I Feel No Shame - Tumblr Posts
A Deal with the Devil
NSFW Tyrell Wellick X Mr. Robot/Elliot Alderson Smut
Sample below the mark:
(Depictions of graphic gay sex)
“Do you have a fucking hard-on?” Mr. Robot’s eyes squinted as he eyed the bulge in Wellick’s pants. He was deeply amused- one moment the Swede was straddling him on the floor, furious, and about the beat the ever-living daylights on him- and the next, the man was turned on.
They had been interrupted by the doorbell just before he was about to be beaten. Being the obnoxiously proper and off his rocker, Tyrell had stepped away to see who it was. Someone had the wrong address and asked for directions. It was short and sweet, but just enough to put a pause on his overflowing anger. Tyrell always took things personally, he known for being childishly erratic. He snapped his blue surgical gloves on his way back into the room. “Don’t deflect- I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to worm your way out of this you son of a bitch,” he flared, his veins popped in his pale face.
Mr. Robot had sat up and looked deeply amused- Wellick didn’t want to admit it, but this was erotic for him. Maybe the part about him being a psychopath brought this on. Or maybe it was something between the gloves and the pain.
They both were masters of manipulation and control. Something Wellick couldn’t control was the hard length in his pants. At least not hiding it. A well-tailored pant leg doesn’t leave much to the imagination, not when you’re as rail-thin and muscular as Wellick.
“C’mon, we both know you’re fucking lying,” he smirked, looking amused that the Swede was so hotly defensive. There weren't many who could push his buttons like Mr. Robot and Elliot could- and MR was finding this delightful. A part of them both were.
“Dark” Discoveries
A/N: Hey hey ya’ll! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Making my second post and first post of the new year wooooooooo! Lol I was in the mood to make a lil fluff tickle fic for my favorite boys in FF7. I love them so so so so so muuucchhh! Plus I want to see more fics were Sephiroth is tickled because lets face it the man needs it and hugs and love! So I decided to try my hand at it! So please enjoy and leave a comment, reblog, like, if ya feel friends!
Also sorry for the crappy title and play on word heehee. Oh and this is SFW!
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Paring: Sephiroth x Cloud Strife x Zack Fair
Summary: Today has not been a good day for Sephiroth and to make matters worse the power is out. His lovers seeing their dear Sephy upset decide to remedy that and in the process make a new discovery.
It was a stormy day, pouring from early morning and continuing. The weather matching that of the General’s foul mood.
Sephiroth sat in his home office reading over reports regarding monster infestation around Midgard. Noting how most were escapees from Hojo’s labs. Frowning, he continued to read until the lights started flickering, he looked up only to be bathed in darkness, with the sound of the power shutting down.
‘This day couldn’t get any worse.’ Sephiroth thought as he withheld a sigh as he sat in the darkness of his office.
Today was overall not a great day, mainly due to seeing Hojo for a health checkup and examination. It only made his mood worse just remembering the encounter.
Every time he visited the doctor, with much reluctance and disdain, he always had something negative to say about him over his lovers. Reminding him that love is something beneath him, that he was not capable of it or happiness, that he didn’t need them. Drilling into him that he himself could not be loved and wasn’t loved because of his station and what he was. Then proclaiming that only he understood him. Sephiroth tuned out the mad scientist words and blocked them but sometimes the cruel word would get to him. After each checkup, being around the doctor always left him emotionally and mentally tired. As well as insecure and frustrated that he allowed the man’s words to affect him. Sighing he leaned back in his chair at least he was home alone, and his lovers hadn’t seen him yet.
“Seph!” Boomed a voice.
“We’re back!” Followed by another cheerful voice. “Oh, the power is out here to.”
Sephiroth sighed with a smile and quietly made his way into the living room. “Welcome back Zack, Cloud.” He greeted warmly seating on the couch. “How did today go?”
Zack grinned and threw off his jacket making his way to the silver haired general. With mako in his blood he could see in the dark just fine. The mako treatment enhancing his vision. He leaned down kissing the his lips before leaning back and pecking his forehead.
“Fine! Spikey is a natural with materia.” He grinned. “We would have practiced more if not for the storm knocking out the power, so we’ll continue tomorrow.” He moved to their bedroom deciding to change into comfortable clothes.
Sephiroth smiled as he received another greeting kiss from the blond before he followed Zack and changed into dry clothing. He heard a Cloud curse followed by Zack’s laughter. Most likely the blond ran into something or Zack was being a pest. They joined him on the couch, Zack sitting on his left and Cloud on his right. Both proceeded to sandwich the man, Zack laying against the arm of the couch with Sephiroth leaning against him and Cloud on top of the general.
