Invader Zim X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I like this story

I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I just love your work!! But can you imagine that instead of y/n and dib getting stuck in the Zimvoid, zim and dib would be stuck in a y/n-void? Again, sorry if I’m bothering you, I love your work, keep it up!!



Be warned: There are obsessive and creepy behaviors ahead. While there won’t be anything sexual in my story, things still may get disturbing.

Here’s the original song I used but be warned it’s nsfw. Because of this some of the lyrics have been changed.

The day you went missing was the day Zim and Dib finally put their differences aside to track you down.

However, where they ended up made their jaws drop and their hearts flutter.

They had somehow ended up on a planet full of copies of you!

There were versions of you of all shapes, sizes and even species!

Luckily Zim had a sample of your DNA so at least he could the you from his timeline.

“Ok, we need a plan to save our Y/N! We-”

Dib was cut off by a very excited GIR.


And with that, GIR went running off into a group of yous before Zim could even try to stop him.

“HEY! Are you my Unicorn?!” GIR asked a you with fairy wings.

“No. I’m not a unicorn and I don’t even know who you are.” The you huffed as they folded their arms.

“Okie dokie!” GIR giggled as he walked off to another you wearing a pirate costume.

“Are you my Unicorn?”

“No. I am no Unicorn, landlubber!  I be Captain Y/N! The fiercest space pirate that ever roamed the galaxies!” The you announced dramatically.

“Ooh! Ok! Bye!”

And with that, GIR trotted off to a random pipe.

“Hey! Are you my Unicorn?”

The pipe said nothing as it sat on the ground.

“That’s ok take your time.” GIR reassured as he patted the pipe.

“GRAHH! GIR! Looks like I’ll have deal with him later. Right now I need to focus on my sweet Y/N!” Zim growled as he dragged a hand down his face.

“Well like I said, we need a plan! Do you have any ideas?” Dib groaned as he folded his arms.

“Of course I do! Zim always has a plan! ALWAYS!” Zim declared as he pointed to the sky.

“Ok, so what’s the plan, spaceboy?”

“The plan is…Uh…Um…”

“Seriously?! You don’t have any ideas at all?!” Dib interjected.

“OF COURSE I HAVE IDEAS! My plans are so amazing that your inferior human mind can’t comprehend them!” Zim lied as he snapped a finger in Dib’s face.

“Hey, if you boys are done fighting, I think I might be able to help.”

Dib and Zim whipped around and their jaws dropped.

What stood before them was an Irken you!

“Surprise! It’s another Y/N! The others call me Zoom though.” Zoom giggled as they gave a wink.

“Why do they call you, Zoom?” Dib asked as he rubbed the back of his he raised a brow.

“Because it sounds like a combination of Zim and doom so they other Y/Ns thought it was cute.” Zoom explained casually.

Zim’s PAK sparked a bit as he fought back the urge to stare into your F/C eyes.

Remembering how beautiful his you looked, Zim shook away his infatuation and cleared his throat.

“Yes, yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zoom-Y/N  but the Dib-monkey and I are searching for our Y/N. So just…run along now or whatever”

“Well, you’re gonna need someone to help you navigate this hellhole if you want to find them! So are you gonna except my help or not?” Zoom huffed as they put their hands on their hips.

“Ugh! Fine! Do you have any ideas?” Zim pouted as he folded his arms.

“I sure do! Follow me! I’ll take you back to the rebel camp where we can explain everything to you two!”

And with that, Zoom led Zim and Dib to the rebel camp.

There were tons of Y/Ns at the camp but none seemed to be human.

“Welcome to the rebel Y/N camp! Here you’ll find all the Y/Ns who don’t want to take orders from the cruel demon that trapped us here!” Zoom explained as they gestured to the camp.

“Wait, are all these Y/Ns not…human?” Dib asked as he looked around.

“Yup! Apparently his ‘royal majesty’ only likes human Y/Ns! Anyone who isn’t human is thrown here, to the dumps!” Zoom grumbled as they gestured for Zim and Dib to keep going.

