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What was/is the purpose of this?
Hello Truth Seekers!
Pick An Object

Disclaimer: These messages are for entertainment purposes.
Take a deep breath and concentrate on something that puzzles you. Ask the universe, what is/was the purpose? Choose the object that calls out to out to you the most
#1: The energy spent was not wasted. This is more than a learning experience. This is a part of a deeper seed that has not sprouted yet. You may not see the results for a long time. Hermit energy is important now. Think deeply about what this means to you and what it means in context of your situation. Really analyze your emotions and thoughts. Why do you think this? Why do you feel that? These are all important questions for this part of your journey.
Song: Blurry- Puddle of Mudd
#2: You need to feel it, whatever you are going through. Feel it and honor it so you can visualize and feel the opposite and bask in the new feeling. Imagine feeling loved, helped, respected, successful, whatever you aren’t enough of now. The purpose of where you are now is to show you where you need to be. If all you know now is that “here” is not where you want to be, then put your energy into being somewhere else. Scripting and affirmations might help with this goal. A fresh start is assured if you put your energy into that new start.
Song: All The Stars- Kendrick Lamar & SZA
#3: The energy is gaining momentum. Give thanks for what you are grateful for. Stay dedicated but loose and flexible enough for change, if needed. The point of this part of your journey is to overcome and face your fears. Too often we are held back by unconscious fears. If you want something, but are actually afraid of a part of obtaining that something, you can’t put your all into that goal. Believe in yourself and truly listen to the signs that guide you.
Song: Good Morning Gorgeous- Mary J Blige
What Will Be Revealed To You?
Take a moment and pick a sky, whichever one calls out to you the most. Each selection’s message was received via tarot, oracle and intuition. You can select more than one message. None of the gifs are made by me. From top to bottom the selection names are:
1) Star light
2) Lake
3) Purple Sky

1) Star light- Your hard work is paying off. Give compassion and understanding to yourself, you deserve it! Something is coming to a close and it will be a new beginning for you. Now is not the time to grind more. Now is the time to sit back and believe that you did what you could do. Be positive. you will not be disappointed.
Song: Trainer Red Theme- Pokemon
Little Too Late- JoJo
2) Lake- The balance of spirituality and practicality is a powerful thing. It leads to manifestation. Don't be afraid. You and your goals will never link up if you don't take any chances. You will see that with discipline and a clear mind, the pathway to your goals will be much clearer. Change will be revealed to you.
Song: Passion- Utada Hikaru, Kingdom Hearts
Love’s Just a Feeling- Lindsey Sterling
3) Purple Sky- The impossible is possible. Something will be completed but a new adventure will begin. A new stage in your spirituality will be starting. You will see things in a new way. Repeating numbers are a sign for you. Have faith that you will be good at the end of the day.
Song: United Nations- Black Panther Soundtrack
Toumeina Sekai- Little Glee Monster
***These readings are for entertainment only.
💭Who Is In Your Energy Field? 🗣️

P1: A close friend. This person has been thinking of you a lot. There are a lot of fond memories here. Maybe they were watching a show that reminded them of you. They will most likely reach out just to catch up and say hi. I get that this person is someone you really vibe with and feel good around.

P2: Someone older, possible a parent. I feel like this person feels like they have some sort of authority over you. It could be an older sibling. This person could have less than ideal intentions. If they reach out, it could be just to see if their lease/hold on you still tight :/

P3: Someone who has expectations of you. It feels like they are holding their breath. This person may be shy or just bad with words. They may be younger than you or just inexperienced. This could be work related as well. They have something they want to tell you that they are excited about as well.
What Movie Has A Message For You?
How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!
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Pile 1:
You need a movie with a strong woman at the center. Something that is inspiring, thoughtful or mind boggling. As weird as it may seem, Gone Girl, or any more like it may be beneficial for you to watch at this time. You could also benefit from movies that are based off books. Maybe The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, or Hunger Games.
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Pile 2:
Something that depicts a similar struggle you are going through. The movie for you right now is something involving the feeling of being trapped, struggling or going through challenges. If there is a movie in mind where the main character transform in some way, watch it. Even if it’s “The Chosen One” trope. Movies where information is a big part of a journey is also really important at this time. The Matrix? Or maybe even The Little Mermaid.
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Pile 3:
Movies where there is a Hero’s Journey. The kind of movies that would resonate with you right now are ones that include determination, downfalls, choices, ambition, discovery, and success. This may even be a series. You need a clear high and low moment movie that lets you sit in it. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a traditional Hero’s Journey. It can be about a person’s internal struggle or a struggle to get out of a certain situation. Antwone Fisher came to mind.
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What Will Be Revealed To You?
Take a moment and pick a sky, whichever one calls out to you the most. Each selection’s message was received via tarot, oracle and intuition. You can select more than one message. None of the gifs are made by me. From top to bottom the selection names are:
1) Star light
2) Lake
3) Purple Sky

1) Star light- Your hard work is paying off. Give compassion and understanding to yourself, you deserve it! Something is coming to a close and it will be a new beginning for you. Now is not the time to grind more. Now is the time to sit back and believe that you did what you could do. Be positive. you will not be disappointed.
Song: Trainer Red Theme- Pokemon
Little Too Late- JoJo
2) Lake- The balance of spirituality and practicality is a powerful thing. It leads to manifestation. Don’t be afraid. You and your goals will never link up if you don’t take any chances. You will see that with discipline and a clear mind, the pathway to your goals will be much clearer. Change will be revealed to you.
Song: Passion- Utada Hikaru, Kingdom Hearts
Love’s Just a Feeling- Lindsey Sterling
3) Purple Sky- The impossible is possible. Something will be completed but a new adventure will begin. A new stage in your spirituality will be starting. You will see things in a new way. Repeating numbers are a sign for you. Have faith that you will be good at the end of the day.
Song: United Nations- Black Panther Soundtrack
Toumeina Sekai- Little Glee Monster
***These readings are for entertainment only.
💭Who Is In Your Energy Field? 🗣️

P1: A close friend. This person has been thinking of you a lot. There are a lot of fond memories here. Maybe they were watching a show that reminded them of you. They will most likely reach out just to catch up and say hi. I get that this person is someone you really vibe with and feel good around.

P2: Someone older, possible a parent. I feel like this person feels like they have some sort of authority over you. It could be an older sibling. This person could have less than ideal intentions. If they reach out, it could be just to see if their lease/hold on you still tight :/

P3: Someone who has expectations of you. It feels like they are holding their breath. This person may be shy or just bad with words. They may be younger than you or just inexperienced. This could be work related as well. They have something they want to tell you that they are excited about as well.