I Really Needed This - Tumblr Posts
I just have no words
I'm shaking and my tears has been falling since the fourth paragraph....
It always brings a certain kind of peace on bad days to revisit favorite comfort characters and comfort fics, it feels like a weights gone from your chest. It feels like home.
It feels like yout comfort character has turned around and seen you and went "oh, you're home, I've missed you" as they pull you into the deepest hug.
It feels like the aftermath of a bad panic attack or depression day, curled up in a blanket nest surrounded by your comfort characters as you watch movies and cuddle and just exist.
It feels like a hand squeezing yours, grounding you, reminding you that you're safe, you are loved and important. That you are enough.
Your comfort characters are waiting for you sweet one.
If you need a friend, a safe place to land, a place to rant and rave. Come back and visit me. Tell me about them, about your favorite fic, your favorite character, your bad day. We are here, your comfort character and I, always.
I hope tomorrow is better than today, that you find the post that you're searching for. Remember your comfort character believes in you and so do I, the fellow fanfiction reader who's just like you, just looking for a moment of comfort and peace in an otherwise tumultuous world.
-❤💛 True 💛❤
Happy Thanksgiving Erica! I'm thankful for you poetry and selfies haha. Have a nice day :)
Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving yourself! Awww well I’m thankful for you and all my lovely followers. You all are so amazing, especially for putting up with my sporadic postings/updates and long dry spells. Haha
I hope everyone had a wonderful day, no matter where you were or what you did!
Hey! Dont worry abt it alright? You should take care of yourself and your issues. You should always be your first priority okay? Take your time my man!
Also, if you’re struggling with long fics don’t worry just type “:readmore:” and then click enter and then your post will have a “continue reading” thing.
Remember to take care of yourself and stay hydrated my dude!
Kind words like this are gonna make me cry. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Thank you so much, I really needed that! <3 ❤️
Please don’t cry! I didn’t mean to have that effect. I just want you to ya know, take care of yourself. If you need I’ll start sending you small reminders to take care of yourself everyday otherwise.
Tho if I do that I’ll probably just message you so I don’t spam your inbox
So take care of yourself >:(
You are such a sweetheart ❤️
I really, really appreciate your kind words
And to clarify, I mean cry as in so happy you think about me!
Pls I am over the moon with such small gesture and I would highly appreciate it if you would send small reminders, only! if it isn't bothering you.
Kind stranger, I wish you the greatest day or night, I am so grateful that you have such a big heart <3
And yes I will take care of my self!!!
Language learning and langblr tips from me
What to learn first when learning a new language
How to stay motivated when learning languages
How to learn a language with a different script
How to learn kanji
Vocabulary list topics
How to make vocabulary lists
How to expand your vocabulary
How to learn vocabulary and verb endings
How to improve your listening skills
How to practice speaking your target language
How to go from intermediate to advanced in your target language
How to learn two (or more) languages at once
How to learn all the languages you want
How to avoid mixing up languages
How to study languages with depression
How to practice speaking when you have social anxiety
How to study with a language exchange partner and what to talk about with them
How to study with Duolingo
How to make a language notebook
How to divide your language notebook/what to write in your language notebook
How to use bullet journal in language learning
How to find native speakers to practice with
How to know what level you are in your languages
How to start a langblr
Can I just say like… I’m not American so I can’t really know what it’s like out there right now, but I am really proud of you guys. Like, Trump - a man known to have sexually assaulted multiple women - is elected, so the women of your country not only turn out in their millions but they inspire women around the world to do the same in solidarity. He preaches anti-intellectualism, so your scientists host database hacking and saving days to preserve data. He bans government agencies from speaking the truth, so they create rogue social media accounts that spread facts even at the risk of their jobs. He brings in racist immigration bans, causing chaos in airports and huge uncertainties in the lives of real, innocent people, so protesters swarm to the airports, lawyers work pro bono round the clock to get people into the country, and people mobilise to destroy him in the high court in a day. I know this is awful and it sucks and it’s only been one freaking week, but you guys are doing amazing right now and I am so moved and so proud. It’s gonna be tough and everyone will have to pick their battles and just keep fighting and pushing, and this isn’t how it should be but at least we know there are people with the guts and the gumption to do what they can. You guys are the sand in the gears.
whimsy is a powerful tool. you can focus on anything you want, you can devote time to thinking about how the weather is bad, or how it sucks having to work for a living, or whatever else
or you can think about dandelion cube

