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to the left

take it back now yall

one hop this time

right foot lets stomp

left foot lets stomp

cha cha real smooth

Whoever came up with this, know that you almost killed me while trying to drink my coffee.
Robin: I will be mean to Jonathan if you want me to be.
Steve: Oh, no. It’s fine, Robin.
Robin: It’s really no problem, I was already planning to be mean to him.

Glad we finally have the Exact Face Akito made when he learnt Hatsune Miku was real and in his phone.

johnny: we’re making each other– mark’s brain: we’re making out
hmmm.... maybe the FFXIV guys + stephanivien reacting to being told that they're going to be dads?? im weak for that djhsvkdjhvfd
Ff14 dads (ff14 boys + Stephanivien)
Entirely shocked, and then so incredibly happy. He never really considered having any family at all, not until Ryne, but she is much more a little sister figure. A child... a child.
If you didn’t love him before, you definitely love him when he finally accepts the child from your arms, cooing over them with stars in his eyes. He handles them so gently, so delicately, and the look on his face-- he’s in love, he’s so so in love with this child it makes your heart ache.
If you thought he mellowed out with Ryne, you are entirely unprepared for how he shapes himself up as a dad. No more drinking! No more sleeping around unless you say its okay! He’s a dad now! Which somehow doesn’t stop your kid’s first word from being a curse!
He saw this coming. Yeah. Totally. Definitely. It was written in the stars. He definitely isn’t caught on his back foot when you come to him with the news. Yeah, no. Totally.
Let him walk off his panic attack, and he’ll come back ready to tackle this together with you. He’s gonna be a good dad. He’s gonna be a great dad, doting and attentive and loving. A little overbearing, sometimes, but he is quick to make apologies and amends, and it’s quickly forgiven.
The kid is going to be a little mirror image of Urianger, though, down to the robes (thank you Tataru) and the sharp wit (Alisae and Alphinaud are going to lose babysitting privileges if this keeps up), though thankfully without the archaic language. They definitely have your sunny, world-changing, heart-breaking smile, though, and Urianger might put up a good front for a little bit, but they smile up at him like that and he can’t deny them anything.
The first thing he does is check for the Eyes. Doesn’t matter if they’re adopted or not, he just. He has to make sure.
He is overjoyed, of course he is. He’s a Tia, and he spent so long as the Exarch, he never ever imagined he was going to have children. This is going to be the single most educated, most spoiled child in all the realms.
Unfortunately he doesn’t have the first idea of how to go about that. Learning how to raise a child was never really a concern for a Tia, especially not one set so apart from his clan, and after two hundred years of isolation-- he’s out of practice, okay? It’s a lot of trial and error for a while there. Yes your kid is too small to learn how to draw a bow right now but what do you mean they’re too young to learn how to throw a fireball?!
Overjoyed and terrified in equal measure. Parenthood was never something he’d expected to reach, never something he planned for, so this catches him entirely unprepared. So too does the vicious joy-- he has a child, with you, and you with him, and that makes something primal in his chest want to chuff and purr.
The poor man is so nervous though. The kid is so tiny. What if he drops them? What if he hurts them on accident? What if--
All of that goes out the window when you finally shove the child in his arms though. Support the head like this, you show him, and, hold them a little firmer, and, oh, there he goes. Absolutely starstruck as he silently stares down at the child, he is so wonderfully, terribly in love.
(”That is too little,” Vrtra says when you two show him the child. “Put it back in the egg, it needs more time.”)
‘Twas always the expectation, but he’s still taken off-guard when it finally happens. Make sure he’s sitting down first because his legs definitely go out from under him. A child. A child!
It’s finally as good an excuse as ever to begin moving his power as Lord Commander or Lord Speaker unto his successor. He will accept no protests: he has sworn to serve Ishgard, and he still will, but he refuses to be absent in his own child’s life. Distressingly, this seems to just make him even more popular: the noble Lord Commander/Speaker, as committed to his fatherhood as he is to his nation! He has to stop reading the newspapers, this is literally going to drive him insane.
He tries to be the strict dad, but your child has your eyes and has figured out your big, pleading look, and he is weak. “Go ask your other parent” is a common refrain from his mouth when he’s trying to stall to come up with a better reason-- only for you to come back, child in your arms, identical puppy-dog looks, and he crumbles like a house of cards. Yes, my dear, you can learn to ride a chocobo. A small one.
Talk about fuckin smug. A kid. A kid! With you! He’s is every bit the cat with the canary when you tell him, and for days after you tell him, and every time he gets even the vaguest chance to bring it up. He has a kid! With the Warrior of Light!
Transitions seamlessly from the commander of Camp Dragonhead to his role as a father. Family has always been more important to him than Ishgard. If that means he has to step down from his post, return to his home in Foundation, of course he is willing to do so. For your child, he is more than willing to do anything.
You don’t think you’ve ever heard House Fortemps so lively as it is when Haurchefant raises his child there, though. He gets everyone involved. It takes a village, after all! It certainly took the whole House to raise him! And it helps to alleviate his own fears-- his child will be loved, by both parents and by the House. They will never want for loving and helping hands. The thought helps him sleep a little easier at night.
Another one? Really? Are you serious? The last thing he needs is yet another brat to add to the collection. Trying to keep track of Rielle and Myste is already like herding cats
Even as he says this he is bullying the child from your arms, bouncing them soothingly, gauntlets already abandoned on the table so he can run a hand carefully through their soft hair. Hey, you already said this kid is his, no takebacks.
This finally pushes him to settle down, though. It was just Rielle for a while, and Myste is... Myste, coming and going whenever your power and his whims take him. But with a third kid, he can’t well take care of all of them while bouncing from place to place. His is one of the first houses in Francel’s project. It’s Way of the Househusband: Final Fantasy 14. Have you ever had an angry xaela in a frilly apron kick your ass while bouncing a child on his hip? ‘cause you’re about to.
He can’t quite believe it at first. When-- where-- how??? Don’t get me wrong, he is so, so happy, but he just. wasn’t expecting this. Hasn’t planned for it at all. You can definitely see it on his face, that long moment when he goes “oh shit, I’m a dad now”, before he pulls himself together.
Full-on working dad. He’s got a harness and everything. Everyone at the Skysteel is familiar with the sight of him, standing on the upper floor looking over their work, though now he can’t cross his arms over his chest because there’s a baby strapped there that’s babbling happily and grabbing up at Steph’s face. It certainly improves Steph’s (already cheerful) mood at work, if not the mood in the Skysteel as a whole.
He’s always very, very careful with your child, don’t worry. earmuffs and masks and even sunglasses if need be at work. If he needs to get at the forge itself, or if the day suggests it will be particularly stressful or even dangerous, he’ll leave the child with Francel for the day instead. He can’t bear even the thought of putting your child in danger. That doesn’t stop your child from growing up to be a swashbuckling, gun-wielding troublemaker, though. He swears they get that from you.
Honestly, I’ve got no words, Ana’s voice is my voice and she gives me life 🤣😂🤣

