I Wrote This For Me - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Bloom Honey, Bloom

Bloom honey, bloom

See those pretty roses?

They have thorns too

Had pierced someone

Hurt someone

But didn't sink in guilt

In life, things like that happen

You'll gonna hurt somebody

Break somebody

Well, who doesn't?

We all have that kind of days

We're loved

We're hated

Nobody is perfect

So get out of that shell

Brighten that face

And show the world

That you are capable of love too

Yes you don't always gleam

Like the sun

Sometimes you come

With a thunderstorm

But at least, honey at least

You don't fake any of it

You're authentic

You're raw

You're a mess

And because of that

You're beautiful

So like those pretty roses

Bloom honey, bloom!

-pretty roses,

Katie, 21:30

Image: Pinterest

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5 years ago

Heart, I failed you again.

I'm sorry you broke again. And this time, I don't know if I can ever make you whole again. For you didn't just shatter into pieces. You've been burned into ashes. Unless, you're a Phoenix, there's no way I can revive you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I led you into an open combat. I'm sorry I didn't listen to your screams. I'm sorry I didn't trust you when you said we're walking into a trap. I thought you can manage. For heart, you've always managed. You've always been so strong. I counted so much on that. Even when you're losing it all, I didn't let you retreat.

I'm sorry.

It was all my fault. I led you into a battle we cannot win. I'm so sorry. I just thought he's worth it. That he's different. Now your ashes scattered about the ground say it all.

Heart, I'm sorry. I truly am.

Not a Phoenix,

Katie, 21:45

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5 years ago
Fragments Shrieking

Fragments shrieking

Underneath her bed

Consuming sanity

Kindling time spent

Invincible soul

Turning cold tonight

In gloom sinking

Marching with shadows

Leaving the room

Enraged yet steady

Amidst falling debris

Varying degrees of

Incessant torment

Nothing could shake her

Gravitating towards

Nowhere she walks

On steep rocks

Wondering about the past

-Leaving tonight,

Katie, 24: 45

Image: Pinterest

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5 years ago

Do you know where your faith lies?

If it's on things, luck or men, honey you're on your way to fail. Put your faith not on things that don't last, not on luck that is elusive, not on men who come and go as they please.

Put it on yourself. You alone can make a difference in your life. You alone can paint back the rays of sunshine in your eyes. Have faith in you, in yourself. Only then that you'll feel the winds of fortune blow in your favor.

Of faith,

Katie, 12:00

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5 years ago

You claim your world has ended. Maybe it has. But look at you, you're still here. You may have rolled in the mud. Got your bones broken. May have fallen too deep. Bled harder than the rest of us. But you're here.

You're here. And you're breathing. And you're healing...

-breathing and healing,

katie, a time to heal

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5 years ago

Billions of stars scattered

Countless galaxies undiscovered

Stones and dusts filling the night sky

All of which are significant

So what makes you think

That you-

Of all God's creation

Are born worthless

Apart from these objects floating

Aimlessly in the outer space?


katie, a time to heal


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5 years ago
Love. How Can I Put It? It Changes Everything. Before It Found Me, I Was So Angry With The World. So

Love. How can I put it? It changes everything. Before it found me, I was so angry with the world. So angry that all I could think about was revenge. I became numb and cold. I became one with the walls. Unmoving. Uncaring. But so scared of tomorrow. It was preposterous that I casted fury like a villaines and tremble in fear at the same time. I've lived in the shadow of revenge. Reveled in the pangs of wrath for so long that I didn't feel I was still human. Until love found me. And it was a transforming journey. I could feel my armor falling off with my anger. I was vulnerable, exposed to the elements. At that moment, I felt change embracing me.

Love showed me the way to forgiveness. Love showed me the way to wholeness. Love showed me the way to hope. Love showed me the way to self-rediscovery.

Love showed me who I am.

-who i am,

katie, 18:45


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5 years ago

Tears lighten a burden

Tears cleanse a heart

So go on cry a river

Until the pain subsides

It's okay to break

Feel vulnerable once in a while

Don't listen to the world

Telling you it's a weakness

Crying will never be a weakness

Nor shall it define who you are

The real weakness is inability

To show yourself forgiveness

For all that you didn't accomplish

For all that you didn't become

-cry yourself a river,

katie, a time to heal

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4 years ago
You Don't Know

You don't know

What it's like

To stare

At the walls

For hours

And hours

Figuring out

How the clock

Ticks so loud


A hollow sound

Dead, hollow sound

Ringing all over

Your deafness

Making you shiver

Despite your numbness

You don't know

What it's like

To hold yourself

Together because

Breaking down

Is like a drug


A little consoling

But destructive

So you lie there

Trying hard not to feel

Shutting the faint sound

Of blood running

In your veins

Trying hard not

To go insane

You don't know

What it's like

So stop repeating

Words I've heard


For a million times

"You're gonna be fine!"

