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Finally - Ifey (species O.)

This is the first stage (not counting a possible larva) in O's life cycle. These are the "gatherers" of their colony which is usually a villiage with one adult O (the parent of the colony). Cities can sometimes have more than one adult.
Ifeys are the lowest ranking members of their society and are expected to do most of the work (farming, building, hunting..). After that are Ee, who take roles in politics, sciece and comanding Ifey. O are the last stage which is sexually mature but only 2% of O.s reach that stage. O mostly do the population managment. (Ifey can do other tasks but for that it's better to move societies).
For their 'humanoid form' - O. are one of the first sentient species who did evolve to use their limbs in more formations but with the rise of Elven race Uniima weren't the only ones pushed into more human forms. In case of O.s, most changes were in their culture.
The O. culture is about "being human". From birth, human form is pushed as the beauty standart (different for O (final stage)). For Ifey to be seen looking non-human by non-Ifey is shamefull. They usually feel more comfortable looking natural with non-humanoids.

Thinking about mostly og (non-humanoid) O. architecture. Tho gotabic (and similar) style is even more popular in humanoid O. regions.
In cities, everything is overly big for practicality or the opposite of practicality. The wall is a home for thousands of Ifey while also being a defense structure. While the hub is a home for a single O with no other functions. (well that says more about the society). The trend of making them very tall came from their popular use as beacons.
Cities have a building for almost everything while towns use a building for multiple functions (the simple ifey town house also works as a small water collector and storage.
On average, the bigger the population, the larger everything is.
For more ifey context click here

Will need a bit more time to finish her for the character sheet but this is Merilin (her real name is a weird number). Will write more when she's out.
For now- her body is shaped by clothes and metal. In parts even surgery. To get her desired look she needed to break a lot of scales/armor plates but that is pretty much standard in the human O. society. Her "legs" are also very long and strong for an ifey and she's very proud of that.
It's Merilin the human Ifey, yey!

Merilin, one of Prof. Faulkner most recent students who mostly wants to learn sound amplification. That is because great things are expected from her.
Just like many of the other humans studying under Faulkner, she's something of a noble, which is very uncommon for any ifey, who are often treated as disposable by their colonies.
Her real name is long code describing her position in society, time of birth, family, number of her family Ifey at her birth etc., but she got to pick a nickname. That is partially because her family (a small colony) is pretty supportive of all their members, partially because her family is a protected political entity and partially because she was born by her "queen" on a political visit to the slomam/elven territories. Being born on such occasion made her assumed to become an O with a great future and a great colony of her own.
She's very evergetic aaand naive but even with her inaccurate view of the world, she wants to be a good person and leader, helping people she sees as below her. While it's nice of her, she very often misses the point of a problem and her help becomes more of an annoyance.
*outdated design*

A normal caterpillar
Okay so this is finally a drawn O (final stage of O. species that ifey belong to as the first stage)
They are a rare sight as most Os don't ever move out of their family/town/city hub. What they do is they lay all day taking food from the colony members while their bodies create more ifey (their mouth is down there by the little ifey). They do this by basically splitting. An ifey is fully formed with some knowledge already since Os have a separate brain just to duplicate it for *bebes*.
Os can also distantly communicate with their "children" but it's limited. Radiowaves moment.
With size, they can look like this picture on average but the bigger their colony the bigger the O which also means more ifey-making.
If you are lucky enough to see an O (you are an important diplomat or a close colony member) you see that they are also covered in tattoos. Those will usually depict the colony's history or whatever the O wants really.
Not sure if this is their final look but I'm satisfied for now. Might maybe change the "mask" but that's not the most important.
(sorry I posted them on the wrong account first but I will leave them there too now)

hello critters


A battle sketchy
and probably the only drawing so far having all people at once?
This Sloman armor is mostly leather and bronze/iron. Speed is important for this guy and it's not great to be a metal golem if you want to use your legs as an additional weapon.
For the ifey their armor is their main weapon. The two claw-ish things in their mouth are something used for hunting (made of wood or bone) but they aren't strong enough to pierce an opponent. The intended use of this very heavy armor is to get it stuck in someone, even if the wearer doesn't come back.
This uniima's heavy ground armor is made of wood and chainmail. Additionally to that, they also hold 4 weapons. 2 beak blades, 1 double-shield, and something to take out soft eyes probably.
Most societies are still strongly pushing the 'art' of battle. The current conflicts are regional, between countries, cities etc. but they are still very common. They battle for land, resources or due to beliefs or dumb misunderstandings.
There are not as many interspecies wars as they live on separate continents with only the bridges between the continents being shared and fought for.
Luckily for residents it's not too appetizing for rulers to try conquer alien territory when they aren't sure what lives there or what's edible. But there are always exceptions.