Indian Chaotic Academia - Tumblr Posts
Indian Chaotic Academia
Wanting to wear jumpers and hoodies but changing your mind after looking at the daily temperature
Scoring 97% in English in your board exams but your spoken English makes you sound like you've never studied it in your life
Messy yet (somewhat) intelligible handwriting
A weak spot for old Bollywood songs regardless of your personal taste in music
Chipped nail polish and lots of bracelets
Wanting to study in a park or a cafe but you can't as they're too loud and busy
Adrak chaha is the solution to everything
Muting the class WhatsApp group so you can read angsty fanfiction at 3 a.m. without alerting your parents
Vada pav and samosa>>>>
Buying several highlighters but still end up using blunt pencils to mark important study material
At some point, a B is the best grade you'll ever find in your report card
Reading the Mahabharata at the back of the class in the same way you would read a modern novel ("Nooo, why did he have to die 😭")
Coming up with ideas for study charts but never actually making them
Getting a lot of holidays and vacations thanks to the amount of festivals celebrated throughout the year
"Sir that's my emotional support gel pen brand that I've been using since fifth grade"
The poem you have to learn in your regional language class is actually your favourite childhood song
Rickshaw rides are better than any other mode of transport, change my mind (you can't)
Getting the 'Slytherin house' that always comes last in every school event
Only buying books from the second-hand book stalls because they have all the good ones
I can never forget the time when I was in 10th grade and I went to school after a five day-long absence to find the whole of 10th grade talking about some guy in my class named Suresh.
I was really confused because there was no one named Suresh in our class and it was nearly the end of the school year so there was no chance of any new students joining my class. I wanted to see who this mystery student was and why was he so popular and why was everyone not terrified about the fact that he had recently died of blood loss.
Turns out, Suresh was an injured pigeon who had been living on a ledge just outside my classroom's window
Types of People: Hindu Mythology
asura: determined and ambitious. coffee lover. has ten heads' worth of obscure information. asks questions others are too afraid to ask. messy handwriting. wanderlust. daydreams a lot. can hold a grudge. unfinished projects. logical thinkers.
rakshasa: hates being told what to do. probably good at sports. doesn't care what other people think of them. competitive. always hungry. has a bunch of friends but isn't popular. scary when angry. horror stories at 2 am. passionate when it comes to something they like. gets bored easily.
naga: loves being the centre of attention. collects stuff they find interesting. warmest smiles. optimistic. shares all their food with you. loves to draw even if they're bad at it. won't hesitate to snap at someone they feel like is a bully. charismatic. probably has a high self-esteem. the mom friend.
yaksha: swings between energetic and moody. has a strong affinity with nature. uses humour to cover up their true feelings. likes riddles. has a short temper that they often struggle to hide. fluent in sarcasm. either talks a lot or doesn't talk at all. gets decent grades. reads to escape reality. into mythology and folklore.
vetala: secretive and mysterious. looks intimidating but is actually quite nice. they are much smarter than they look. would die for their loved ones. probably has a journal. reads a lot. ambitious but struggles to get good grades. warm heart and cold hands. studying until midnight. seems unemotional but cries easily.
In theory, I'm dark academia. In practice, I'm chaotic academia
Fake jewellery may be fake but it's real in my heart
Indian Chaotic Academia Pt. 1
Wanting to wear jumpers and hoodies but changing your mind after looking at the daily temperature
Scoring 97% in English in your board exams but your spoken English makes you sound like you are an illiterate crackhead
Messy yet (somewhat) intelligible handwriting
A weak spot for old Bollywood songs regardless of your personal taste in music
Wanting to study in a park or a cafe but you can't as they're too loud and busy
Adrak chai is the solution to everything
Muting the class WhatsApp group so you can read angsty fanfiction at 3 a.m. without alerting your parents
Buying several highlighters but still end up using blunt pencils to mark important study material
At some point, a B is the best grade you'll ever find in your report card
Reading the Mahabharata at the back of the class in the same way you would read a modern novel ("Nooo, why did he have to die 😭")
Coming up with ideas for study charts but never actually making them
The poem you have to learn in your regional language class is actually your favourite childhood song
Getting the 'Slytherin house' that always comes last in every school event