“So how was your day?” Cloud asked playing silver hair by twirling it around his finger.
“It was… tolerable.”
“Hm?” blue eyes blinked in question. “So not a good day?”
Sephiroth frowned. “I didn’t say that.” He squeezed Cloud making him squirm with a giggle.
Zack snorted. “You didn’t have to.” He kissed his neck. “Aggravation is practically oozing from you and you’re tense.” He kissed his neck again and Sephiroth scrunched up his shoulders.
“Sooo what has our Sephy-kins in such a foul mood.” Zack grinned.
“Zackery…” Sephiroth warned against the nickname.
“Hojo…” at the mention of his name lightning and thunder boomed and flashed. Cloud snuggled more into the general.
“Even the weather hates that guy.”
“Tch figures it would be that spectral eyed bastard…Your mood makes sense now.”
“Can an accident happen to him.” Cloud muttered. “Ya know, The fatal kind?” Sephiroth chuckled running fingers through blond hair.
“If only spikey, if only.” Zack rested his chin on Sephiroth’s shoulders his hands wandering from his shoulders, sliding along his sides to wrap around his middle. He paused when he felt the general tense up, slightly moving his fingers he felt him flinch. Zack withheld a giggle and rubbed his cheek against the other. He smiled when the affection was returned. “One of these days karmas going bite him right on the ass.” Zack grumbled.
“What did he do?” Cloud gently cupped his face tracing his jaw line.
“He’s usual examination and prattling…about…” Sephiroth released a relaxed sigh shaking his head. “Nonsense…Nonsense I know that I should not allow to be a passing thought.” He frowned. “But still…”
“Its overwhelming.” Cloud finished; he understood the negative affect the mad doctor had on his general. Hell, pretty much he and everyone in Shinra, from cadets to the upperclassmen and soldiers, were terrified of the man and hated him at the same time. The disregard Hojo had for others, and living beings in general, was sickening. What Cloud disliked the most was how the doctor would make Sephiroth feel, despite hiding it so well. He and Zack could always see the difference in his behavior and how he carried himself. He wouldn’t show his weakness or vulnerability around his soldiers, but he and Zack were the exception. The reassurance he needed.
Cloud leaned up pecking pale lips. “Are you okay now?”
“Yes.” He smiled rubbing Cloud’s cheek. “I’m fine.”
“Hmm,” Zack hummed. “Doesn’t sound like you are.” He stated nibbling lightly at the pale neck.
Both blond and brunette blinked at the sound that left past those lips. It was small and quiet but there was no denying it.
The general giggled.
Zack being a tease went back to nibbling on his neck and lightly tracing his ribs. He felt the general lightly squirm as small grunts left him.
“Spikey I think I found a way to make our dear Seph feel better.” No one needed lights to hear and see the grin on Zacks face.
Cloud perked up. “Oh! I wanna help!” and he wiggled down and sat on Sephiroth’s hips and began to lightly pinch his sides. Cloud giggled when their lover began to squirm even more while trying to suppress his laughter and trying to stop their hands.
“Cl-Cloud don’t e-encourage h-hi-him!” he stuttered out. When the pressure increased low and soft chuckles began to leave him. “Z-Zahaha!” He clenched his mouth closed, small snorts and grunts escaping.
“Oh no no that won’t do.” Zack wiggled his fingers more and Cloud attacked his tummy with vigor.
Zack and Cloud gaped at the wonderful reaction they received soaking up the deep, yet velvety laughter of their beloved general. The sound was free and as if it was never let out before and held in restriction. Sure, they heard him chuckle, but it was always low and quiet, even in the comfort of their home, he still seemed shy and restrained.
But this time they are going to change that.
“Gods!” Cloud whispered in awe he wished the lights were back on just to see his expression. He bet a million gil he looks just as beautiful as he sounds. And who would have thought their general, lover, the demon of Wutai was ticklish. It never occurred to him to even do such a thing, but here he was.
And he loved it.
Sephiroth was struggling more as Zack, or Cloud? Hell, someone’s hands were wiggling against his ribs and moving up toward his…. Oh gods! “Nonono! Stohahap!” He chortled out and even yelped when he felt Zack nibbling the side of his neck. “NOT THEHAHAHAHA!” he felt fingers poking around his armpits and he arch forward to get away from the feeling only to arch back into Zack when he felt pokes to his stomach and pinches to his hip. “CLOUAHAHAHAHAHA! ZACHAHAHA!” squirmed between them.
“Yes!” They chimed grinning.
“NO-AHAHA-N-NO MORE!” He managed to laugh out.
