Imaginastraykids - Tumblr Posts

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Word count:
Pairing: jisung x reader
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: sexual teasing, reader is called babygirl{jisung been hanging with bangchan too much}
you were laying on the couch watching a movie when you felt a kiss on your neck. it was so sudden and unexpected that it caused you to scream and jolt away from the culprit.
you quickly turned around to see who it was, and who you saw was none other than your beloved boyfriend, Han Jisung, smiling down at you with an amused look in his eyes.
you pouted at him for making you scream like a scared child. he looked at you and saw you were pouting and he giggled, “awwwww. whats wrong, why are you pouting?”, he asked in a moc-concerned voice “ayaaaaa! you made me cream like a baby!” you replied.
“aww, is that all?”, he coos, “i could make you scream like my baby girl instead.”, he continued with a smirk on his face as he teasingly lent in.
you began to feel a pull on your mind and you subconsciously began to lean in then he suddenly avoided your lips and simply kissed your forehead instead.
he lent back and smiled at you with a knowing look in his eyes. you glared at him for teasing you but he smiled at you with feigned innocence “what?! were you expecting something different?” he asked, more like stated, with an evil smirk on his face.
you simply glared at him as he walked off to who knows where. you kept staring off at the direction in which he left then Felix appeared out of no where. “so are you gonna keep staring off into space or are you actually gonna watch the movie?” he spoke suddenly.
you jolted away out of surprise to hear him, as jisung had made you forget that you were at the dorms and not at your apartment. you looked to Felix and asked him if he would like to watch with you and that you had to rewind the movie any way.
🟠🟧🧡 PT 2
something sweat to something more

Word count: 654
Pairing: jisung x stya {stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: hinting at sex, slight mention of Dom!jisung, palming
☪️ Master List ☪️
it had been a few days since jisung had decided to tease you, and you had purposefully given him a few days to forget and not be on edge so he wouldn't expect your revenge.
you are now with the guys, watching a movie, everyone was all bundled up in blankets, as it was an especially cold and rainy day.
you and jisung are sharing one blanket, all snuggled up together. everyone was invested and captivated by the movie. it was the perfect time to start your revenge.
you had you legs across your boyfriends lap, so you took your legs off him and reposition yourself to be sitting on your knees instead. he had looked at you, when you first moved, out of disappointment at the loss of your weight on him, but just went back to watching the movie afterwards.
you leaned your head on his shoulder as you 'watched the movie'. you placed your hand on his knee and he smiled placing his head atop yours, thinking it was a loving act, until he felt your feather light touch, slowly moving up his thigh, and his eyes shot wide instantly.
his entire body stiffened as he sat up in his seat, trying to stay subtle as he used his right hand to stop your left, from traveling up too far up to far, and HIS left to keep the blanket up to cover you both, as to not reveal the situation you both were in.
he lent in, pretended to kiss your cheek, as he whispered in your ear
"what do you think you're doing??!", he lent back with a fake smile.
you drew in closer and also , pretended to kiss his cheek, whispered in a sultry voice
"I'm getting my revenge that little stunt you pulled a few days ago, also felix saw us..." you said while palming him through his sweatpants as you lent back and smiled evilly at him before returning to watching the movie as he reveled in the fleeting pleasure of you still palming him, trying not to make it obvious to the guys what you were doing to him, but his little groan and glare at you as you remove your hand from his growing/hardening member, made them question what you did, but left it alone and return to watching the movie.
jisung started to think of all the things he would do to you as revenge.
@time skip, cus i can @
after the movie it was thundering and you could not go yet, and this worked out in jisung's favor. as you were about to go with jeongin, to play video games, jisung grabed you and pulled you onto his lap.
he planted kisses all over your face, it would have been sweet if it weren't for the raging boner you could feel clear as day {pun not intended }under you.
"eww you should get a room before being this gross." changbin complained.
jisung stopped with his attack on your face, and made it so that you were straddling him. his hard-on was pressed against your kitty, he wrapped you both up with the blanket, looked changbin dead in the eye and said,
"i think i will" he picked you, still wrapped/ carried you all the way to hi room, placing you down onto the bed before crawling on top of you covering you both in the blanket, and wrapped you up in his arms, the same time felix walked in, looked at you both, smiled and awed before he turned his attention back to jisung and asked if he would like to play street fighters with him, but jisung declined saying he'd prefer to watch right now, felix nodded to him and sat on his own and started to game.
now while the two boys in the room may have been chilled you're terrified because you knew that jisung is planning something...

Word count: 562
Pairing: jisung x stacy
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
☪️ Master List ☪️
you and jisung were cuddled up on the couch scrolling through social media and him playing games on his phone. then you saw an Instagram post of a girl calling her bf, husband to see his reaction and decided to try it. you and jisung have been dating for a year and a half now and you were absolutely smitten, in love, head over heels, at the time you were unsure if he felt the exact same for you, you always thought down on yourself.
but you were unaware that he was already thinking of marrying you and having a family and hoped for you to be with him so he could hold you , love you , and call you his. he consistently daydream of your future together.and when your not with him he misses you and is anxious you might leave but he was also scared that your not ready for marriage and you might fall out of love with him if he rushes things so he never proposed. now in this moment of you in each others arms just content with the silence he was happy.
stacy: hey, baby do you think i would look prettier if i was skinnier
jisung: what are you talking about you talking about you are the prettiest sexiest most beautiful woman i know you dont need to loose weight but if your insecure about your body or feel uncomfortable, know i will love you no matter what but if you want to loose weight i'll support you, okay?
he replied staring into your eyes making your heart flutter and you stomach do flips with, the love the passion, support and care his words and eye give you.
stacy: aw, my husband is so sweat
jisung: what did you call me?
j: can you
j: can you … call me that again … please?
S: …
S:… what?
j: i NEED! to hear you say it again.
s: um..
j: *pouts cutely *
s: no…
J: please, its like music to me
S:can i have i kiss first
gives you a quick peck on the lips
my husband is the one and only, caring, and loving, talented, amazingly handsome, Han Jisung *you said this in a serious yet love struck tone *:s
j: stacy would you give me the honor of being your husband, to grow old together and raise our children
you were so confused and surprised because he got up off the couch and went down on one knee in front of you with one of the rings from his hand
S: jisung
S: please tell me this isn't a cruel joke cause i swear if it is im gonna cry.
J: stacy
j: i want to call you mine
j: i want to call you my wife
j: please
J: say yes
J: cause i dont think my heart could take it if you said no
S: jisung
S: i would love to
you got up and kissed him passionately and he kissed back his hands around your waist and your arms around his neck and one hand in his hair. when you pulled apart he put the ring on your finger, he smiled and said
i have to tell the others
he ran to the other guys with excitement to tell them the news
Random thought but leeknow x fem reader. So um leeknow is his kittens " cat butler" ( taken from his nickname of cat butler from stays ) . Ok the hard part. It can go 2 ways : smut of fluff. ( Kitten is the nickname a lot of creators say that Minho would give his s/o so yea )
1 smut- reader does a cat/kitten cosplay and leeknow acts as their butler and will give them anything they want ( do whatever the fuck you want if you go with this one I honestly don't have much to say for it )
2 fluff - his " kitten " is sick so he is thier personal butler or cat butler ( get the joke 🤣 ) and he makes her food and takes care of her and all that fluffy shit
Ily and have a good day

sure thing. i decided to do both sort've. hope you like it.
request ?: yes
Word count: 2,942
Pairing: lee know x stya {stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Warnings: look there's a lot I can't get it all, kitty, vaginal penetration with no prep, spanking, Dom!Minho, eating out, pregnancyn leeknow being a softie after.
☪️ Master List ☪️
cat butler

It has been a very long time since minho had a break to relax, now after the tour, the group is now taking a break to visit family and friends. minho had come back from his parents house to be met with the beautiful sight that is his girlfriend dressed in a gold and white cat outfit.
the sight of the flimsy cloth that is practically sheer, who is he kidding it was sheer, so sheer he could see that you weren't wearing any underwear, the two white pieces of fabric tied to you by a golden waistband, barely covering your ass and pretty little cunt at all,even if it ran all the way to the floor.
as you walked over to him, he still hadn't registered you were walking over to him yet, but he was taking a step back with ever step you took completely subconsciously with is mouth still hung open in awe,to be completely honest nothing has registered in his head since he walked into your shared room and saw you on your bed.
as you slinked your way over to him smirking, with the white fabric sliding softly over your skin, all he could think of was your soft skin, your soft lips, your plush ass, your thick thighs, your curves the way your hips moved with each step, the way your thighs jiggled with each time your feet hit the floor, how your lips would feel pressed against his, his hands on your hips, body to body, and how his hands would trace the curve of your spine.
soon his back hit the wall and as it did he snapped out of it he realized what was happening, but he still refused to touch you, in fear that it was all fake because you looked too desirable, tempting, enchanting,so winsome, so... so... so siren to be real, the sound of the metal golden petals on the chain that hung around your waist made a rhythm he never wanted to forget, his eyes followed every smooth swing of your hip and watch and gulped at the recoil bounce with every sharp stop.
the flimsy bra was so thin that he could see everything like it wasn't there in the first place, the delicate sheet of white cloth around your shoulder and the beautiful furry cat ears made him feel as though he was in the presence of a goddess and god {pun intended} did he want to worship you. the golden leaf that hung lost in the crevice of your bosom just barely peeking out caught his eye, and how he wished he could take it's place, he was lost in thought again he didn't even realize you were EXACTLY in front of him. until you saw what he was admiring so whole heartily, and so you pressed your boobs between your arms as you clasp your hand together and shook your chest, causing the golden leave chain, that was connected to the poor excuse of a bra, to jingle, waking him from his trance and he hesitantly avert his eyes from your body to your face to see the darling but tempting look on your face, the make up on your face was not helping the goddess allegations.
{not face claim or specific body type, just reference for the make up and outfit}

when his eyes met yours, you asked "don't you like it, you won't even touch me much less kiss me, do i look that bad in this?" you asked with an obviously exaggerated pout, that didn't look any less cute because of it, to which he immediately responded with a delicate kiss on the lips, "of course not, you just look so unreal i was afraid id wake up from such an amazing dream, but..." he said as he rested his right hand on your waist sliding id down into the gully that is the base of your spine and pulling you close before continuing, "it's clear that this ain't fake ."
"then kiss me please." you requested which he quickly complied with, a little too gentle for your liking. "anything for you my love, whatever you ask i'll give it to you no question asked." "oh, what are you my little cat butler? well you're already dressed for it." you said as you bit your lip looking at his outfit. {this but black on black}