Eventually, Zoom stopped before an Elderly Y/N who looked like a moth creature.

“You won’t believe what I found, Elder! A Zim and a Dib!” Zoom chirped as they gestured to Zim and Dib.

“We’ll I’ll be! I can’t believe you two actually made it here!” The Elder crooned as they leaned in closer.

“Can you please explain to us what’s going on now?” Dib asked as he raised his hand.

“Right! Of course! You poor boys must be so confused! Gather around and I’ll tell you the tale of how our horrible society came to be.”

And with that Zim and Dib plopped down before The Elder as they spun their tale.

A you with glowing eyes was led into Zib’s castle where he stood in the doorway waiting to greet them.

“It’s another night, with Y/Ns coming to see me. Such a pretty sight, waiting there for me.” Zib sang as he slowly emerged from the shadows.

The glowing eyed you gasped and tried to leave-


The door shut behind them as Zib carefully took their hand in his and pulled them close.

“Smiling away, what you do like any other day. Take me by the hand, let’s dance the night astray.” Zib sang as he pulled the glowing eyed you into a tight hug.

“He stole what was mine, so I took his life from him. All the power he had, lives on within me.”  Zib chuckled as he remembered how he defeated Zim and stole his PAK.

“Look into my eyes, This will make you listen really easy.”  Zib sang as he attached a blue collar around the glowing eyed you’s neck.


“Look into my eyes”

A bright blue haze clouded the you’s glowing eyes as they gazed into Zib’s yellowed ones

“Taken my surprise, you’ve fallen enchanted.” Zib smirked as he kissed the top of their head.

“A stolen PAK that’s fused to him, gave him the power to control us.” Sang the glowing eyed you as they stood next to Zib’s throne wearing blue robes.

“He wants to lure every Y/N to his castle, just to feel loved.” Sang a you with F/C skin and matching robes.

“Bringing us one by one he chose the fairest Y/N and we gave him all our trust.” Sang the glowing eyed you.

“He’s building up his harem!” Sang the F/C skinned you.

“Brainwashed by my special collars, they finally love me! Devotion in every word they say, I know they’ll stay.” Zib sang as he stroked the glowing eyed you’s head.

“Their fates are set, From their blood to their sweat they all belong to me!  Just as long as their eyes shine a blue hue!”  Zib wrapped his hands around the F/C skinned you’s tightly.

“Once my plans progress to get these Y/Ns in my grasp. Never nonetheless, these’s no use to escape from my madness!” Zib cackled as he threw his arms into the air.

“OH! AUGH! EW!! You’re telling me some DISGUSTING Dib-Monster has my sweet Y/N?!”

“Not just your Y/N, he has countless Y/Ns and if this keeps up, every Y/N in the multiverse will be trapped here!” The Elder warned.

Zim and Dib gasped in unison as the Elder continued the story.

“Fragments of my past, I would like to burn them all away! Throw away my shame! And let it decay!” Zib sang as he burned pictures of his former self.

You stood beside him and watched the flames devour the photos.

“I want to forget, the person that I used to be. People used to laugh, and make fun of me!”

You gently put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

Zib’s eyes lit up the moment your hand touched his shoulder.

“Took them by the hands, as I told them, my sweet and simple plan.” Zib sang as he pulled you close to him.

Zib dipped you down and pulled you into a passionate kiss!

“Giving them a kiss was my only wish!”  Zib sang as he parted for air.

“You look just like the one, my friend since we were both so young. All you did was laugh and make fool of me!” Zib sniffled as he gripped your wrists tighter.

“Day by day, plenty of Y/Ns came to him from all over the multiverse.” You sang as you rested your head on his shoulder.

“One by one, all of us got lost as his evil plans got worse.” Sang an extremely tall you.

“Y/Ns got in entranced by him and soon lost their memories too!” You sang as you held one of Zib’s hands.

“Soon we didn’t even know what do to!” Sang the extremely tall you.