life can be extremely difficult. and things fucking suck. like, a lot of things fucking suck. feeling alright and being ok are not, in any way shape or form, easy to do.
but still, among other things, you can think about dandelion cube
and that thought can be there for you if you need it
True art of living is in ignoring that which doesn't demand our attention...
Random Xpressions
Look. My fellow Objectums. You have to love who you are forever, Okay? I know it's not always easy, especially right now, but you can't let anyone shame out of being who you are. You're wonderful, you have to remember that the way you are is wonderful, you love things in a different capacity than some other people, and that's beautiful. Don't let the naysayers win.
Sending lovely good vibes your way, my dear Woof ♡

Awww thanks, Sparks 💜🖤💜🖤
Things are progressing slowly in the right direction. Of course I’m sending all the love and good vibes back your way as well. Get lots of rest, eat, stay hydrated 🤗
''what if my writing isn't good eno--'' what if it's a reflection of your soul. what if it has a place in this world. what if you write it anyway
A small rant
Destroy the idea that digital art isn’t art, or is somehow lesser than traditional mediums.
You are a painter of light.
You delicately move data and photons into images of hope, horror, love, pain.
Your hard earned skills are not lesser because your work cannot be touched by physical hands.
Your ideas, which you painstakingly execute with those skills and all that experience, touch the minds and hearts of the thousands who may come across it.
Their impact is not lesser for having been absent a physical body during their creation.
Get your hands dirty with traditional media or delve into the possibilities of digital media. Do both! But don’t let anyone convince you that your work is lesser because of the medium. I think we as an art community should be long past that archaic idea.
how seventeen help their mentally tired s/o
requested by @mirxzii : fave writer is back!!!! how ab svt with an s/o whos just like really mentally tired and wants to do nothing but sit and cuddle all day
notes: sorry it took me so long to get to this ml :((( i hope you like it!!

