Isabel Lovelace - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

***Editing cause I can’t believe I forgot to mention my other Jacobi fic I have running where he keeps waking up in alternate universes but somehow they always revolve around Warren Kepler and I lowkey love it

I wish I was kidding when I say these three have been in my drive for over a year and I just haven’t been able to bring myself to do anything with them yet

Little more about your options:

1. Actually a personal fave because you know I love sad and this one is actually sad af. Jacobi attempts to build a life after the Hephaestus and everything he does keeps coming back to his lost team (particularly Kepler, he’s got a very fucked up messy relationship with Warren Kepler that he still doesn’t understand even after Kepler is dead)

2. The premise of this one was mostly Soap works for Shepherd before Price and is ordered to kill Graves and take his place as Shadow Company’s leader and take out the 141 so that there’s no loose ends. Don’t worry he doesn’t like doing it and I would say this one actually isn’t too bad on my angst scale

3. What can I say, I think about them way too much. I’ve literally created full lore for these funky little guys we saw in the books like twice and essentially it follows them from just before the timeline of The Raven Boys to after The Dream Thieves (I can’t say how far because it’s not done but I have little snippets of things they’re up to up until the fall after the Fourth of July). Anyway I love them and I think my little made up lore is cool

4. Idk bro, make a suggestion I guess, you all know what I do at this point I think or if you don’t you could probably make an educated guess based off the other three - I’ve been thinking of starting something either AFTG (again..) or maybe doing a marauders fic

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7 months ago

You will never convince me that Isabel Lovelace is not disabled post-canon. Think about it.

Of everyone in the crew, she's spent by far the longest time in space. Sure, she's probably been exercising, but that isn't going to fully stop her muscles atrophying. Her bones are going to weaken. Not to mention the fact that she went into the cryo chamber, which we know isn't GREAT for you (I know Eiffel is kind of an outlier but still. Even once is gonna fuck you up at least a little).

Then add to THAT the fact that the body Lovelace has now was created by the dear listeners. Not only are they recreating a body that's already undergone almost a thousand days of the trauma of space; they're doing it with zero existing knowledge of how a human body functions in Earth's gravity. The clones are almost perfect, but there are notable differences in internal organs, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lovelace was put back together with some inconsistencies.

All this to say, I think Lovelace would become a mobility aid user when the crew lands back on Earth. Everyone on the crew would probably end up in physical therapy, but the damage done to her body would be by far the most extensive. Whereas I don't doubt Jacobi, Minkowski, and Eiffel could regain most if not all of their mobility, I think Lovelace would use a wheelchair, and eventually with PT could use crutches or a cane some days. Even if she were to regain muscle function, she would probably have some sort of chronic pain that would necessitate mobility aids!

In conclusion Let Her Be Disabled thank you for coming to my TED talk

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6 months ago


TECHNICALLY it is still the ten year anniversary of wolf 359 if you live somewhere that’s NOT EST (which is not me but shhhhh)

ANYWAY !!! You guys remember when I was all like “darn I wish wolf 359 was a visual media so I could make that edit thats trending!” I did it. I cosplayed all eight characters involved in the mutiny, and I made it a visual media, and I EDITED IT MOTHERFUCKERS :D

I’ll reblog this with a much sappier caption in a minute I just so wanna be technically on time because this took a WEEK—

I’m so god damn happy to be done with this before I go to bed that I’m not even gonna think about the fear of posting my face here lmao g’night dear listeners and what have you <3

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5 months ago
Why Yes, I Have Been Spending WAY Too Much Of My Time Drawing Zero-G Gags Because Hey, It's An Audio
Why Yes, I Have Been Spending WAY Too Much Of My Time Drawing Zero-G Gags Because Hey, It's An Audio
Why Yes, I Have Been Spending WAY Too Much Of My Time Drawing Zero-G Gags Because Hey, It's An Audio
Why Yes, I Have Been Spending WAY Too Much Of My Time Drawing Zero-G Gags Because Hey, It's An Audio

why yes, I have been spending WAY too much of my time drawing zero-G gags because hey, it's an audio medium- I have to imagine the shenanigans they can get up too with no gravity myself. 90% is Minkowski throwing Eiffel cause I think she deserves it 😌

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4 months ago

Okay, that's IT, I'm DONE. Here are some w359 characters playing Minecraft headcanons.

Eiffel! Nerd, grabbed a skin of his favourite character from some website, was happy since. Mostly plays with someone, ether mini games, adventure maps or just simple vanilla. Dropper champion. Prankster, obviously, you are never safe when playing with him

Minkowski!! Gives me the "I play hardcore" vibes, ether by herself or with Lovelace. They would try to drag Eiffel into their world, but he died on the first night. Builds, explores, collects achievements, great at PvE

Hilbert? Redstone. Not even in survival, I think the man just likes to mess with it in creative. Not as bad at building as you would think tho! Has a simple Steve skin

Lovelace plays bedwars, she is also GREAT at bedwars. PvP and strategy is her passion, can destroy bigger teams all by herself!! Shit at building, but she tries her best when they play with Minkowski

I think Hera would Make adventure maps. Doing some command blocks magic. But mostly enjoys building the environment, teraforming and making interiors. Also, armorstands. Absurdly good at armorstands magic.

Kepler's main skin is of himself, however he does have a lot of different "costumes". The dramatic rp kind of guy, although probably would be good at building

Jacobi. His skin is some stupid creature he drew when first got it, haven't changed it since. Master at building traps. He seems like a kind of guy who would go find glitches in the game to torture friends for fun or exploit in any way possible

Maxwell. Oh, Maxwell, you would love modded Minecraft. Create, vault hunters, anything and everything tbh. The more the merrier! Of course, redstone girlie. Master at farm building, villages whisperer. Skin? Ether just Steve/Alex or a very simple edit of it

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1 year ago


tofisia - lon mi

tofisia - lon mi
tofisia - lon mi

capitains of the USS Hephaestus

love them girlbosses

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