“My longing growing in darkness makes me desire more!  Infinitely, obsession spreading, without an ending!” Zib sang as he pulled you into his lap.

“Real or Trick? I’ll make you stick no matter how hard you try to leave! Deep and strong we’re making Zims cry and bleed! “ Zib sang as he pulled the extremely tall you back in place.

“Hating Zims and stealing the love of their angels. I’m the king of the night, it’s the madness that always felt right!” Zib sang as he kissed the top of your head.

“MADNESS! WE NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS AT ONCE!!” Zim screeched as he grasped the sides of his head.

“I never thought I’d say this but Zim’s right! We can’t let that weird Zim..Dib hybrid get away with this!” Dib agreed as he pointed to the sky.

“That’s why I brought you two here so we can discuss a-”

“WAIT! I HAVE A PLAN! Yes…An ingenious plan…” Zim interjected as he rubbed his hands together.

“Ok, I do not like that look on your face.” Dib muttered as he backed away from Zim.

“Zoom-Y/N! Do you still have access to some of your tech?” Zim asked as he turned his attention to Zoom.

“I think so. Why? What do you plan on doing with it?” Zoom asked as they checked their PAK.

“You’ll see…You’ll see…”

Within a few moments, Zim and Dib were dressed exactly like you.

“Really Zim?! This is your plan?! This never gonna work!” Dib whined as he gestured to his poorly constructed costume.

“Nonsense! Of course it will work! Zim is a master of disguise! Now hurry! Let’s retrieve Y/N before that REVOLTING DIB-WORM gets his Dib filth all over them!” Zim urged as he curled his fingers in front of his face.

“Are you kidding me?! Zim these disguises are total dookie! There’s no way anyone’s gonna be convinced by these!” Dib whined as he tugged on his disguise.

“OOH! Are you my unicorn?” GIR asked as he skipped over to Dib.

“No. I’m Dib.” Dib replied as he raised a brow.

“Ok! Are you my unicorn?” GIR asked as he turned his attention to Zim.

“No. It’s me GIR. See?” Zim chuckled as he lifted off a part of his disguise.

“Oh! Hi master!” GIR chirped with a wave.

“See? Flawless disguises! No let’s get going already!”

Dib wanted to protest but he didn’t want to keep you waiting either.

“Wait! I’m coming with you guys!” Zoom insisted as they ran after Zim and Dib.

“If those guys can’t help us I don’t know who can.” The Elder sighed as they shook their head.

After a long and grueling journey, Zim, Dib, and Zoom finally made it to Zib’s castle.

“Looks like you boys are on your own from here! Are you sure your ready?” Zoom asked softly.

“Well actually-”

“OF COURSE WE ARE!” Zim interjected.

“Alright. Good luck! I’m going to see if I can find a way to send everyone back to their home timelines.”

And with that, Zoom rushed off to search for a way to send the Y/Ns home.

Zim took in a deep breath and knocked on the door.



The door slowly opened as a familiar voice echoed from within:

“Come in my sweets~”

Zim and Dib carefully made their way into Zb’s castle.


The door slammed behind them as Zib emerged from the shadows.

“Well, Well what have we here?”

“Um, just two lost Y/Ns…” Dib giggled as he tried to imitate your voice.

Yes, I can see that. Come closer will you? I don’t bite.” Zib chuckled as he motioned for Dib to come closer.

Dib swallowed hard as he carefully approached Zib.

Zib chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Dib’s waist.

“Typical, Y/N. Always so tense…You know you really don’t have to-ACK!”


Zib was cut off by Zim smacking him upside the head with one of his weapons.

“Let’s go find our Y/N!” Zim growled as he dragged Dib along.

It didn’t take long for Zim and Dib to find you.

“Y/N!” Zim and Dib exclaimed in unison.

“We are all Y/N here….” Your voice was cold and robotic as you stared up at them with hazy blue eyes.

“Y-Y/N! What happened to you?!” Dib yelped.

“WHAT HAS THAT AWFUL DIB DONE TO YOU?!” Zim demanded as he shook your shoulders.