“No more? But Sephy-kins why should we stop?” Zack teased while leaning to nibble on his ear. “Especially since you seem to be enjoying yourself.” The silvered haired man could do nothing but laugh shaking his head when Zack blew into his ear.
“But I guess we could stop.” Both paused, Sephiroth thanked the Gods on high as he was able to breath. Laughter toning done to chuckles his body still tingling from the torture.
“Shi-Shiva’s blessing…Ple-ease t-tell me you both are done…With this torture.” He panted out.
“Don’t know…What do you think Spikey?”
Instead of answering Cloud pokes a finger right into his navel with a loud, “Boop!” then he vibrated his finger.
“PFFTTAHAHAHA!” An undignified snorting laugh left from Sephiroth as he yelped and bounced. It didn’t help that Zack started up again and fingers dug into his hip.
The reaction made his two lovers crackup themselves, Cloud collapsing back on top of Sephiroth and Zack laying his head on his shoulder both laughing hysterically. Despite not being tickled anymore the general threw his head back laughing free along with them. It felt nice and the tight pressure he felt within in him was gone.
Leaving him with relief and ease.
The lights came back on, Zack and Cloud could finally see the state their lover was in. pale cheeks covered in a rosy red hair splayed out around him in a silver halo, but most of all was the soft satisfied smile on his face. It held all the pureness that made their hearts melt.
“Now do you feel better?” Both asked.
“Mn…Though once I catch my breath.” He eyes ever warm and glinting with mirth and regarding the two. “You both will be sorry.” Sephiroth chuckled as his face was peppered with kisses.
“It was Zack’s idea.”
“Wha! You helped to!” he frowned. “You’re just as guilty as I am!”
“I was nicer though.”
“No you weren’t!” The two bickered bath and forth go so far as to calling each other childish name.
Sephiroth chimed in. “You both were terrible.” Cloud and Zack stopped arguing and turned their gaze on the general. “You have two choices: Try to escape from my wrath. Or the two of you can decide among one another who goes first.”
“So we are in trouble.” Cloud stated with a shy cute smile making the general return it softly.
“Very much so.”
“Even when we made you feel better.” Zack added with a sensual smile.
“Fair enough… but Seph you forget the third alternative.”
“Third?” he was sure there was a third. He tilted his head at Zack. “And that is?”
Zack grinned mischievously and attacked again with vigor. “We still aren’t done finding all those delicious spots!” Sephiroth tried to stop him yet could do nothing but laugh. He jumped with a snort when he felt hands squeezing his knees. Ifrits hell! He didn’t even think he could be ticklish in such a place or at all!
“YoHAHAHAH both hahaha arehahaha goiinnggg toohoh nonono hahaha!” Cloud laid between his legs tickling the inside of his thighs now. “
Cloud teased by cooing. “Wooow! Didn’t know you could be ticklish here!”
“Oh that is a fun place!” Zack commented vibrated his fingers on his hips.
Sephiroth couldn’t take much more and finally pleaded for mercy the two pausing in their onslaught but leaving their hands where they were.
“Are we still in trouble?” Zack whispered into his ear.
The general there still laughing lightly at the tingles and teasing. “Ye-hahaha okay okay nonoohoho!”
“Do you plan to spare us and no retaliation?” Cloud asked while giving light and teasing nibbles to his stomach.
“Yes hahaha!”
“Hmm, I think he is lying about that one spikey.”
Cloud snickered leaning up and kissing the general’s chin. “I know, if you do get us back I don’t mind.” He smiled sweetly. “It will be fun… I look forward to it.”
“I agree with spikey we should do this again! I mean we can already see you are sexy. But if I had known tickling you would open new horizons, I would have done it sooner!” Zack babbled. “We should have had a camera for pics and video!”
Sephiroth let out a laugh as the brunette babbled on though he had to admit he didn’t think he could enjoy such an act and be undone like that by his lovers. At first, he felt insecure and awkward but seeing and hearing the enjoyment from his lovers he did not mind. He also found himself much relaxed and free of the tension.
He was brought out of his musings when Zack spoke and sat up. “Hm?”
“Want me to start dinner?”
Before anyone could answer the lights went out along with the rest of the power again.
“Welp there it goes again.” Cloud said. “Soooooo now what?”
Zack threw his arms around the generals middle snickering as he flinched and began to struggle. “Don’t worry Seph you get a break for now…I say we just chill.” He got comfortable snuggling in the couch more.
Sephiroth grabbed the couch blanket and draped it over them and with the general still sandwich between them the three continued to talk until eventually drifting off to sleep wrapped in warmth and love.
Sephiroth never felt more secured in his life.