he's clearing his day schedule, no questions asked. no gym session or meet up with jeonghan or consultation with the company is more important than him being there with you and helping you when you're at your lowest. does whatever you want him to do and then some, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you back to bed and resting you against his chest, running fingers through your hair and down your back until you feel calmer again, calmed by his presence and his care
ur just like him fr. no but in all honesty, his expression honest-to-god just melts into concern when you tell him quietly that you don't really wanna do anything today, and he just pats your hair affectionately and says that's okay baby, it's totally fine to just spend the day in bed. sends you back to bed instantly, and joins you a few minutes after with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands, smiling and saying that there's no better way to spend a mentally tired day than in bed with a sweet drink beside the person you love
he gets worried when the hours tick by and you're still not getting out of bed. by the time midday has come and gone and you still haven't come out of your room, he knocks on your door to find you just sitting in bed, staring up at the ceiling. you haven't even opened the curtains yet, and he smiles softly, coaxing you out of bed and trying to get you to eat something and at least take a walk while the sun is still out because he knows that, even when you're as mentally tired as you are right now, you'll feel terrible if you just do nothing and he knows that a walk is a sure way to make you feel a little better <3
doesn't get the concept of "lying around and doing nothing", at first. comes into ur room w his arms laden with snacks and his laptop, saying that he's gonna keep you company while u do nothing :D!! it takes a minute but he eventually realises u really wanna just do Nothing at all, and he drops all his things to just curl up next to you, tracing mindless shapes into the palm of your hand, and it makes you smile a little, just how willing and eager he is to do his best to take care of you and be by your side
cracks his knuckles and is like "get ready to have the best nothingness-filled day of your entire LIFE." and it makes you smile, but also it really is kind of amazing how it does end up being a really good day despite the fact that you do nothing. his voice is the sole thing that fills the air the entire day, either rambling mindlessly or recounting ridiculous events that have happened to him lately. you don't need to respond, don't need to say a word, and you can't help but watch him with adoring eyes the entire time
is genuinely worried that you've caught some sickness, bc it's not normal to see you walking around the house looking so llistless and exhausted. when you admit to him that you just feel so drained mentally, his brow furrows in concern and is instantly drifting toward you, wrapping his arms around you as you finally break. spends the rest of the day by your side, constantly kissing the top of your head and squeezing your hand. doesn't let you do anything strenuous at all, insisting that you just relax
he can't exactly tell you off for deciding to camp out in your room for the entire day, bc he's had far too many days where he does the exact same thing in his studio. except for you, you're doing it bc you're feeling down, and that will never do. checks up on you frequently, pressing kisses to the top of your head and while he hesitates when you ask for cuddles, he eventually gives in and clambers into bed next to you, bc he can never, ever refuse your requests. especially if they'll help you feel better.
you wanna do nothing??? the whole day??? gets worried and says that that's not a very good way to spend your day, but there are phantom tears brimming in your eyes and he can see that you are so close to breaking, so he relents with a smile and a kiss to your forehead, telling you that's fine, just go back to bed and relax. he's a bit busy that day, so you don't expect to see him, but a few moments later he's knocking on your door and peeking in with a smile, prepared to hug you in bed and do nothing with you all day. nothing's more important than being by your side, after all.
mingyu is ridiculously and scarily in tune with your emotions and your mental state. you don't even have to say a word to him: he already knows that you're feeling burnt out, and he's gonna do everything to make you feel better. makes sure your day is as relaxing and calming as possible to make you feel better and is basically rushing around doing everything he thinks will help, until you catch his hand as he scurries past the sofa, admitting that all you really need are some cuddles with your boyfriend. his face lights up with realisation and he sits down next to you, engulfing you in his arms and you've never felt quite so at peace
builds you a blanket fort. even if you wanna do nothing, he wants to to be able to do nothing in style! and honestly, a blanket fort is the best of the best, in his opinion. buries you under pillows and fluffy blankets and gives you a kiss on the forehead and backs out of your room, fully intending to give you some peace and quiet by yourself. comes back not even an hour later tho, bc he was getting kinda bored and even if you're not doing anything, he's always gonna want to spend his day with u
kind of horrified when you tell him that you don't really wanna do anything today, because that's not like you. even when you're tired, you still try and do something, and so this is how he knows that you're truly at your most exhausted. situates you on the sofa, and just. engulfs you in his arms and doesn't let go. watches trashy tv with you and laughs softly at the ridiculous bits, and it makes you smile sleepily against his chest, grateful for how warm and unquestioning and loving seungkwan always, always is
when you tell him that you wanna do nothing today bc you're feeling mentally drained, he nods slowly and a little confusedly. even as you curl up on the sofa and do absolutely nothing, you still look so sad and exhausted, and he thinks you need more than just a day of nothingness. so he sits down next to you, tapping you on the shoulder and when you turn to him, he wordlessly wraps his arms around you, one hand around your shoulders and the other cradling the back of your head. it's a protective position, and the affection makes you melt, finally feeling the tension in your head begin to ease.
he's looking over you worriedly the entire time as you tell him over breakfast that you don't feel like doing anything that day. he's constantly hovering in your periphery as you settle onto the couch, swathed in blankets, not even bothering to pick up your phone bc you're just so mentally exhausted. finally decides that he can't take seeing you look so exhausted anymore, and drags you outside to take a walk, and you do look a little better afterwards, but it's not until he pulls you into a tight hug when you get home that you finally, finally relax into him

request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl
This is for the people who didn’t party in their teens and twenties. For the people who didn’t have that “coming of age” movie experience with shenanigans and revelations. This is for the people who mostly keep to themselves. Who maybe prefer things to be quieter and gentler. This is for the people who don’t feel like they belong in a culture that values loud parties and flashing lights. I see you. And you are valid.

Feverishly drafting Gummigoo copium
It's fanfiction it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is a hobby you're doing this for fun it's okay if it isn't perfect and polished you're doing it for fun [talking to myself in the mirror]
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re at a low point:
If you were a fictional man right now, there would be *at least* ten people if not a large portion of the fanbase that would call you their wet beast poor little meow meow