“He is not awful. He has opened my eyes and now I am free….” You responded as your eyelids lowered.

“NO! Y/N! SNAP OUT OF IT! JUST- Eh?” Zim suddenly noticed the bright blue collar wrapped around your neck.


Before you could protest, Zim pulled out a small laser from his PAK




With one swift cut, you were freed from your collar as it clattered to the ground.

The blue haze faded from your eyes as they returned to their normal color.

“Urgh…What happened?” You groaned.

“Y/N! YOU’RE BACK TO YOUR OLD SELF!” Zim cheered as he pulled you into a tight hug.

“I never thought I’d say this but…You did it Zim..” Dib admitted as he rubbed his arm.

“Yes! Yes I did! I AM ZIM! Now let’s free all the other Y/Ns before that VILE Dib-thing wakes up”

And with that, You, Zim and Dib went around the castle and freed every single version of you.

“I think that was the last of em.” Zim panted as another collar clattered to the ground.

“Great job guys! Now we can get out of here!” You chuckled as you pulled Zim and Dib into a hug.

Zim and Dib giggled as they melted into your embrace.

Once you released them they composed themselves and prepared to leave.  You, Zim, and Dib were just inches away from the door when-

“Not so fast!”

All three of you whipped around to find Zib glaring daggers at Zim and Dib.

“You didn’t really think I’d let you leave here with all of my beloved Y/Ns did you?” Zib growled as he drew closer.

“It’s over you..Zib creature you! All of the Y/Ns have been freed!” Dib stuttered as he put his hands on his hips.

“Don’t call me by that name. And I’ll have you know that all of the Y/Ns are HUH?!”

Zib’s eyes nearly burst out of his cracked glasses!

All of the Y/Ns were running out of the castle!

“Guards! Guards! Stop them!” Zib pleaded but he was too late, for every last Y/N had left the castle.

“N-No…No! No!!!!!!” Zib wailed as he clutched the sides of his head.

“Well, looks like it’s time for us to leave now!” Dib stuttered as he tried to guide you out of the castle.


You, Zim, and Dib were captured in a massive mechanical tentacle.

“None of you are going anywhere! You may have chased off my harem but I still have the most beautiful Y/N of them all and I refuse to ever let them leave my side!” Zib seethed as he stormed closer.


Zim had squeezed out a blaster from his PAK and blasted you and Dib free.

“Hurry! We don’t have much time!”

And with that, Zim grabbed your hand and rushed you out the door.

“Wait for me!!!” Dib cried as he ran after you and Zim.



The remains of the tentacle fell on top of Zib.

“N-No!! Y/N! Wait! I didn’t even get to tell you I loved you….”

“Geez. What a creep. Are you alright, Y/N?” Zim asked as he took off his disguise.

“Yeah, I think so. My head hurts though.” You sighed as you rubbed your head.

“Well hopefully we can fix that when we get you home.” Zim kissed your cheek as he let you back to the Voot Cruiser.

“Wait! What about the other mes?” You asked as you climbed in.

“Don’t worry about them! I’ve already taken care of it!” Zoom reassured as they zipped over to you.

“Really? What did you do, Irken-me?” You asked as you peeked over at Zoom.

“I found this Dimensional Zapper thingy and reprogramed it.” Zoom explained nonchalantly.

“Oh that makes sense.”

“Well. It was nice working with you, Zoom-Y/N. Now it’s time for us to part ways!” Zim announced as he started up the Voot.

“Wait! Are you my unicorn?!” GIR asked as he hopped into your lap.

“Yes. Yes. I am.” You chuckled as you patted GIR’s head.

“Yay!!” And with that, Zim closed the Voot and flew off.

Dib hopped into Tak’s ship and followed suit.

You were the last Y/N to go, leaving Zib all alone.

“No! Please don’t go…”

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11 months ago


Defying Gravity Chapter 2

First Chapter

Hey guys! I finally managed to churn out the second chapter! This fic is dedicated to the anon who sent the request that started it all!  Enjoy!

