I Just Wanna Hug Him - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,
One Of My Friends Is Trying To Kill Me, And The Other One Has Been Lying To Me This Whole Time. Man,

One of my friends is trying to kill me, and the other one has been lying to me this whole time. Man, that hurts.

Ben Barnes as Billy Russo THE PUNISHER | 1x13 “Memento Mori”

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2 years ago

I absolutely love him

Directed to that person who wanted raab content I see you 

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2 years ago

I absolutely love him

Directed to that person who wanted raab content I see you 

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2 years ago

I absolutely love him

Directed to that person who wanted raab content I see you 

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2 years ago

I absolutely love him

Directed to that person who wanted raab content I see you 

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5 years ago

joon gave all his bonsai trees names and he wakes up 30 minutes earlier than usual so he can water them and take care of them and apparently he said he considers them his family… excuse me while i cry

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3 years ago
You Met Him Earlier This Week On Another Assignment.
You Met Him Earlier This Week On Another Assignment.
You Met Him Earlier This Week On Another Assignment.

You met him earlier this week on another assignment.

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5 months ago

Kloktober 2024 Day 1

Your Favorite Character

Hi! Kloktober is back and so am I, it seems. I wasn't really thinking of participating this year but my friends got me hyped weeks ago so this time around I could actually get prepared in advance.

For today's entry, you will never guess who I decided to write about. That's right, Dimneld Selftcar- Toki. Just a short little thing to get things started~ ♡

Here's to you, Toki! And happy start of Kloktober! ⚙️

Kloktober 2024 Day 1

Toki never felt like he belonged. With his family, with religion, with his country even. He always felt like an outsider in his own life. 

And his parents made sure he wouldn’t forget that. The children in their commune seemed fairly normal, or at least a little more loved than he was. His parents would actually hug them, whereas the only time his mother held his hand was that time he almost tripped and almost fell into the frozen lake.

During the short period of time where his parents allowed him to go to the local school, he was a total outcast too. The kids made fun of him for being weird, for not knowing enough about the world, for being shy. Toki only realized he was being bullied when he preferred being punished by his parents for missing school than going there. 

He never managed to make any friends in his town, either. Toki knew it and his parents knew it. He didn’t belong.


He couldn’t have been any younger than 8 years old when he woke up in the middle of the night because of his tendency to have nightmares. He thought it would be like any other night, where he had to count the stars until he fell asleep. 

That night, though, the sky was different. One of the stars shone way brighter and bigger than the others, leaving a glowing path on its way. It was the most beautiful thing Toki had ever seen, like something out of the fairy tale books he had read at school. If he remembered correctly, that was a shooting star, and you could make a wish if you saw one.

And so, Toki clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. He wished to find somewhere he belonged. To find his own calling, far away from here. To be destined for something greater than a life of being punished and feeling guilt. 

Toki wished to be just like a shooting star.

He was freezing, the blanket he had found abandoned in the trash shared between the stray cats and him. His stomach rumbled and he tried to recount the last time he ate something remotely decent. Probably that half-eaten energy bar from 2 days ago. 

He wanted to sleep to forget his hunger and cold, but it was exactly those two things that kept him awake. Toki alternated between shorts periods of unconsciousness and opening his eyes to the same sight he had grown accustomed to. A back alley, a couple of trash bins, his dirty guitar and more stray cats than he could name surrounding him.

It was as he patted a calico for a lack of a better distraction, that he raised his gaze to the sky. The beautiful Florida sky was stunning as always, with its nocturnal lights and mysterious clouds, Toki often lost himself in its colors and vastness.

So, when he spotted a shooting star, he couldn’t help but smile. Even if he hadn’t found his place in the world yet, he felt reassured. He was already out of that household, free of the shackles his family had placed on him. 

Music had been his ticket out of a miserable predetermined destiny, and it would be his way into his new life, that much he knew. 

And, no matter what, no matter when, he would find it.

They had been arguing about the direction of the new album for hours to no avail. And by that, he meant that they were negotiating with Charles a new concept for an album that was completely improvised from scratch at every concert. Well, Toki was mostly listening, except not really because he was using his new coloring book and drawing brutal shapes on it.

Eventually, though, the racket exhausted him and he walked away to keep coloring by the window of their conference room, away from all the passionate shouting. It was kind of comfortable like this, just being in his own world while the guys were right next to him, and he wouldn’t have noticed anything else if a sparkle hadn’t caught his eye. 

It was so small that he wouldn’t have recognized it if he hadn’t seen it before. Fleeting and almost minuscule in the now distant sky outside of Mordhaus. A shooting star, greeting Toki after all these years. Almost as if to ask Toki how he was doing, how his life had gone. 

If his dreams had come true.

And Toki turned around to see Nathan shaking Charles by the collar shirt, Pickles smugly encouraging the violence, Skwisgaar improvising on his guitar to show he didn’t need to write anything beforehand and Murderface threatening to kill himself if anything went wrong. So chaotic, so incomprehensible and yet so weirdly endearing to watch too.

He looked back at the star and nodded. The shooting star winked at him before fading away, leaving a colorful trail of happiness in its wake. Toki put down his coloring book and joined the rest of Dethklok, yelling his list of demands to Charles as well. 

He had found it, the place where he belonged.  

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9 months ago

told myself i wasn’t gonna buy food with my paycheck, but milo manheim said when it comes to food buy it no matter what so i got food😛

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