Something small, simple and wholesome :)
Happy late 9th anniversary
(yes reupload cos I noticed I uploaded the wrong formated vid)
The infamous Tier-Fleish incident
i’ve seen gimleaf fics where they each try to find out how to court by the other’s traditions. and i love those, so i think they ought to be taken a step further. and i think the way to do that would be, naturally, to make bagginshield real. allow me to explain why. ahem. after the ring is destroyed, girlfailure legolas spends two weeks poring over The Ancient Texts and stressing because his one (1) friend who WOULD help him (that’s aragorn) knows jack shit about dwarves beyond the surface (no pun intended) (well gandalf knows things but gandalf is a bitch) (he would just smile at legolas knowingly and wish him good luck instead of giving him answers).
so alas, girlfailure “shit tier ass elf” legolas is left to like, idk, sulk or something in the garden he starts at the Bestie Residence in minas tirith. and after like 2 days sam’s had enough he’s like “dude your vibes are upsetting the plants.” and legolas is like “my bad bro. it just seems i know nothing about dwarves which i probably should’ve thought about before, by elf standards, getting hitched in vegas.” and sam is like “oh dwarves? just ask mister frodo ^_^ he knows tons about dwarves!” and legolas is like “what the shit? him in particular? why does he anything about dwarves?” and sam leans in reaaaalllllll close and whispers behind his hand, “well you see mister elf, mister legolas, sir, there’s always been a very healthy amount of rumors that go around in the shire about mister frodo’s uncle, mister bilbo, and the letters he used to exchange with a certain king under the mountain.” and legolas, who was THERE, is like

I feel like you've got bomb pussy with the way you write.
thank you so much, anon.
youre itty bitty au is so peak.. can we get more information on peri and timmys relationship?