"if that's what you want, then so be it." he said smirking down at your body now pressed flush against his.
you rest your hands on his hips and hum as you slide them up his torso over his chest and around his neck, "well in that case will the cat butler do something for me?" you asked looking at him, "of course my lil kitten, anything." he answered almost instantly.
"then could you please fuck me like your rag doll, treat me like your whore, rough me up real nice , dick me down so good that i can't say anything but your name." you begged "what?!" he exclaimed
"I'm not made of sugar, honey", you replied, as you pressed your leg between his legs, and he was almost done for. "come one my cat butler, don't you want to do what makes me happy? well what makes me happy is you fucking into my holes and make me yours, make me an object for you to claim, to fucking own, make me yours ~"
"are you sure you want that my love?" he asked looking you in the eyes.
"would you just shut up and fuck me?." you countered, desperate to rid the ache in your pussy, just begging to be stuffed. minho was aroused by your statement, letting his hand slip further down to your ass as he said "if that's what you want my little kitten..." he grabbed the back of your thighs and pulled up off the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist with the whit cloth falling between your legs, much to his dismay, you gasped at how easily he seemed to be able to lift, you.
his hand gripped your thigh tightly as he finished his previous statement "then so be it." minho didn't know what happened but he was suddenly overtaken with the need to fuck her to he point she would not be able to walk the day after. he kissed her so lightly and looked at her little pout, "aww my poor kitty, are you sad i kissed you so soft?" he cooed at you in a husky voice, you nodded softly. "oh,~i wouldn't want to mess up your beautiful makeup~" he practically whispered just a breath away from your lips, you leaned in to kiss him, but was cut short when you were pressed into the wall by minho, with a smirk on his face, he leaned back using his left hand to fully shut the door, not wanting his cats to interrupt, his right hand traveling up your thigh to your waist gripping it tightly and watching your beautiful your thickness be kneaded beneath his touch and watch as what was left spill between his fingers, before averting his eyes to your eye then your lips, as his left hand went and grabbed your chin, then your other eye, rubbing his thumb over your lips and off the side of your lip smudging your lipstick and god did you look gorgeous. "oh, no your makeup is smudged, looks like i wont have to worry about that any more.~" he said as he began to lean in kissing your neck right below your jaw trailing lower as he undid his shirt, ripping it off and leaning back to use it to remove your lip stick, cause he honestly does not want to taste it, he wants to taste you.
throwing his shirt off to the side as he kissed you roughly supporting you by your waist and carrying you over to the bed, setting you down and crawling over you, pulling away from the kiss he looked down at you and hummed, "well which cat doesn't have a proper tail."he smiled down at you.
he got up and went over to your box of toys, that you are admit-ably embarrassed of, and grabbed the white furry cat tail butt plug, before walking back over to you and telling you to get on all fours. you rolled over and crawled closer to the center of the bed setting the thin white fabric between your legs, you looked into the mirror that replaced your headboard,to see him unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers, his dick hard and in need of touch, he climbed up onto the bed and and kneeled behind you admiring how amazing you looked, how enticing your are.
he unclasped the bottom of the outfit gently and pulled it off saying "we better not ruin this, we are definitely gonna use this again." after taking it off he threw it off to the side hearing it hit the floor as he began rubbing the but plug against your aching pussy covering it in your Delicious juice before pressing it against you tight ring of muscle, looking at you in the mirror, he plunged the plug into you making you moan at the sensation. he pulled the plug partially out of you before pushing it back into you at a nice and slow speed. you felt so good, to the point that you felt so dejected when he stopped pumping the toy in and out of you. you opened your eyes and looked at him through the mirror, glaring at him, "you can't just do that, you have to let me cum for you." you said finishing with a pout.
"oh, do i now?, i have to let you come, you're such a needy little kitty that you're trying to tell me what to do?" he said bringing a nice sharp slap on your ass before grabbing your waist and slowly raising his left hand up to your "bra" and unclasping it before slapping your ass again "i think you need to be thought a lesson" slapping your ass again before continuing "my little kitty~~" in a deep husky voice next to your ear being sure to tease you by letting his cock rub between your folds, to both of your satisfaction. pulling away from you teasingly slow.
" now lay on your back, love" and you hesitated before you felt a sharp slap your ass you moaned and lay on your back. feeling him spread your legs and licked his lips, you closed your eye to ground yourself but lost all control, when you felt a slap on your pussy. you arched your back up off the mattress and moan his name, begging for more, and he gave exactly as you wanted, he circled your clit realy and he began to bury his head between your legs, planting kisses on your pretty little cunt lapping up your juices and soon he was pussy drunk, he wanted nothing more that to give you what you wanted, and that was to be claimed as his. he sped up his thumb as he slipped his tongue into you, you moaned his name and he rewarded you with absolutely devouring you causing you to let out a series of cries all were nothing but his name, an only his name. pretty soon you found yourself on the edge of your climax coil tightening in your stomach as you gasped "minho, mi-min, i-i,i, aaahhhhh~" you moaned and came on his tongue and he lapped it all up before diving back into you. you moaned feeling the wave of over-stimulation settling in and having a boyfriend so skilled with his tongue you soon at your peek again almost crying barely warning him before you came on his tongue once more but he dived in again grinding his dick into the mattress god did it feel amazing eating you out hearing your please for him to slow down the moans of his name rivaling those please for a break , the squeeze of your thighs around his head, as he brought you to the third snapping of the coil in your stomach, the ecstasy of the next to sofficating feeling of your plush thighs threatening to cut his air supply as he revel in your taste.
pulling away from your cunt leaving needy kisses behind on it. he looked up at you and trailed kisses all the way up to your neck from your aching pussy to your lips into a sweat kiss. thinking he's done tormenting you you relax a bit, until you felt him bottoms out into you you screamed into the kiss eyes rolling back from the pleasure and pain you had never been fuck like this before he always stretched you out nice and good, and god did it feel go to just have him plunge into you , you had been hoping he'd give you time to adjust cuz you just dont think your strong enough to face the pounding of his huge cock without prep or adjusting, but of course minho had other plans pulling out of the kiss and almost completely out of you he thrust-ed back in you creamed his name with each trust of his hips unable to adjust just yet but god did it feel good and just as you almost gotten used to his size he speed s up and you moaned loudly calling him "daddy. please give me more i need you to fuck me until i can't walk" god did you sound like a cat in heat and he didn't mind at all speeing up even faster grabbed your left leg and tossed it over his shoulder fucking deep into you and god h wasn't even pushing completely into you he was only giving you a taste, he then took your other leg over his shoulder reaching impossibly deep into you and as he started feel ing the shape of the butt plug rub against hid cock he pushed deep into you fully causing your eyes to roll and boy was that a sight he wanted tp see it again he began going as fast and deep as he could and squirted so hard on him it felt so good the pride that filled him as tears pricked your eyes and he grabbed your chin, still absolutely ruing your tiny little cut, making you look at him "try your best to look at me " he said before he pushed deep into you tip of his dick pressed against your g spot as he came in you, you moaned feeling his hot liquid pill into you, he continued thrusting your eyes rolled as you came toes curling tongue almost sticking out and tears streaming down your cheek, good did you look pretty looking so fucked out soon he was hard again "come on babygirl could you give me one more give one more" he says as he helps you get on all four again. you nodded at him through the mirror before seeing how you looked you were barely fully here, eyeliner and mascara streaming down your face, but you wanted to give him all you could despite being full of his cum already,
(time skip)
and that is exactly what you did he came inside you a couple more times, at one point he was so pussy drunk that he grabbed your hair and forced you to look at your selves as he fuck you.
but now the next day after it all you have no regrets. you were awake just too tired to open your eyes, nut you know one thing for sure you were now cuddle up to him the same man fucking till you cried, was now holding you close massaging your back and kissing the top of your head. you opened your eyes and looked at him in the dull light of the room and saw him smiling at you, "i made you breakfast and set a warm bath for you, come on." he said as he got up and out of bed lifting you bridal style and carrying you to the bathroom to be met with sweetest thing in the entire world, he set you down into the bath took off the towel around his waist and got in behind you making you lean into his chest as he massaged your hair with your favorite shampoo.
you got emotional over all the love you were experiencing, and you turned as much as you could tears in your eyes, "thank you so much , i just love soo much." yo said kissing him. as you pulled back he grabbed your hips to pick you up turn you around and set you on his lap. "baby what's wrong why are you crying" he asked. "I'm just really feeling your love and couldn't help but feel emotional, but now I'm crying for getting so emotional so easily and i don't know why." you replied.
he hugged you close and smiled brightly as he looked at your face and said, "baby, i think you're pregnant" smile till on your face.
you smiled at him, knowing that you were both gonna have to wait to get tested to be sure. after all the time you've spent together and loving each other if you were actually pregnant you knew you'd be fine.
(time skip)
you were pregnant that day and throughout the entire pregnancy he was like a little cat butler, just for you.
something sweet to something more pt3