Keep reading

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10 months ago

I was just thinking about what kind of voice suits the villain y/n and remembered this. Don't ask

Anyway, I think they can change the sound of their voice whenever they want..

I Was Just Thinking About What Kind Of Voice Suits The Villain Y/n And Remembered This. Don't Ask
I Was Just Thinking About What Kind Of Voice Suits The Villain Y/n And Remembered This. Don't Ask

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10 months ago

AAAAAAA XENO METIONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So.. what now?
Idk, honestly..

And here y/n has a headband with the Irken symbol
Some Sketches With Xeno, Owned By @nexiscool
Some Sketches With Xeno, Owned By @nexiscool

Some sketches with Xeno, owned by @nexiscool

Her art motivates me to draw more!!

And also some y/n. I think they didn't like human children, especially Dib, because he bullies their baby(Zim) xd

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Could i request zim x reader, where the reader is having some bad cramps? I don't get bad mood swings while on mine, but I do get some really bad cramps, thanks!

Could I Request Zim X Reader, Where The Reader Is Having Some Bad Cramps? I Don't Get Bad Mood Swings

He is very confused.

Why are you balled up on the couch holding your stomach while yelling at him about not getting you any (favorite food)?

He didn't even go to the store, let alone have ANY human money.

You started crying looking away from him.

Zim walked closer to you wondering why you started crying for no apparent reason.

"Human why are you crying now. I didn't do" You then wrapped you arms around zims waist and laid your head on his chest crying. Good thing Zim has water proof clothing or else he would be crying. (lol)

After a while Zim got you your favorite snack and cuddled up on the couch with you giving you pain killers. Watching some television with Gir in your lap and zim on you left side with a throw blanket over both of your lap.

You felt way better then before.


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[Warnings: Cussing, Planning To Manipulate, Bullies, Harassment, That's Pretty Much It]

[Warnings: cussing, planning to manipulate, bullies, harassment, that's pretty much it]

(A/n: Sorry, I've been inactive, but now im gonna write on this blog. Im just gonna write invader zim shit and other stuff made by that creator.)

[Warnings: Cussing, Planning To Manipulate, Bullies, Harassment, That's Pretty Much It]

"Hey y/n, i got a dare for you!" One of the dumb popular girls yelled out loud to you at the lunch table.

"What is it. Im all ears!" You yelled back. Not wanting to look like a coward to your friends you agreed to it.

"I dare you to hook up with a cringe lame ass boy in this school and then break their heart after." She said confidence running through her.

"Sure, anymore details?" You asked, not gonna lie you wished you hadn't agreed. That's fucking mean. Who would even think of that.

"Ok so. Heres the plan, you get with a boy at this school. Make them fall in love with you. Then ask them out to the dance next month, and right when they announce king and queen were going to dump shit all over him then take pictures. Then after were going to post it on every single social media platform there is." The dumb girl said with a mean glint in her eye.

This made you think for a second. This was cruel. Mean. Why would you have fun doing this. But, you dont want to look like a coward to your popular friends.

The dumb girl smirked and looked around the cafeteria. She had looked for a bit and gasped with her eyes widening. She then went by you and whispered in your ear. "I know who you're going to prank."

"Oooo, who will i be pranking then?" You said with a fake smirk on your face.








"Dib membrane."







Dib membrane?! The kid believes in aliens and ghosts and paranormal shit. The kid that is the son of the professor membrane! Sure, nobody really liked him. BUT, of all people, the son of Professor Membrane! Does this girl want you to die in real life? What would happen if he gets pranked tells his father, and then his father fires your dad from working there. Then you would have no money. Your mom and dad would lose your home, and then you would be homeless. Then you would be-

"EARTH TO Y/N! Hello! Earth to y/n!!!!"

"Huh, wha-"

"So, you want to prank him or not?" The mean girl spoke with pure venom in her voice.

This was bad. You should have said no. You should have just not skipped detention. You looked at the mean girl and then sighed.











