I'm Mostly Joking - Tumblr Posts
Because of the Velma show, a lot of people's pitches for a new adult Scooby Doo have Fred coming from a richer, upper-class family. Now, I know that comes from Fred being Mayor Jones's adopted/kidnapped son in Mystery Inc, but we're totally missing a goldmine here.
Fred isn't like Daphne. He doesn't come from a rich family more often than not. In fact, Fred's family history is so strange and convoluted from reboots, off-hand mentions, plot twists, and straight-to-DVD movies that Fred is related to more people than my mom knows people at random restaurants.
The goldmine is that we don't know the truth about Fred's family or parents. Are they the cruise-loving Skip and Peggy Jones from "Scooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy!"? What about the dangerous Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves of the original Mystery Incorporated? Or what about Mayor Fred Jones Sr?! It's not that last one, but the gist is we don't know who Fred's parents actually are. Fred doesn't know who his parents actually are. You look up "Fred Jones parents" on Google, and THE TOP RESULT IS FREDDIE SHRUGGING IN THE CONFUSION AND HORROR OF IT ALL!
Nobody knows where Fred came from- not even Fred- and maybe that's how it should be...
All these obscure family members and the 5+ potential parents from his overlapping stories... the elaborate traps and random knowledge explained away offhandedly by his shady past... that perfectly happy, preppy attitude untouched by the greed of 1970s capitalists and ghouls... the ascot!
These all lead me to believe that Fred has no parents, rich or otherwise. Fred Jones is a [teenageyoungadultcollegiate] man who awoke one day from nothing, a new consciousness born of the universe, with nothing but a love of learning, a passion for solving mysteries, and a fucking groovy van to help him survive. From there, our dear Freddie made a family for himself, by traveling the world in his van, meeting new people, and picking up the weirdest interests and hobbies.
While the other members of the gang all have families and homes to go back to, Freddie has the mystery machine. That is his home, and his family are the friends he makes along the way- including Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby. Amen.
Apparently Tumblr is a place for people who like to complain about every shit, so here I am again.
How is it that we have planets, dwarf planets and moons named after a lot of greco-roman mythological figures but not for Hera or Athena? 93 Minerva is an asteroid you probably never heard of, whereas 3 Juno and Juno are an asteroid and a spacecraft, respectively.
Hermes has little Mercury. Hades has socially distanced Pluto. Even Demeter has a small planet between Mars and Jupiter called Ceres.
"B-but the Milky Way..." Exactly, the Milky Way. Literally our entire galaxy was named after the milk that squirted from her nipple when she realized that baby Heracles was sucking her breast. AKA that one moment when she was genuinely pissed off and probably one of those events she tries to forget.
How is naming a whole ass galaxy after such a myth comforting to her in any way?
finally watching the new starstruck episode and i just gotta say,,,zortch x skip fic when?
that ask game— 24, 38, and 45? i feel like i should know 45 and i’m just blanking. anyway, i’m curious <3
Kinda surprised you sent in anything bc you basically know everything about me BUT
24. What have you learned about yourself?
🌱 I don't have a solid grasp of who I am, and the image of myself in my head is always changing, so sometimes I don't recognize my reflection in the mirror as me. It scared the shit out of me the first time it happened.
38. What's the meaning behind your URL?
🌱 hopefuloverfury was a URL auto-generated by tumblr, but I stuck with it because it's perfect for me. I'm a chronic pessimist and have been told all my life that I'm loud, aggressive, and angry, and it's something that I'm misunderstood for quite often. I'm actively trying to work past my pessimism, and I'm not aggressive, just passionate and possess exactly zero volume control. Hopefuloverfury fits with my wish to be optimistic, instead of constantly angry or afraid of where the world is heading.
45. Favorite tea?
🌱 Before I started dealing with my sensitivity to caffeine, black tea was my favorite. I used to take creamer with it, because I preferred it sweet, but now I'm too afraid to drink any tea at all, just in case my brain decides to have a meltdown and give me flashbacks.