IT HELPS - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

I'd also add that romanticizing low support needs autistim makes those with higher support needs feel alienated from the community, or go as far as making some deny support due to seeing other autistics handle the same situation better.

When talking about autism it's sososososoosooooo important to talk about high support needs !! For all autistics !!

Y’all self diagnosing as low support autistic, you are valid. But let’s not pretend like high support need individuals don’t exist. Autism isn’t trendy, it isn’t “quirky”, it’s not a brag to be put on your profile to say “I think I might be autistic” for clout on the internet. Autism comes in many forms, and high support individuals probably don’t see their autism as a brag. Being nonspeaking, having a lack of control over your own motor function, needing assistance in most every aspect of your life, being stripped of your independence because otherwise you may be unsafe to yourself or others, being looked down upon by a society who views you as “retarded”….low support autism is valid and deserving of the same supports as high support autism, but to those of you that romanticize autism, whether you are autistic or not, please stop. Autistic individuals are beautiful, amazing, and so worthy of love no matter where they fall on the spectrum. But autistic individuals will always face challenges because of their neurodivergence by a society that as a majority is uneducated and lacking empathy. If you suspect you may be autistic, please pursue your truth. Maybe you became good at masking without knowing you were doing it, maybe you are “quirky”, etc. Be true to yourself.


Romanticizing autism ignores the reality of the many many high support individuals who do not have that luxury. Love yourself but do not trivialize or erase the reality of our high support brothers and sisters.

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11 months ago

Why do cramps have to hurt so much? I wanna rip my uterus out. I'm literally on the floor almost in tears from this.

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7 months ago

Carlos smashing a racket, what is wrong with him

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7 years ago

This. I just used some lotion and got myself a glass of water. Thank you

I hope you all have a great day today. Here are some tips from me cause these things make me happy.

Pet a dog Smile Tell someone you love them Eat a good sandwich DRINK WATER Treat yourself Make a new friend Wink at a cat Get a popsicle Stretch Eat an apple Hang out with friends Or stay home and take time for yourself Look up a picture of a lizard (they cute) Tell someone you appreciate them SIT UP STRAIGHT Go outside, hear the birds Make yourself some iced tea Eat a fruit Eat a vegetable Laugh Tell a joke Message someone you havent talked to in a while Sniff a flower (careful with bees tho) If you see a bee in the flower, don’t kill it, save the bees 2017 Listen to your fav song Listen to new music idk find something new Listen to classical music Take a nap Put on sunscreen Ride a bike Try skateboarding (it hard but go for it) Put on a helmet and safety pads please Look both ways before crossing the road DONT TEXT AND DRIVE Doodle something Paint on your wall Express yourself Play with a kid Smile at a baby Look for lizards while outside Appreciate nature DRINK WATER. IT’S IMPORTANT Use a face mask Put on lotion Buy a nice smelling body wash GET THAT WATERMELON KID SHAMPOO THAT SMELLS REALLY GOOD (NICE) Eat sushi Look at the stars Fly a kite Get a glowstick Blow a balloon Sit down Take a break Breathe. Use your glasses instead of contacts today (or vice versa) Put your hair down Or put your hair up Do your makeup if that’s your thing Put on that fuckin highlighter and be a glazed donut for a day. Don’t put other people down Stand up for yourself Stand up for others Find an old song that gives you good memories Sing Be nice to a kid (don’t be THAT person) Try to be understanding Be openminded And most of: APPRECIATE YOURSELF. You are here. Right now. No matter what, that is an accomplishment. If you’re havin a bad day, message me. Even if you’re having a good day, message me. Tell me about it. I am here for all of you guys.

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4 years ago

hey!!!! if you can't donate because you don't have the funds, here's a playlist of videos that use ad revenue to pay for bail funds, charities, etc! if you like zoe amira's video these are just like hers!

blm donation videos - YouTube
blm donation videos - YouTube

also! stream it like kpop stans do! watch the videos entirely and DONT SKIP THE ADS!!!! that's how you help is by watching them! (interacting with them helps boost revenue! so just click on some links! but make sure you stay on the video!) watch the videos completely, and if you want to repeat one go watch a couple videos (length DOES NOT MATTER! it just has to be different ones) youtube will mark you as spam if you just keep playing it over and over!

stay safe!

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3 years ago

This is your reminder that if you have a problem with someone, something they're doing, something they're saying or if they forgot something important, or if they have done you wrong in some way. This is your reminder that you should talk to them.

Tell them what's wrong

Tell them you're hurting

Tell them they fucked up

Tell them.

Because if you dont, if you let this feeling simmer, you may end up losing them.

Communication is important to any relationship. Friendship, familial, romantic, all of it. Tell them when they fuck up.

If you don't communicate, it'll all fall into shambles. I've lost friends because they didn't tell me I fucked up. They didn't tell me i was hurting them. I didn't tell them they fucked up. I didn't tell them I was hurting because of what they did or said. And now. I lost my best friend and the person I loved for the longest.

Please, talk to people. Tell them your feelings. Tell them they fucked up. Listen to them if they tell you that you fucked up. Listen and communicate.

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