"When do i start?"

[Warnings: Cussing, Planning To Manipulate, Bullies, Harassment, That's Pretty Much It]

It was the end of the day, and everyone was leaving the "hi-skool." You planned on finding Dib at his Locker, then walk home with him. You live in the same exact neighborhood he does. You're basically his neighbor. But guilt filled your gut. This was gonna be mean. But you have to. Dont look like a coward, is what you say to yourself all the time now.

Going around the corner in the hallway, you see Dib at his locker fidgeting with something. You slowly walk up to him. He didn't even realize you were there until you cleared your throat.

He looked up to you in surprise. His eyes widened a bit in shock that a popular girl was right there by him.

You finally got to see his full face. He had his signature round glasses on, but he has piercings in his ears. Some pimples hear and there. You also noticed that he painted his fingernails black.

"Hey, there!" You said with a big grin. Trying to be the most welcoming you have ever been. But, he just stared at you in confusion.



















Woah, you forgot that Dib is maturing. Since when did his voice not sound like a kid anymore?! You asked yourself in your thoughts. Of course, you guys were in the 12th grade. But like damn.

"Isn't your name Dib?" You said, pouting your lips out to look cute. And then, using your fingers to fidget with your long h/c that was tied up in a high pony tail.

He looked at you like you were crazy. "Yea..?" He said, confused, then he grabbed his books and shoved them in his backpack, and started to walk off.

This made you panic. Was he not into you?! You had to think and fast before he left the school.

He stared at you and said; "Look if you're trying to make fun of me, just dont ok. I know your little popular group of fake friends is around here somewhere!"

"Uh, so! What are you doing after school?" You asked, running up to him and starting to walk with him.

Actually, none of your friends were here they were at cheer practice. "Nooo, i just wanted to know what you were doing after school." You said, still fidgeting with your hair. Plus, all of my friends are at cheer practice"

He gave you a skeptical look. But, sighed. "I was going to go home." He said with slight annoyance, stirring in his voice.

"Oooo, me too. We live in the same neighborhood, we can walk together!" You said smiling again and then grabbing your purse strap.

[Warnings: Cussing, Planning To Manipulate, Bullies, Harassment, That's Pretty Much It]

You could tell Dib didn't want to walk with you. But, luckily, gaz walked with Dib, so he didn't talk much, nor did Gaz. But you had a trick up your sleeve.











"Hey, is that a piggy slave game?"








Gaz eyes widened in shock. "You know the piggy slave games?" She asked in all honesty.

"I sure do. I have 'piggy of destruction 1' and 'piggy of slaves 2' AND 'piggy of the bacon clan 3'.-" you looked around to see if anyone was listening."-i even have the 'ultimate piggy slave'."

Gaz face turned in surprise. The ultimate piggy slave was so rare to have.

Meanwhile, you and Gaz were talking. Dib was staring at you in suspension again. 'One of the popular girls is here trying to talk to Gaz and me. This is definitely Zim's doing.' Dib thought to himself.

"So, Dib, what's ya got there?" You asked, going right beside him and looking at the weird device in his hands. It looked like a controller that would control a remote car. But it had a scanner on the front, and it kept beeping. Weird symbols that you didn't recognize popped up on the little rectangle green-ish screen.

"Oh, u-uh. It's a ghost reader. It can detect ghosts and spirits. Most of the time." Dib said in a teaching tone. He was suspicious of yours, but he would never miss a moment to teach someone about the paranormal, let alone give him their attention.....











"WOW, that's cool!" You said, looking at the device with a big grin. Dib was shocked. He was ready for a smart ass remark. Or a "ghosts aren't real."

"R-really?" Dib said in shock. "You mean it?"

"Well, duh, of course. I've seen them." To this statement, Dib eyes widened, and he went right in your face and said.

"YOU HAVE?!" After that, Dib was barbonding you with questions. 'How old were you?' And 'what did it look like?' And 'were was it at?', Ect.

