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Me, typing into Google: How do I stop getting attached to the genderbent versions of my OCs?
I want to write a book of short stories so surreal and memorable that they get printed in prose collections that people write analytical essays on and obsess over their symbolism
There's something so magical about the stars. When you look at them, you're looking back millennia in the past, back to ages that predate our own planet. Those celestial diamonds that glimmer against black velvet have watched over our ancestors will watch over us and all those yet to come
The fact that I got to witness five hundred years' worth of oppression, humiliation, struggle and agony come to an end in a blaze of glory will never cease to awe me. The people who had sacrificed their lives for the mandir can finally rest in peace now.
Jai Shree Ram! 🪔🪔🪔
Morning bird this, night owl that, permanently exhausted pigeon whatever. Have you ever considered being a chaotic raven with no sense of time or schedule
Me beating back the nihilistic thoughts with a stick every time I feel the slightest bit of happiness
Being obsessed with your own OCs is such a wonderful thing because it's like being obsessed with yourself without you knowing it
There's a crow who visits my aunt's house every day to eat balls of raw chapati. It sits in the windowsill and watches her roll the dough but doesn't try to take any for itself- even when she offers it some.
She has to say, "You can eat this," and that's when it actually takes the chapati. If she leaves the chapati in front of it without telling it to take it, the crow actually reminds her to do so by cawing at her.
I swear, crows will never cease to amaze me.
It's ridiculous how the word for today and tomorrow is the exact same thing in Hindi

I don't get how a language that has more than seventy synonyms for the moon can struggle with making up separate words for 'today' and 'tomorrow'
When I was five, I overheard my friends' friend Tamara telling them that she was moving to Poland and that there wouldn't be school over there.
She obviously meant that the summer vacation would be ongoing but my idiotic self jumped to Poland having no schools at all, making me want to move there myself.
Two years later, I was working on an assignment related to the Warsaw Basilisk and I wanted to check where Warsaw was as it was the first time I'd heard the name.
I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I found out that Poland was a regular country like mine and not a wonderland where schools weren't a thing.
I'm so used to seeing Americans only in movies and shows that the fact that they exist in real life feels almost unreal. I went to Keoladeo National Park a few months ago and got whiplash when I heard an American tourist speak
In theory, I'm dark academia. In practice, I'm chaotic academia
Things I've Googled as a Writer
Can injecting oleander sap into your veins kill you
Does eating your own clone count as cannibalism
How do moons die
Was tuberculosis common on the Eastern Front of WW1
Did Neanderthals believe in demons
Do moths hate butterflies
How much money does a hitman cost
Prolific Japanese serial killers
How long does it take for someone to die of nightshade poisoning
Average number of corpses in a mass grave
Forbidden deities in Hinduism
How do people join cults
What to expect when digging up a hundred y/o corpse
Synonyms for said
It's so funny how my chosen name is somewhat related to my IRL name
Recurring Themes in My Writing
Autistic/autistic-coded protagonists
Barely human characters e.g. living weapons
Black cat x golden retriever
Childhood trauma
Found family
Gods, demons and spirits
Lunar deities
Manipulative villains
One person armies
References to Hindu culture
Self-destructive mentalities
Secret societies
My gender is suddenly remembering about all the deadlines you forgot about and panicking
I should've known that I was greyplatonic when six y/o me thought that the 'friendship is magic' part of MLP was bullshit
I love writing and reading about towns and cities full of secrets and mysteries, where almost none of the residents are truly innocent
We need to talk more about past special interests that you feel nostalgic about but can't return to because of a lack of true passion or an aversion to said interest
Edit: I just realised I didn't add the More Than One Option and None of These choices so just pick the one you vibe with the most :'D