Incorrect South Park Quotes - Tumblr Posts
Wendy: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling? Christophe: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Stan? Stan: Probably “road work ahead”. Gregory: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Butters: *shows cute little bunny* would you slap him for $88 million?
Cartman: yes
Kenny: I would eat that fucker raw for a snickers bar
Clyde: thats why yo shoes raggedy
Craig: thats why yo momma dead
Clyde, Jimmy, Token, Tweek:
Craig: dead as hell
Clyde: *cries*
Craig: what shoes she got on?
Token and Jimmy: *comforts Clyde*
Craig: what shoes she got on her casket?
Kyle: What the fuck did you do?
Cartman: UwU
Butters: I can't believe you did that!
Kenny: thats what she said!
Butters: will you stop it?
Kenny: thats what she said
Butters: I don't like this!
Kenny: *voice getting higher pitched* Thats what she SAID
Butters: How long is this?
Kenny: *High-Pitched screeching* THATS WHAT SHE SAID!
Kenny: Imagine this, the year is 8 and some random dude found out that milk comes from cows, and people want to know what he was doing to that cow before he discovered it
Clyde: *shaking* I-I beg your pardon
Kenny: beg
Stan: I'm going to bite my arm
Kyle: why?
Stan: why not?
Kyle: you will not bite your fucking arm
Stan: I fucking will
Kyle: you better not
Stan, muffled: is too late
Kyle: goddammit
Hellpark Craig: we thought you died
Hellpark Pip: I did, I'm better now
Kyle: if you can switch lives with anyone here who would it be?
Stan: Cartman
Kyle: why Cartman?
Stan: 'cause hes probably gonna die soon
Cartman: What the fuck?