I Haven't Seen Black Widow - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

What if Peter's family was alive?

"Well, today we have a guest. Spiderboy is coming over to officially be introduced as an Avenger," said Tony striding into the room. Tony and Steve had settled their differences after the Civil War. Even though they weren't friends again, they were back together at the Avengers compound.  "You mean Spiderman? The one who fought along your side? He seemed very strong back then." said, Wanda remembering how he was able to hold his own against her and the others. 

They all kept quiet for a while remembering their encounter with Spiderman. 

"He is here," announced Pepper, coming in. Behind her, entered a 16-year-old boy in a NASA t-shirt, a jacket and a backpack.  "Who's he?" asked Clint, confused as to why was there a boy at the Avengers compound. 

"Peter Parker; commonly known as Spiderman. I just said, he is coming over. Where's your head Legolas?" said Tony.  "HE is Spiderman!? A 16-year-old!?" Steve called out and Tony shrugged. 

"So, you are telling me, that a boy, a 16-year-old boy was in a war between the Strongest protectors of the earth! He was walking on walls, dodging Wanda's powers, stopping Bucky's metal arm and Steve's shield during the time he should have been at Math class!?" exclaimed Sam.  

"You see, Mr Falcon, I was bitten by a spider when I was younger, that gave me many of their abilities like superhuman strength and agility. That is why I was able to stop Mr Barnes' and Mr Captain Rogers' shield. And I also have the spider ability to walk on walls." answered Peter, smiling from ear to ear. He had met the Avengers before but they were fighting back then. This time he was meeting them officially. He was an Avenger!

Natasha walked up to him and put out his hand.  "Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow," she said. "Nice to meet you Ms Widow!" replied Peter, excitedly. One by one all the avengers introduced themselves.  However, Peter had to leave after a while.  "Mr Stark...I have mathlete practice. So...I have to leave." "Sure. I'll ask Happy to take you home," replied Tony.

"No, that's okay Mr Stark I'll go on my own," said Peter walking out of the room. He entered back in wearing his Spiderman suit.  "Yeah, no. You are not going to school in that. Come on, change back in. Happy is downstairs he will take you." said Tony decidedly.  "But Mr Stark-" started Peter but Tony shook his head and turned away. Peter changed back to his previous outfit. He waved at all the Avengers. "See you, Mr Stark!"  "See ya, kid." 

"His parents know he's Spiderman?" questioned Clint. "Long dead, Barton. Richard and Mary Parker. Stays with his Aunt. " replied Stark.  Natasha stopped in her tracks.

"What did you say his mother's name was?" she asked. "Mary...Parker. Why do you ask?" Steve replied instead of Tony. 'Mary Fitzpatrick..."

"That's her maiden name. How did you know that Romanoff?" asked Tony, visibly surprised.  "Nat, did you know her?" asked Clint. "In the Red Room, while on missions my name was Mary Fitzpatrick. I was Mary Parker..." she replied

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8 months ago

What if Peter's Family was Alive? (Part 2)

"You were what!?" exclaimed Tony. "Mary Fitzpatrick," replied Natasha sounding calm. 

"You are Spiderman's mother?" questioned Steve. "Apparently" "Why didn't you tell us?" asked Clint.  "Because I didn't know that myself."  "How does one NOT remember giving BIRTH!?" screeched Tony. He was very upset by the fact apparent fact that Natasha could be Peter's mother.  "The Red Room must have forced her to forget. Given her something that made her," replied Wanda. A silence settled in the room. 

Natasha had always wanted kids of her own. When she had visited Clint's family, met Cooper and Lila, her longing had increased. But now that she found out that she had a kid of her own, she didn't know what to feel. Was she happy? Was she shocked? Was she...scared? 

What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me for leaving him? For forgetting about him? Why do I not remember him? Or...Richard for the fact? What had happened? How do I tell him? How will he react? Doesn't he live with his Aunt? Doesn't that make her my sister-in-law? I have a....family? All these were running inside her head. 

"We will have to tell them about this Tony," said Sam and Tony slumped in his chair nodding.  "Should I give them a call?" asked Wanda, looking hesitantly at Natasha.   "No! Not...today. I-I need some time," answered Natasha.

"Are you alright?" asked Wanda walking up to her.  "What do you think? I just found out that I have a son," said Natasha ruefully. She turned to Tony, "Tell me about him?" 

"Hah! There is a lot to that kid. What'd you wanna know?" "Just the basics." "Well, he's spiderman. And he is 16. He has two friends, Ned and MJ, and lives with his Aunt May. He goes to Midtown School of Science of Technology. His birthdate's August 10th. What more?" 

"Tasha..." Clint said coming over and hugging her.  Natasha let out a huge sigh. She knew if they waited longer that would be unfair, to Peter. They had to tell him the truth. She had to.  "What about tomorrow? Call Spider...Peter. Call Peter tomorrow. Peter and May." she said, looking at Tony. He nodded in reply.  A silence settles in the room, which was disrupted when...

"TONY!" yelled Happy, rushing in the room.  "Oh-! What!?" exclaimed Tony.  "It's the Spiderkid." "What about him? You dropped him didn't you?"  "I was waiting for him, he never came." "What do you mean?" asked Natasha. "He used the suit. He went back on his own." "What's the big deal? He has done that before, what's the matter now?" said Tony. "The matter is that he was attacked or something. I was tracking his suit and now I can't see where he is." Happy said, showing the screen to Tony and Natasha. 

(PS - I haven't written beyond this so now it's up to your imagination)

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