I Hate It There - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

This isn’t commonly known but one of the rings of hell is actually being in a fandom wherein the popular bloggers have the worst opinions known to man that everyone else parrots

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6 months ago
Currently Monday, On The Way Back Home.

Currently Monday, on the way back home.

Me: It's already Friday right? Tomorrow is Saturday, Yay! *Does a little happy cheery dance.*

Nobody: *Them looking at me as if I'm crazy, others are laughing.* Idiot it's only Monday.

Me: *Me glaring at them.* Did you have to ducking point the obvious bish?

Nobody: *Sighing in despair.*


Which of the two above the picture you think is me? Obviously the cute little weeping boy on the background, thinking why can't I just stay home and read books/write with my legs lazily propped up on some random surface, bothered with no single trace of homework to do.

Currently Monday, On The Way Back Home.

I'm actually supposed to be writing a song for tomorrow's presentation but uhm, a little post in Tumblr wouldn't hurt and now I actually won't be finishing any assignments now that i saw my very nicely made bed and you know what..?



I'm very sleepy people, goodnight.


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