Incorrect Quotations - Tumblr Posts
jungkook: i don't date guys
taehyung, walks in
jungkook: i marry them
hoseok: i'm sending good vibes your way. they're coming. there's nothing you can do to stop them.
yoongi: this is the most threatening way i've ever been cheered up.
hoseok: jungkook, where'd you get that bruise?
jungkook: *flashback to him walking into a pole after taehyung blew a kiss at him*
jungkook: i'm in a gang
taehyung: what are your strengths?
jungkook: i fall in love easily
taehyung: um, okay... and your weaknesses?
jungkook: those beautiful eyes of yours
jungkook: i'm off to that meeting
taehyung: forgetting something?
jungkook: ah yes
jungkook, gently kisses taehyung on his forehead
taehyung, blushing: i meant your wallet but thank you
jungkook: tell us, is there a spirit in my room?
ouija board: Y-E-S
jungkook: great. your portion of the rent
is $1000. it's due the first of the month.
ouija board: W-T-F
taehyung, applying lip balm
jungkook: what flavor is that ?
taehyung: oh it's strawberry flavor !
jungkook: does it taste like strawberry too ?
taehyung: you can try, here.
jungkook, kisses taehyung instead
jungkook: huh it does !
taehyung: *taehyung.exe stopped working
jungkook: where were you taehyung?
taehyung: i was in my room. why?
jungkook: i went to the kitchen to get some snacks but you weren't there
taehyung: do you remember our first meet?
jungkook: yes
taehyung: you flirted with me and told me i had a pretty head.
jungkook: is there something on my chest?
taehyung: other than your peircings and my eyes, no
taehyung: aren't you forgetting something?
jungkook: i think i have kept everything to take. my passport, my bag...
taehyung: my hand.. hold my hand
taehyung: beautiful
jungkook, drawing
jungkook: thanks, i'm almost done!
taehyung: no! i was talking about you
taehyung: hey hyung! have you seen my top?
hoseok: yeah, jungkook is in the kitchen.
jungkook, trying to fix something:
jungkook: hey can someone give me a hand.
taehyung, immediately goes to hold jungkook's hand.
jungkook: you're cute but that's not what i meant.
taehyung: okay but why are you still holding my hand then?
jungkook: you got me.
taehyung, trying to subtly get ideas of what jungkook might want for his birthday
taehyung: tell me something you like.
jungkook : like or love?
taehyung: love.
jungkook: you.
taehyung, internally: that was so sweet but it does not help me at all.
[it did, taehyung was the gift]
jungkook, reading a recipe: beat three eggs?
taehyung: it means in hand to hand combat.
jungkook: ohhhh-
jin: both of you get out of this kitchen.
[while hiding their relationship from everybody in the group]
jungkook: you're on speaker. behave.
taehyung: or what, you'll spank me?
hoseok: [quietly hands jimin a twenty]
jimin: [smugly accepts it]
taehyung, eating a cinnamon roll
jungkook: cannibalism.
taehyung: *confused chewing noises*
jimin : what is love?
jungkook : i unfollowed some meme pages so that taehyung could send me memes i haven't seen before.
jungkook: do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
taehyung: it was autocorrect.
jungkook: oh, autocorrect said "you're so hot. please step on me."?