You thought it would be hard for him to open up to you and actually talk to you, but you thought wrong because now you have his number and Gaz. You made a mental note later to text him.

The walk to your guys neighborhood was short from Dib talking and rambling.

After walking with them up to their home. You stopped at the fence.

"Well, that was fun. I will see you guys tomorrow?" After a pause, you saw them nodding. "Well, then goodbye, Gaz! Goodbye Dib~." You said, making sure the Dib part sounded flirtatious. You could see a pink dust fall gently on his cheeks as you turned and walked along the sidewalk to your house.

Hopefully, you could get this done before the dance.

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Hsc dating for Dib please (pilot or 2001)

Hsc Dating For Dib Please (pilot Or 2001)

Pilot!Dib would be obsessed with you, obviously. Because you're so pretty, and you always support him.

Pilot!Dib would send you videos of Zim and proof he's an alien, and when you reply with a paragraph saying how you believe him warms his heart❤️

There are good sides to dating Pilot!Dib. Like you find little cute notes passed to you in class saying how cute you look from across the class. Or a text saying, "Turn over, i want to take a picture." When you're in bed.

But let's be fr dating Pilot!Dib would also be scary and tiring. Imagine you have a guy friend, and you hang out with him after school, and he finds out. Oh boy, be prepared for an angry argument text, or the next day at school, Pilot!Dib tries to argue with you that you're cheating.

But overall, i would say he's a 7/10 at being a good bf.

Hsc Dating For Dib Please (pilot Or 2001)

2001!Dib would be more calm and understanding

There would be ups and downs like, him crying about how his dad, or bullying at school.

2001!Dib would also send you proof that Zim is an alien. But not constantly. Maybe 2 times a month

He also goes to therapy. His dad made him.

Dating 2001!Dib would be great because you go on dates in the forest with a telescope looking at the starry sky. Then he hands you his signature black coat, so you arent cold.

You would text him non-stop. So would he.

If you hang out with a guy friend, be prepared for him to try and talk to him about the paranormal. He wouldn't be jealous at all. But, if u guys become a friend group ✨️BONUS✨️

2001!Dib knocking on your window crying. Talking about how nobody believes him but you.

Overal 10/10 good bf.

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pls pls plssss y/n x concept dib plsss I love him so muchhh

This will be hard bc like, i barely looked into the concept dib 😐 but i will try my best to do this 😠 im devoted 😘 anyways enjoy (hopefully i got this right). i've also been sick im not lying i fucking threw up everywhere in my bathroom and i had to clean it up bc my dad couldn't handle the smell💀



The bell rang throughout the school, signifying that school ended.

Grabbing your things and packing them in your bag and laughing with your friends as you walked out of the school was refreshing. Better then, sitting in that stuffy old classroom, Ms. Bitters claims are the best environment to learn in.

Opening the school door and walking outside to the cement ground. You sighed, getting your phone out, trying to call your dad. But, he never answered.

"God dammit." You mutter under your breath.

Your dad was probably drunk at home sleeping. Which means you had to walk home. That also means you had to walk the direction of the weird kids. Dib, and gaz.

Walking down the sidewalk, humming to yourself, thinking about random shit that popped up in your head. You looked up, smiling at the trees. Fall was taking over the plants. Everyone was decorating their house with halloween stuff. Pumpkins everywhere, jack-o-lanterns glowing from the candle illuminating the inside.

The peace wasn't that admired for very long when you heard a throat clear behind you. Which made you jump out of your skin. You looked behind you and saw the one and only Dib membrane.

"JESUS Dib! How long were you there for?!" You asked creeped out. He looked at you with a blank stare.

"Not for very long. I was just wondering why you were staring at the Halloween decorations at the houses." Dib said with a monotone voice. You stared at him with confusion.

"Because they're pretty?" You said bewildered. How could anyone not like halloween decorations?

"Oh, well. I was wondering if you wanted to walk together. I-if you want to." He said pink cheeks now forming under is ocular glasses.

