The Gang Gets New Wheels - Tumblr Posts
tha gang gets new wheels trailer!!
The Gang Gets New Wheels commercial that played during the first episode of The Cool Kids
Everything was focused on the gang’s past and how each of them is clinging to an element of their youth never giving anything up (without the chance of there being a purpose to doing that in order to solve past issues for growth) leaving no room for their futures - A PERFECT time to dismiss addressing Dennis’ absence, for now at least, concerning his involvement for a future with his North Dakota family.

The last two episodes of always sunny have taught me that it’s normal to bring up the exact percentage of your boy toy’s body fat. Even if that boy toy is you.

Watch out.
He’ll suck you!
the gay energy radiating from this is too much
mac lip syncing never gonna give you up thank you for my life

dennis + john, the economy man

Oh my gosh I just realised that the car from the trailer might be Dennis’ dark green range rover ( :0

Charlie’s reaction to hearing “Dee banged a kid” : (
And how he looked at Dennis after, too

80’s Danny! ...I mean Frank

bfore anyone asks NO i do NOT take criticism on my posts

the gang hits the road // the gang gets new wheels
this parallel was all i’ve been waiting for
It could be because they were being chased for beating up children and wanted to be more hidden or that it was a new car, but I wonder why Mac didn’t go to his usual shotgun seat in Dennis’ range rover?
It’s the first time they’ve been in the car together since Hero or Hate Crime/the rpg/Dennis has come back/shooting down Mac’s affection at the seminar, so I feel meaning in that Mac chose to sit behind him. Dennis was still able to give his Looks through the rear view mirror.

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ when u just beat the shit out of a group of kids and the cops are chasin u but its ok bc u r with ur mans in his hot new ride (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
hearing mac openly refer to himself as gay is so healing
It’s not even funny how gay Dennis was in this episode? I’ll suck you??? You have nice economy face?? That whole flirting with the woman scene? I’m living
I mean honestly… I was shook. “Why don’t you flirt with the only woman who’s here?” “Uh nah” like we stan! @lgbtrcg and I both agree that Dennis had more gay energy than Mac in this episode which!! Ya but anyways Dennis Reynolds is an overgrown twink thanks for coming to my TED Talk open lock

that is prominent in the background (to the left above Charlie’s head) during the conversation between Charlie and Mac about Dennis being right about his opinions on one’s identity, that “what you ride is your identity” and that “it’s like who you are, it’s who I am.” Dennis later goes on to start flirting with begin being close to a coincidental male acquaintance only once he’s assured by him that ‘his identity is nothing to be ashamed of’
In this scene with the lock, the bully kids show up prompting Mac to calmly confirm that he is gay to the main bully’s use of the word as an insult, but correcting that Charlie isn’t his boyfriend because he “could do much better than him” pointing to Charlie (which is also the direction of the open lock).
“Really, then why don’t you, Mac.” Charlie says.
I’ve believed that the lock metaphor from The Gang Escapes and the dialogue when they open it at the table lays out a parallel of the Macdennis situation and how ‘Dennis’ heart lock’ will be opened. In that, Charlie is able to be the one to place the key inside for Frank to turn and open by being “The Speaker.” (And since I’m talking about it, opening the lock is literally not endgame because there’s a whole list of things to do to finish the game once it’s finally opened after comically dragging out doing so.)
There’s definitely room for different interpretations or possibility for there being/not being certain intentions on some parts BUT there is a 0% chance that a conspicuous and clearly OPEN LOCK being put on display for most of this scene with what it involves being accidental after the “significance” placed on a lock in this same season only a few episodes ago (that had the unnecessary detail of being heart-shaped and pertaining to Mac and Dennis in the story as it did).
And SPEAKING of intentional details, always sunny has used shirts to support plot development on the show before (ex: Mac’s baby blue Denny’s shirt).
Well, if you’re looking for a vehicle, it would certainly be economical to get one that’s
(Chevy car commercial where the usual slogan of “Chevy - Built To Last” is extended to “Chevy - Built To Last, Built To Love”)