Word count: 402
Pairing: jisung x stya {stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: grinding on reader in the same room at someone else, almost getting caught
☪️ Master List ☪️
your eyes shot wide in surprise. you felt it and you know you weren't imagining it. just the look on his face as he peeked up at you through hid bangs. his eyes were sinister and his mile held nothing but evil intentions. then it happened again. this time it was more noticeable, pleasurable, you looked down at him,biting your lip, in an attempt to prevent any lewd sounds from slipping.
jisung looked back up and lightly kissed your neck, softly. the kisses soon ventured to go further down your neck, reaching your ear as he spoke, "i hope you realize, this means war."
your heart raced with excitement , yet, anxiousness. you almost lost at the game that you started. he lightly bit your ear lobe, sucking on it with a lustrous groan that was just soft enough for it to miss Felix's ear, landing solely in yours. when he had released your ear lobes from betwixt {learnt that word today} his lips, he pulled back to look at you, just in time to see your struggling face. thinking you were safe, you relaxed and opened your eyes looking up at him with a vulnerable look. he looked down at you under him, and used your vulnerable state to attack. oh, the ever grinding you felt, the same as before, and you're now confident you weren't imagining it before. you now KNOW it was him grinding on you.
you shut your eyes tight and bite down on your lip tightly as he grinds against you, his hard member rubbing so harshly yet pleasurably against your cunt. there was only one thing that you hoped would not happen, yet it did. your skirt rode up, making your thin black lace panties the only thing that separated your cunt from his jeans. he smirked, knowing the texture of your panties against his jeans made the most perfect friction. and to your luck he started to think that you had, had enough. stopping JUST in time as you had separated your lips to let out the loudest moan in the world. luckily he saw this and locked his lip to yours, swallowing up your lewd noises. felix had turned around as jisung was pulling way. he said "aw, dude, no kissing when im in the room, come on dude it's an unspoken rule."
"sorry man." jisung replied, as he got off you and instead cuddled you from beside you.
felix: " yeah, yeah, whatever. gross"
he said as he walked out the room
something sweet to something more pt 4

Word count: 757
Pairing: jisung x stya {stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: bj {male receiving}, lingerie, body positivity, fingering
☪️ Master List ☪️
ever since that faithful day, the two weeks that followed was filled with sexually fueled pranks and tricks. there were so many good ones, like the time you teasingly pretend to undo his belt with the others in the room, without them knowing, the time when he wore sweatpants without boxers - and boy did you notice, when you wore a mini skirt on your date with him, and on the drive back his hand was on your thigh, and traveling up - but he stopped before he got too close, and a lot more pranks.
but that would all stop tonight. tonight was an award show, on the way to the show you made sure he was informed that you were wearing his favorite lingerie.

Throughout the show he was surprisingly chilled, which made you think it didn't work.
even on the drive back he was quiet, too quiet.
as you opened the door to your apartment you both quickly went in. you closed the door and locked it, and just a second later you were pinned on that very door. both your hands were above your head, being held in place by one of jisung's hands. the other hand was on your hip as he pulled himself impossibly closer to you and kissed you hungrily to which you reciprocated.
he pulled away from you and said, "so you think you can send a picture like that to me before a big event without consequences? oh love your about to be punished so harshly you wont be walking for a while."
his voice was filled with lust dripping from his lips. consequently making you dripping.
his lips made contact with the skin of your neck traveling down to your collar bone sucking and biting to mark what's his.
he let go of your wrist, using both his hands to unzip your dress carefully. he got a glimpse of the lingerie under and lost control of himself and decided he couldn't wait any longer and instead opted to RIP the dress off you.
"i'm sorry, but i'll buy you a Gucci one or even six later." he said, throwing the ripped dress aside. he picked you up, wrapping your legs around himself as he littered kisses all over your shoulders, collar bone and neck, while he tried to make it to the bedroom, but he ultimately failed to, not because he was too weak to carry you, hell no of course not, he's ripped, jacked, muscled, i mean obviously, he can RIP A DRESS! the reason he failed to carry you the bedroom was, he simply could not wait that long. he needed to have his dick in you soon or he just might die of lack of pussy.
so to prevent that from happening he pinned you to the wall just a few feet from the door of the bedroom. your legs are still wrapped around his waist. you quickly haphazardly unbutton his shirt while he continued to give you hickeys, his hands gripping tightly on your waist, to which you knew was gonna leave suspicious hand shaped bruises but you didn't care.
both breathing heavy, breaths intertwining as he came back up to kiss you needily. you finally pulled the shirt off of him.
he pulled out of the kiss with much hesitation, just long enough to say,
"I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do, but i promise to take you on a shopping spree after."
to be completely honest you didn't really care, so you let him rip that lingerie off you completely unbothered by it. however you were shocked beyond understanding when you felt him slip a finger into you. you moaned loudly into the kiss as he smirked.
he put another finger in you and began fingering and began scissoring you, occasionally curling his fingers, to try and stretch you out.
jisung pulled his finger out setting you down.
"don't you think it's a bit unfair that you're the only one getting attention here?"
as soon as he said this you were on your knees, undid the belt and button, unzipped his pants and let it fall to the floor and pulled his boxers down and let him set out of them. you looked up at him as if asking for permission. he nodded at you before putting his tip to your lips for a kiss on it.
"no teasing." he said as he grabbed the back of your head with one hand and rested his left on the wall behind you.
🔴🟥❤️ FIN
something sweet to something more pt5

Word count: 759
Pairing: jisung x stya {stay /reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: degradation, smut, rough sex, Dom!Jisung
☪️ Master List ☪️
jisung lent onto the wall as his knees buckled beneath him. he felt his cock repeatedly hit the back of your throat, and soon he came in your mouth. you let him ride out his high in your mouth, before pulling off and swallowing. when he had calmed down he pulled you up off your knees and kissed you passionately.
he went back to kissing your neck as he led you to the room. upon arrival he lightly pushed you onto the bed and crawled over you continuing to kiss your neck. he trailed his kisses down, landing on your chest, showing your nipples a lot of attention. the pleasure you were feeling was absolutely immaculate, making you moan out loudly. your lewd mewls were helping him in making him hard again. even after your pleas for him to leave your tender breasts alone, he continued to worship them. when he was done with you, your skin was painted in his love.
he continued kissing downward, slowing down when he reached your lower abdomen, tracing your v-line with his tongue, kissing and bite marks. you whined for him to stop teasing you. he opened your legs and placed himself between them. when you felt him place a kiss on your clit before sucking on it, you bucked your hips up to meet his lips, more, but he held your hips in place, pressing you into the bed.
he then ate you out until you came on his tongue. he didn't stop, he continued to eat you out while he grinded on the bed, he continued until you came on his face over and over and over again. you were so overstimulated you were tearing up.
"baby please, i-i can't take it anymore. please stop." you said between tears.
he looked up at you,
"what color are you at baby?" he asked.
"yellow" you answered.
"sorry baby, do you wanna stop?"
you shook your head no and he kissed your forehead before he left to get you some water.
after a few minutes you were already asking him to continue.
when you had asked that he was a bit concerned but you assured him you were fine.
he layed between your legs once again. this time he started fingering you.
"god, i don't regret sending you that photo." you moaned out.
"oh, you don't?"
he looked up at you, two fingers knuckles deep inside you when he stops.
"you know what, since you don't regret what you did, i think it's time for that punishment that i promised."
he leaned up, his lips and chin covered in cum and spit, and he lined himself up with your entrance.
"w-wait, you're too big,you didn't stretch me out enough .."
He wiped his face in the sheet.
"you need to learn a lesson, love, and i think this is the perfect punishment for a dirty minded whore like you" he said right before he bottomed-out into you.
you screamed out his name, and he groaned into the nape of your neck. you were so tight he, almost, couldn't move. key word, almost. he pulled almost completely out before slamming back into you, not giving you time to adjust to him. you moaned his name with every thrust. when you were so close to your climax, to your peak, your high, he pulled out, barely able to do so from how good you felt around him, especially with you clenching around him.
you whined at the loss of the feeling of being so full, at the loss of your climax.
he continued to fuck you dumb in so many positions but never letting you cum.
"you wanna cum?" he asked after denying you for the 12th time.
you nodded.
he then looked at the mirror that replaced your head board.
"you'll have to ride me, darling."
you quickly agreed and sat on his lap, hovering, straddling him, while lining up his dick to your entrance. you took too long so he pushed you down onto him, all the way down, in one go.
you moaned out loudly, to think, even after so long you still haven't fully adjusted to his size. even though you were on top he was doing most of the work, with his hands on your hips, picking you up before slamming you back down. you were lost in this sensation barely able to think of a coherent sentence that's not about him fucking you.
writing prompts 12 and 7
Leeknow skz