Maybe I would be

But not today

Definitely not today

-katie, 20:15

Image: Pinterest

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4 years ago
You Don't Know

You don't know

What it's like

To stare

At the walls

For hours

And hours

Figuring out

How the clock

Ticks so loud


A hollow sound

Dead, hollow sound

Ringing all over

Your deafness

Making you shiver

Despite your numbness

You don't know

What it's like

To hold yourself

Together because

Breaking down

Is like a drug


A little consoling

But destructive

So you lie there

Trying hard not to feel

Shutting the faint sound

Of blood running

In your veins

Trying hard not

To go insane

You don't know

What it's like

So stop repeating

Words I've heard


For a million times

"You're gonna be fine!"

Maybe I would be

But not today

Definitely not today

-katie, 20:15

Image: Pinterest

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3 years ago
You Don't Know

You don't know

What it's like

To stare

At the walls

For hours

And hours

Figuring out

How the clock

Ticks so loud


A hollow sound

Dead, hollow sound

Ringing all over

Your deafness

Making you shiver

Despite your numbness

You don't know

What it's like

To hold yourself

Together because

Breaking down

Is like a drug


A little consoling

But destructive

So you lie there

Trying hard not to feel

Shutting the faint sound

Of blood running

In your veins

Trying hard not

To go insane

You don't know

What it's like

So stop repeating

Words I've heard


For a million times

"You're gonna be fine!"

Maybe I would be

But not today

Definitely not today

-katie, 20:15

Image: Pinterest

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3 years ago

I did the dishes tonight while humming a Taylor Swift song. I know it's nothing huge and that some of you may be raising an eyebrow. 'She did the dishes tonight and she's writing about it. As if we care!'. Yes, that's the thing. I know you won't care. Not a bit. But I am writing about it in the same enthusiasm as you writing about your cat, that walk you took in the woods with the friend you secretly love, your dreams, your bucket list, the tasks that you need to accomplish, your pet peeves. 

Eight months ago, I wouldn't have minded the mountain of plates and mugs piled in the sink. I would lie in bed, stare at the ceiling and be somber. I would imagine myself wandering in an unknown forest. And that's it. That's all I could do: Imagine. I would fall asleep and forget about the bath I was running at the tub. I would wake to a drenched bathroom floor, clean off the mess and lie awake until 5 am. An arduous battle would commence between me and my mind. I would lose as I always do. Then I would go back to bed.

At 9 am, I would be too lethargic to get up. My cellphone would ring and the name on the screen would make me smile. Him-the only string that ties me to sanity. We would talk for a while, about everything and nothing. He would tell me about how sound he has slept and I would lie. I would try to make my nightmares seem like beautiful dreams that stole away my sense of reality for a night. I would make a cup of coffee and forget about breakfast. The conversation would become romantic, the kind that I indulge myself into so I could believe life is still worth living. That the sweet nothings worth every pain.

I would sit in my living room, try to make out the shadows prancing like restless sojourners from another lifetime. They would remind me about how I don't fit in this era and I would fall deeper into melancholy. This time, the heaviness would force me to mount the stairs like a wounded animal. I would lock myself inside my room, turn the music really loud so I could drown my heart, my emptiness, my exhaustion. I would cry a little. The effort would drain me. So I would lie on the floor, scroll endlessly on my phone. I would try to deny that I am depressed. I would try to deny that I exist.

When the inspiration strikes, I would type a poem. Another poem for me, for him, for someone I do not know but is feeling the same pain. I would imagine him somewhere in the wilderness, gasping for air as he sinks in his own misery. The poem will grow longer than intended as words gush out in a long queue of ghosts demanding to be inked for posterity. I would not hold anything back. I would type until my fingers become as numb as my barely beating heart. I would kiss my fingers and beg for forgiveness. Then my eyes would wander off to the window, lose my concentration into the pouring rain, and I would cry again.

Eight months, I was hiding in the void. If I came out at all, it was for me to immerse myself in the crowd so I could remember how it feels to be alive. Eight months, I never bothered to clean the mess in my dreary apartment. The dusty furniture, the cobwebs, the half torn curtains became my only company and they watched me suffer series of breakdowns. The bathroom witnessed how I struggled against taking my own life. The cold dinner table heard issues I refused to discuss with anyone. The bedroom watched me intoxicate myself as sleep became evanescent. Alcohol became my confidant. It became my lithium. And the window pane? It knows all of my secret longings. It stood by me as I waited for someone, anyone to drop by and perhaps, stop me from cutting my wrist.

Eight months, I never thought of doing anything normal. Eight months, I forgot I was human. Eight months, the sink resembled my life—disorganized, filthy, hideous and despairingly lacked future. Eight months, I stretched myself too thin, I broke like a thread. Eight months, I was luring death to take me. Eight months, I never did the dishes.

And so tonight, I want to write about how I stood before the sink, slowly picked up the sponge as Cardigan filled the background. And I hummed and hummed until the dishes were clean. It may be nonsensical to you, but to me, it was huge. It was me crawling my way back to redemption. It was me relearning forgiveness. It was me giving life a second chance.

It was me embracing FREEDOM!


12th of June 2021, 18:25

Image: https://pin.it/6bVgzsz

I Did The Dishes Tonight While Humming A Taylor Swift Song. I Know It's Nothing Huge And That Some Of

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