When Peri went to Boarding School, Timmy was his “Primary Guardian” since his new apartment was closer to Peri’s school than their parents were. This meant that, on some occasions, Peri’s first call would be for Timmy instead of their parents.
Once, Peri got caught joyriding and ditching school campus against curfew. Timmy had to fly out to bail him (and Irep) out of the detention center. They crashed at his apartment while he worked with Anti-Cosmo to remove that incident from their records.
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Elain Archeron in the Night Court after her Cauldron swim

Thick thighs save lives is macaques new moto cause wukongs thighs nearly revived on their own.

It’s his new life moto
The Blood of Youth x Pokémon Ideas

Sikong Qianluo: unintentionally leans towards using bug types and flying types, but really just cares about how stabby they are. Beedrill, Escavalier, and Fearow could all suit her style. Moltres could represent her role as the Vermillion Bird.
Tang Lian: poison type specialist. Despite this, his ace is a Meowscarada who also uses a flower trick to take down foes. Ariados can lay traps with webs and Nidorino uses its needles to poison opponents. He has an Accelgor from when he helped Qianluo evolve her Escavalier. Torterra, Terrapagos, or Drednaw could represent his role as the Black Tortoise.
Jin Xian (Jade Deity): experienced with fighting, steel, and ice type Pokémon. Cobalion and Gallade suit him well aesthetically, conceptually, and personality-wise. Articuno could go well with his Blizzard Sword. He could probably have a Lucario, too. (Was thinking about Alolan Ninetales at one point, but that may be more suitable for Li Hanyi. Honestly, Jin Xian and Li Hanyi do have quite a few similarities, especially with them both connected to Kunlun Mountain.)
Jin Yan: ghost and dark specialist. Sableye and Gengar bring the chaos and the fun. Tyranitar could be nice for him, but it might be too heavy of a hitter for him to handle. Other possibilities include Liepard (which would be a great match aesthetically) and maybe Grimmsnarl.
Jin Xuan: probably favors psychic types, but has no obvious specialization. He uses a formidable Gardevoir and Dusknoir to protect the Emperor. His secret ace is the legendary ice dragon Kyurem, cold and empty as the Art of Detachment he practices. All his Pokémon would probably be shiny.
Jin Yu: favors bug types and normal types, but doesn’t appear to be interested in battling. He has a connection with butterflies in the novel that’s subtly referenced in the show and his palm technique is warm, so Volcarona could be a good ace for him. An Icy Snow Pattern Vivillon as a gift from Jin Xian could be a sweet way to represent their friendship. Indeedee could be a great match for him in terms of abilities and temperament. I also like the idea of him having an Absol that was abused/neglected by his late master, because Zhuo Qing doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would treat his Pokémon well, and the foreshadowing nature of Absol would almost be poetic.
Jin Wei: specializes in ghost and steel types. His sword is a bit more exciting in other mediums and is very ghostly, so Aegislash would be an amazing fit. He could also have an Alolan Marowak that he raised since it was a Cubone, and possibly a Spiritomb. As more of a ceremonial sword, Zacian could be under Jin Wei’s watch.
Lei Wujie: fire type specialist. Personality-wise, Growlithe would be a great fit and he could probably start out on his journey with it. Darmanitan could suit him well, since it also fights with fire and fists. Mega Charizard X could represent the Azure Dragon role that he has. Feucoco is no thoughts, head empty, cute and on fire.
Li Hanyi: ice specialist. Has a terrifyingly strong Chien-Pao, as well as a Glaceon and Alolan Ninetails who help keep out unwanted guests to their mountain.