love you 😘
Back Stage

Word count: 1K
Pairing: minho x stya{ stay /reader}
Genre: suggestive
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: hickeys, stray kids being chaotic, make-out
sorry for taking so long i just started a new year of college had to get some stuff straight love you to bb 😘🥹☺️
prompt 7: "you want me to give you back your [item], make me."
prompt 12: "dont be to rough, there cant be any marks."
You decided to go support your boyfriend at his concert, having bought a ticket and was seated in the front row, he saw you in the crowd and stayed closer to your section more often than not. during the break you decided to go back stage to say hello to the guys. when you got there the guards already knew who you were and let you pass. upon entering the room you were greeted with the sight of changbin wrapping his arm around Felix's neck while he took a sip of Felix's drink, han stuffing his face full of potato chips despite the warnings from both his manager and minho who was now trying to pry the can of potato chips from his best friend's hands, bangchan shirtless and hugging jeongin as he tried and failed to release himself from the grasp of his leader, and seungmin being wrapped up in hyinjin's arms with hyunjin's legs across his lap as they both silently judge them all, not so silently.
you laughed at the sight before you earning the attention of them all. hyunjin got up from his spot and walked {ran in tiny} towards you wrapping you in his arms, "noonaaa, you caaammme. hyung look stya-noona came to see us." hyunjin called.
minho walked over to you and gently, not so gently, pushed hyunjin out the way to see and hug you. "correction, she came to see me." Lee now retorted at his friend sticking his tongue out at him after with an evil smile on his face.
you pulled away from him mischievous look on your face as you duck under his arms to walked over to hyunjin and hugged him saying, "correction, im sorry minnie, but i came to see the boys. i see you every day, but i barely get to hang with them."
hyunjin took the most goblin-like pose you've ever seen a person do, pointed at minho and let out a, "ha!"
soon after lee know was chasing after hyunjin as you walked over to hannie gave him a hug and took the can of chips from his hand replacing it with the bag of gummy worms you had bought for him, knowing he likes to snack in the breaks. his face lights up as he sees it, getting up to hug you as he jumps around. you then turned around and was met with a still shirtless chan as he hugged you saying hi, you pushed him away with a, "duuuude, your all sweaty, now I'M all sweaty, come ooooonn." he pulled away laughing as he apologized."yeah sorry, sorry.but why did you give those gummies you know were not supposed to eat heavy stuff during the break, you can't be an instigator."
"don't worry, it's those gummies that aren't that heavy with only a little sugar. he's fine." you promised the worried boy.
"oh, ok." he replied looking over at jisung and saw jisung looking confused with a gummy hanging from his lips as he looked at the bag, "heeey,these are sugar free light weight gummies. this is a scam." jisung pouted
"what? don't they taste good?" you asked raising an eyebrow.
"well, y-yeah but-" he said cutting himself off as he shoved some more in his mouth, slumping in his chair still pouting.
you smiled and walked over to an open seat on the long couch when you were tackled with hugs by minho, pushing you fully onto the couch. He got off you and sat beside you wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you in closer, your hips pressed flush against each other. his right hand cupping your cheek as he gently leads you to look at him. he leaned in closer to you. you felt his breath fan over your lips. his own pillowy lips mear centimeters from your own, when you heard the disgusted groan that was flying past seungmin's lips as he stared over at you. absolutely revolted that of all the places you chose to be touchy with each other, was on the very seat he was oh so comfortably seated on first.
"whatever, we all know that she came for me." he spoke, he lent closer to you space between the both of you practically none existent, "right, my love?" he whispered breath husky and low, teasing you, eyeing your every movement like a lion ready to pounce on its prey.
"yeah." you whispered to the air tweenced your lips. so soft, like a feather in the wind landing in only his ear to listen to. his smile grew as he kissed your lips with such passion, it lit your body aglow with heat.
you felt the guys' eyes on you, specifically, judgement radiating off of hyunjin, so you pulled away. you moved to place your head on his shoulder instead.
"why don't you two go enjoy some time alone, it's been a while since the tour started. i'll come get you when it's 3 minutes to." chan called over to you both. minho smiled, gently wrapping your wrist up in his much larger hand, feeling the baby softness of his fingers gently wrapping around your small wrist. he pushed himself up off the couch, you following suit, and led you into the room next door. upon entering you were met with soft lips against your own. you did not reject the loving and impassioned kiss. lips dancing together. love tidal through each other.
suddenly a reminder of what you had brought hyunjin hit you like the very tides that were flowing through you both just a few seconds prior, causing you to pull away from him. earning a confused look from him as you pulled away.
you let yourself fall back flat on you foot and looked up at him. you dragged your fingertips across the right of your neck, moving your hair over to your left shoulder. before mumbling 'fine'softly. just barely catching the words from your lips, he started to blush. you let your hands rest on his chest, making sure to lock eyes with him as you lent in , hands gliding up and over his chest to the collar of his shirt. moving his, already basically unbuttoned, shirt aside leaving a kiss on his chest. averting your gaze for only a second to look down at his chest. as it turns out that was a bad idea. becoming completely enthralled with him, his body, the body you haven't been able to hug to hold, to cuddle, to touch, to kiss, to love, to adore.
"i was supposed to give something to jinnie." you stated, swinging your small bag foo your shoulders to hold in your hands, but before you were able to open the bag to retrieve the gift minho grabbed the bag from your hands, placing it high above his head.
"hey!" you yelped, reaching up to grab the bag away from him. however, as you were standing on your tippy toes you felt his arm snaked their way around your waist pulling you in. he leaned in, lips next to your ear, arm still above his head, "you want me to give back your bag, make me." he whispered into your ear sending shiver's down your spine, much to his enjoyment.
you placed kisses along his chest, soft ,gentle loving kisses. he enjoyed every second of it. that was until you trailed the kisses upwards. until you began sucking and biting, while yes, earning a few moans from him, but was also rewarded with him handing your bag back. expecting you to stop. you in fact did not stop, in fact you separated from him for only a second just to put your bag on the couch. you placed your hand on his chest once again pushing him against the wall, as you continued to kiss his neck. nibbling on his skin as you do.
"Don't be so rough, there can't be any marks." he spoke in a low husky voice, making no moves to push you off him.
"i let you guys be alone for 10 minutes and you guys try to fuck. minho you should know better how is the make up artist supposed to cover those up? come on." Chan's voice was heard throughout the room. you and minho pulled apart as if you got burned.
the makeup artist in fact could not! cover all the marks and minho had went on stage with some of them in view and a few weeks later your relationship was confirmed but you didn't introduce yourself for a month after on one of his lives.
Bathe in passion pt.2

Word count: 760
Pairing: bangchan x stya { stay /reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: bangchan calls reader babygirl, bangchan x reader, dom chan, hard thought, smut, masturbation by reader, reader being a brat.
☪️Master List☪️
trying to soak you in as much as possible, looking you up and down, from head to toe. following your every move with his eyes, becoming more and more aroused with every second, hoping and praying that your towel falls or you are as horny as he is. he was daydreaming about all the things he would do to you. you were picking out your clothes. he was thinking of all the other things he would rather see you in.
when you crawled over him your towel rose up and and almost showed your ass.
he was even more aroused now, waiting for the towel to rise even just a little more, but much to his disappointment, you crawled back up and now he was irritated. when you kissed him he thought you'd figured out what you had been doing to him .
as you were pulling away he longed for more, longed for you, for your touch, to feel you, to love you, adore you, be in you, feel you, be able to know everything about your body after.
he was caught in his own mind in the moment he pulled you back in on his lap not missing the fact the towel rose almost revealing the thing he longed for most of all.
… (same event as in pt.1)
you were leaving and he was following you with his eyes
*biting his lip as his eyes landed on your hips *
the sexy sway you have when you walked, accented by the small towel.
he thought the towel wasn't doing you any good and that it would look even better on the floor.
he got up walked to the closet and on the door he saw in the mirror how extremely obvious his hard on was.
now he was pissed at her.
"oh" he paused "you're gonna regret going this to me babygirl. "he said in his sexy husky voice and hot Aussie accent with a smirk on his face biting his lip he opened the closet and put all your clothes back in as you wont be needing them anymore and…
you dropped the towel. now horny, standing in front of the bath tub
when you were on his lap, you felt his dick under you pressed against your @$$. the passion and sexual need flowing from the kiss made you needy but you wanted to tease him so you walked from the room slowly very aware he was staring, aware of the fact that your towel was inching up with every step that you took..
now you were climbing into the the bath tub you sat there and and tried to drink away the arousal but you ended up drinking the entire bottle and tipsy thinking of everything you wished he did to you, wondering what he's doing, you eventually couldn't last any longer
you started touching yourself and foundling your boobs, with the the other hand, trying yo keep quiet so he couldn't hear you but you slipped up and moan loudly while thinking of him thrusting into you, moaning his name. you were so in the moment that you didn't hear when he walked in.
he walked up to the tub listening to your beautiful moans and thinking how amazing it sounded to have you moaning his name, while stripping with every step.
when he got there he climbed in startling you for a moment making you pause and hide yourself embarrassed that you were caught masturbating to the thought of him.
"why'd you stop babygirl? "he said sexily.
"come on babygirl i wanna hear your angelic voice. "he said crawling over to you.
you were still frozen, biting your lip looking at him, his glistening abs, beautiful face, gorgeous eyes, with the water just above his waist.
"like what you see ?" he asked. to which he got no response.
"come on sweetheart i want an answer." he said
"mhm .." you hummed shyly.
"goodgirl "he said in a deep voice next to a whisper right before he kisses you roughly.
you moaned into the kiss, making him grab your arm and pull you onto his lap as he leaned on the side of the bath tub, not breaking the kiss throughout. you could feel his cock under you and you unconsciously started grinding against him. he groaned putting a hand on your waist and the other wrapped tightly around your thigh ,well as much as he could as your thighs are thick, {not all y/n's are skinny } holding you in place..
Bathe in passion pt.3

