I Think Its Interesting That Perona Is Mihawks Only Non Sword Fighting Related Relationship - Tumblr Posts
Gonna do two cause I haven’t done them in a while. And because I want to encapsulate the whole goth family

- @Alonesomes, Crybaby
Do I even have to say it or can you see the vision?
This is just very Mihawk. I mean he lives by the blade ever meaningful relationship he has (except perona) is defined by it and he one day hopes to die by it.
You get the sense that he is more sword than person that Yoru is probably his soul made physical form.

(I swear I couldn’t find a credit for this anywhere so if you have an idea please let me know)
But yeah this is very Perona and Zoro. I can imagine Perona just telling Zoro all her fears like her deepest fears that she’ll never really belong anywhere and Zoro dumbass that he is will just be like “well you’re here now aren’t you” and down a bottle of absinthe. Like he just has the bluntest form of reassurance it’s honestly so nice. And if Zoro (maybe after he loses his eyes or just after a really bad day) feels like what if l he won’t even beat Hawkeyes what will that make of him then and perona would laugh in his face and tell him he’s still young and the old man’s just gonna keep getting older so who knows maybe sim for his bad hype. And then she’ll paint his nails.
Like they just feel like they would never actually, out loud in the exact words, reaffirm each others dreams or dismiss their fears but Zoro will let Perona paint his nails and do her share of the chores and Perona will make stitch up his cuts and make him a snack and they’ll know.