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6 years ago
Yeah! And Just To The Right Of Dennis Head Is A Sticker That Says TIMELESS

Yeah! And just to the right of Dennis’ head is a sticker that says TIMELESS

Yeah! And Just To The Right Of Dennis Head Is A Sticker That Says TIMELESS
Yeah! And Just To The Right Of Dennis Head Is A Sticker That Says TIMELESS
Yeah! And Just To The Right Of Dennis Head Is A Sticker That Says TIMELESS
Yeah! And Just To The Right Of Dennis Head Is A Sticker That Says TIMELESS
I Just Realized That In The Background Of This Infamous Scene Theres A Small Sticker That Says Potential
I Just Realized That In The Background Of This Infamous Scene Theres A Small Sticker That Says Potential

I just realized that in the background of this infamous scene there’s a small sticker that says potential is infinite. It just makes me wonder, like what if it’s a very subtle nod at the unexplored romantic potential these two have. And once Dennis realizes how good they could be for each other, nothing can stop them. 

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6 years ago

...an open lock


...an Open Lock

that is prominent in the background (to the left above Charlie’s head) during the conversation between Charlie and Mac about Dennis being right about his opinions on one’s identity, that “what you ride is your identity” and that “it’s like who you are, it’s who I am.” Dennis later goes on to start flirting with begin being close to a coincidental male acquaintance only once he’s assured by him that ‘his identity is nothing to be ashamed of’

In this scene with the lock, the bully kids show up prompting Mac to calmly confirm that he is gay to the main bully’s use of the word as an insult, but correcting that Charlie isn’t his boyfriend because he “could do much better than him” pointing to Charlie (which is also the direction of the open lock).

“Really, then why don’t you, Mac.” Charlie says.

I’ve believed that the lock metaphor from The Gang Escapes and the dialogue when they open it at the table lays out a parallel of the Macdennis situation and how ‘Dennis’ heart lock’ will be opened. In that, Charlie is able to be the one to place the key inside for Frank to turn and open by being “The Speaker.” (And since I’m talking about it, opening the lock is literally not endgame because there’s a whole list of things to do to finish the game once it’s finally opened after comically dragging out doing so.)

There’s definitely room for different interpretations or possibility for there being/not being certain intentions on some parts BUT there is a 0% chance that a conspicuous and clearly OPEN LOCK being put on display for most of this scene with what it involves being accidental after the “significance” placed on a lock in this same season only a few episodes ago (that had the unnecessary detail of being heart-shaped and pertaining to Mac and Dennis in the story as it did).

And SPEAKING of intentional details, always sunny has used shirts to support plot development on the show before (ex: Mac’s baby blue Denny’s shirt).

Well, if you’re looking for a vehicle, it would certainly be economical to get one that’s

...an Open Lock
...an Open Lock


(Chevy car commercial where the usual slogan of “Chevy - Built To Last” is extended to “Chevy - Built To Last, Built To Love”)

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