Word count: 223
Pairing: bangchan x stya { stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: dom chan, babygirl , degradation, choke in kink, claiming, spanking, punishments
☪️ Master List ☪️
"i didnt give you permission to do that"
you were longing for more so you ignored his words and leaned in to kiss him but he put the hand that was on your waist on your throat you wont admit it, but you loved it his grip on you thigh tightened as he said;
"bad girl."
"you know"
"bad girls are considered to be whores and sluts."
"so tell me,…"
"are you a slut,"
"are you MY slut, huh?"
you whined not being able to kiss and feel him anymore
"oh, nonono babygirl"
"bad girls dont get to whine,"
"now …"
"answer me, are you a slut …?"
he said i an intimidatingly sexy voice.
while his grip on your throat tighten letting go of your thigh and instead spanked your ass. you got to admit you loved it all.
you moaned loudly arching your back, before you said
"mhm" and nodding your head.
"oh so you like this huh ?"
"how about a punishment then , huh?"
"my little slut"
he said in a deep sexy voice his accent dripping off his tongue making it ten times better.
then he flipped you over so you were leaned against the tub and he was hovering over you one hand on your thigh the other on the tub next to your head, then …
bathe in passion pt.4

Word count: 360
Pairing: chan x stya{ stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: masturbating, dom chan, pined reader, hickeys, moans, babygirl", mentions climax, jisung saw
☪️ Master List ☪️
he used his grip on your thigh to pull you closer to him so he was pressed against you in all the right places, making you moan his name. he smirked against your neck, as he was kissing, sucking and biting your neck.
"if this alone is making you fill this room with your beautiful melodic noises then imagine all the beautiful and amazing things i'd hear if i actually TRIED to make you feel good, babygirl." he said still trailing kisses down your neck and along your collar bone sucking harder when he found your sweet spot while using one hand to pleasure you and the other to hold and play with your breasts, rapidly driving you to your climax and when he realized you were close he stopped instantly pulling away to look at you, the way he made you, in this state, state of need, of you whining at the loss of his touch.
smirking he held both your hands in one of his above your head, he then kissed you, pulled away then proceeded to pleasure himself making you be forced to watch unable to have any form of such joy, in desperate hopes, you squeezed your legs together desperately trying to feel something,… anything, all while the room filled with his groans. making it even harder for you, after a while he stopped, picking you up and carrying you to the counter, setting you down and wrapping a towel around his waist, then one around you.
at first you were confused then you remembered you were at his dorms and not your shared house which means his roommates most likely heard you but you didn't really care. you were far too close to your climax to care about anything. he then picked you up off the counter bridal style, kissing you carrying you out the bathroom and to his room.
you were pretty sure you heard Jisung walk out of his room and say:oh, shit then quickly went back in his room closing the door, but again you didn't give a shit. he carried you into the room closing the door behind you and then
bathe in passion pt.5

Word count: 350
Pairing: chan x stya{ stay /reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: wet dream, penetration, no prep, dom chan, readers a perv, crying, cringe worthy stuttering
☪️ Master List ☪️
sorry for the short story format I'm not trying out a new writing style but i just started college and i am losing the fight first. i promise to fix the story one day when i have time just please be forgiving.
closing the door behind you and, then he carried you to the bed setting you down and climbing to hover over you then started to kiss you again. one thing led to another and he got mad at you for trying to hide your moans so as punishment he just entered in you without preparing you causing you to feel pain,{but not too much as you were already extremely wet that served as you know} that eventually turned into pleasure with every time he thrust into you making you moan and scream. he started going faster and rougher even though you were still having trouble adjusting to his size. you started to tear up,
"you're too big"
"you're going too f-fast. "
he slowed down and wiped away your tears, and stopped, giving you kisses.
"sorry baby"
"i couldn't hold ba-"
"wake up!" he interrupted himself
"stya wake up right this second and tell me why you are moaning my name"…
you woke up realizing it was all a dream and realized your face was just inches away from his face as he was hovering over you
"what the hell chris?!"
"no, you what the hell, why were you moaning my name in your sleep?!"
"come one babygirl, you woke me up at 2 am with those moans, i'll admit i loved the sound of my name in your mouth, but the least you could do after giving me a raging boner is tell me what i did so i know what my instructions are to please you " you were so flustered you told him everything in one breath realy fast like word vomit hope-ing he wouldn't understand.
" wow i didn't know you were that kinky babygirl… but lucky for you … so am i" he said smirking
"can we just go back to sleep? " you said now super flustered
he removed your hands from your face in which you were hiding behind and said,
"come on baby the least you could do is help me out with the ~problem~ you caused."
yes they did everything she dreampt of and more.
After Mat🟡🟨💛...
bathe in passion pt.6

Word count: 1K
Pairing: chan x stya{ stay /reader}
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: suggestive, hickies, scratches, reader can't walk, the cringiest convo ever, my worst writing of all time {sorry}, horrible writing style,
☪️ Master List ☪️
Chris woke up and saw the sun hit her face. he then recalled all they had done the night before and remembered it was her first time and that she had just lost her V card to him and he now felt bad for making her sleep with him in that way after she had asked for them to go back to sleep he felt horrible. he regretted forcing to do that instead of when she was ready on her own time. he felt that he should have listened to her and let her go back to sleep like she wanted to even if it caused him discomfort or he could have gone to the bathroom to try to knock one off. He loved her in every way possible and he felt absolutely horrible for doing this he felt as though he had hurt her as if doing this to her had disrespected her, her wishes, her belief, her body, everything.
he felt awful. he wanted to do nothing more than to make it up to her, but the marking that littered her skin looked like works of art. he looked at her neck all the way down to her cleavage, where the blanket had reached to cover the rest, all had been covered in bite marks and hickies and love marks. there was a big part of him that felt proud, then felt guilty for feeling that way after he had forced her to lose her V card to him. you woke up to see him looking at you with a sad guilty expression not able to be hidden at his weak excuse of a smile.
you thought he was regretting sleeping with you. was it because he realized that your chubby stomach was gross or he realized it wasn't as beautiful as he said
"hey baby, i am. so. sorry for making you do something you didn't wanna do i never should have forced you to lose your V card to me i should have waited for you to be ready and now i feel horrible and-"
"ok first off calm down"you said stopping him in his speedy rant
"secondly you didn't force me to do anything i agreed to it-"
"but" he replied.
"no buts"
"you didn't pressure me to do it either it was just what i needed otherwise i might have never been ready"
"if anything i should be sorry that im not good enough i bet all the stretch marks made you feel disgusted and my chubby belly made you regret sleeping with me and for that i am so very sorry"
"okay first of all, what on earth are you talking about your body is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my entire life you are amazing in every way and i am honored that you let me be your first time you were amazing im just a little disappointing not in you but in myself for leaving so many marks on your beautiful skin {doesn't have to be white skin i know some of you beautiful chocolate queens have been feeling left out dont be flaunt that chocolate color mama} but i also feel extremely proud i kinda want to do more and wish i did on every inch of your body"
"and if anything your stretch marks are tiger stripes"
"so beautiful and shows off how brave and fearless you are and your body your curves are everything to me the very things that drive me insane that makes me understand why guys will want to watch and stare but still wont stop me from being jealous a little "
"you are especially sexy when you wear outfits that show off all your curves "
"and if you still don't believe me on that wasn't the Greek goddess of beauty often seen to be thick with hip dips and if the goddess of beauty can see the beauty in you why cant i ? "
"that was the sweetest thing I've ever heard thank you my love" you said.
"no problem" he replied.
"lets go get breakfast"
gets up and gets dressed when he hears something loud coming from the bedroom and runs back in to see you on the floor. he took a moment to take you in the fact that you were littered in hickies and love bites all over your abdomen all over your breasts neck collar bone and thighs had bruises, hickies and bites.
{he was still shirtless had a couple hickies but they would have all been hidden by a T-shirt easily}
"you mind helping me out i cant walk "
"or stand for that matter" you stated.
he smirks and picks you up and takes you to the bath which he had already set for you.
"aww you already set me a bath, so nice"
"thought you might want a nice hot bath after last night ." he winks at you.
you blushed.
"oh, and sorry for the scratch marks on your back "
"What?" he rushes to the mirror turns around and sees those scratches would be easy to hide with the t-shirt as well.
"yeah its fine "
"i would say sorry for the hickies but we both know that I'm not." he says as he smirks. leaves the bathroom and goes to the kitchen still shirtless and started making breakfast for everyone and that's when it hit him.
as in the guys.
the guys he shares a dorm with.
his group mates.
they were here.
and with how loud luna was he highly doubted there's a chance they didn't hear.
just as he thought that ALL the guy walked in all looking tired
"I hope it was worth it."
"you know keeping us up all night"
>:( jisung pouted.
chan turns around.
"Yeah, sorry, i forget you guys were here."
minho: "what ever judging by the scratch marks on your back im guessing you did good, so im proud of you "
chan blushed so hard "lino what the hell dude " extremely embarrassed
binnie: "haha he's so red right now"
"baby come get me pls im done bathing and i cant stand up to dry off" stya said.
chan was now red-er that hyunjin's hair in maniac
lixie: "wow"
"my bro took away her ability to walk"
"I'm impressed yet somehow not surprised you could"
chan: "LIXIE!!!!!!!"
seungmin: "hes not wrong though"
i.n: "hes not wrong though"
chan got so flustered but he just turned off the stove after he had finished cooking and went to help stya.
good girl

Word count: 269
Pairing: minho x stya { stay/reader}
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Warnings: dom minho, lingerie, daddy minho, crappy rushed writing, just a filler btw
☪️ Master List ☪️
you were online on amazon, just scrolling through some cute outfits when you stumble upon a sexy lace lingerie. you wanted to surprise your boyfriend with it. but decided against it. but still added it to the cart just in case you changed your mind. you didn't even bother changing the default color which was red. You were about to click off to go check out the mini skirt you saw when you felt some one grab your wrist and kissed your neck. You gasped in shock before you moaned making Minho groan. He pulled away and examined the mark he left on your neck before smirking at you and said,
" get it in black"
" I think it would suit you better."
And left the room. When he did then you clicked off before returning back to it and changed the color to black. You heard Minho say,
" good girls get great rewards."
" here use my credit card."
He kissed your neck before leaving.
after a while you were still in utter shock and you decided to get him back so you bought a couple more sexy things. you planned on wearing them and not letting him get further than a make-out session, but lets just say your plan didn't go exactly as,
well, planned. he was so pissed that you turned him on and wouldn't help him out that, he absolutely RAILED you in
without giving you a break,
in the same day.
you couldn't walk for a few days and he was very proud of himself.
not on hiatus
i am NOT going on hiatus just a writers block gonna get over it eventually and give ya'll a movie worthy work of art
{probably not movie worthy}
How about age gap and overstimulation with bangchan 🖤
Just a Number