"Um, why?" You asked. You guys barely talk. Plus, he was one of the weird kids, and if you were seen with him, it could ruin your reputation.

"You seem nice." He said calmly. His face was still cotton candy pink, but it was.....cute.

'Wait....WHAT?!' You thought to yourself. Why would you think he's cute? He's the son of Professor Membrane. Also, his weird cowlick haircut. His beautiful sparkly brown chocolate eyes.... and his beautiful pink face when he talks to you. Also, his monotone voice. Like he doesn't care about anythin-

'Stop.' You thought to yourself.

"Fine. Just dont be weird and talk about alien shit." You said with a pleading look in your eye.

"I won't." Dib said, walking up to you. Now by your side. He glanced to you ever now and then. You could tell this was awkward, so you decided to spark a conversation.

"So, where's your sister? Normally, i see she walks with you home?" You asked curiously.

"Oh, she's at school she had detention because she played her piggy slave game in class and got in trouble." He said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Oh, so she got caught?" You said laughing a little.

"Yep." He answered.

After walking a little bit, you guys finally got to your destination

"Well, goodbye y/n." Dib said waving at you.

You looked up and waved.

"Goodbye Dib!" You said with a gentle smile splayed on your face.

And with that, you walk into your home awaiting the next day to see Dib.

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Professor membrane smut pls

I beg


No topic needed




You kept kissing him, pulling him into your studio apartment.He was so inexperienced it wasn't even funny. The funny fact was he even asked you to have sex with him and guide him because apparently, he's never had sex. The one and only Professor membrane was a virgin. Surprising, right? The question that was floating in the back of your mind was, "You have children. How could you be a virgin?" But it didn't matter, right now.

Pushing Membrane down on your cheap squeaky mattress, you manage to take your shirt off, revealing an old used bra that was lacey. You could feel him staring through his dark goggles. Ogling at your breasts.

You put your hands on his head, getting ready to take his goggles off. But he stops you.

"The goggles stay on." He says strictly.

"Oh~ the big famous scientist scared of me seeing his eyes?" You teased.

"You could say that..." Membrane answered reluctantly.

You ignored him and moved down to his crotch and began rubbing his erection.

You pulled his white signature lab coat aside and saw he was wearing blue "SCIENCE!" Boxers. You smirked at him. And he was turning red.

You heard a faint voice above you say.

"They were on sale...."

You put your hand down his underwear and through the bushy black pubic hairs and grabbed his cock. His girthy veiny cock.

You pulled it out, inspecting it.

It wasn't that big but it was bigger than average. Though you had to give him that it was wide and girthy. Veiny and hard standing for your eyes to see. Heavy hairy balls hanged below him.

It caught him off guard when you grabbed a hold of his member and began rubbing the top of his cock. The tip spurting beads of pre-cum. Rubbing them all over his member to create a heavenly feeling for his dick.

"You ready the famous professor membrane?" You asked, smirking widly up at him.

He looked down at you with his mouth open slightly in awe. He nodded slowly.

Then you looked down and began to suck on his tip. Making him jerk in his spot. And whimper. Is this what it felt like to get head? It felt amazing. He should have done this sooner and not have paid you to do this. He felt guilty. But he didn't want to die a virgin. But he didn't want to have actually sex the first time. He just wanted to feel headed for the first night. So, he found you. A young girl who was in her early 20s and had tons of experience with sexual stuff. She worked at one of the cheap stupid bars as a bartender. He found her when he was passing by in a car and saw her walking from the bar to her home. He felt something in his heart sparkling at seeing you. He just needed you to do it. Take his virginity away from him.

So now here he was sweating and shaking as you take him whole and swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock.

When he finally came. It was thick and a lot. Salty and white as eggnog. He was gripping your head so hard. And it loosened when he finally came down from his high and pulled his cock out of your mouth and watch you swallow his big load. Also made him feel something deep in his heart.

Maybe after this you could actually take his virginity away and maybe be something more than just a fuck buddy.....

But, we will have to wait and see.

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