I Highly HIGHLY Doubt This Will Ever Happen But If I Ever Got To Meet Eugene Mirman - Tumblr Posts

I know I already said this, but ahhhhhhh, thank you all so much for making Geneuary so incredible so far!! I truly have no words to describe my happiness. The participation has been amazing!! I am so in awe right now of everyone in this fandom and their talent.

Shoutout to @dianadeadwing and @ratguy-nico for making my favorite Geneuary art so far (@ratguy-nico's art yesterday was too cute, omg), and @br1ghtestlight for making my favorite fic so far!! It was so cute❣️(Psssst, the two of us are collaborating on a lil' something for the Robot/Jingle prompt, so look out for that 👀)

Yesterday's prompt might have been my favorite so far, because of my gigantic love of mermaids. Yes, I had an actual mermaid phase when I was younger, and it was a huge one. I would actually take baths just so I could pretend to be a mermaid. It got to the point where my parents got me a doll that could go underwater and you could put either a bathing suit or a mermaid tail on her. It was so magical to my lil' child bambino brain 🥰

But I really just wanted to emphasize how impressed I am about the participation Geneuary has had. The journey to get here was difficult, especially with it being my first time running any sort of BB event, and Tumblr being an ass. But we got there!! And it's been so wonderful!! There have been so many people I didn't expect to participate who have, and it's just warmed my heart so very much <3

The next day is Sunday (Fashion/Secret!!) and I can't wait to see everyone's creativity come out again.

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