Word count: 2,188
Pairing: chan x stya
Genre: smutt
Rating: 18+
Warning: overstimulation, age gap. mentions of lingirie, foreigner reader, rough sex, unprotected sex, penetration, choking, spanking, biting , pinching swearing, cream pies, corruption kink {a little bit}, dumification, "babygirl", becoming his cum dump, and slut shaming, {pls tell me if i missed any}
☪️Master list☪️
thanks so much for the request. please keep in mind that i was a time crunch with this but i hope you love this one and would send in another. just know that you might not get an immediate response as i am trying to find a schedule that would work with school and a writing competition, at the moment. college is currently kicking my ass. so please bear with me. but thank you again for the request and remember that your appreciated
Thank you…(´人`●)SOOOOO━━\(´∀`●)/━━MUCH!!
The sun is now setting after a long day of fun and celebration of your 21 birthday with your boyfriend Chan and the rest of the boys. Now after it all you're here waiting for channie to join you in bed. You were 20 years old when you two had first started dating. The age of consent still stands outrageously high.
Neither of you had gotten together for sex but it had still put some kind of a light strain on your relationship over the months that passed.
so many times you had to begrudgingly pull apart after getting too heated. so many times you had to leave your boyfriend bricked up. all because of the stupidly high age of consent bar.
not today though. not now. you decided that after so long you are finally going to get laid by the man you moved to korea for in the first place.
Hence the reason you were now laid in a white lingerie you bought off a site you found while looking for some cute outfits to tease him with. you are now sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him to come to the bedroom. you wanted to see his reaction. you never told him what you were doing nor did you let him find out about the online order. hence the reason why you had to hide the delivery that came to the house for nearly a week now.
now you don't need to hide it anymore you can now show him the lingerie and maybe he'll want to see what's underneath.
you hear footsteps coming your way. and you get yourself ready, sitting facing the door. blue framed glasses you rarely used now sat on your nose. you remembered how bangchan always became so much clingier when you wore them saying it made you look sexy.
as you heard the handle of the door to your room jingle you remembered your hair is down. you quickly gathered your hair up into a messy ponytail and just as you were finishing up tying it with the hair tie on your wrist he stepped in.
he froze in place. eyes wandering your curvy full frame being hugged in all the right places by that beautiful white lingerie. sheer white thigh high stockings reaching mid thigh. providing a white but mostly clear layer over your plump thighs.the lace that rimmed the stockings barely able to stay in place, almost falling and rolling down at the loss against your thick ness. only being saved by the white straps that were connected to another piece of floral print lace that is now wrapped around your abdomen, having a gold chain connect it to a white choker that wrapped snugly around your throat. his eyes drifted back down to your cleavage. lace bra not covering the shiny nipple piercing you had gotten years ago. his eyes traveled even further down to the flimsy panties that in his opinion did nothing, but god did he love the sight. you sat with your legs closed but after seeing where his eyes landed spread them slowly and teasingly much to his delight. The lace, clear enough to show your hungry hole. now dripping for him without him even touching you. the thought of you becoming wet just at the thought of him ran straight to his dick. He almost felt bad for what he was about to do.
he walked over to you, closing the bedroom door behind him. as he stood right before you, and you looked you at him over the rim of your glasses in the most feigned innocent way he has ever seen, he rested his hand on your thigh. he ran his thumb over the fabric before commenting,
"if i didn't know any better i would have thought it was my birthday we were celebrating, and this is my gift."
he slowly lent in as he spoke. punctuating his statement with a kiss on your neck. you hummed in satisfaction of his action.
he leant in closer and whispered darkly in your ear;
"can i ravish you?" his voice low and barely audible yet seeping with lust and nodded your head and he smirked at you. He pulled back. He brought his hand up to your jaw. gripped tightly on your jaw pulling you in for a rough and passion filled kiss. his tongue slid across your lower lip asking for entrance. when you didn't open your mouth for him he bit your lower lip. thi caused you to gasp in shock, letting him slide his tongue between your lips and explore your mouth. he pulled back, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. your tongue almost out of your mouth and eyes clouded over with lust. He looked down at you and bit his lip. how can you look so cute and already so fucked out without being fucked yet. god he really needed to see what you would look like after being fucked into oblivion. fuck.
you try to lean in for another kiss. He moved his hand from your chin down to your throu\at and squeezed lightly. a moan escaped your lips as you closed your eyes in pleasure. oh fuck, was he gonna have a lot of fun expiramenting withyou. maybe even discover kinks that were not even invented yet.
god is this gonna be fun. He squeezed a little tighter before almost completely letting go. and if your whines and mewls were anything to go by you weren't quite happy. He let his hand let go of your throat and let his fingertips glide up your neck until he reached your chin where only his index finger followed the line to your chin. you seemed so entranced by him you let yourself follow his finger until you were standing in front of him. his right hand wrapped around your waist. as his pointer finger layed where it was and his thumb rested on top trapping your chin between them. He hummed at your obedience.
"your twenty one now love. you know what that means. you can get punished if you don't listen now." he said smirking.
you bit your lip and whispered up to him;
"I don't think I would mind at all."
"oh, is that so? oh trust me baby girl, i promise i'm gonna make you change your mind. lets see if thats what you say after being fucked so good you go brainless, after you become my personal cum dump, after i make you my slut." he talked down to you darkly hand drifting from your your lower back to your side hooking his finger under one of the thin flimsy strings that held the lace panties to you, before lifting it up and letting it go, makeing it slap against your skin in a deliciocly painful way.
you moan at the sensation. you tilted your head back and closed your eyes as if to bask in the pleasure that is pain. he watched as you did so. he quickly proved that his muscles aren't just for show, when he grabbed the back of your thigh lifting you up and wrapping them around his waist. he then took advantage of your surprise to kiss you roughly. tongue once again exploring your mouth and dancing together with yours. He stepped closer to the bed, climbed on and layed on top of you taking your hands from around his neck and pinning them above your head. He then began grinding against your core. The fabric of his jeans rubbing against the fabric of the lace made friction so good you moaned into the kiss.
he smiled into the kiss pulling away. He looked down at you as you continued to moan. He began moving his hips faster and harder. you began seeing stars becoming so close to cummming without him being in you. when he saw this he smirked. He kept up the pace and brought his hand up to your throat and squeezed lightly. and just as he did you moaned loudly and came right then and there.
he slowed down his pace and kissed you gently, before stopping. He pulled back and kneeled between your legs. quickly undoing his belt, undoing the button and the zip and quickly pulled the damned jeans off. before he let his shirt follow. you look down at the prominent bulge in his boxers as he pulls them down, and as he did so you watched as his thick cock sprung free of its restraints. as he let th article of clothing oint the rest you bit your lip.
he slid him self down so his face was between your legs he kissed youur clothed core as he looked up at you. you let your head fal against tthe pillow. you were so surprised when he quite litterally RIPPED the panties off you. you opened your mouth to speak but what came out in its place was a loud moan as you felt the wet surface of his tongue run over your cunt from top to bottom. after lappping up all your juices he groaned into you before toungue fucking you. he slipped his finger into you. and you moaned even louer. then unbeleivably louder when he slipped two more into you. curly stretcching and moving them as he sucked on your clit. soon he had brought you to your seccond orgasm. it all felt so good you could barly warn him before you came. not that he cared though. he was to busy absolutly devouring every drop you spilled for him. soon pushing you in to over stimulation and closere to another climax.
he begrudgingly pulled away from you. he looked at you and how fucked out you already are. now there's jusst two more promiss he has to finish. and that starts with making you his cum dump.
he rose up from between your thighs. surprisingly without a drop of cum or spit on his face. he really didnt want to waist a drop of you.
he pushed your folds apart as he lighed up with your hole. he roughly pushed into you. bottoming out into you. you let out a scream that turned into a loud moan. at how painfull but pleasureable the stretch of him in you is. god he was so big. he waited for you to ajust to his size. you soon whined and grind down onto him. he took that as his sgn to start moving.
he pulled almost entirely out before slaming back into you roughly. he continued to fuck into you. you felt every bump and vain of his thick cock in you. and he felt hoe heavely your walls felt arount him. he felt how tightly you griped his cock when you were about to hit your climax. you squeezed him so good he could barely move. god he loved this. he brought his hand up to your through and squeezed. his left hand running down to your clit, playing with the bud. it all beacame too much for you very soon. it was all so good you began tearing up, especcially when it seems impossible for him to mis that one spot inside you. that however only made him moan as you grippped even tighter around him before you cacme on his cock. the unholy noise of squelching that each thrust brought sent him flying over the edge. as he it the spot inside of you that did magic one more time he came inside yuo. despite already cumming he weent back to pounding into you after his high was over. you both were driven into overstimulation. as he continued to drive his cock deep into you. he let go of your thrroaght much yo your dissapoinment. you whined at the loss of of the sensation only to be reponded with the pinch of your clit.
"aAaAaaaaahhhhhHHH! cHaNiE!~~~~"
god did that hurt, but felt og so amazing. he lifted your right leg over your shoulder. hitting even deeper in you. your mind went blank only remeberingg his name. only aware of how fast and hard his huge cock is pounding into you.
"sluts dont get to whine baby girl. they just be gratful of whhat their daddy ggives them. ok?" he asked, you were far too fucked out to respond. and when he didn't get the answer he wanted or any at all he spanked your clit harshly making you cry out, before pinching it again, pulling roughly on chain conected to your chocker. you cleenched areound him before responding. as all the amazing feelings came crashing down on you like a bus.
"y- yes daddy. i promise i won whine anymore. a s- slut like m-me shouldn't complain."
with a few more thrusts you both came. everything hightend by how overstimulated you both were. as he cstowed down allowing you both to come down from the high, his hot seed started spilling out of you, and he just watched the sight play out before him. how beatiful.
cloudy skies cloudy minds

