I Wrote A Fic - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work, Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game), Wandering Isles Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Character & Original Character, Original Female Character & Original Female Character, Eris Darkwater & Nyx Darkwater Characters: Original Characters, Eris Darkwater, Nyx Darkwater Additional Tags: Pirates, Sky Pirates, Sisters, Children, vague violence, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Comfort, Fluff, Hints at Other Wandering Isles Characters, But no, Siblings, Protective Siblings, Magic, Dungeons & Dragons Campaign, Childhood, Childhood Memories Summary:

what it says on the tin, aka Eris and Nyx had a wild childhood

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3 years ago


Summary: What’s big, sunny, and in the countryside? Harry have to guess it. Wordcount: 700 Tags: texting fic, domestic drarry

For @textrovert-01 for encouraging me to write it, even if it wasn’t your intention❤️ Thanks to mosroel for the beta❤️

You can read it on AO3


Today 10:35 AM

Hey, you there?


did something happen?

I found it

You found what?

Today 10:40 AM


What did you find!?


Something you lost? My old snitch? The T-shirt you said you’ve lost but know for a fact you threw in the trash because you hated it?



It was orange

I love orange


I do

Anyway, that’s not the point! Guess what I found!

I honestly have no idea of what it could be

You’re not fun at all

I’m pouting, by the way

You pouting isn’t going to make me guess what the hell you found

And btw I’m in a meeting, I shouldn’t be texting you right now

Oh, but you are!

Do you want to sext? I’d love to see you trying to keep a straight face there in front of McGonagall while I tell you what I want to do to you

OMG NO! Shut up!

I’m not answering you anymore if you do that

I want to touch your pine

My pine? You want to touch my pine?


So hot! I’ve always liked people touching my pine


Are you going to be a dramatic git now over one word?

NO! I’m just jealous you let people touch your pine, but you make fun of me when I say it


One hint! It’s big!


Oh, we’re back at the guessing game

A dog?

No. We already have a wonderful and perfect dog

A fridge?

A fridge? That’s what you think makes me so excited? A fridge? Merlin, Potter. I’m not at that stage of adulthood yet

You spent TWO HOURS yesterday talking about supermarkets


Easy there, supermarket’s expert


McG is looking funny at me. I think she suspects something

Say hi to Minerva for me when she rips your limbs apart❤️

Today 11:05 AM

Did she kill you?

No, I’m still alive, but I had to hide the phone

I can text now, or talk if you want

Can’t. I’m at St Mungo’s. Baby guard, must be silent shhhh

How’s Scorpius?


You’re so cute when you talk about him

I know


It’s sunny

A beach?

Yes, Potter, I found a beach in ENGLAND that is sunny

Summer and climate change are things

It’s November, and it’s fucking freezing

Woah! Are you supposed to speak like that in the baby guard??

They can’t read

Okay, you’re thicker than I thought. Third hint: it’s in the countryside

Big, sunny, and countryside? A farm? But I don’t know why you of all people would be excited about a farm

Because I’m not. I don’t want to get dirty with pigs and cows and mud

You know what? I think you’re rubbish at giving hints

Wait, no

I KNOW you’re rubbish at it


Sure, love. Anyone could have guessed that small, weird, and disgusting were describing a pear

Exactly. And don’t you forget that

Today 11:25 AM

A field

A tree

A cow

A house

Sorry, I was saying goodbye to my perfect son

A cow??? A cow???

Since when are cows sunny??

So it isn’t a cow


I’ve always wanted one


You’re scared of them

We agreed on not talking about that again!!!

You agreed on that. I took pictures of your scared arse running away from that little cow

It wasn’t little

It was tiny


That one had been alive for like 3 hours

And it was huge

You guessed it, by the way

What?? Which one was it??

A house???

You found us a house????


A big, sunny,  in the countryside house!

OMG, DRACO! Why didn’t you say so before??

I’m crying!

I’m so excited that I’m crying!

Don’t you want to see it first?

I trust you. I know it’s perfect

And it’ll be ours

Yes! Ours to spend the rest of our life in!

I love you

Don’t be such a sap❤️

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4 years ago

   [00:00]  A night shift ain’t half bad if you are working on a bookshop. A night shift is not bad at all when you have someone waiting for you at home. As I closed the lights and locked -twice- the door of the old bookshop I decided to dedicate my life to here in Korea, I smiled. Hoofs of my breath went up in little transparent clouds and then disappeared among the small thin droplets of rain water that accompanied me since this morning. I tacked my hair inside my hat and half-jogged to make it just in time for the last bus of the day. Occupying my usual sit in the far back corner of bus no8, I plugged my earphones on, resuming the soft lo-fi playlist that I played during the day at work, and opened my Greek-Korean coursebook.

Sooner than I thought the bus halted in my stop and the driver, that knew me better than my parents at this point, honked softly to break my trance of Korean whispers and Greek curse words that he was so used in listening. I jumped messily out waving at the poor man, and still book in hand and music in my ears I hoped home. I leaned to the doorframe of our small shared apartment and I spend a good five minutes trying to fish my keys out of my packbag. I knew that Jimin was probably already home, since as from this afternoon he and the boys had a two days break, but I also knew he was probably sleeping his exhaustion out, so there was no force in this universe that could make me ring the bell.

I finally entered my jib in time to see my boyfriend of 3 years rise from his spot in the sofa, only to stumble back down the second after. I kept my earphones on and the coursebook in front of my face, trying to pretend that his messy hair and adorable puffy face didn’t affect me in the slightest. Moving past him I broke into a smile and I laced my fingers through the light-coloured mess of hair, before finally putting my precious book and keys on the table by his side. The music in my ears was now interrupted by high pitched giggles that leaved my boyfriend’s full lips, and he reached out to grab me by the way. I settled laughing on his lap, enfulged by his strong arms and the familiar scent that I’ve come to recognize as my own kind of bliss.

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3 years ago

Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan Kelmp/Dream, Evan Kelmp/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Sam Black, Sam Black/Whitney Jammer, Sam Black/Dream, Dream/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Dream/Whitney Jammer/Sam Black, The Pilot Program Characters: Evan Kelmp, Dream (Dimension 20), Whitney Jammer, Sam Black Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Poly Magical Misfits, Hair Braiding, self-care, taking care of each other, Holding Hands, Hugs, Touch-Starved, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Scars, Developing Relationship, Threatening violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Friends to Lovers, Drabble Collection, some might be longer than others tho, Magic, listen. listen i don't care what aabria says they have BATHROOMS OKAY, Showers, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, POV Third Person, McDonald's, Can it be a magic and misfits fic without mentioning mcdonalds ya'll, Some Plot, Swearing, Sweet, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempt, Evan's backstory is not kind and neither am I, Sharing Clothes, Evan-centric, But will bounce around to everyone don't fret, Honestly Friends to Lovers Speedrun Edition, summaries are so hard, Summary may change, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts Summary:

A collection of one-shots and drabbles following the four American students at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts learn about magic, mysteries, friendship, and each other.

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