festive evening.


I like the slight defensiveness she shows at the start, with 'I was so young, where is the harm?'

It reminds me of that post about how Brick Fantine is naïve and makes some bad choices, because she's young and literally has no one to look out for her, but she is still treated sympathetically in the narrative (if not within society).

I also like how we get wolves here instead of tigers (idk the tigers always seemed a bit random to me), and that Tholomyès is then also compared to a wolf.

And finally, the closing lines create a beautiful image that ties back to the first stanza.

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4 years ago

   [00:00]  A night shift ain’t half bad if you are working on a bookshop. A night shift is not bad at all when you have someone waiting for you at home. As I closed the lights and locked -twice- the door of the old bookshop I decided to dedicate my life to here in Korea, I smiled. Hoofs of my breath went up in little transparent clouds and then disappeared among the small thin droplets of rain water that accompanied me since this morning. I tacked my hair inside my hat and half-jogged to make it just in time for the last bus of the day. Occupying my usual sit in the far back corner of bus no8, I plugged my earphones on, resuming the soft lo-fi playlist that I played during the day at work, and opened my Greek-Korean coursebook.

Sooner than I thought the bus halted in my stop and the driver, that knew me better than my parents at this point, honked softly to break my trance of Korean whispers and Greek curse words that he was so used in listening. I jumped messily out waving at the poor man, and still book in hand and music in my ears I hoped home. I leaned to the doorframe of our small shared apartment and I spend a good five minutes trying to fish my keys out of my packbag. I knew that Jimin was probably already home, since as from this afternoon he and the boys had a two days break, but I also knew he was probably sleeping his exhaustion out, so there was no force in this universe that could make me ring the bell.

I finally entered my jib in time to see my boyfriend of 3 years rise from his spot in the sofa, only to stumble back down the second after. I kept my earphones on and the coursebook in front of my face, trying to pretend that his messy hair and adorable puffy face didn’t affect me in the slightest. Moving past him I broke into a smile and I laced my fingers through the light-coloured mess of hair, before finally putting my precious book and keys on the table by his side. The music in my ears was now interrupted by high pitched giggles that leaved my boyfriend’s full lips, and he reached out to grab me by the way. I settled laughing on his lap, enfulged by his strong arms and the familiar scent that I’ve come to recognize as my own kind of bliss.

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2 years ago

Dream Vent

(prior to the dream I was learning tarot where I got v accurate things and practiced for a good 12 hours)

My boyfriend and I went to the bars where the stools were super tall and I left to find chaos outside. There were cultists that were in varying states of decomposition. The one in front of me was gangrenous and had half his face bandaged to keep from sliding off while a half translucent being was on his shoulders peeling and eating off the flesh. It looked like Saturn from the painting Saturn Devouring his Son painting. They worshiped Saturn and we're giving their bodies to bring him back while the world burned. I said nope that's disgusting and woke myself up.

(I did a tarot reading to see if it was a real being and the consensus was yes, I asked if it would happen again and it said if I continued down this path. I haven't touched the cards since. I decided to burn them but have been too busy to do so so I forgot. Until recently.)

I dreamt I worked at Target but it was secretly a cult the government used to spy and gather people's information and I was about to blow the information because I learned I was the only human being left working there everyone else was Not human anymore because for a "raise" they got transformed into a half mutated human just human experimentations. And I still had to work with them and act like it was normal and everyone shopping there just acted like it was because we were working on a Monday night. Then things started going ape shit outside but everyone inside was just shopping like normal. I looked at my partner and it was Saturn eating a person again. He looked and cocked his head and asked if I remembered him. I said yup so I made myself wake up.

I've never been more disturbed or scared of dreaming again.

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