word count: 1,653
pairing: N/A
genre: head cannons
rating: PG-13
warning: N/A
Chan opened his eyes gradually. His alarm read 11:39 a.m. when he quickly glanced at it. Chan rose from his bed, made his way slowly to the kitchen while rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he walked down the carpeted stairs, which somewhat tickled his achy feet. When he noticed that no one else was in the dorm but himself, he became concerned that he was running late and gave up on his mission to grab breakfast in favor of quickly completing his morning routine. he hurriedly climbed the steep stairs to the bathroom.
He hastily exited the bathroom and proceeded to his room to rapidly choose an outfit, deciding on a pair of black sweatpants and a t-shirt. He swiftly changed into the specified clothing, putting on a beanie to conceal his curly hair, and then he left for his at-home studio for everything he would require for the day—including his computer and charger—in tow. putting his keys in his pockets, putting on his black high-top Converse sneakers, and heading out the door to his car in a hurry. He went to the dance studio and practice room immediately after arriving at the company, rapidly entering, apologizing to the others for being late, and then yawning. As he crossed the room and set his bag down, he shut the door behind him as a thunderclap was audible outside.
Chan: So what dance are we doing?
Minho stopped the song and gave Chan a puzzled glance before turning to face the others.
Minho: umm… Had you not received our text in the group chat, Hyung?
Chan: huh? What are you talking about?
Minho: Well, uh, Hyung, we talked to Jyp and got you the day off because you seemed pretty exhausted last night and didn't wake up at normal times, so we thought you might need a day to catch up on sleep. We texted it to the group chat and I sent it to you in regular personal chat so you couldn't miss it but it seems you still did.
chan: You should have woken me up, but no worries. I am OK and ready to go. Let's continue what we do, shall we?
~time skip~
The sound of rain always relaxed Chan. The gentle melody lulled him to sleep as if he were in a trance. When the rain first started to fall, he would find himself captivated by its beauty, entranced by the way it playfully tapped against his home studio window.
But as time went on, Chan started to become more and more exhausted; the steady sound of the downpour began to have an even stronger effect on him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but become weary. His eyelids felt like lead as each drop of rain fell, making him want to curl up and take a nap.
He laid on the couch, his eyes closed, listening to the rain fall on the window of the room. As each droplet fell, he felt himself moving slowly towards a peaceful slumber. Despite his attempts to remain awake, he found himself drifting away, unable to keep the warmth of the rain from lulling him to sleep.
Chan knew that it wasn’t normal for him to become so sleepy from the rain, but he couldn’t help it. It’s something he’d accepted – on rainy days, he had a tendency to become exhausted very quickly. He would just have to accept it and maybe try setting up a better sleeping schedule so that the rain didn’t affect him so much! his eyes fluttered to a close. The buzz of a dream fluttered over his eyes, before they shot open.The stress of not being able to finish the song got to him before the dreams could. He sat up, shaking the dreams of his face, and walked back over to his computer getting right back to work. much to changbin's dismay. He had been sure that turning up the AC would work. Binnie got up out of his seat to tell the others that his plan didn't work. walking out into the hall. He felt a numb buzz wash over his mind and his eyes became heavy. When he walked out into the living room he saw that it was empty. He walked over to the couch and sat down, opting to take a quick nap before looking for them. He told himself that he would just have a short nap. Maybe turning up the ac throughout the entirety of the dorm wasn't the best idea, but boy was it nice.
After what felt to be 15 minutes of the boys not hearing back from chang bin they decided to find him. They finally found him smushed to himself in a corner fast asleep. He looked so comfy. so they left him to sleep as innie said he had an idea he would try. they all left him to do what he wanted as they went about their own business.
If there was one thing i.n knew would work, it was hot and creamy Italian chocolate milk with extra warm milk and coolate bars with some vanilla ice cream to bring them together. Unfortunately he only knew how to make it in large batches. He decided to make enough for everyone and maybe leave one in the fridge for binnie htung. so that is exactly what he did. He first took the others their drinks. They all were very grateful for the drink. He then took one to channie hyung's studio for himself to tempt him out of the studio.
he knocked at the door before pushing it open and spoke
i.n: hey chanie hyung i made italian hot chocolate. you might wanna drink it out here to be safe though, don't wanna spill.
chan: oh cool. let me just saaave thisssss…
he said as he dragged on until the edits to the song were saved. he then followed innie out into the kitchen, grabbing his drink, as they walked over to living room where they saw hyunjin hyung sat at the other end of the black couch that complimented te gray , next to black walls of the living room. hyunjins empty cup sat on the side table next to him and his phone still playing a video of an art hack, barely on the edge of the chair. in grabbed the phone gently out of his hyung's hand and turned it of setting it aside before sitting next to him. he patted the spot next to him on the couch for chan. chan gladly to the seat. they both at in silence enjoying the peace and tranquility in blissful comfort. sipping away at their drink hyunjin leaned hi head over onto jeongin's houlder and gave it a comforting weight. his cup now empty falls from his hands as he rested his head on top of hyuunjin's eyes fluttering shut the fuzzy cool feeling of the rain ac and chocolate infecting his brain with dreams. chan looked over at jeongin just in time to catch the cup and setting it down on the table. he continued to sip the last of his drink just as felix, han, and seuongmin emerge from the kitchen. han and felix looked at each other as if telepathically communicating before walking over to the drowsy chan and sitting on either side of him. out of nowhere han bean singing a gentle tune. the lyrics flowing from twenced is lips as if they were dancing on the lightness of the air. the room so quiet that even with his voice beng next to a whisper you can hear his beautiful voice. his soft voice almost lulling felix to sleep before he was awakened by his responsibility to help with the duet. felix open his mouth and joined han in singing the tune letting his deep voice contrast han' and beautiful way. very soon chan joined in on it lulling the two original serenaders to fall asleep as the song that fell from chan's lips soothed their tired minds into rest and relaxation. moving them into a world of their own dreams. just he was about to get up Seungmin arrived with blankets along with Minho . they both wrapped the guys comfortably in the blankets before minho sat next to felix and changbin and seungmin sat between the now very sleepy chan and then resting his head on minho , flix.
bangchan felt himself nod, he kept catching his eyes shutting longer than a blink should last. looking left, then right, he feels safe, at peace. He feels complete.
After many hours of shifting and getting comfortable the boys all ended up in a cuddle pile on the floor all crowded around and on bangchan as if they were a weighted blanket.
staycy, aka you, aka stay, aka their manager, walked in to check on them. what you found was the cutest sweetest most wonderful thing you had ever seen. You quickly got out the stack of sticky notes you had an write a quick note congratulating them on making it though comebacks. stating that staaycy and stay are very proud of them. You pulled out your phone after sticking the note to the counter. You went out of the room ordering some food for them when they woke up. Not long after all of the guyses favorite food arrived you paid and went back in putting them all next to the note on the counter.
You left and made sure to close the door as stealthy as possible. Soon after you had left the scent of food woke them up and then went into the kitchen seeing the note and food.
The next day they all tried to thank you but you just played umb she shyly and playfully denied it and despite being so tiny they piled on you in a hug.
The Enveloping Comfort

Intro: Hey everyone, it's your girl jj-stay here! I'm so excited to be writing this post and sharing my latest fanfiction with you all! This fanfiction centers around [straykids] and features [reader], and is suitable for readers of all [16] and older.
TW: members are holding their partners boobs I sleep😅
Request: [no.]
Author: JJ STAY
Word Count: 1200 words
Pairing: Each member with their respective girlfriend/reader
Summary: A collection of the reactions from Stray Kids members upon discovering the phenomenon of needing to hold their girlfriend's boob to sleep. Through their distinct perspectives, they explore their insecurities, unexpected moments of vulnerability, and the undeniable comfort they find in their significant others' embrace.
Notes: This is a reaction fic created for the Tumblr readers who delight in moments of tenderness and genuine connection between Stray Kids members and their girlfriends.
Author's Note: Since the prompt is based on a specific preference, I have attempted to navigate the topic as comfortably as possible while maintaining the essence of each character. Please note that this fic may not suit all readers' preferences. Read with discretion and respect.
☪️ Master List ☪️
Chapter 1: Chan - The Guardian
Chan has always been the protector of his members, seeking comfort in knowing they are safe and secure. Surprisingly, he discovers a hidden vulnerability within himself when he stumbles upon the phenomenon. As he holds his girlfriend's breast, a sense of calmness engulfs him, reminding him that he too needs someone to lean on.
Chapter 2: Minho - The Stoic Observer
Minho, despite his stoic exterior, feels an instant connection when he learns about this phenomenon. For him, it is not only the physical contact but the bond of trust and intimacy it represents. Through deep reflection, he learns that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a gateway to profound emotional connections.
Chapter 3: Changbin - The Uncharted Confidant
Changbin, the lyrical genius, finds himself at a loss for words as he grapples with the discovery. Awkwardly, he navigates the realization, torn between his deep-rooted insecurities and the comforting solace he finds in his girlfriend's embrace. Through their serene moments together, he learns to unravel his fears, allowing their bond to flourish.
Chapter 4: Hyunjin - The Unexpected Surrender
Hyunjin, normally confident and self-assured, is caught off-guard by the phenomenon. His initial bravado crumbles, revealing a surprising vulnerability. As he falls into a peaceful slumber with his girlfriend's serene presence, he realizes that relinquishing control doesn't make him weak but rather strengthens their bond, and he becomes a willing captive of his heart.
Chapter 5: Jisung - The Heartfelt Reveal
Jisung, with his lively personality, takes the discovery with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. He laughs about it, even teasing his girlfriend playfully. However, as he embraces her, he often finds himself lost in contemplation, appreciating the emotionally comforting power they hold over each other.
Chapter 6: Felix - The Unspoken Embrace
Felix, the soft-spoken and gentle soul, is speechless when he discovers this phenomenon. However, he finds solace in the quiet understanding exchanged between him and his girlfriend. Their shared warmth amplifies the bond they share, an unspoken language of love and safety that transcends mere words.
Chapter 7: Seungmin - The Unexpected Nurturer
Seungmin, known for his nurturing and supportive nature, sees this phenomenon as an opportunity to care for someone deeply. Despite his uncertainties, he takes pride in providing his girlfriend with a safe haven, believing he has the power to bring her serenity and respite from the world at large.
Chapter 8: Jeongin - The Tender Confusion
Jeongin, the youngest member, initially struggles to process the phenomenon. He grapples with his own innocence, unsure of the comfort derived from the act, until one night, he falls into a peaceful sleep. It is then that he understands the intricacies of intimacy, discovering solace within his girlfriend's embrace.
Please note that this fanfiction is a work of fiction created for entertainment purposes only. The portrayal of Stray Kids members and their relationships are fictional and should not be taken as an accurate representation of their personal lives.
Stray Kids' Chivalrous Act: Shielding You from the Camera's Intrusion
Intro: Hey everyone, it's your girl [jj-stay] here! I'm so excited to be writing this post and sharing my latest fanfiction with you all! This fanfiction centers around [straykids] and features [reader], and is suitable for readers of all [16] and older.
TW: [mentions of camera trying to get a good peak up readers skirt]
Word Count: 639
Request: [no]
Pairing: SKZ x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life actions or events is purely coincidental.
Summary: In this headcanon, we delve into how each member of Stray Kids would react when faced with the distressing situation of the media trying to capture glimpse under your skirt during an award show. Brace yourself for heartwarming moments as these talented boys come to the rescue, putting their coats or jackets on your lap, guarding your comfort and privacy.
Chan (Bang Chan): As the reliable leader that he is, Chan would be quick to notice the uncomfortable situation you're in. His face would turn serious, a determined glint in his eyes. Without hesitation, Chan would stand up and gracefully place the coat he had haphazardly draped over his arm onto your lap, ensuring your peace of mind and shielding you from prying eyes.
Minho (Lee Know): In his usual composed manner, Minho's first instinct would be to protect you discreetly. Supporting you with a gentle smile, he would cleverly shift closer to you, skillfully draping his jacket across his arm and casually placing it onto your lap. Although his actions may seem subtly unassuming, his consideration for your well-being shines through.
Changbin (CB97): Possessing a deep sense of loyalty, Changbin would be genuinely outraged at the invasive behavior of the media. With an intimidating glare that could freeze the room, he would swiftly grab his jacket and lay it across your lap, creating a physical barrier between their prying lenses and your privacy. His stoic expression would soften as he whispers reassurances, ensuring you feel safe and supported.
Hyunjin: Known for his charismatic and elegant flair, Hyunjin's chivalrous nature shines through in this headcanon. Reacting quickly to protect you, he would subtly approach, his jacket casually draped over his perfectly tailored suit. Flashing a captivating smile, he gracefully removes the jacket from his shoulders and gently lays it across your lap, his eyes silently conveying his compassion and empathy.
Han (Han Jisung): Being observant and empathetic, Han would swiftly pick up on the distress you're experiencing. His usually playful demeanor turns serious as he strides towards you with determination. Without uttering a word, he would smoothly untangle his jacket from his waist, extending it towards you to shield you from the intrusive cameras, silently promising to always look out for you.
Felix: Known for his warm heart and servant-like demeanor, Felix's protective instincts kick in faster than anyone can anticipate. He would instantly notice your discomfort and rush to your side with an expression of concern etched across his face. In one fluid motion, he removes his jacket, placing it softly and carefully on your lap, his gaze radiating unwavering support and care.
Seungmin: Being the thoughtful and caring member that he is, Seungmin would use his quick wit and resourcefulness to ensure your comfort. Upon noticing your unease, he would approach you and initiate a light conversation without drawing any attention. Simultaneously, he gracefully slips off his jacket, concealing it under the guise of adjusting his seating arrangement, and discreetly places it on your lap, all while keeping the conversation flowing effortlessly.
I.N. (Jeongin): The youngest member's heartwarming actions are sure to leave you feeling protected and valued. Despite his own shyness, Jeongin would react without hesitation to shield you from the intrusive camera's view. With a gentle smile that melts hearts, he would walk gracefully towards you, his jacket hugged tightly in his arms. Offering it to you, he provides a comforting presence and silently assures you that he's there for you no matter the circumstances.
In this ideal world, Stray Kids' innate ability to care for one another always extends to those around them. As each member puts their coat or jacket on your lap, they demonstrate their unwavering support, ensuring your comfort, privacy, and a sense of security amidst an overwhelming situation.
Taglist: @kflixnet
When your lips met mine
🎉✨ What’s up, amazing readers? It’s your girl [jj-stay] here, and I’m beyond excited to drop my latest fanfic masterpiece! Get ready for an enchanting blend of fluff and romance, featuring our beloved Stray Kids members sharing those magical first-kiss moments with you, the reader. This one’s perfect for everyone 16 and older.
🔖 Word Count: 975 (Settle in for a dreamy read!) 🛠 Request Status: Just a creation from my heart! 💕 Pairing: SKZ x Reader (Prepare for all the swoons!) 💖 Genre: Fluff, Romantic (With a sprinkle of magic) ⚠️ Trigger Warning: First kiss (Prepare for major butterflies!) 📜 Disclaimer: Pure fiction, folks. Any resemblance to real-life events is purely coincidental.
Bang Chan:
When: Movie night vibes at their place. 🍿 Where: Their cozy apartment. 🛋️ How: In the midst of a snuggle fest on the couch, watching their favorite film, the moment strikes. They both lean in for a sweet, gentle kiss, and bam—fireworks. 🎆 Reaction: Chan is momentarily stunned but then melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his S/O tightly. He pulls back with a smile that could light up the entire universe. 😍
Lee Know (Minho):
When: Late-night beach stroll. 🌙 Where: Romantic AF beach setting. 🌊 How: With the moonlight casting magic on the water, Lee Know takes their hand, pulls them closer, and just goes for it—a kiss that makes the ocean jealous. 💦 Reaction: His eyes widen as an electric spark runs through him. Minho's cheeks flush, but he quickly dives back in, making it a kiss to remember. 😳
When: Candlelit rooftop dinner. 🕯️ Where: Their private rooftop. 🌌 How: Changbin sets up a dreamy picnic under the stars. As the night gets more intimate, he takes a leap of faith, leaning in for a tender, unforgettable kiss. 💏 Reaction: Initially nervous, Changbin feels a wave of warmth and comfort. He savors the kiss, holding his S/O close, wanting to freeze this perfect moment in time. 🥰
When: Ferris wheel magic at an amusement park. 🎡 Where: Amusement park. 🎢 How: At the peak of the Ferris wheel ride, Hyunjin, with his heart racing, leans in for a thrilling kiss, the wind adding a touch of drama to the moment. 🌬️ Reaction: Hyunjin is surprised by his own boldness, but the excitement eclipses any doubts. He smiles against their lips, feeling a rush of pure, unfiltered joy. 😆
When: Late-night drive through the city. 🚗 Where: Rooftop parking lot with killer views. 🌃 How: Parked under the stars, Han gazes deeply into his S/O’s eyes, then leans in for a kiss that’s all passion and longing, letting the moment ignite. 🌟 Reaction: A bit anxious, Han soon loses himself in the undeniable chemistry. He holds his S/O's face gently, deepening the kiss and pouring his heart into it. 💘
When: Sunny day picnic in the park. ☀️ Where: A scenic park spot. 🌳 How: In the middle of a playful conversation on a cozy blanket, Felix feels his heart race. He leans in, capturing their lips in a sweet, innocent kiss. 🍓 Reaction: Felix is shy at first, his cheeks a soft pink, but he quickly feels a burst of happiness. He smiles against their lips, savoring every second of their affection. 😊
When: Romantic picnic in a flower field. 🌸 Where: A blooming flower field. 🌼 How: With the sun setting and everything bathed in a warm glow, Seungmin pulls his S/O into a tight embrace, brushing their lips together for the first time. 🌅 Reaction: Seungmin is surprised by the rush of emotions, but as their lips meet, everything feels perfect. He closes his eyes, melting into the kiss, his heart singing with love. 🎶
I.N (Jeongin):
When: Chilly winter evening stroll. ❄️ Where: Snowy park under the streetlights. 🌨️ How: Pausing in the glow of a streetlamp, Jeongin takes a deep breath, feeling the cool air, and leans in for a sweet, tender kiss amidst the winter wonderland. 🌟 Reaction: Jeongin feels a mix of excitement and nervousness, his heart fluttering as their lips meet. He smiles shyly, feeling warmth spread through him, pulling his S/O closer to cherish the moment. 💖